Uh…Hi!-Hides under table- Clarify a few things…first, Neji gave Ibiki the scroll which came from Hiashi, remember? It contains things like info.

I'm really sorry for the very long update… so I'm not gonna say anything more. GO and READ!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto




Ibiki patted the scroll, thinking …just what are you hiding little girl…as He watched her limping to the exit.

"Hyuga" Neji appeared beside him.

"Here." He tossed the scroll. Neji looked at him expectantly. "Wasn't much of use."

Nodding. "Who are we up against?"

"…" Ibiki was silent as he draped a strip of blue cloth on Neji's shoulder. Neji felt the cool iron imbedded on the fabric. It was jagged and worn.

He glared at its insignia.



Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

-Robert Frost

Chapter 6


Sakura was trying to drag her unresponsive body back to the compound. It was difficult because her body was numb, and people were staring at her. She didn't mind because it really didn't matter, and she was thoroughly exhausted to care what went on in their minds. Vanity was the thought that was least in her mind.

Quickening her pace, she finally walked out of the busy streets, and nearer to the housing division of Konoha. Sakura was mildly irritated by the long walking distance it took to reach the Hyuuga complex. Sure, she could jump from roof to roof; nevertheless it took more effort and concentration. Call her lazy, but thinking of the distance between roofs and force it took to jump was not appealing when not needed. Walking only needed direction and taking slow and easy steps; little to no effort at all.

While walking along, she saw the outline of the academy building. It grew larger and clearer every step she took until it was directly in her line of vision. Sakura looked at it more closely, the outside walls were newly painted and the tile roofs seemed new. She smiled sadly remembering how she wished she could study there. She wasn't allowed to go to the academy since she was given 'special training.' Sakura couldn't help but laugh. The sound was empty and haggard like walking on an old dusty path, leading to the place which you avoided so much that you flee from it just to feel escape.

Looking at the ancient school, Sakura couldn't help but think what could have happened if she was ordinary. Not born to a clan, even being a civilian felt highly tempting, but she could only hope. It was not likely to change nor could she alter what had happened. It was the past. Harsh reality; she realized that long ago.

Colorful could be used to describe her life so far.

She never had anything normal, not even as a ninja, so naturally, she was curious. The young Sakura liked spending her free time spying on academy students. Her favorite part was breaking-in to the training area.

On some occasions she was caught by some faculty staff. Those situations were very comical. She enjoyed the chase. They always had a difficult time in pursuing her, but once she took a wrong turn and eventually bumped to her Hyuuga sensei. She was lectured and punished for creating mischief. She endured the extra laps and training because for her it was all worth it because Sakura longed to study in the academy; it was freedom for her. She could shape herself to what she wanted to be free, to be great!

She overheard that great ninjas where molded and taught in that place. She wanted her own way of being ninja, her own oath. Sakura was always envious of those children, she considered them very lucky.

But now, she thought otherwise. Her rigorous training had kept her alive. It was very ironic that those tiring days had bore fruit.

Engrossed with her reminiscing, Sakura didn't notice that she had stopped walking and was staring intensely at the school. She was brought back to her senses by creaking iron gates because a Chunin was locking the entrance. He must have seen her staring and was kind enough to greet her with a kind smile.

Burning with embarrassment, Sakura felt very awkward. She acknowledged him by smiling slightly and greeting him, "good evening," before walking away quickly.

She made a metal note to look for Hinata later and tell the younger Hyuga that they need to concentrate more on training. Sakura felt rather guilty for slacking off but nevertheless she did see improvement from the heiress; Hinata was improving.

It wasn't as rigorous as Sakura's regimen of laps but at least Hinata was happy. Sakura knew how high their expectation is. Poor Hinata was under so much pressure. It was enough to traumatize even the strongest of individuals.

Sakura twitched as the cool breeze passed her. It stung.

That was when she noticed the beige fabric covering her shoulder was slowly replaced with thick red. Blood was seeping through the fine material of her top-like-kimono. Sakura felt uncomfortable so she fixed the collar and tightened the sash, securing it. The blood, her blood was staining her newly bought - she grimaced - rather costly shirt.

While mulling about her stained expensive article of clothing, Sakura was thinking deeply. She was a little worried, but irritation was more apparent in her current mood. They were moving too fast but she would solve that problem later. Disobeying her would mean her attention and gaining her attention would mean their slit necks or whatever fitting morbid punishment she could think of.

She tried to organize her thoughts, but failed miserably. Her mind was still going haywire, though it didn't show much. Her face was neutral but she could feel tension building up on her shoulders. Her mind was showing her too many scenarios and inventing hundreds of what if inquiries that were too impossible and just too creative for her logical and rational mind. Maybe… she was just overanalyzing again? She never had this much to think about. Maybe, it was the place. Konoha brought back so many memories she wanted to forget.

Was this her punishment? Sakura's eyes lowered her eyelids, her long lashes obscuring her green eyes. If it was, then karma truly is a bitch… but what did she expect, sunshine and rainbows?

Sighing, Sakura banished those thoughts and turned her attention to her bleeding arm. Being paranoid would only lead to stress and that she didn't need. She cursed audibly; that interrogator was good.

He knew the weaknesses of the body but he was greatly aware that Sakura relied on her mind. But he was holding back, his questions were too general…was he withholding information from her? They couldn't condemn her for murder or treason because they had insufficient evidence. Plus, they saw the killer run.

Correction, they saw one of them make a break for it. Sakura was careful to dispose of the corpse. They didn't need to know about that. It would ruin everything.

She shook her head. She knew that Ibiki-san (yes, she called him that) was very capable of breaking her with her disoriented mind, so she was cautious of his actions especially since her recent migraine attacks were getting worse. Sakura made sure her mental blocks were sturdy enough. Entering her mind would be like a walk in the park. What Sakura dreaded the most would be that her secrets would be laid on a silver platter, ready for him to be devoured. She kept her mind empty during the whole interrogation so now, she felt drained and exhausted.

She pursed her lips and made a sour expression; there was another incoming migraine.

Sakura exhaled when the pain went way. She was under much stress these days and getting things straight would really help her sleep-deprived mind before things get out of hand and her work down the drain.

As the smell of blood finally reached her nose, she found it foul and unpleasant and it broke her from her musing. Sakura held her shoulder; she would have to bandage that wound and treat the others when she reached the compound. She was sure that she still had gauze left in her pack. It was starting to bleed profoundly; she could even feel small droplets running down her arm; Sakura shuddered, not liking the feeling, the feeling of weakness, vulnerability. But she was powerful and they needed her, she assured herself. She was still useful and her skills were valuable. The mission was not and will not be sabotaged.

She clutched her wound and continued on her way, avoiding any kind of distraction. This was really not her day. Sighing hopelessly, Sakura kept her senses focused on her second shadow.

"You are excused. You may leave." The Hokage dismissed Neji. Sarutobi watched his subordinate bow respectfully before taking his leave.

They were growing fast, the new generation. When was the last time he punished Naruto for performing his pranks? He laughed. He was old and recent events only proved his age.

He had to praise the Hyuuga prodigy. The boy, Neji was one of Konoha's most accomplished ninja.

Lighting his pipe, Sarutobi blew ringlets into the air. He watched the smoke slowly disperse. The news was disturbing. It seemed that whoever was responsible clearly wanted to play with fire.

One death count, two bodies and numerous suspects. The Hokage sighed. "Troublesome", he thought. Murder cases were hardest to solve without proper evidence but Ibiki was confident of the killer…maybe, just maybe. Sarutobi hoped he could rest peacefully tonight.

Ibiki gave him confirmation on the culprits but he wasn't easily convinced. They killed him alright, but why Hotaro of all Hyuugas? He was a reserved man albeit rough on the edges. Neji was able to dig through his personal files. It was clean which only confused him more. Was it random murder?

Neji decided to head home. Maybe a good night's rest would help calm his nerves.

Sakura looked at the old cobble stones, all in faded colors of autumn. Her gaze followed until the road diverged into two.

A fork in the road…

There was the right or the left. She stopped walking and contemplated which road she should take, the left or the right?

Right or wrong…?

Leave or stay…?!

Betray or… BETRAY?

"Shut up!" She suddenly shouted. Sakura panicked; her eyes were wide and unfocused. Blinking rapidly, she tried to recover from the shock. "It's back!" she thought worriedly.

You left them…betrayed them!

Does it hurt?

Do you feel lonely?

Alone, you're A-LONE…!

'Fight it…that voice!' Sakura was clutching her head. It felt like exploding. That voice was haunting her, clouding her mind, devouring her whole. Her faced was contorted from the immense pain.

'Her eyes! They're Silver?' The speaker was shocked. He watched from where he was perched. He saw pure agony etched on her face. She was in a fetal position, trying to shield herself from the pain. He watched her, unblinking. 'What's wrong, Sakura?'


Sakura immediately open her eyes.


She touched her face.


'Blood?!' Thick liquid was trickling down her nostrils. She desperately wiped it away but it only stained her pale face.

You are cruel.

She was delusional.

Blood was everywhere, smeared on the trees and dripping on the branches. The smell was awful! There were even crimson blotches on the leaves. It was pooling on the ground.

She felt like drowning.

You deceive!

Her eyes, they were Green.

Now Silver

Then Green again

Back to Silver

It was controlling her, manipulating her senses, flinging her at all directions and squeezing her at the same time.

It was too much for her; bile rose to her mouth and she emptied her stomach but it was not over.

You hate…! Sakura was starting to weaken.

Her control was wavering. The chakra coiled around her body, enveloping her in a cocoon.

FREE ME! It demanded.

She was shaking, struggling to control her body. She was fighting internally. That voice, she would never listen to it. She would never believe! It was not true…or was she only fooling herself?

FREE ME! It was commanding.

'No! She would never allow it. She could not forgive herself.

Free me…

"No!" Sakura said it louder with all the conviction she possessed. She closed her eyes as strong winds rushed past her. Leaves twirled and shifted as dust flew everywhere.

Then, it vanished like a gust of wind. Sakura was left alone.

It was an odd sensation like floating in air. Sakura felt numb and detached from the world. She was clearly exhausted and ready to fall flat on the ground.

'No.' A rustle of leaves caught her attention. Her eyes hardened immediately - there was someone following her.

Slowly she stood up, swaying a few times, but she was persistent. Sakura closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. After a few short moments, she opened her once again clear green eyes. She wiped the blood from her nose. I bled too many times today she thought bitterly.

Watching the tress for any slight movement, Sakura kept her senses sharp as razors. Scrutinizing each direction, she found nothing.

'Odd…' She clearly felt something was amiss.

Not waiting for trouble, Sakura took off with lightning speed, jumping from one branch to the other. She didn't care if she collapsed at the gates of the compound as long as she reached there. Self preservation and panic filled her senses and alarm bells rang in her head.

She ran like there was no tomorrow.

Sorry guys…I was very lazy and how many months has it been? XD This was actually longer but I felt that cutting it would be best. I didn't want the chap to be dragging. Now, I'm working on a one-shot for a friend which she asked me to do like months ago. It based from a song and is in alternate universe.

Have you guys ever tried playing airsoft? It's just like paintball but instead of those big colorful balls of paint (I don't know what you call them) the ammo is much smaller and no stains. It hurts but it's FUN!!!

Thank You!!


Miss Chocolat


.'Sabaku No Annie'.








-ichigo 14-






Utsukushii Sakura







I am really touched because people were nagging and cheering me on to finally finish this. It's weird but it helped. Hehehe…THANK YOU for your reviews and support! YAY! 100 mark!!! If I 4got some1 tell me!!!

