July, 1990:

Stephanie slouched back in the seat of the car she was sitting in, her eyes closed, her head bobbing to the beat that was pulsing through her ear phones.

"Girls just want to have fun.." she mumbled under her breath as she sang along with her tape. What a great present her dad had bought her, she had the *best* tape walkman out there! None of her friends had it!

"Are you listening to that weird girl again?" she heard her dad ask her over the blare of the overly-happy music that she was currently listening too. She pulled her earphones done so they hung loosely around her neck.

"She's not weird, Daddy." she smiled at the stern faced man who was actually driving for once. Usually he had his servants doing it for him. She would do just that when she got older. She was a basic princess, for god's sake, her dad could pay her lifetime 3 times over!

"When I was your age I listened to real music." he droned on. She rolled her eyes. He was going to tell his dumb story again about how music today was effecting her mind. He never did this to Shane, who listened to that disgusting hard rock music.

"Daddy, she's not that bad." she smirked, fingering her new 'toy' nonchallantly. "I like her music."

"How old is that tape, anyway?" he rolled his eyes. "It seems like you've been listening to it for years."

"New music is crappy." she pouted. "I don't like the stuff Shane does."

"Thank goodness." he retorted. "I can't believe how boys wear their hair as long as yours is."

"Sometimes even longer." she giggled. "Are we there yet?"

"For the hundredth time, no." he sighed heavily. "I still can't believe I let you talk me into taking you to see the new talent. You remember the promise, right?"

"Yes Daddy, I remember. No getting in the way. No talking to the wrestlers. Spray them with pepper spray if they try to bother me." she rolled her eyes. "I'm not a little kid any more."

"You're only 13. You're considered 'not a kid' to me when you're 45." he responded flatly.

"When can I start dating then?" she questioned.

"Are you still on that?" he groaned. She smiled innocently.

"I like this boy, daddy..he likes me, I think." she explained. She had told her dad the story a million times all ready.

"You're too young to be concerned with boys." he dismissed, just as he always did. She pouted.

Her dad always treated her like this. She herself was beginning to wonder why she pleaded for 2 days to accompany her father. She pulled her earphones over her ears, not feeling like listening to the 'You aren't ready for boys' speech. He probably had the thing memorized by then. OK, so it didn't help that she asked about it every other day..

She loved watching her father work, she reminded herself. She loved meeting all the wrestlers. Most of them were probably nice to her because of the fact she was the daughter of their boss, but she didn't mind. Plus, she wanted to see Canada. She had dreamed of going since she was little, and learned to ski. Her dad wouldn't let her ski, but still..it was amazing to be there.

They had crossed the border a day and a half ago. They had passed through into a snowy area only once since they got there. It was weird to see snow in July, but she enjoyed seeing it anyway. But for the most, Canada wasn't that snowy, but a little cold compared to her state at this time. All those pictures of a winter wonderland was shot as she saw a pretty cozy atmosphere of Canadian landscape.

She didn't know why her dad just didn't get plane tickets, but her dad was like that. Sometimes he just felt like driving. Sometimes he didn't. He said it would take two days, and this was day two. It wasn't fun driving with her dad, that was for sure. He was boring. Very boring.

And he didn't like her interest in his business. She had a long understanding with her dad that he didn't want her being caught up in wrestling. She couldn't help it though, she loved it as much as Shane did. The whole thing awed her. She wanted to own the company one day too, though she doubted that would happen. At that point, she would love just to be in the ring while it was actually being taped.

She had noted the sign welcoming them to the town of Calgary a few minutes ago. She remembered him mentioning that in the three word title of a place they were going too. Calgary something Canada. It had slipped her mind.

She blinked as suddenly the car slowed and then ultimately parked in front of a house-looking building. Were they here? She hoped so, she hadn't moved from her seat since nine that morning, and now it was four thirty. She was hungry, too.

"Dad, can we eat lunch?" she had complained to her dad. He had mumbled something under his breath and basically tossed a candy bar at her that he had on the dashboard.

That was when she learned her first on-the-road-with-Dad lesson. Never ask him to stop to eat, or you could get hit with flying chocolate.

"We're here." he announced, getting out. She ripped the headphones off her neck, basically tossing it and the player into the back seat. She got out herself and looked at the place they were obviously going to go at.

This was going to be interesting.