A/N: eah this is a one-shot. it might be a two shot or chapter fic if i can actually be bothered to make more stuff up for it... neways! enjoy!

It was an outrageous dare. It was a stupid dare. It was almost infantile and yet I am doing this. It all started with a short remark as we passed those impressive gates that held all the richest, wealthiest and prestigious children.


"Hey, hey! Isane! Did you hear?" Karin rushed next to me as she continued in a hushed but excited voice. "Ouran is having a festival soon! A masquerade ball!" She sighs dramatically, holding her hands close to her chest feigning a fainting spell. "Oh the grandeur! The romance! To be swept off your feet by a handsome stranger!" I shake my head almost patronizingly, that girl has her head too high up in the clouds for her own good.

"Yeah sure. Did you get an invite?" I ask sarcastically, hitching my bag higher onto my shoulder. She pulls me to a stop by my arm and turns me around to face her.

"That's beside the point Isane!" She pouts, I snort at her reaction and continued walking home. I've got work to do.

"Come on Karin, I've got to go home to do my homework and you've got to get to work in an hour." She stomps her foot in an indignant rage.

"Don't you want to know what it's like?" She asks me slyly, slipping her arm into mine.

"That's beside the point Karin." I answer evenly, "The fact is that no one outside the college is permitted entry and if you're from outside the college you've got to have an invite." By this point in time we've turned a corner and just like everyday, we pass the grand gates to Ouran High School. At this time of the day, there were black limos everywhere picking up their expensive charges from school.

Gaggles of giggling girls dressed in the mandatory canary yellow dress that identified them as part of Ouran pass us as they glide into the opened car doors of their family limos or whatnots.

"How about a dare Isane?" Karin asks me devilishly, pulling me closer to her as she whispered her dare into my ear. As we pass the gates of Ouran the girls part, moving away from us. But the rudeness of their actions doesn't bother me today. My eyes are wide with shock and dare I say it? Excitement. It was Karin's dare.

Dress up and pretend to be a student in Ouran. It's a masquerade so no one will ever see your face! It's the perfect crime!

Dare I take it? It has always been like this since we were young, Karin would dare me to do something and I'd do it. Or I'd dare Karin and she'd do it. There's not a whole heap you can do when you don't have much to spend. She's dared me to steal stuff – just small stuff and I've done it; no big deal. And so has she, but pretend to be someone else? Pretend to be a nonexistent student? They'll know for sure! Not just ten or twenty minutes but a whole evening! I can't pull that off!

I tell that to Karin straight off the bat.

"But it'll be fine! There's a million students in Ouran, no one will notice one person!" I give her an incredulous look and she amends her statement. "Ok, not a million but more than enough for you to slip in and pretend you're one of the crowd!"

"How do I get past security then?" I hiss at her, though this plan was a very bad one I could feel the old excitement build. It's been awhile since our last dare and this one went off the charts in terms of ridiculousness and danger.

"I'll distract them! You just make up some believable story about not having your ID and say you're in class 5D. Once you finish with that I'll do something and distract them while you smile politely and walk calmly in. Easy as pie!" She declares triumphantly.

"What if you get caught?" I ask.

"I won't. That's the beauty of it." She says winking at me.

"What if I get caught?" I ask her, emphasising the fact that I'm not that good a liar as she is.

"Don't worry! I'll make sure you aren't. Leave it to me Isane, all you have to do is pass yourself as one of them for a night and it'll be a dare done." I stop and turn to her, my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"What do I get out of this seriously flawed dare?"

"I'll do your homework for a week! No, a month!"

"Just homework? How can I be sure you're going to do it well?" Which is true, I usually do my homework better.

"Ok! Forget the homework idea! How about I get my mum to make you the dress for the ball and everything – for free, and I make you lunch for a month!"

"You really want me to do this don't you?" I ask her seriously

"Yes…" She answers, a slight blush creeping across her face.

"Why? Why don't you do it?" I ask almost whining.

"Because they won't believe me if I say I'm a student!" She insists, while pulling me along.

"Why not?" I question her.

"Just because Ok!" She lashes out angrily. I know why and I won't bring it up.

"Will it make you happy if I do this?" I ask, taking in a deep breath.

"Most probably." She answers trying to suppress a grin. She knows I'm going to agree when I haven't even said anything yet. I let out an internal sigh of defeat.

