A/N: Okay everyone!!!

This is the second story that I've posted here. i wrote this story first but I was too lazy to submit it. Anyway, I know that this plot has been way overused but please give it a chance.


After being home schooled since she was young, Sakura didn't know what life was in a normal high school. Her classmates are filthy rich but so is she. Her parents are famous but she isn't. After all she's their hidden princess.

Chapter 1

New School




The girl pulled the blankets higher to cover her face hoping that whoever was disturbing her peaceful slumber would get the message and leave her alone.

Whoever it was didn't stop, her actions only caused that person to be more determined. She was poked again, but now with something harder.




"Arghhh!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!" she sat up and faced the culprit.

When she saw who it was she snorted and fell back on the bed with her back facing the other person.

A sigh could be heard then…



She stood up straight and faced the person again her hands curled up in fists. Her long pink locks framed her heart shaped face perfectly (A/N: I sort of made it obvious who it was just now). Her beautiful emerald eyes that usually held curiosity were narrowed. She only wore an oversized black shirt that reached her above her knees showing off her creamy legs.

She looked absolutely magnificent for a person who just woke up, it would have been a beautiful sight had it not been for the daggers her eyes were throwing at the poor soul.

The person in front of her smiled innocently at her.

"Good Morning, Sakura"

"What do you want, Sai?" she hissed eyeing the candle he held.

Seeing where her attention was, he threw the candle on the floor offhandedly.

"Those aren't free you know"

He glanced at the now broken candle on the floor and shrugged.

"You can buy a new one, it wasn't that expensive to begin with"

"You've been breaking my things piece by piece you little-"

"That can wait, right now you need to get up and go to your pretty little bathroom and take a bath."

"Wait, I'm still not- why?"

He motioned for the clock on the wall. She looked up and saw it was 7 o'clock, nothing wrong with that.

She raised an eyebrow.

He pointed at what he was wearing. Her eyes widened.

He was wearing a uniform. A school uniform to be exact. Oh crap.

Today was their first day in Konoha Academy.

"Crap crap crap…" she started running towards the bathroom.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" she shouted from the bathroom.

"I tried, you just slept like a log."

"Shut up! If it weren't for you I wouldn't sleep like a 'log'" she started massaging her head. 'Damn, I'm not going to do be doing that again for a while'

Sai just fixed his blood-red tie in front of the mirror not bothering to retaliate. He knew it was his fault but he wasn't just about to admit that to her.

He studied himself in the mirror; his raven locks looked smooth and silky like always. His wore a long-sleeved polo with black slacks.

He took his coat from the chair beside the mirror and put it on. It was simple yet classy, it had the school's crest on the left breast.

'Konoha Academy, huh?' Maybe it won't be so bad, after all he knew a few people there.

The door to the bathroom opened revealing Sakura only in a black towel which looked very familiar. He just watched her in the mirror since the door to the bathroom was facing each other.

She had a pissed look.

"What the hell happened to my towel?"

He turned to face her.

"That's my towel." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Well yeah, Einstein. Since when did I like black?"

"Did anyone tell you that you're like a duck when you take a bath?"

"Yes, you told me hundreds of times before."

"So how can you come out clean when you've only been there for like…" he looked at his watch "Six minutes."

"Well some of us don't sleep in the bathroom."

"Whatever" he turned to the mirror again

"Honestly, sometimes I forget whose the girl here with the way you've been acting." She whispered to herself.

She went to her closet and took out her uniform which consisted of a long-sleeved blouse, a black skirt, a black coat and a ribbon the same color as his tie.


"What?" he asked confused

"I know we're close and all but when a lady's about to change you're supposed to leave the room."

He stared at her.

"And staring is rude too."

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "What are you? my mother?"

"Sai if you don't leave now I'm gonna strip in front of you."

"Go on. It's not like I haven't seen you do it before."

She blused. "I'll count to three" he just scoffed.


She started to remove the towel showing her cleavage. He just stared.


"Okay, okay, I'm leaving."


He ran outside the room just in time when the towel hit the floor. Sakura smirked, she had her underwear and brassiere underneath the towel so she wouldn't have to worry even if he didn't leave the room in time.

She suddenly blushed at what she was thinking about, last night she stripped in front of him as well.

She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. She picked up the towel and covered herself before closing the door. She went to the bed where she laid her uniform on. She eyed the skirt with distaste. It was a bit too short for her liking. She would have to do something about that later, but right now she was going to be late.

After drying herself she slipped in her uniform and went in front of the mirror.

Not bad at all. The skirt may be short but it sure was pretty simple unlike some uniforms from other schools which were overly decorated. She left her long pink tresses and started brushing it, getting rid of the tangles. When she was convinced that it was silky smooth she put the brush down.

She looked at the clock on the wall and cursed. It was 7:30.

