Desperately clinging to a tree trunk Sakura refused to join her companions. Tenten gently tried to coax her back to the wagon.

"Look that was a bit much but the racing thing is over and won't be starting again"

"I don't trust you"

"Come on, we can't finish the mission with you hugging a tree"

"I don't care"

"Don't be so difficult. We need you"

"No you don't"

Tenten was getting frustrated. She decided to try a different approach.

"Do you want to see Lee naked?"

"Yes-WHAT? When did this become an interrogation?"

"How about him in fundoshi and well oiled?"

"Where are you getting these weird ideas?"

"Don't like the oiled part? Maybe you're more of a sweat type?"

"Someone stop her!"

Lee and Neji sigh.

"Lee, pry your girlfriend off that tree already. We're losing time"

"She is not my- well alright"

Reluctantly Sakura got back on the wagon and the intrepid group sally forth. The sedate pace calmed the pinkette greatly. After a long day's journey team Gai was just within viewing range of the town when some bandits made their appearance.

"Freeze! Leave the loot and any money you got an we might not kill ya"

Sadly for the bandits they were faceless minions and brutally cut down in seconds. Tenten sighed as she gathered up her weapons.

"Oh poo. We were even outnumbered three-to-one"

"How is that a bad thing Tenten?"

"There's nothing wrong with wanting a bit of a challenge"

"Those guys nearly killed me!"

"And Lee swooped in to your rescue"

Unbidden Sakura flushed at the memory. Tenten smirked.

"And what thoughts could you be thinking with such a face? How impure"

"Wait-I what tha-"

Settling for flipping the older girl the bird Sakura stomped away from Tenten. Neji simply shook his head at the display as the intrepid group made their way to the delivery point. Once inside the village they quickly found lodging for the night and secured the merchandise. Sakura flopped down on her thankfully immobile bed and shot a halfhearted glare at her roommate.

"So Tenten, if you could seal the entire wagon in a scroll, why didn't you do that earlier?"

"If I did, we would have had to walk instead of riding"

Sakura glared at Tenten for reminding her about her less than pleasant wagon ride.

"Ok ok I'm sorry already. Will a pillow fight and gossip session make you feel better?"

"Only if there's ice cream involved"


With a handshake to seal the deal the girls renew their friendship. With the coming of morning the shinobi unsealed the wagon and cart it over to the delivery spot. The recipient was waiting there for them.

"Heh. You lot got here fast. I guess bein' ninja makes dealin' wit' bandits easier"

"It's in the job description"

With a friendly chuckle and a slap on Neji's back the recipient turned to unload the wagon as the shinobi begin their trek back to the Leaf Village. They enter a restaurant when Sakura had a thought.

"Hey wait, it only took us a day to get here. Tenten, I thought you said it would be a three day mission"

"Don't you want a free day to relax? Once we get back to the village it's either training or another mission"

"You're deliberately abusing the system!"

"Guilty as charged. But what's a day here or there? We don't do this every mission"

"But the ramifications of-"

"Oh relax being a goody-two-shoes isn't all it's cracked up to be"

"How can you say that?"

"Oh like you never did anything against the rules?"

"I didn't say that-"

"I saw you try to peek when Lee was bathing last night"

"How did y- NO I wasn't!"

Neji and Lee put down their menus as Tenten teases Sakura some more.

"Tenten-chan might get angry if you order for her again"

"And you wish to interrupt their conversation?"

Lee nodded sagely as Neji looked at the mildly unnerved waitress.

"Four specials"

"Right away sir"

Catching the waitress leave out of the corner of her eyes Tenten rounded on Neji.

"Dammit Neji! I can order for myself"

"You seemed to be occupied; I thought I'd merely help you out"

"Stop being considerate when I don't want you to be!"

Again Sakura felt the crushing realization that her team may have changed, but she was still surrounded by crazy ninjas. The meal itself went off normally. Once finished the troupe left the establishment.

"Well Neji since you need to make up for ordering without my consent I order you to go on a date with me"

"Very well"

After taking Neji's arm in hers Tenten flashed the V sign at Sakura and Lee. The pair walked off leaving their teammates alone.

"So um. Sakura-chan. Was there anything you wished to do today?"

"Well ah I guess that maybe we could go to a park or something"

The awkward air about the couple was noticed by nearly all onlookers, which served only to embarrass them more. To escape Sakura and Lee dashed across a few rooftops. They sat down next to a chimney.

"Mou! Why did everyone have to stare at us?"

"W-well you are quite cute Sakura-chan so that may have been why"

The pinkette's blush returned with a vengeance. Lee was a bit red himself. Taking a bit of the initiative Sakura leaned against Lee's shoulder.

"Y-you're n-nice to look at too"

Gulping loudly Lee summoned his courage and raised his arm. Slowly he brought it down on Sakura's shoulder. For the next five minutes the only thing the pair could do was desperately try not to shy away from each other. It was another ten before they could look each other in the eye.