"Fine…" And with that one word, I've just altered the course of my life.


I'm standing in Karin's room at the present moment, dressed in the dress her mother had designed and sewed up for me in the span of three weeks. Her mother is phenomenal. That is all I can say.

"It looks gorgeous on you Isane!" Karin gushes with stars in her eyes. She might have been over reacting but it did look nice. It has a stiff bodice covered with a black gauzy material and a pre-made blood rose sewed onto the top right side of the bodice. The dress puffs gently out thanks to the yards and yards of tulle that has been sewn into the under layer of the dress. The top layer of the dress is of the same black gauzy material as on the bodice and it was cut so that it gradually got lower and lower until it touched the ground and made a trail behind me. Extra material had been sewn on to the back of the dress so that it looked like more material was trailing behind me. A thick band of black satin ribbon had been sewn on to the waistline of the dress, tied as a generous bow and stitched on as decoration.

"Look at you! The Belle of the ball." Karin's mother gushes in pride at her work.

"Thank you Mrs. Kano, for making such a beautiful dress." I thank her bashfully. Karin pushes me down onto her dressing table chair and instructs me not to move as she worked on the make up.

"What's the use?" I had complained earlier, "I'll be wearing a mask anyway!"

"Think of it as extra disguise." Karin advised me.

Once the last touches to my eye lids with the dark shimmering shadow was complete, Karin moved on to my lips, painting it a peach pink. She had already made my skin look paler than usual with the foundation and with the dark eye shadow and light peach pink lips it was a startling look. I couldn't even say I really recognised myself. She was right after all. It is another layer of disguise.

"I'm done." She says almost reverently, she hands me the mask that covered the top of my face but not my lips. I carefully slipped the mask on, pulling the elastic behind my hair, which had been carefully pinned to the side with small bobby pins decorated with a small smattering of black flowers.

The dark shimmering eye shadow is visible from the eyeholes that had been shaped to accentuate a feminie almost feline look. With the mask in place I couldn't even recognise myself.

"Show time." Karin whispers into my ear. I nod mutely, rise from my seat and followed her out. She hands me a black purse, explaining its purpose.

"That's your escape route. Mobile phone and taxi fare. Remember, if you use either you've lost the dare."

"Ok, ok." We know the rules.

"If you can get in by yourself I won't do anything but you know the signal." I nod in affirmation and let her lead me out the front door.

"Girls!" Karin's mother comes rushing to us, "You forgot the wrap!"

"Thanks for remembering mum!" Karin thanks her mother gratefully before pulling the silky thin wrap around my shoulders. She takes a step back and Karin's mother reaches forward to give me a hug.

"Tonight, from now on, you aren't Isane Tanake who lives on the other side of the city the daughter of a local blacksmith and nurse. Tonight you are Isane Tanake daughter to a chairman in a major mining company and daughter to the heiress of a health conglomerate." I nod my head giving Karin's mother a tight hug.

Karin accompanies me as far as the gates, which were incidentally left wide open. But no one was on the front drive. Am I late? I hope I am. Karin hugs me quickly before pushing me past the gates.

You are Isane Tanake daughter to a chairman in a major mining company and daughter to the heiress of a health conglomerate. So act like her.

As I approach the main building I can see two large security details, blocking the main and only as far as I'm concerned entry into the building. Why didn't we look for other ways in?

Once the security men were alerted of my presence they moved in closer and took a step out to me.

"Can we help you Miss?" One burly guy asks. I slip into my persona and begin my performance.

"Oh yes, I'm to attend the masquerade ball." I say with authority. You are Isane Tanake daughter to a chairman in a major mining company and daughter to the heiress of a health conglomerate.

"Can we see some ID?" The other security guy asks. I feign looking through my purse and frowned at appropriate times muttering about 'where did I leave that card…' after awhile I stopped and turned to the guards looking dismayed.

"I'm afraid I've left it at home… I was in a terrible rush as mother was out shopping with our only chuffer. She forgot the time and got home late by then I was running so late I just picked up my purse and left without checking." I opened my eyes wide and pleaded with him through my eyes.

"I am from class 5D and I was invited. I just left my ID at home…" I murmured as much like a lady in distress as possible.

"I'm sorry Miss, but we can't let anyone in without an ID." One of the security men said firmly.

"Oh, but it's not possible for me to return home right now Sir!" I fret like a sickeningly sweet lady in distress. My performance was enough to make me hurl but like all good actresses I keep in character.