Damn, she would be late for her first day. Classes start at 8.

She rushed downstairs with some difficulty since the staircase was so long. She found Sai in the dining room eating breakfast. He looked up at her.

"Hurry up or else we're really going to be late."

"Yeah, how many times do you have to repeat that?"

She took her seat and started eating. They sat there in an uncomfortable silence. Now that they didn't have anything to talk about their minds went back to what happened last night. She blushed a deep shade of crimson.

He noticed this and put down his cup of tea.

"I'm sorry about last night." He looked away with a slight blush on his face.

If possible her face got even redder. She stood up and went out of the room.

'Fuck you Sai! You insensitive jerk!'

The maid at door greeted her and gave her a school bag. When she was about to go out her bag was taken from her hands. She looked up at the person who took it and saw Sai. His body was close to hers and she was getting uncomfortable, not because of the close contact, but because of the fact that she was looking up at him. She barely reached his shoulders. How pitiful, she was know 17, yet she still had the height of a fifteen year old.

He grabbed her arm while his other arm held their bags. This action made her wake up from her stupor. They went out and saw the limo waiting for them. When they got in he let go of her arm. They sat in another uncomfortable silence again.

"Hag, what happened last night must not happen again." He was not looking at her.

She looked at her hands on her lap. "Of course not!" how could she have done that in front of him last night? She was a fucking lady for Christ's sake. She didn't learn manners and etiquette since she was young for nothing.


"Stop talking like that! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have done what I did last night! You were the one who started it!"


"Don't you dare brush it off like it's nothing you insensitive jerk!"

"Of course it isn't nothing to me. I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have brought it last night. We're lucky no one heard us or else we're in deep trouble, so at least be grateful about that."

"I guess"

"What happened last night is strictly between us only, no one else is to find out."

She pulled her feet up on the car's leather seat for a more comfortable position. "It's not like I'm going to babble to mom and dad about what we did."

He sighed.

"Just don't bring wine to celebrate next time, it gives me a terrible headache in the morning."

"Sure" he grinned "Nice body by the way" he chuckled lightly.

She blushed at this but laughed along with him.

"Last night was our rebel's night, maybe we should put it in our holiday list to commemorate our wild night." She suggested.

"That might not be such a bad idea."


"Hey, Sai? What's that?" she asked pointing at the paper bag he was holding.

"Just a little something to celebrate with, I still can't belive that Uncle Fuji let us go to K.A."

"It's about time that he accepts that we're teenagers, I mean come on I haven't even been to a party without him or my maids." She sighed remembering.

He took out a bottle of red wine and a couple of wine glasses.

"Are we old enough to drink?"


"Okay, come on, give me a glass." She always did like bending the rules.

"Sure" he poured some wine on the glasses and handed her one.

She finished it in one gulp.

"Now I understand why dad really likes this."

"If we finish this bottle there's still another in the bag." He said pointing the bag.


A bottle and a half later:

"Sai…I'm totally -hic- wasted."

"Why don't we do something fun?" he whispered on her ear. At least he was only slurring.

They were currently on the couch on her room finishing their second bottle. Sakura looked drunk as hell while Sai, on first glance didn't look wasted at all but if you look closely you can see that he was having a hard time just pouring the wine.

Sakura who wasn't "Like –hic- what?"

"What about if the person who can't finish their drink in one gulp…what do you think would make a decent punishment?

"What if –hic- the persons –hic- strips in front of the –hic- other?"

"Come on let's try."

End of flashback

"I can't believe you really stripped." He said fighting of his laughter.

She didn't answer.

"What's wrong?"

"Uhm, Sai? I only remember until I took my clothes off, I don't remember anything else after that…it's just blank." She said uncertainly.

"Don't worry, I didn't take advantage of you."

She beamed at him.

"You didn't?"

"Just because I was drunk doesn't mean that you miraculously became beautiful, there are some limits to my tolerance." He said annoyed.

"I'll let that comment pass for now." She sighed. "God, I thought that I would get pregnant."

"Only an idiot will have sex with you."

She tried to punch his face but he blocked it easily.

"Getting violent aren't we?"

"Shut up!"

"M-miss, Young Master, w-we're here now." The driver announced shakily. god he wasn't getting paid enough for this. maybe he should go back to being her mother's driver, at least her mother was a little less violent. he did pity the Young Master, he was always on the receiving end of her wrath. Teenagers these days, he couldn't understand them one bit.

She kept on glaring at Sai even when the driver opened the door and they stepped out of the car. When she looked at the school the person she saw shocked her to her very core.

'Oh shit'

A/N: Any guesses on who the person was? I know that this chapter isn't long but please bear with me people. I'll promise to make the next one even longer. Review so that I can see if this story is worth continuing, if not I'll delete it.

Flames are welcome, we're having barbeque tonight!!!