Long time since update huh? Gomen, please bare with me?
Happy New Years guys!
Hope you guys like this chappie~
The Girl and The Twins
It's so hot.
It feels like I'm being barbequed.
I take in a breath and coughed, my throat itched and burned like I swallowed rocks or cups of sand. I take in another breath before quickly bolting up.
I can breathe again!
Why…had I not breathed earlier?
I took in another eager breath as if I haven't been breathing for a while, feeling confused why I was feeling this way.
"What happened?"
"H-How do you know my name?" The stutter returned to my voice as my heart leapt uneasily into my stomach. The sand started to pull me down even more and that's when I finally noticed that I was only up to my waist now. She was already up to her mid thighs.
It's okay.
She repeated again and this time I couldn't deny her mesmerizing voice anymore. I stopped fighting and slid down to her and getting closer to the dark mouth, its endless pit looking even more frightening.
Right when I thought I was going to fall in it, I felt her hand grab mines.
It sent shivers through my body. Her was so cold yet so warm and it felt so the flutter of a butterfly's wings on my hand. A strange burning sensation exploded from our touch yet it didn't hurt me. I looked up just to see her smile in time before the sand washed over my face, eating all the air my lungs were clinging onto desperately. And when i though this was it, a light flashed and my body glowed tingling from the touch that the foreign hand in mines were making.
My vision went black.
I gasped, feeling goose bumps prickle down my skin as I looked down at me.
"I'm okay? I'm okay." I mumbled, feeling astounded, brushing the grainy blanket of hot sand off me. I blinked as my fingers came to brush a silky fabric. I lifted my legs out from under the sand to see a familiar looking kimono.
"So familiar." I whispered, feeling a strange bittersweet moment of déjà vu washing over me.
A figure in the distance caught my attention. She wore a long elegant kimono that dragged onto the sand to make a distinct trail behind her. It looked so beautiful and detailed; I couldn't help but stare with envy. It was a soft but bright lavender with silver and white designs on it. On each of the sleeves were different majestic faces of dragons that wrapped around and intertwined with the rest of the kimono. The bow wrapping around her waist to keep the kimono together looked like it was made of delicate see through silk or a big ribbon that trailed to the ground after her. It looked almost like a princess' outfit. So perfect and beautiful yet not over done like a puffy prom dress.
A shiny glint caught my eye and I noticed what seemed like a delicate crystal crown adorned on the figure's dark head. She looked to be around 15, 16, or 17. She couldn't be any older than that. She looked so fragile, delicate, and petite. She was so pale, standing out against the barren and tanned land around her. She stopped for a moment and I felt my breath catch in my throat.
Did she see me? Could she?
Her long black hair fell close to her knees, mingling with the soft breeze as she should still. Her hair fell around her like black ribbons made of silk. She was just so beautiful. The girl turned around to face me very briefly and I felt a cold, piercing chill run down my spine.
I couldn't see her face.
It was blurred but I couldn't help but still get the feeling that she was beautiful.
"Everything's coming back to me." I stood up quickly, feeling a sense of insecurity grab hold of my insides. I searched the area around me but to only see endless rivers and hills of yellow.
"A-Am…I-Is this all some crazy dream?" I stood unsure, hands ready to defend.
I'm wearing a kimono like the girl I saw earlier before.
Except this one was a different color. A color that kind of made me uneasy for some reason.
Blood red.
Who exactly wears this kind of color in the desert?
I mean I'm not exactly superstitious but…this does not feel right at all.
Speaking of who…where's the girl?
"Hinata." Her voice sent shivers wrecking through my body. I gulped and turned around to meet her heavy gaze.
Odd…especially how she had no eyes.
At least none that I can see still.
"Welcome back home." I can feel her smile through her heavenly voice, crawling and dancing down my spine.
"Home?" I asked unsurely, stepping towards her. "What do you…mean?"
She raised her hand gracefully to her mouth with so little effort, it left me in wonders. She laughed, a laugh so soft so musical…yet why did it feel so sad?
"Yes. Your home." She paused to look around the seemingly barren wasteland. "Our…home I suppose."
