"SASUKE!" Sakura shouted as the bike started to fall below the line of the other half of the bridge. Sakura knew they weren't going to make it as the front tire missed the bridge. Urging her mind to think faster, Sakura grabbed Sasuke by his shirt.

"Sasuke! I'm going to throw you!" She shouted into his ear.

"What?" Was the only thing Sasuke could get out of his mouth before he felt his stomach drop as he was hurled onto the already lowering bridge. When he landed, Sasuke skidded about ten feet before he was able to slow himself down and stop.

Sasuke hauled himself up as he heard a splash in the water a hundred feet below him. He raced to the side of the bridge where he could see the end of the barge was finally passing through, and on the edge was a blood smear which went all the way down the side of the ship and dissapeared into the water.

"Sakura!" he yelled, to no avail, "Sakura, where are you!" No one answered his calls and he began to panic. There was no way he could make a jump like that and survive. He limped his way toward the intersecting road and began to hobble in the direction of his house. He stopped when a familiar car pulled up beside him and rolled down the window.

"Where is Sakura, little brother?"


Tenten pulled out a kunai and cut through both hers and Neji's seatbelts in one swift movement. Using the door to push off of, Tenten tackled Neji and brought them crashing through his drivers side window. Once they hit the hard pavement, Tenten pushed Neji down so he was laying flat, and not one second later the truck hit their car.

When the truck passed, on lookers ran to the figure lying on the ground struggling to get up.

"Are you alright?" He could hear their voices asking, but his mind was subconsiously blocking them out as his eyes were looking at the girl who was sprawled twenty feet from him.

Staggering, Neji stood up and made his way to Tenten who wasn't except for the slight rise and fall of her chest. Falling to his kness, Neji shook her shoulders trying to get her to respond. When Tenten didn't move, Neji began to slightly worry.

"Call an anbulance! Hurry!" He yelled to the people who were just standing by. He saw one of them pull out a cell phone and dial. It was only then he took in account his own injuries and realized that half of the skin on his left calf was shredded.

I'm going into shock. He thought, Well the bloodloss probably isn't helping much. As those last thoughts flitted through his mind, Neji succumbed to the awaiting darkness.


Green eyes opened into slits, but could barely make out anything besides vague colors. Sakura felt herself being hauled up into someone's arms.

"Who are you?" she managed to gurgle out. She registered that there was an annoying noise in the background, but the fuzziness of her brain refused to let her comprehend what she was hearing.

"Who are you?" she tried again when she didn't get an answer. She tried lifting her head but pain was all her brain would let her think about before her world starting reverting back to black. Before she was completly passed out, she caught a glimps of firery hair and could have sworn she heard a voice respond to her question.

"A Friend."


Neji woke up to white walls and beeping machines. He knew he was in a hospital by the smell and noise. He tried to sit up in bed when he heard the door opening, but he felt that his body was too weak to handle the strain.

The Nurse walked over to his bed and told him in a calm voice "Your going to be just fine as soon as your leg heals, but your friend.. "


Naruto answered Sasuke's house phone, thinking it would be either Sasuke or Neji informing them on why they weren't home after two hours.

"Hello?" he said into the reciever.

"Is this a ...Uzumaki Naruto?" the voice asked.

"Yes" Naruto answered causiously. "Who is this?"

"We are informing you that your friends are in the hospital. Their names are.." Before the lady on the other end of the phone finished her sentence Naruto grabbed his keys and rushed out the door with Hinata, Ino, and Shikamaru quickly following him out wondering what was going on.


Contrary to popular belief, I am infact ALIVE :)

So what has it been, two years? long long long long long time...

Anywho, if i still have readers out there, so terribly sorry about not updating..any of my stories really. i know this can't even begin to make up for it but i thought it was worth a try so here ya go!

R&R if you wish to, if not, just read! :)