A/N: thanks for OC's! Please enjoy this first one of Part 1. Also, when I'm finished with each world the group is in, then anyone who wants their OCs to appear in that world can't. Thank you. There will be a WHOLE lot of pairings in here! You're gonna find out who is gonna end up with who!

World 1: Pokemon World/Part 1

Danny felt something hot on his face. At first, he wondered what it was…he opened his glowing green eyes to see the sun beaming on his face in the most unfriendly way. He sat up and rubbed his snow-white hair. He felt slightly sick at what just happened. He wondered at first what happened when he remembered Yami telling him they were to stop The Big 5 in their most disastrous plan yet.

Danny shifted his eyes about to see Carrie, Jake, and June were not present with him. The young boy halfa jumped to his feet in a flash and glanced about, trying to spot them. But even his sharp green eyes couldn't see them from the hill he was on.

"Hello?!" Danny called, but silence only came to his expecting ears, "Ok, this is weird…"

"Danny," Danny jumped and glanced around, hearing Yami's voice.

"Yami? Wh…" He stopped and realized WHERE Yami is, "Where are Carrie, Jake, and June? Aren't they supposed to be with me?"

"I'm very sorry Danny. But apparently the Big 5 managed to separate you and the others. You better hurry and find them. Otherwise, they will either fight or duel you to get your bodies."

"Ok, that seems…wait a minute. What do you mean they want OUR bodies?" Danny felt slightly disgusted by this statement.

"The last time I've come encounter with them, they dueled my friends and I to get control of our bodies so they can come back to the real world. Luckily we managed to defeat them, but they do tend to cheat, so keep your eyes peeled."

"Oh yeah, nothing loopy about that," Danny said, rolling his eyes.

"Be careful Danny. I will try to help you locate the others."

"Have you made any contact with any of them?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Well you better keep trying, if I'm gonna fight these Big 5 dudes, I'm gonna need help."

"Yes, but you'll need more than just Carrie, Jake, and June's help. There are already two of our friends in the world you are now in who can help you in this situation and mission."

"Who are they?"

"You will find out real soon. In Pokemon World, there are monsters in which you release from a device called the Pokeball and you have your monsters fight the opponents monsters."

"Is it like Duel Monsters?" Danny asked, folding his arms, listening to Yami's instructions.

"Yes, but in a different way. Instead of using cards, and making an army of monsters, you can only use one or two Pokemon. A good friend of ours is one of the best Pokemon Masters, so with his help; the first mission should be easy. However, that depends on whenever or not you can manage to succeed."

Danny sighed and rubbed his head again, "Ok Yami, it sounds a little easy. Maybe it won't be so bad. Let's just hope this goes well. Right now, I think I better find my team before we do anything."

"That's a good idea. I'll contact you if I find any signs of them."

Danny smiled, "Thanks Yami. I owe you, buddy."

"Oh and Danny?"


"Be careful."

Danny smiled as his contact with Yami was now cut and he started to run, "You sounded just like my sister."

Danny rushed down the hill he was on. He and Yami used to go into this Virtual Reality Worlds all the time to practice their dueling and ghost skills. That is how the two became best friends.

It was a small world, considering of how they managed meeting in a situation you would never guess.

Danny wondered if he was EVER going to find Carrie, Jake, and June. He became worried if The Big 5 has already killed them. That thought made him suddenly turn very cold. He shivered at his friends bodies lying on the ground, blood coming from their…

"Ok, stop with your stupid thoughts," Danny growled as he stopped and hit his own head.

"Heads up!" Danny gasped to see some type of giant bee that looked like it was going to sting him!

"Whoa!" Danny managed to dodge the huge bee when a guy about his age hit the insect.

"It's a Beedrill! Take cover!" Danny was slightly stunned to see it was one of his friends.

He had tiger ears on top his head, paw like hands, cat tail in back, cat eyes, and whiskers and fur all over with stripe black hair. He wore a white kung fu gi with white tiger fur hood with cape. He was Daniel Lee AKA Solartiger.

Solartiger made one last move by using a solar beam from his white diamond pendent, making the Beedrill going back to Kakunas, to a small Weedle. The Weedle squeaked and inched it's way into the forest in shame.

"Danny, you ok?" Solartiger asked, glancing over at Danny.