I didn't understand anything. I stared at her harder, trying to figure out what is going on. That's when I noticed she was also wearing a blood red kimono such as me.
Except…it looked even more familiar seeing it on her. Her waistband was silver and shimmering beautifully. Her trimmings and designs were in a light blue and silver. It was gorgeous actually now that I'm really looking at it but it fit her so perfectly .
She noticed my stare and turned her head at me. "You like it?" I felt her smile in my ears as she lifted the bottom and twirled gracefully.
"U-Um yes." I felt a blush crawl across my cheeks in embarrassment as I looked down at the same kimono I was wearing. I slid my hands over the soft dress in quiet admiration, finally taking in all the tiny details.
It feels so comfortable and it's so beautiful. Something I would never wear at home. I would never be good enough for it.
"I thought you would love it too." I looked up in confusion.
"Really?" I said… feeling not quite right to how she worded her statement. She nodded and smiled again as she fixed up the kimono for me, her delicate fingers felt like a butterfly's touch yet again.
"Yes…" She whispered, looking past my shoulders as if caught in thought all of the sudden. "I just knew you would."
Her smile felt small and unreachable in my ears.
"How…did you know I would like it?" I smiled, hoping to cheer up the beautiful girl in front of me.
She looked down at me, sending cold waves in my body. I felt like I was fighting a tsunami as I struggled to look back at up her…faceless face.
"Because…I loved it." She said softly. I didn't know what to say. Her words seemed normal enough to me.
"It was my, well, our favorite dress." She brushed a finger through my gritty locks, wrecked with sand as they tumbled down my bare shoulders in seemingly golden clumps.
"Ours?" I asked quietly, seeing her troubled expressions through her movements and voice.
She raised my arm and placed her slightly bigger hand on my palm as she interlaced our fingers.
"Nevermind me, I'm just happy to have company in such a long time." She whispered, her skin feeling semi warm and cold at the same time. My heart all of the sudden jolted as my stomach flipped as our skin seem to tingle until it was unbearable to ignore it as it began to feel like it was going to merge into one sole hand from our two very separate beings. "But Hinata, you must listen and watch for there is danger coming."
"W-what? What do you mean?" I stuttered, my insides crawling as she stared down at me. There was a sense of waiting in the air. A strange tone of horror and terror. A delicate twist of malice and bitter sweetness yet again.
I tried to yank my hand away from her and run away but her grip was no match for me.
"N-Nani?" I yelled, panicking as I struggled to get away from…from whatever the thing was in front of me! "L-Let go of me!"
I tugged and fought against her, I kicked at the sand and screamed but nothing worked.
She didn't even budge or seem fazed. She was as petite as I. As delicate and weak looking as any other…princess. The glorious crystal crown on her head glinted in my eyes as if staring down at me sadly. I blinked out of my stupor and turned to stared at the incredible being in front of me.
"What are you?" I shouted, feeling a bit rude and maybe mean and against the way I usually am but I couldn't help it. Something was bothering me and pulling me inside out as if it wanted to rip my ribcage open and scream in my face.
"Hinata." She held my shoulder with her left hand to stop my thrashing, her touch settled the storm of seas inside of me just like that. "Calm down. I promised to tell you everything did I not?"
I paused and I must have seemed unsure to her because she pleaded, "Please Hinata. This is important!"
"Alright, but what is going on? Because…you're honestly kind of scaring me….and believe me…I've seen way too many things." I laughed nervously, trying to smooth over the rest of my frazzled nerves. She seemed to have blinked or just have stood there peering at me after my statement.
"Well, if that is so. Then I'm afraid I will have to show you something that may even be more frightening."
I looked at her questionably but nodded anyway, what else could I say?
"Great. This will be of great help to your journey Hinata…" I could not ignore her heavy yet airy hand on my shoulder, the conflicting warm and cold, the strange tingling sensation that felt like her hand was going to fuse into me.
"What do you mean good for my journey?" I asked, confused but then all of the sudden I felt sick. My stomach churned and dropped as the sky swirled and the sand shifted as my head cracked and screamed, dropping me to my knees under the searing hot sun.
