I have finally decided to post my drabbles up on this account and since it's useless to have a 10 stories of 200 words or so, this will be my new place for all my little Drabbles!! One per chapter :D

And, in case you're wondering where the title came from, last night me Julie (who is also my official french translator :D. Read her stuff!!) gave me ten prompts to see how many I could do in thirty minutes...

I got five done in two hours. But that's not that point! And neither does it have anything to do with the title either, but Julie knows (and so do I), and this is for her. Thank you for everything (translations, inspirations and strange translated inspiring Disney music!). You're a true sweetheart.

(I'll post one every day or two until I have all that I've written, which is about ten or eleven so far...)

Something old I had forgotten I had... circa April 2006

Title: The innocence of Mr. H Potter
Author: MpregSpirit
Rating: G
Ship: Sirry
Warnings: Just a bit of fluff and arse-gropeing
Summary: Sirius never anticipated this...
Word: 200
Author's notes: A double drabble. I wrote a Snarry one for Marauders100 (In Sirius's POV) which ended in heartache for Mr. Black. So I wrote this because I can't very well let my Padfoot suffer...

The innocence of Mr. H Potter

It started innocently enough. A bit of harmless flirting. A hand on a thigh here, a grope of the arse there. Just a bit of fun. Or so Sirius thought. Harry however, had a different idea.

Had he known his Godson was so inexperienced in such matters, things might have gone differently. But Sirius realised too late. And when he did, it was too late to pull out. Clear as day, obvious as the scar on his forehead, Harry was smitten.

Still, he'd shrugged it off. Thought he'd get over it. Never had he dreamed that Harry would act on it. It was so, bold. Not like him at all. But he had.

A moonlit ride on his newly repaired motorbike. Harry had been scared at first, hanging onto him a bit tighter than necessary. But once he'd gotten used to the feeling, he'd laughed and started to enjoy it like Sirius knew he would. They'd stopped to hover a clearing and were looking over a beautiful open stretch of land when Sirius felt it. A press of soft warm lips against the side of his neck.

And he hadn't pulled away.

Well, things had only gotten better from there on….
