As I'm walking through the thick, dark forest, I allow myself to drift to a better place. Of course, for me, that better place includes her- my tenshi, my love, my life. While I continue to run, I allow myself to reflect upon our first meeting.

I sat in my bed, the black silk sheets bunched around me but not laying over me. Sweat is dripping from my body. It has plastered my hair to my neck. I am panting, trying to hold back the tears.

"Uchiha's don't cry." I repeat softly over and over to myself. Normally, it takes all my energy just to muster up a smile to show to my own mother but this is different. Something about that dream, that nightmare, had seemed so real- too real.

Just as I'm beginning to calm down, to settle back into my bed and close my eyes, I hear the people of the compound begin to stir and awaken. I swing my feet to the edge of the bed, fully intent on figuring out the source of the commotion, when my door is harshly swung open. My father is standing there. His cold black eyes glance over my room, before landing on me.

"Get up, boy. The head of the Haruno Clan has just come and he is requiring to see me now. Since you're going to be the head of the clan soon, it's important for you to see how to deal with the Haruno men. After all, they are our closest allies. Now get going!" With that my father turned and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind himself. I throw a shirt over my head and rush to catch up with the man who helped give me life.

It easy to tell that we're approaching our unannounced guests, because the closer we get, the louder the cries are. The Haruno Clan members are all in the sitting room with my mother. As we enter I take notice of two men, one clearly the head of the clan and the other presumably his eldest son. I focus my ears on the source of the sobs. It's coming from a girl, of course, who has been positioned behind who I'm guessing is her brother. I can't make out any of her features, so I turn my attention back to my father.

"Kazuma, it's a pleasure to see you." My father says in greeting to his fellow clan leader. He takes a step forward.

"Likewise, Fugaku." Kazuma Haruno replies. He, too, takes a step forward and they both shake hands. Kazuma motions for his son to step forward as well.

"This is my eldest son, Ryukyu." He motions with one hand to his son, who nods with respect to my father. My father motions to me.

"My eldest son, Itachi." He returns. I nod to the Haruno man. Everyone is back in their original positions now that the formalities are over. A long silence ensues, the only noise coming from the girl (who I have still not seen) who is crying. Finally, our guests chose to speak.

"Our village has been attacked, Fugaku," Kazuma says to my father. "The attack was obviously unexpected and they toke the lives of many civilians as well as our shinobi. My wife was among those that didn't make it. As I'm sure you know, my daughter was the chosen one and the elders of the village, as well as myself, all agreed that it was of the utmost importance to get her somewhere safe. So, my question to you is: can she stay with you?" My father and his fellow shinobi lock eyes. He looks at the girl, then at my mother. She smiles then makes her way over to the Haruno princess.

"Hush, hush now baby girl." My mother coos to her. The girl's crying never wavers. Something rushes through my body, before I know what's happening I open my mouth.

"Okaa-san, let me take her to her chambers." I say. My mother stands, regarding me with shock, before helping the young girl up and leading her to my side. I had expected the girl to be beautiful, it's true, since the Haruno Clan is noted for the skill of their ninja as well as the beauty of their daughters, but this female is no doubt the most beautiful ever even imagined. Somehow, even in the frenzy of an attack, this girl had remained virtually untouched. She was long, waist length pink hair that frames her flawless face. She is on the shorter side, a good head and a half shorter then me, but her body is fully developed. Her vibrant, innocent emerald orbs and porcelain skin make her look almost like a glass doll.

I turn away from her and wordlessly begin walking down the long hallway. I hear her footsteps running to catch up with me. She slips her small hand into my larger one. I look down at her, shocked by her contact but not showing it. She keeps her eyes locked ahead of her, though I can clearly see that tears are flowing down her face. The rest of the walk is silent.

Finally, we come to the room that everyone will come to know as her's. Together, we enter the spacious room. She removes her hand and looks around. I begin to walk away, satisfied that I have delivered her to her room and now only longing to sleep, when she calls out my name.

"Itachi-san!" She calls out, inspecting my back with her wide eyes. I turn my head to look at her, when I catch the glimpse of a twinge of pink spread across her face. She steps forward and smiles through her tears.

"My name is Sakura." She whispers. Then she spins around and walks out onto her balcony. I silently close the door and walk back to my own room a strange feeling filling up my body. I can't tell if I like it or not.

I couldn't have foreseen all that she would cause. Behind her innocent facade, there were many secrets that plagued her each and every day. I used to wish that I could heal her fully. Now I just hope that I can make her future brighter, even though I'm fairly sure thata person like me never will be able to.