Disclaimer: As always I own nothing but the original characters and the situations I put them all in, poor bastards. Thanks very much for reading, please review cause I love to hear from you! Thanks again and have a great day.
What Would It Take?
Noir was pissed off. If no one had figured that out by his expression, they sure as hell would have gotten the distinct impression by the way he slammed the door behind him, nearly smashing the solid oak door into Florian's poor head. Luckily the blonde got through the door just in time, the door whizzing by his beautiful face with millimeters to spare. Everyone in the hall watched in silence as Noir didn't even bother to look behind him to make sure he hadn't killed Florian, simply stomping up the stairs in a huff. As soon as he was on the second floor and out of hearing range Laila turned on Florian like a fierce guard dog. "What the hell happened?"
"Damned if I know." Shrugging out of his winter coat Florian had no idea what had put the younger man into such a violent, disagreeable mood. They'd gotten the hair comb without a hitch, it was likely the dowager wasn't even aware it was missing from her head yet. The party they'd attended for the caper had been a nice one with excellent food and tolerable music. When you were attending a soiree hosted by society's elite, that was about as much as you could hope for. Whatever, he hadn't done anything to incur the disagreeable man's wrath, Florian thought darkly, giving the door a weary look non the less. "Is Noel in bed then?"
"I checked on him about fifteen minutes ago. He's fast asleep." Looking towards the stairs Laila frowned, wondering if she should go see if there was something she could do for Noir. It was more likely that he'd kick her out of whatever room he was inhabiting for the moment. He tended to prefer to remain solitary when he was in this sort of mood. It must have something to do with Florian, even if the blonde didn't realize it. It always seemed to be about Florian these days.
"Good. Then I'll retire for the evening. Good night, Laila." Smiling at her Florian headed up the stairs as well, stopping to check on Noel before heading to his own bedroom. Walking in Florian had just tossed his dinner jacket over a chair when he become aware of the presence of someone else in the room.
Whirling around, his hands fisting Florian glared when he saw who was watching him so casually from across the room. "Dammit, Noir! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Glaring at the younger man Florian had had just about enough of the man's ill temper for the evening. He was tired and all he wanted was to go to bed. Was that really too much to ask?
"Such common language for an aristocrat. Your family would be shocked." Was his snide response, remaining in the room's shadows, only his shape visible from the faint light coming through the window he stood beside, leaning back against the wall.
Far from amused Florian wasn't in the mood to deal with Noir's childish behavior. For God sakes, Noel was better behaved than the man sometimes. "Like I care? Now what do you want, other than to scare me to death that is?"
"You seemed to be really enjoying yourself this evening." Noir continued, ignoring Florian's question all together. "Quite the belle of the ball. Or whatever the male equivalent of that is. You'd know, wouldn't you? Being one of them. Doesn't really matter I suppose, since you look enough like a girl to fit the bill anyway."
A definite twitch appearing under his eye, since there was nothing he hated more than being reminded of his feminine face, Florian counted to ten under his breath, praying for the patience to not try and kill the smug bastard. It wasn't like he could take Noir after all. He had no doubt Noir wouldn't even work up a sweat doing it. It would be over embarrassingly quick. "If all you want to do is pick a fight with me it can wait until tomorrow." Deliberately talking in his most snobbish, better then thou voice Florian looked down his nose at Noir like he'd been taught since birth. No one did snob like his family, Florian thought with the faintest of smirks.
Well it definitely hit the target. Like the cat he was so often compared to Noir left the shadows, stalking across the room in a graceful stride that had him reaching Florian in a blur, the older man not even having time to see the younger coming. One minute Noir was on the other side of the room and the next he was standing right in front of him, a foot between them, the room beginning to fill with the volatile vibes he was giving off. "You know I hate to be spoken to like that." He hissed, his silky voice low and threatening as he stared into Florian's eyes.
"Obviously." Was Florian's flippant response, his breathing shortening ever so slightly as his senses absorbed the closeness and the vibes Noir was giving off. There was no dealing with Noir when he was like this and it was more than a little dangerous to egg him on at this point. Like a tiger you had by the tail you had to know, somewhere inside yourself, that it was only a matter of time before you were bitten. Possibly fatally.
Cocking his head slightly to the side it was obvious that Noir wasn't going to allow himself to be humored. "And yet you use it. Why? Trying to distract me?" He asked, his tone making it plain that he seemed to believe so.
"What do you think I'm trying to distract you from?"
Noir opened his mouth to say something then closed it again, getting even closer in Florian's face so that they were nose to nose, their breath mingling with the others as they stared into each other's eyes. Classic intimidation, or it would be without their sizzling chemistry that so often got in the way of their fighting. Or in some cases, made the fight that much worse. Because it never went anywhere, Florian thought as Noir drew slightly back, as he always did. As they always did. Tonight would end in a stand still, rather than a fight to the verbal death. Without saying a word Noir left the room, leaving Florian behind to stand alone, pondering not for the first time, how to end their suffering without suffering for it. And what the hell had gotten Noir all stirred up in the first place?
Noir avoided him the next day, sending him out on errands by way of Laila, who sent him a sympathetic look as she handed over the list Noir had given her to give to him. Noir had apparently barricaded himself in his study slash library and no one was to disturb him under punishment of torture and death. He'd even posted a sign saying so on the door. Not about to argue Florian headed out to do the errands, most of it involving going to stores and then arranging for whatever the item was to be delivered to the house where they were staying. Noir didn't trust him to drive the car.
Florian had just come out of one of the shops when he observed a crowd starting to grow to the left of him, some of the people actually blocking traffic. Curious to see what was going on Florian strolled over, his height allowing him to see over the tops of the heads of the other spectators, who were mostly women anyway. What they were staring at turned out to be a heated conversation between a man he recognized as a marquis and a stunningly beautiful woman who was Michelle Duprois if he wasn't mistaken, the famous French actress who'd recently achieved national recognition throughout their homeland. The marquis seemed to have a rather harsh hold on the girl's arm and appeared to be trying to lead her to a nearby carriage, most likely to escape the crowd. Frowning Florian worked his way to the front of the crowd, just in time too as the marquis's hand raised to slap the girl's face for whatever she'd just said. Quick as a cat Florian intercepted, catching the man's wrist in mid swing. Standing between them Florian deliberately tightened his grip so the man knew he meant business.
"Let me go, how dare you!" The man blustered, trying to wrench his arm away without any success. He was a pudgy, middle aged man who obviously enjoyed his food and port a little too much. He was most certainly no match for Florian's youth and experience. "Do you know who I am?"
"I do, and that doesn't give you the right to mistreat this lady. Apologize and be on your way." Doing his best impression of Noir's death glare Florian wasn't about to be intimidated. His blood was as blue as the marquis and far more distinguished. Even if it wasn't, Florian would never stand by while someone required his help, a fatal flaw according to Noir.
"I will do no such thing. Wait a minute..I know you, don't I? You're Courland's little whore, aren't you? Florian Rochefort? How the mighty have fallen." He sneered, now looking at Florian the way someone might look at stallion at auction. Not as a living creature, but as something to be bought and used however its master wished. "I suppose it's only natural, for one whore to stand up for another."
Amethyst eyes flashing dangerously Florian tightened his hold hard enough to cut off the circulation, watching the man's mouth form an oh in silent pain. "Better a whore than what you are." Was Florian's harsh response. "A blackguard and a bastard, who thinks his bloodline makes him better than anyone else. Well I have news for you, your lordship. Without your money you're nothing and the day will come when this world is run by the people you sneer at so arrogantly. Then again, given how much money you owe my employer, maybe you'll find out what it is to get through life on your own merit sooner rather then later." Letting the bastard go Florian watched as the man backed away, rubbing a hand over his aching wrist. "Forget the apology, it's worthless. Just like you. Beat it, before I give you the thrashing you deserve."
Humiliated and angry the marquis knew that he didn't stand a chance against the younger man, not to mention the embarrassment of all this happening with so many witnesses milling around. Better to count his loses and make the bastard pay another day. Besides, as the man had pointed out, he did owe Courland money, money he didn't have at the moment. Bloodying Courland's boy toy was not the way to continue in Courland's good graces. Giving Florian a harsh glare the marquis gave Florian his back, flourishing off towards his carriage without a backward glance.
Watching the marquis hurry away towards his carriage Florian looked over his shoulder at the tug on his arm. "Yes, Miss?" Nodding his head politely Florian turned to face the lady with a questioning look.
"Thank you, Sir, for your timely rescue. Like most of his kind, the idea of no has little meaning to him." Smiling hesitantly the woman held out her gloved hand, smiling more brightly when he accepted it. "You're Florian Rochefort? I'm Michelle Duprois."
"I know, I recognized you. Well good day to you, ma'am. I'm afraid I must be getting home now." Noir might not be speaking to him but he'd also been very clear as to when he expected Florian to be back.
