"A new mission?" Sasuke looked questioningly at his teacher.

"Yup. We're to report to Tsunade-sama ASAP. The silver-haired jounin said to his ANBU team.


After Sasuke had killed Orochimaru, he had returned to Konoha only to find that Naruto was going to be the Rokudaime. This didn't really bother the onyx eyed-boy, considering he had never aspired to be Hokage like the blonde had. But after discussing with Tsunade and the council the real reasons for his actions, Sasuke found himself facing one year probation: That meant no missions. But he would be completely reaccepted into Konoha, and put back with his old team. That had been when Sasuke was 14.

Team 7 had changed a lot in his absence. Sakura was now a young woman, and Sasuke couldn't keep himself from sneaking peeks at her-ahem-well developed body. She was the best med-nin in the village, next to Tsunade, and could usually be found hanging around the Hospital or the Yamanaka Flower Shop, talking to her once-again best friend, Ino.

Sakura had also inherited Tsunade's insane strength, which she proceeded to use whenever Naruto said something too stupid. She had lost her fangirly attitude towards her glacial teammate, which only served to intrigue the ice cube even more.

Naruto's changed had been the most dramatic. Yes, he was still the same idiot everyone knew and loved, but was… different somehow. He acted more seriously, and thought about his actions and words before using them. Of course, sometimes things just slipped out, and Sakura had to put him in his place.

But whenever the blonde was distressed about something, he could usually be found on the Hokage monument, sitting atop the fourth's head.

Apparently, soon after Sasuke had shoved a chidori through his best friend's chest, Naruto had been told of his heritage. His father was the Fourth Hokage, a man who had valiantly sacrificed his own son for the safety of an entire village. His mother was Uzumaki Kushina, an ANBU who was respected by the whole city, and named "The Fire Dancer" for her bright red hair and the way that she seemed to be dancing when she fought.

At first, Naruto was angry that this had been kept from him for so many years. Upon hearing that his father had wanted him to be a hero, the blonde boy had laughed grimly, and thought back to all the times the citizens of Konoha had called him "demon-child" and "monster". Eventually, and with help from Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Iruka and Sakura, Naruto realized that no matter how much he bitched and moaned about it, nothing would change on it's own. That only made his desire to be respected stronger.

This was also around the time that Sakura was told the true story of the Kyuubi.

She took it rather well. She was shocked at first, but that soon changed to sympathy and love towards her blonde teammate. She became a sort of sister to him, and the two had a sibling complex, making him ecstatic.

When Sasuke was told of the Kyuubi upon his return, needless to say he was shocked (not that he showed it). But he had always wondered where the blonde's seemingly endless chakra flow came from. He accepted Naruto for what he was, and treated him no differently, much to his best friend's joy and annoyance.

Another change that greeted the stoic boy when he returned was that Naruto had a girlfriend. About a month after Naruto returned from training with Jiraiya, Hyuuga Hinata had confessed her love for him. She was thrilled to find that he harbored similar feelings towards her, and the two began to date.

Of course Hiashi was devastated that his eldest daughter was going out with the demon of the village, and demanded that they break up. Hinata made him a deal. If she could fight with Hanabi (who was currently the strongest Hyuuga in the main branch, next to Hiashi himself) and win, she could be with Naruto all she wanted. If she lost, then she would break up with the blonde and never speak to him again. Hiashi, seeing no way he could possibly lose, accepted this deal.

Hinata spent the month she had before the fight training under her friends. Tenten taught her all about weapons, Kiba and Shino helped her sharpen her senses besides sight, Lee taught her some taijutsu, Sakura helped her chakra control, and Naruto helped her with focusing her chakra (this surprised everyone, for no one thought of the blonde as very focused) into power for attacks.

Well, love must be a very powerful thing, because Hinata beat her sister in less than 15 minutes. Her father, upon seeing this, decided that her remarkable power must have been due to his own training, and proclaimed her the rightful heir to the Hyuuga clan. Naruto was thrilled for her, but Hinata could've cared less. She was just happy that she could keep seeing her blonde boyfriend for as long as she wanted.

When Hinata was told the true story of the Kyuubi no Youko, Naruto feared of losing his love. But Hinata just welcomed him with open arms and a passionate kiss. It was then that Naruto knew that he truly had a family within the walls of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.


