A/N: Sorry I haven't updated

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha

Shikon High School

Rin learned to make fire balls, fire ring and smog. The fire wouldn't severly burn anyone but they will feel a burn when it hits them. "So your sword will turn blue for water, red for fire, brown for earth and a pink color for the animals." Inutashio stated. "But you will need to be near water for the water power."

"So what ever I think it will show that color" Rin asked.

"Yes but only you will see the color" Inutashio said.

Rin practiced it on him seeing his eyes wince in the pain of the burn "I think that is enough for today" Rin said feeling guilty.

"Don't feel bad Rin, you are doing a good job" Inutashio said. Rin smiled at him "thanks" and left the room to take a shower.


Rin was waiting for Sesshomaru in the practice room Rin sighed "he is late" Rin crossed her arms with an annoyed look on her face tapping her foot.

"Stop that tapping it is rather annoying" Sesshomaru said making her jump.

"You're late" Rin said.

"I had some things to take care of" Sesshomaru said.

Rin rolled her eyes at him "whatever lets just get started."

"we have to go into pool area" Sesshomaru said.

Rin mentally slapped her head as she followed him and she crashed into him making her fall on her butt. Sesshomaru turned around smirking at her "you need a bathing suit" Rin blushed from embarassment. "I will be right back" Rin left to change into her bathing suit. Rin smirked as she put her bathing suit on it was a orange two piece bathing suit. When she returned she seen Sesshomaru in his trunks he had a 6 pack abs and musley legs and arms. Sesshomaru looked her she turned away trying to hide her blush.

Sesshomaru seen it and smirked at her taking in a good look at her she had a flat stomach small waist yet she had scars on her legs, arms and stomach making him growl. Rin jumped "Sesshomaru are you okay" Rin asked. "Hn" he replied as Rin approached the water she jumps in making water splash around her.

Sesshomaru taught her on how to hold onto her weight with the sword in hand trying to not get it wet. "It can get wet it has a protection spell so it won't rust" Sesshomaru said. "Oh okay" Rin said as she put in the water seeing if float and glowing blue. "You need to able to balance in the water by spreading you leg apart but not to wide." Sesshomaru said as he showed her and she copied him. The whole hour Rin learned how to surf she did perfectly.

They weren't lying that we learn fast Rin thought to herself remember reading that in the book. Both of them were out of the pool drying off "are those scars from your uncle" Rin face turned red feeling embarassed "yeah" she thought he finds me disgusting with these scars great. "I know a way to get rid of them" Sesshomaru said.

"How" Rin asked suscpicously.

Sesshomaru grabbed her arm and licked one of her scars and she smacked him "pervert" and stomped out of the room when she was halfway to her room she seen her scar where Sesshomaru licked at was gone.

"Told you" Sesshomaru said as he walked away "is that why you guys don't have scars" Rin asked she never thought of them all being able to do that. "Yes" he said before he went to his room.

Rin laid down on her bed sighing falling asleep in her dream she was in dark forest a man was laughing at her. "You better run Rinny" Rin ran knowoing that there was the guy was dangerous and he was going to kill her. She seen a clearing as she reached it her uncle came out and so did a dark figure. "Today you die Rin" the both said charging her with a knife and sword. Rin screamed and popped up of her bed sweating. Sesshomaru slammed the door taking a sniff ony Rin's Scent was in the room.

"What happened" Sesshomaru asked.

"I had a nightmare" Rin said.

"About" Sesshomaru asked as he took a seat on her bed next to her.

"I was in dark forest some guy was laughing tellin me I better run then I reach the cleared area and my Uncle and a dark figure shows up saying today I die. My uncle charged at me with a knife and the dark figure he had sword" Rin said shaken up.

"Hn" This dream is a sign only get that kind of dreams as a warning that danger is to come I must protect her. Sesshomaru thouht to himself as he pulled Rin into his arms. She rested on him for a few minutes "I need water" Rin whispered. Sesshomaru nodded and both of them went to the kitchen.

"Where is everyone" Rin asked seeing no one was here.

"Inuyasha took Kagome out and father and mother went out to eat" Sesshomaru stated.

"Oh I see" Rin said wondering what she should cook for dinner.

"I am going to cook us dinner" Rin said as Sesshomaru looked at her.

"I will cook chicken, rice, corn and mashpotatoes" Rin said as she grabbed the items.

"I will help" Sesshomaru said as he took the chicken from her.

"Okay" Rin said as the began cooking and Rin began humming that song again.