"Why not Miss?"

"The chuffer left saying that he will come back once the ball is over! And I have no phone to contact him on. Oh won't you let me in?" I make my eyes tear up but not enough to make them fall. Tears and eye make up is a no-no. In the dim lighting, I know my eyes are shining like bright orbs of water on a moon lit night.

"Sorry Miss…" One of them says regretfully.

"But we can't let you in." the other says gruffly. Now I turn on the princess tantrum. God – I should be an actress…

"You are going to let me stay out here until the end of the ball?! In this cold?" I raise my voice several pitches to show my growing irritation with what my character will consider low trash. But I know they're only doing their jobs…

Isane Tanake who lives on the other side of the city the daughter of a local blacksmith and nurse. Is feeling mighty guilty, but the Isane Tanake daughter to a chairman in a major mining company and daughter to the heiress of a health conglomerate is feeling irritated.

"Is anything the matter?" A bright cheerful voice asks from behind. The two security men stand straighter up in attention and greet the new comer.

"Master Suou." Master? I slowly turn around to see a cheerful blonde with blue eyes. This would be a good opportunity to gain entry into the ball. A small part of my brain nudged. I feign a faint spell much like how Karin would do and latch onto the new comer's arm. Who ever he was, he had power over these goons.

"Oh! Master Suou! These brutes won't let me into the ball!" I did my tearing up trick and it got him tearing up too. This guy is easy!

"What's the matter? Can't you see she is here for the ball?" he berates the security men before turning to me, "You look beautiful Miss!" I blush involuntarily, that must have made me look more the damsel in distress as he turns to the security men.

"Let her in!"

"But she has no ID Master Suou!" One of them argues.

"Which class are you in Miss?" I give him my wide baby eyes and answer,


"There you go, she's a student of this school – what's the big problem?" By now I had detached myself from his arm and hiding behind him as if I needed any of his protection. He offers me the crook of his elbow and I take it with a slight surprise that the mask hid well.

"In any case, Miss…" he trails off once he realised he has no idea who I am.

"Isane." I supply him

"Miss Isane will be coming in with me." The security men had no choice but to let me in. I resist the urge to stick my tongue out at them but instead walk with small lady like steps in to the main building with someone apparently called 'Master Suou'.

The interior literally rendered me speechless. Sparkling crystal chandeliers hung down from the high ceilings, beautiful and no doubt rich people were dancing to the waltz the quartet were playing. The stairs down to the dance floor was carpeted with thick red carpet and the staircases leading down were made of solid oak wood.

The blonde named Master Suou took a slight bow to me just as the quartet was starting on a new piece.

"Would Miss Isane like to dance?" He asks graciously. Oh god! What do I do?! I've never danced before!!!

I hide my fear and translate that into bashfulness, casting my eyes down and answering demurely.

"If Master Suou wishes. But I must warn you I am not good at dancing at all!"

"Don't worry about that! You'll be perfectly fine." He reassures me with a smile and leads me down with his hand on the small of my back. Half way down the steps large numbers of people were turning to stare at us. My back was prickling with fear. They know I don't belong! But I quell that thought with my character.

Once on the dance floor he took my hand confidently and started to lead the waltz. Dancing never felt so… effortless…

"And you were saying you were a bad dancer? I beg to differ. You glide so effortlessly. And you look stunning." Another blush more furious than the one before ran across my face. He notices the redness on my face and smiles even more.

"Oh! You look so cute with that blush!" with that I turned even redder.

"Oh… no, please you're making me feel embarrassed." But deep down my heart was fluttering like a frantic bird caught in a cage desperate to leave.

"What is your name if I may be so bold as to ask?" He inquires politely. I can't lie! Nor can I tell him the truth!

"Isane is good enough for tonight is it not? It is a masquerade ball after all."

"I suppose you are right." He admits grudgingly, but cheering up almost immediately. What a strange person…

"Your dress is beautiful, where did you get it?" He asks admiringly. Oh what I would give for this to be my real life.

"It's a secret." I say secretively, giving him and "I-know-something-you-don't-know' smile. Which I actually do.

"Come on, tell me!" He insists good-naturedly.

"No, I'm sorry but tonight is a night of secrets remember?" I tease him, my humour coming out on it's own.

"Tamaki Senpai?" