Summary: "Find thy love, Shakespeare wrote."
Author's Note: Alrighty, this is my second Liley fic (that's not a one shot). It's gonna be different. Slightly AU. There's no Hannah. The main characters might be a bit ooc. But I want to try writing something different :) Hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana. Or the name to the fic. That belongs to the band Through You.
Shakespeare Wrote
So this was it.
I raised my eyebrows at my brother Jackson. He shrugged and went to help my dad with the boxes.
Our new house was big. A lot bigger than I was used to. Our house back in Tennessee was half the size of this new monstrosity. Sighing, I followed my brother to the moving truck.
"Check it out Oliver." I nudged my best friend in the ribs, jerking my chin to point out the moving van. "New neighbors."
Oliver shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Yea, and?"
"Maybe the family has kids."
Oliver rolled his eyes. "Your point?"
I slapped him lightly on his shoulder. "You doughnut."
"So bud how'd you like the place?" My dad had a slightly anxious look on his face.
I didn't want to hurt him, so I responded with a simple, "It's pretty." Which wasn't a lie, from a certain point of view.
He smiled at me. "I know you'll love it here, Miles. You just need to give it a chance."
I nodded, smiling faintly. "I'm goin' up to bed, ok?"
He nodded and kissed the top of my head. "Night, bud."
I trudged up the stairs to my new room. White, blank, empty. All I had in here was a bed, a desk, a chair, and a dresser. Just the essentials, for now.
I looked out my window to see a full moon shining over the ocean. Well, I thought weakly, at least the view is nice…
"Night, Will." I waved at the skate park manager, and started on my way home. I decided to take the scenic route today, skating towards the beach. Hopping off my board once I reached sand, I looked up at the houses on the beach. All dark. Every window closed. I scoffed. It was a nice, cool, breezy November night. In my opinion, the windows should be open to invite in the nice weather. Doing otherwise was a waste, as I saw it.
I came to the house with the new occupants. Glancing up at one of the windows, I noticed a girl. She looked my age, with long, brown, curly hair, and a despondent facial expression. I frowned. Someone so beautiful shouldn't look so depressed.
As I watched her, she shook her head, closed the blinds, and turned back into the room beyond the window. I was left wondering if I would see her in school the next day.
Grimacing, I followed Jackson out of dad's car and into Seaview High School. Jackson, being a senior, had no interest in keeping me company, and he rushed off to the front office with a casual wave. I followed at a slower pace.
"You should've seen her Oliver. Absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see if she's here." With my back on my locker, arms folded, one foot against the lockers, I surveyed the school, looking for a sign of the new girl.
Oliver nodded, distracted by something else on his mind. Something that was made known to me pretty soon. "I can't wait for the holidays, Lilly! It's only four days away from Thanksgiving. My mom'll cook the best turkey, like she always does, and cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes, and corn, and…"
When Oliver got started on food, there was no stopping him. I shook my head fondly. He was such a guy.
I continued scanning the school. There was still ten minutes for the bell to ring, and she needed to get a locker sooner or later.
"… and peas and corn bread and- Hey, Lills! Who's that?"
Oliver was staring wide eyed and practically drooling over someone apparently headed our way. I turned my head to the side, and saw her, the girl from the window. Unlike Oliver, I had some dignity, so I kept my eyes firmly in their sockets and didn't ogle. Instead, I shrugged away from the lockers and strode up to the girl. She looked thoroughly lost, and I planned on fixing that.
"Hey. Lilly Truscott. You're new, right?" I smiled at her. Oliver told me once how charming I could be when I smiled.
She smiled shyly back. "Yea. I'm Miley Stewart."
Her accent was definitely Southern. Cute.
"Need help finding your locker?"
She nodded, looked down at a paper in her hand, and read the number to me. I was thrilled. "You're in luck. That's the locker right next to mine." She looked relived. I walked her over to the locker and pointed at hers.
I nodded at her, watching as she pulled some books out of her bag, and stuffed them into her locker. I noticed Oliver openly staring at Miley from the corner of my eye. I scowled at him. He read my expression and gave me the puppy dog eyes. "No way, Oken," I growled. "I've got dibs. Saw her first." He hung his head. Patting him on the shoulder, I told him to beat it in the nicest way possible. He shuffled away to the gym for P.E.
