Hello all! This is my very first fic! I've been working on this idea for a very long time and have finally decided to post it for the world to read

I've never been good at English so there are bound to be mistakes here and there but I've tried my best to proof-read. So, sorry in advance if there are mistakes and please let me know if you find any!

Any comments and critiques are loved. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1: Coffee is your friend

"Owowowow! That's hot!"

Sakura yelled as the piping hot coffee spilled down her dark red skirt to her bare skin.

"Aah! I'm so sorry"

The girl looked around frantically, whipping her long brown ponytail around dangerously. The girl next to her just stood there with a dull expression and took a handkerchief out of her bag and handed it to Sakura.

"Sorry about her. She's not normal."

She clearly wasn't either. Who can stand to be in a thick Eskimo jacket in the middle of summer! After a few seconds on cleaning the coffee off Sakura and about half an hour of trying to calm down the crazy girl, the café returned to its normal state and the three girls sat down at a table.

"I'm so sorry for messing up you skirt! I'll tell you what I'll treat you to a coffee"

Her brown hair was a bit of a mess from the commotion before but Sakura could tell she was quite pretty under her round glasses and baggy clothes.

"I think her skirt is worth more than a coffee."

"Quiet Reiko-chan!"

The girl just rolled her eyes and leaned back into her chair. A sweat drop formed on Sakura's head.

"It's alright. This skirt wasn't expensive or anything. I'm Haruno Sakura by the way"

"Natsumi deeeeeeeesu!"

She raised her hand as if she was answering the roll at school. Her emerald eyes even glittered with excitement behind her glasses.

"Reiko deeeeeeeesu!"

She mimicked Natsumi's actions and waved her black nails around in the air. Another sweat drop appeared on Sakura's head.

Remember Sakura. Don't judge a book by its cover. They seem nice enough.

The three girls started chatting about absolutely anything: the new bakery down the street, latest movies, old classics and how ugly the new street lights were. They actually got along quite well. A pink haired girl with a forehead that's slightly larger than usual and an energetic hippy girl with another girl who looks as if she has an average body temperature of 105 degrees. They became friends and started to hang out together.

It was a normal Saturday afternoon. Nastumi, Reiko and Sakura were eating lunch at their favorite café near the edge of Kohona. Sakura poked at her salad as the other two sulked.

"How can they just change my hours without consulting me! I have to get up two hours earlier now! I don't even get to go home earlier."

"You think you got it bad. I've been changed to night shifts. My daily routine has to be changed completely!"

Reiko and Natsumi slouched in there chairs and Sakura took a stab at a cherry tomato. Reiko and Natsumi turned to each other then stared at Sakura. She felt two pairs of eyeballs fixed on her and she looked up.

"Um... What's up?"

"We've just realized, we don't know what you do for a living."

"Me? What do I do?"

Sakura started to sweat while the other two bent in closer.

"Don't tell me you're a ho-"


Natsumi had shot up from her seat and pointed at Sakura. The other customers and the waiters all turned around gave them a weird look. Even the dogs that were tied to the pole turned around. Reiko reached for her bag and whacked Natsumi hard on the head with it.

"I was going to say HOBO"

Okay. This is probably the most embarrassing moment in my life.

Sakura's face was crimson and she sunk into her chair.

"I'm not a hobo or a whore!"

"Then what do you do?"

Natsumi made a fast recovery leaned in closer with her eyes focused on Sakura.

"I.. umm.. work in the hospital"

Natsumi shot up again, knocking her chair.


"It's called a NEUROLOGIST." Reiko mumbled as she knocked Natsumi down again.

"N-no. Nothing like that! I'm ju-ust a- a…"

Sakura trailed off and sunk into her chair even further.

"A nurse?"

Natsumi peered up from under the table.

"Something like that… People are staring. Let's get out of here."

Sakura hurried them out of their seats and the three girls paid the bill and left the café. The truth was Sakura wasn't a nurse, but she was one a few years ago so she technically didn't lie. But she had climbed a lot higher up the ladder since then. She was now the head of Medical Ninjas at Kohona hospital. Sakura had found out the hard way that this position had its downside. Somehow, the heads of this department got the reputation of being very intimidating and cold. It's quite unfair but this reputation sticks with the role and now it was passed down to Sakura. When she first started telling regular people, she noticed that they seemed to stay away from her, therefore she was a bit lacking in the friends department.

The three girls headed into the park for a walk. It was a clear day so there were quite a lot of people there. Couples, families, little children had all come out to enjoy the summer afternoon.

"I'm thirsty… I never got to finish my iced coffee…"

Natsumi swayed side to side as if she was going to collapse.

"You guys wait for me at our usual place and I'll go get us some sodas!"

Sakura ran off in the opposite direction while Reiko cursed her for leaving her to be alone with an almost-dead Natsumi. She bought the sodas and headed for the meeting spot. On the way she noticed that the happy couples she passed earlier where arguing and they all seemed to be arguing. The guys were yelling about 'wondering eyes' and there was stomping and tears.

"Hey guys. Have you noticed that all those couples are arguing now? I wonder what happened."

Natsumi and Reiko weren't listening. Instead they were huddled together spying on something over the hedge.

"Hey guys. What are you looking at? "

Natsumi tilted her head to one side and drooled slightly.

"All those couples are arguing 'cause the girls kept staring at him and hitting on him in front of their boyfriends. He's such a juicy piece of man-steak! I should have brought my camera with me today"

Reiko's eyes widened as if she was taking mental pictures of the hot guy.

"Who's this 'juicy piece of man-steak'?"

Both of them pointed at a guy leaning against a tree.


Sakura looked over to the tree and snorted. She grabbed one of the sodas and threw it at the guy, hitting him right on his forehead. All the girls gasped with horror.

"What the hell! Who did that!?"

The hot guy looked around angrily.

"Getting a little sloppy, aren't you Sasuke-kun"


Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the first chapter! I'm so happy that you actually read it (or did you skip it all…). This is MONTHS worth of work. I'm a slow writer and I constantly change parts. So yeah! Let me know what you think!