"Might I offer you a ride? My own carriage is waiting just a block away and I find I've lost my desire to go shopping for the day. Giving you a ride would be the least I could do."
Pulling out his watch Florian saw that a ride would definitely be in his best interests. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, then yes, thank you. I'd appreciate that very much." Offering her his arm Florian ignored the stares and whispers and began walking with her down the street, in the direction she indicated.
"I've heard of your employer, he's said to be very rich and handsome. How did you come to work for him?" Michelle asked as they walked down the street, watching her knight with curious blue eyes. He was gorgeous, in a feminine sort of way. There was kindness in those beautiful eyes and she felt safe with him, like she had finally found a man who wasn't going to proposition her on first meeting. It would certainly be a nice change.
"We're distantly related to the point where we're not even sure how it works. When my family fell on financial hard times my mother...arranged for me to go act as an assistant to Ray in exchange for funds to keep the family home. That's..that's why most of high society believes I'm his mistress. I'm not though, despite his possessiveness. I'm..a living piece of art to him. Something pretty to look at that he wanted to own and keep for himself. He's of the selfish sort." Chuckling slightly Florian shook his blonde head. "We've become friends I suppose, in our own twisted little way."
"You sound very fond of him."
"I suppose I am."
Arriving at the house Florian thanked the actress for the ride, waving her off before turning to face his current residence. They'd be moving by the end of the month, Noir never content to stay anywhere too long. Where they'd end up next, well that was for Noir to know and them to find out. Shoving his hands in his pockets Florian wondered if he should tell Noir about the altercation between the marquis and himself. He probably should, Noir would hear about it somehow, he always did. That was going to be fun. How ironic was it, Florian thought, that he should be branded the whore and the mistress of a man who wanted him but was too afraid to make a move. He wasn't any better of course, he was as much at fault as Noir was. How sad and pathetic they were, to keep dodging and avoiding the issue the way they did. So many glances, caresses, moments where they seemed a breath away from given into their passion for the other. But always something interfered or one of them pulled away, afraid of the consequences of making that final leap. Too afraid of putting themselves out there, baring themselves both literally and figuratively to the other. So they walked on eggshells, and nothing was ever resolved. And he was sick of it, Florian thought, the heat returning to his eyes. He was tired of being made a figure of ridicule and gossip, of having others proposition him at parties like he was some lady of the night selling herself at a street corner. He was tired of people dirtying what he and Ray could have. If he was going to be damned a whore for the rest of his existence he was damn well going to get something out of it. Cold resolve settling in Florian walked up the walk in long, even strides; a man on a mission. Walking in Florian didn't bother to check in on Laila or Noel, trusting the girl to keep the boy occupied and out of trouble for the time being. Heading up the stairs and down the hallway Florian shed his coat and gloves as he went, throwing them into his room before heading straight for the library. Opening the door without even knock Florian went straight in, closing the door behind him, than locked it. There would be no interruptions.
Getting up slowly from his seat it was obvious from Noir's face that the other man was shocked at Florian's audacity. Coming around his desk he stopped in front of it, crossing his arms in front of his chest as Florian walked towards him. "What the hell do you think you're doing wal-Upmh." The rest was muffled by Florian's lips. Hands holding Noir's head in place as he trapped Noir's hands between their bodies, Florian ravaged Noir's lips, taking advantage of Noir's opened mouth for a little French kissing. Being French, this was something Florian excelled at and was happy to demonstrate taking full advantage of Noir's shock and surprise. He'd had small tastes of Noir before but this time he wasn't going to settle with a sip. No, he was going to drink the whole damn bottle and another if he could fit it in before someone came to find them. Backing Noir against the desk so that Noir had no where to go Florian kept one hand where it was at the back of Noir's head while the other slid down Noir's back to where his shirt was untucked. Nimbly slipping his hand under the cotton to stroke the length of Noir's back, Florian caressing it as he explored the texture and strength he found there, never once letting up his assault on Noir's captured mouth. He wanted Noir nice and pliable before that happened.
Fingers flexing as much as they could between their trapped bodies, when Noir did finally get his arms free he wrapped them around Florian's waist, needing the support if the way he leaned into Florian was anything to go by. Taking that as the encouragement he'd been hoping for Florian released Noir's lips on a sexy pop, taking in some air before turning his ravagement upon Noir's neck, nibbling his way down then licking his way slowly up. Bon appetite, Florian thought wickedly, Noir's small sound of pleasure music to his ears.