Facing Ms. Miley Stewart with my shoulder leaning against the lockers, I asked the first thing that came to mind. "Where'd you move from?"
She bit her bottom lip and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Tennessee." She looked like she expected me to make fun of her. I didn't, of course.
"Cool. You like it here so far?"
She shrugged. "It's different."
I guessed that was a no, so I steered the conversation in a safer direction. "Let me see your schedule?" Miley slipped it out of a book and handed it to me. I could have skipped down the hallway in exultation. "You've got your first three classes with me. And lunch." I grinned at her.
She gave a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. At least there'll be one friendly face around."
Still grinning, I took her wrist and started guiding her to English.
I liked Lilly Truscott. She was very nice, very cool. There was something about her. Something very casual. But serious. I don't know. I'm just glad she's not making fun of my accent, I guess.
She walked with me to every class and sat with me at lunch, introducing me to some of her friends. A boy named Oliver who made me feel uncomfortable with his staring. And a girl named Sarah, who was best described as a hippie.
Then Lilly showed me the way to my 4th block class, even though she didn't have it with me. I appreciated it.
She was there waiting for me after school. I was surprised when she said she lived two houses down from me. We walked home together.
I bounded up the stairs into my house, smiling from ear to ear.
I wished charming a girl was usually so easy.
"So bud, how was school today?" My dad was sitting at the piano and looked up when I came in.
I smiled a little. "Not bad. I made a new friend."
My dad laughed. "So fast?" I could pick up on the genuine surprise in his voice.
"Yep. Her name's Lilly." I made for the stairs to start decorating my room a little. I was 'lucky,' having moved to Seaview High with four days left until Thanksgiving. The teachers weren't giving us homework. But I had more free time then I would've liked.
"Well, that's nice bud…" He returned to his music.
"I can't believe you, Lills!" Oliver's angry voice blared from my cell.
I sniggered. "Hey, you know the rules. They've been the same since the 7th grade. Finders, keepers."
"But Liiillyyy!" Oliver was whining. That meant he knew he was losing.
Running my eyes over the clock, I registered the time. It was still early. "Ollie, I think I'm gonna pay our Southern Belle a visit."
"Lucky," Oliver grumbled.
"I'll see you later." I hung up on the boy and grabbed my skateboard.
The door bell rang. I raised an eyebrow at the poster of Kelly Clarkson that I was putting on the wall over my desk.
"Bud! You've got a visitor!" My dad's voice could hardly contain its glee. I wondered who it was.
"I can't tell ya how glad I am to see Miles gettin' along with someone. She's kinda antisocial."
I found myself enjoying Mr. Stewart's company. He was pretty funny. "Nah, she's cool, Mr. Stewart. Shy, but I like her." I didn't think it wise to tell him how much. "I was wondering if we could just hang out for a while, if she wants."
Mr. Stewart smiled and nodded.
Then I saw her walking down the stairs. She was wearing a skirt and a light sweater. I grinned.
Mr. Stewart stepped back, smiled at me, and told his daughter, "Don't stay out too late bud." She shook her head, and then followed me out the door. We exchanged greetings.
"This is a surprise," She told me timidly.
I shrugged, messing around a little on my board. "We don't have any homework or anything. I was bored… And I want to get to know you better."
She giggled at that. I raised an eyebrow.
"Well… I'm not that interesting, honestly. I can't fathom your interest in me." She was walking along next to me, wringing her hands nervously. I stopped my skateboard and turned to face her. I decided to be a little bold. Just a little.
"You're cute. You're different." I left it at that. And it was the truth. There was something about her that was different. Whatever it was, it drew me to her like bees to honey.
I was proud to see a light blush grace her cheeks. Adorable.
She murmured her thanks.
"So," I said, returning to messing around on my skateboard. "What's your favorite color?"
We hung out outside for three hours. Lilly on her skateboard, asking me questions, and me sitting on the side walk, answering her questions, watching her skate. She was very good. I liked watching her.
"So, can I interrogate you tomorrow?" She asked me in a nervous tone. Maybe she thought she was being clingy. I made sure to discourage that thought, in case she was thinking it.
"Of course you can. And I'll see you tomorrow morning at school."
We smiled at each other and said goodnight. I watched her go inside.
I'm wondering if the revolving POVs are annoying you. XD Let me know. Review :)