Sasuke spent his year of probation training, because A) He still needed to kill Itachi, and B) He was no longer the strongest ninja in Konoha (that would be Naruto). Immediately after his probation ended, Sasuke took the Chuunin, then Jounin exams (passed relatively easily). Six months later, the reunited Team 7 took the ANBU exams.

In Naruto's words- well, some of them are a bit too colorful to display here, but it was harder than the three great Sannin's training combined. It tested your intelligence, ability to think on your feet, grace, strength and teamwork, all things which could be the difference between living and dying.

But all three jounin passed, and were imprinted with tattoo's and issued the standard uniform and mask. They were currently the youngest ANBU in Konoha.

Naruto's mask was a white fox with gold whiskers (Sasuke's only thought was, 'How appropriate.') Even the usual line for the mouth seemed to be turned up slightly, as if the mask was laughing at a very funny inside joke. At the ceremony, Tsunade had told the blonde boy that the fox represented cunningness, as well as the ability to think on your feet.

Sakura's mask was a pink, white and gold Japanese dragon, with small, but intricate details. There were swirls and lines all over it, giving it a fierce, yet calm look. Tsunade had said that the dragon represented the wisdom of one thousand ages past, and a bright outlook for the future.

Sasuke's mask was a bear. The mask was completely black, excepting two short thin gold lines that ran a little below the eye holes (which Sasuke couldn't find a reason for other than decoration.) The Hokage had told him that it symbolized power and desire for a good fight.

"Okay then, let's go!" Naruto said, already speeding towards the Hokage tower. He burst through Tsunade's door, his sensei and teammates not far behind.

"Baa-chan! What's our new mission?" The hyperactive ninja yelled. The fifth Hokage twitched at the nickname.

"Stop calling me that!" She yelled back, even though everyone knew there was something wrong if Naruto didn't call the woman by her nickname. It was his way of telling everyone that he was upset about something, and needed space, or time to think.

Tsunade sat back down in her chair, sighing.

"Anyway, your next mission is S-class undercover protection." Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed slightly. He didn't want to be stuck babysitting some little snot nosed brat. The busty woman laced her fingers together, then stared at the group seriously.

"Recently I got word of a family of people called the Sohmas, who currently reside in a different part of Japan. There are two sets of Sohmas, the majority of them on the Outside. But those of the Inside know of the family's terrible secret. 13 members of the Sohma family are cursed by the spirits of the Chinese zodiac. They become these animals whenever their body is weak, or hugged by a member of the opposite sex." The room was silent until Naruto spoke.

"So they're kind of like me, ne Baa-chan?" He asked quietly. Tsunade nodded solemnly.

"That's why we're so worried about them. We're afraid that the Akatsuki might go after them like they've gone after you and Gaara before. You will be attending the same high school as a few of the Sohmas, and will get close to them. It will be much easier to protect them if they already trust you. I have already spoken to the head of the family, and he will be awaiting your arrival. Use whatever means necessary to make sure you stay with them. Here they are."

The three ANBU were each handed a picture and a file. Naruto had an angry looking boy with bright orange hair, Sakura had a very pretty silver-haired boy and Sasuke had a brown-haired, clue-less looking girl.

"This is Sohma Kyo, Sohma Yuki, and Honda Tohru. All the information you will need is in the files. Tell them whatever you wish about yourselves without giving away your true purposes, and only tell the truth in a dire situation where it cannot be avoided." The Godaime put her hands down on her desk.

"Tsunade-sama, if you don't mind me asking, why would you chose the three youngest ANBU in the village to on an S-class mission like this?" Sakura asked her sensei. Tsunade smiled.

"You three are my best ANBU, young or not. You have great teamwork and compliment each other beautifully." She gestured to Sasuke.

"Raw power." Then Sakura.

"Wisdom." And finally, Naruto.

"And an overwhelming sense of what is right." She looked at them, pride shining in her eyes.

"That is why you are going."


Disclaimer: I don't even own my own computer, much less two fantastic anime/manga series that are loved by millions of people all over the world.

Hey guys, thanks for reading the first chapter of A Cat, A Rat, and A Kunai!!!!! I'm so unbelievably happy that I finished this. I had the first chapter all typed up and ready to go, then my stupid computer erased it!!!!!! Grrrrr… dumb piece of machinery…

Anyway, I'll try to update soon, but I have school and all. You know the drill. Reviews sometimes help me write, though. HINT HINT!!!!!!!!! I know this chapter is mostly information, but it's important for later, so I thought I might as well get it out of the way. SEE YOU NEXT TIME!!!!!