I gasped, reaching for air as my lungs quivered and shook under some sort of pressure. I soon started to gag as my skin started to burn.
Whats happening?
I collapsed unto the fiery blanket underneath me, its golden kisses searing my face as I dug my fingers desperately under the hot layer, to where my fingers can breeze through the coolness of the earth below. My head was pulsing rapidly as my vision started to blur and lights started to shot by, my lips started to feel heavy and lost all feel as I tried to desperately kick the insanity back into the sands of the hells it belonged to.
My body withered and contorted as I shook uncontrollably, gagging, as my nails scraped at the bitter grains until they bled.
No-I-I-I I can't go like this!
But before I could claw at the insides of my brain to concoct of an idea, any idea, that could save my life… sweet, sweet oxygen kissed my lips once more and just like that, all the energy, the air I needed; came back rushing into me.
It was the second time I felt like I had drowned today. My body froze for a few minutes, sprawled out unkemptly as it started to relax and take in the ample amount of oxygen it had dearly missed. Half of my face was buried in the cooler parts of the sand while the other half burned under the intensity of the golden topaz perched up high in the blue silk.
It wasn't until another minute or two did I remember why I was here.
And with who.
I shot up, almost doubling over again when the headache slammed back, protesting at my sharp movement. I gripped my forehead, my eyes almost instantly spotting something moving down the hill I was laying on. It was…like a small town with a small palace in the distance. Moving? My brain must be fried.
I looked around and saw no one other than me. Where is the girl?
I stood up slowly, skidding down the hill as I cautiously ran towards the town. The soft, shifty ground was starting to get firmer by the minute as the sound of sweet refreshing water running nearby, cracked my bleeding lips. My tongue was dry as the ground and hurt to touch even the air.
I wasn't gone for that long have I?
"Princess!" A voice shouted behind me. The sky swirled and dropped on me as my head turned against my will. It was happening again. My heart quickened and my mouth feel open as I staggered to regain my balance. The large teal eyes staring down at me looked so real, so bright, so full of life. The woman was dressed in a short, mobile yellow and pink kimono. Just like...
"A-Asami?" The name went down my throat like someone had shoved a rock down me. My hands went cold as the girl giggled, her hand playing with the amber locks as the wind whispered by.
"Who else? Princess, we've been looking all over for you! Amaya's worried sick-" A blur of a night blue and forest green kimono interupted her.
"Princess!" It was...Amaya. Her gorgeous amber eyes sparkling as her cheeks flushed and with teal hair in slight disarray, but making the woman look even more beautiful and enchanting.
"Hah! See, she's worried sick about you Princess!" Amaya's face turned red and I gasped. They look so real. Would I be able to touch them?
"As if you weren't either!" Amaya hissed, raising a familiar crystal sword threateningly at her twin. Asami blushed lightly and thats when I noticed her sword strapped to her back.
"At least I'm not the one with a big crush on the hime." I blushed and so did Amaya, even more so. A crush? Am I the hime?
"I'm not the only one either.." Amaya hissed and that quieted Asami.
"How did you-" The twin gasped, her eyes widening as her face painted scarlet. Amaya smirked, "We're twins. You don't think I know what you're thinking? Idiot." I watched, my head muddled as the two bickered on and on just like always.
"Let's just get the princess back to her room for the banquet tonight." Amaya said with a sly smile after wining the fight. She grabbed my porcelein hand in her golden kissed one and smiled sweetly at me. My face heated up from the rare gesture, Amaya's just so beautiful. Her touch burned my hand, maybe its because her skin was soft and feel of it surprised me. Asami grabbed my arm and giggled into my ear, her hot breath sending shivers down my spine.
"Hai, Hai."
Amaya's warm hand reminded me that there was blood running through her body. And Asami's hot breath reminded me that ghosts cannot breathe like that.
"Asami? Amaya?"
"Hai?" Their voices chimed, the heat of their body so real, so perfect, so...alive.
Sorry to end in such a cliff hanger! guess you'll have to keep on reading!~