"What song is that it sounds familiar"

"It is a lullaby my mother used to sing to me I don't know what it is called but she would always sing it to me" Rin said.

Sesshomaru nodded as he put the chicken in the oven and began potatoes.

During dinner they both began to talk about school and tomorrows game as well as Rin's training. "I will help you train" Sesshomaru said to her. "Really" Rin jumped and hugged him as he nodded. Sesshomaru didn't want her to let go but she did to sit back in her seat. "So are you going to the after party tomorrow" Rin asked.

"Yes are you?"

"Yeah are you going with anyone" Rin asked nervously.

"No why do you ask" Sesshomaru asked.

"Oh I was just wondering" Rin lied.

Sesshomaru smirked at her he knew that Inuyasha was going with Kagome and Miroku was taking Sango since they were talking about it after practice the other day. Rin recived a text from them about their plans so Rin should find a date.

"If you want I could take you as my date" Sesshomaru stated wiping his mouth with a napkin. Rin jumped "that would be great but I don't want to go with you out of pitty" Rin replied. "It wouldn't be out of pitty." Rin looked at him in disbelief "then what would you call it." Sesshomaru looked at her with a smile walked towards her and whispered into her ear "I want you to go with me and no one else" he purred making Rin blush. "Wait for me at the gate after the game" Sesshomaru stated walking away. Rin smiled and went upstairs to pick an outfit out for tomorrow night.

Rin went to sleep that night not hearing Inuyasha and his parents come in "it worked" Inutashio said smiling. Leaving them two alone for dinner was a perfect idea and telling Inuyasha and Miroku that they can't let Rin go to the party with them that she would need to find a date. Inuyasha found out becasue Rin sent a text to Kagome and Sango about it.

The next day everyone was getting ready for the game Sesshomaru was wearing blue jeans, black t-shirt with and undershirt under the t-shirt. He put on his red and black nikes and grabbed his bag leaving his house to go to the game. Inuyasha was wearing blue jeans, red t-shirt and black shoes. Miroku was wearing same as Inuyasha but a blue t-shirt. Rin had Kagome and Sango at the house to help each other get ready for the game. Kagome was wearin a black skirt, pink long lacey sleaves with black flats, she had pink eye shadwo on and had her hair down.

Sango was wearing a purple dress, black heels and her hair in a high pony tail with purple eyeshadow. Rin was wearing a grey fitting sweat shirth thad light green lace on the back that was see through so she had a white tank top under it, black skinny jeans and black flats. She curled the ends of her hair and put a light green head band on. The girls looked at each other smiling at each other. They all got in the van with Inutashio and Iazyio heading to the game. At the game thier school won 20 to nothing so Rin watched as the boys went to the locker room as she chatted with Kagome and Sango as the walked to the gate.

"I am so excited" Kagome jumped up and down.

"Yeah me too" Rin smiled leaning on the fence.

"I heard his parties are crazy" Sango said.

"Yeah last year I heard the cops showed up" Rin said.

"Yeah I still can't believe we missed that party" Kagome pouted.

"You and Sango had to babysit and I was grounded" Rin said shivering about that time.

"Yeah but this time we get to be there" Kagome said pumping her fist in the air.

Sango and Rin laughed at her "just like Inuyasha" they said as Kagome stuck her tongue out at them. Inuyasha and Miroku came out of the building "you ladies ready to go" Inuyasha asked. Kagome and Sango nodded "oh Rin Sesshomaru will be out in a minute" Inuyasaha said and left. Rin was the only one there now and the lights went out making her jump she could hear the wind making her shiver as she seen leaves spinning around like a tornado. She had a creepy vibe and Naraku shows up "waiting for someone" Rin jumped "sorry didn't meant to scare you" Rin smiled at him and said "it's okay and yeah I am waiting for Sesshomaru."

"Thought you said you weren't dating any guy on the football team" Naraku stated. Rin smiled and blushed "I am not though this is just a date" Rin stated. "Do you want it to be more than just a date" Naraku asked. This made Rin blushed at the thought of that do I? By then Sesshomaru appeared "Rin are you ready to go?" Rin nodded and waved Naraku goodbye. As they were in Sesshomaru's car "what were you and Naraku talking about" Rin responded "He wanted to know if I was waiting for someone" Sesshomaru nodded "no offense but he is weird and gives me the creeps" Rin stated. "That is interesting just stay away from him" Sesshomaru said getting the feeling that Naraku is not a good guy and doesn't want Rin near him.