Disclaimer: I don't own anything as always.


It had been nearly two months since that day and the formation of Team Seven, in that time they had been trained in both ninja skills and also rules to follow, now they stood waiting for orders proudly, at what was virtually an attention stance. The Sandaime slowly paced in front of the group, carefully examining each gennin as though judging them.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity under the eyes of the aging Hokage he took a long pull on his pipe and began to speak. "In your life times, each of you has faced more challenges and hardships then many your age, beyond a doubt more any of your peers within Konoha. You have each faced many challenges and survived, but this will be the next step up on the line, your missions until this point have been within the safe walls of the village and on this you must be ready for anything or….anyone." He paused, to allow his speech to sink in on the group in front of him, each having their own reactions, Naruto and Konan merely looked on, eyes steeled with determination but the two Uchiha members of the group had different thoughts, understanding his message.


A younger Arashi cursed as he ran down the streets of Konoha, it was late and his mother would kill him for sure, he had been asked to simply take a note to the Hokage and then return home but was distracted talking to the him and was now very late. Failing to pay attention to his surroundings enough, Arashi found himself on his butt in an indignant heap staring up at a grey haired man.

"You should be more careful." He said gently, offering a hand to help the young boy up, which Arashi took and got to his feet.

"Sorry about that sir, I was running late to get home." The older man laughed.

"Don't worry about it kiddo, now be on your way." Arashi nodded and took off once more.

"Good kid…." Muttered the grey haired man, knowing he was an Uchiha and it was only a block to home, after a moment he also began on his way, when a horrified scream brought him to his senses and took off towards the sound.

Blood stained the dry earth and the walls of the Uchiha complex, bodies lay everywhere with few signs of life other then a certain black haired boy, throwing up in a bush while beginning to cry.

"Arashi run!" His mother cried as she ran down the street amidst five other survivors that had slipped out as Itachi began his attack on the main house. Arashi turned and to his horror watched as his mother was slain with a kunai thru the throat.

Itachi jumped from the roof slowly advancing with his sword drawn, Arashi stumbled backwards in fear as Itachi came forward and a sudden blast of smoke clouded the area.

As it cleared he could see Itachi being blocked by a large orange toad and the grey haired man from before, Itachi seemed to show fear as he began to back up. "Jiraiya-sama….."

"Uchiha Itachi, what have you done." He commanded, voice hard and commanding.

"Just what it seems like Jiraiya-sama." He smirked and threw a kunai, Jiraiya expecting the attack to come at himself got ready, but it missed him, leaving the Sannin at a lose for a moment until he heard a dull thud as something fell behind him. "The kid." He thought backing up and picking the wounded child up, and giving him to the toad, which took off towards the hospital, but that moment was all it took, for Itachi to escape.

End Flashback

Arashi felt nervous, knowing the leaving the village would mean that once again he might be under Itachi's watch as he planned to finish off the last two Uchiha. Then seeing the determination on the faces of his other teammates steeled up his own resolve as well. "I can do this."

Sasuke remained cold like he always was, even to Arashi; the mental damage from Itachi's attack long ago would always haunt him and drive his motives. "Itachi, soon I will be able to kill you."

Sarutobi smiled, internally. "Kakashi, you have done well in teaching these four. I have no doubt they are ready for this assignment."

He sighed, exhaling smoke as he did so. "Alright, since you all seem to be willing to do this. Your next mission assignment is a C rank mission to wave, the third paused allowing this to sink in before meeting eyes with Kakashi almost daring him to let something go wrong.

"Hai Hokage-sama." The one-eyed jonin replied, listening to his leader speak while still seeming bored out of his mind.

"Send in the client." He yelled and a moment later, a drunken man staggered into the room. "These are in the ninja that I hired to protect me? They look like a bunch of wimps." The result of this comment was unfortunately for him angering three of the members of team seven, Naruto and Konan had to be restrained by Kakashi and Arashi by the third. Even with this struggle the team still left that afternoon well on the way to beginning their first true battle…..


Well there you have Arashi's past, which was the main focus of this. I apologize for the lateness of this between school work and the holidays I didn't have much time for writing.

Random idea I had on this though, should Naruto have the Rinnigan? This would allow it so it seems that should Naruto go evil for some reason it would be like the true Akatsuki Pein and Konan.