"Yeah, thanks a lot dude!" Danny said, smiling as he walked up to him.

"Don't mention it," Solartiger said in his always quiet voice.

Danny had forgotten of how distant Solartiger can be. But he was still helpful in many situations; like right now. Even though he was a loner, he kicked butt with his kai sword and that diamond pendent that turns anybody younger.

"So I'm guessing you must be one of the friends Yami was telling us about," Danny said as the duo walked down the forest.

"Yes, he said that the Big 5 are at it again. Ash and I are the first ones to be in Pokeworld," Solatiger answered.

"Ash? Ash Ketchum?" Danny slapped his head as Solartiger glanced at him in confusion, "He said One of the Pokemon Masters. Why didn't I guess it was Ash?"

Solartiger didn't answer and they continued when they heard shouting, "What's that noise?"

"It sounds like…screaming," Danny said, looking slightly concerned.

"It sounds like a girl," Solartiger continued.

Danny stood very still when he recognized that scream… "CARRIE!!!" Danny started to rush toward the screams with Solatiger following behind.

The snow-white haired boy saw in horror to see Carrie was being attacked by a flock of Fearows, "Stop it, you stupid birds! Man, I think you're worst than Plasmius's vultures!"

Danny flew over and blasted the angry bird pokemon with his green ectoplasm blasts. But the Fearows crowed in anger and aimed their beaks straight at Danny this time. Now he realized his mistake when something yellow jumped on his head and sent out a huge electric shock at the birds.

"PIKACHU!!!" it cried and the Fearows flew off, looking burned crisp.

The Fearows crowed in pain as they flew off, "Pikachu!" Danny and Carrie both stated, seeing it was Ash's mouse Pokemon.

"Danny! Carrie!" The two halfas glanced down to see a boy at least 12-years old with messy black hair, amber brown eyes, wearing a red and white cap, black shirt, blue and white short sleeved jacket, and blue jeans with gray sneakers.

"Hey Ash!" Danny waved, as he and Carrie landed with Carrie holding Pikachu.

"Hey! Saw that Solartiger found you guys," Ash stated, smiling at the tiger-like boy who smiled back in reply.

"Now that I found Carrie, and you guys, we godda find Jake and June," Danny said, getting serious; he turned to Carrie who was by now hugging Pikachu (though not TOO hard), "Carrie, did you see either of them?"

"Huh?" She glanced up and realized what he meant, so she frowned, "Nope, I woke up and saw that you, June, and Jake weren't with me. So I either walked or flew when I was attacked by those pesky whatever you call those things."

"Fearows. They're called Fearows," Ash said, folding his arms.

"Yeah, yeah! Those things. Then you boys showed up," Carrie finished.

"Well, we better start to find them REAL soon. Yami said that The Big 5 play real dirty just to get control of our bodies to get out of this place," Danny said, frowning at everyone.

"I did notice a strange thing coming from that way," Solartiger suddenly spoke up, which made everyone glance his way; he noticed this and became annoyed, "What? You think I'm always quiet?"

"Oh wow, you can read minds," Carrie replied sarcastically.

"We might as well check it out, but first," Danny suddenly called out, "Yami!"

A pause, and then, "Danny? Have you found Carrie, Jake, and June yet?"

"Just Carrie. And I met up with Solartiger and Ash. Anyway, we're about to go East where Solartiger said there was a strange disturbance. Can you at least check to see what kind of energy it is?"

There was another pause and finally, "It appears to be mixed with Dragon and some other power I can't figure. It could be the energy from June's bracelet," Yami answered.

"Then that's our best bet! We better go and check it out. I'll contact you once we find Jake and June," Danny replied.

"Very well, Danny. Be careful, for there are FAR more dangerous things in the Virtual Reality than just Pokemon."

"Got it, dude! Phantom out!" Danny turned to Carrie, Ash, and Solartiger, "Ready?"

"Sure, and nice...Phantom out?" Carrie asked, smirking at him.

Danny blushed, "What?"

"Let's go! We have to find Jake and June, and fast!" Ash said.

The group and headed toward East, unsure of what was gonna happen next.

A/N: thanks a lot guys! sorry to keep you all waiting! But I'm hoping to continue and not to mention finish my stories! please be patient! thanks!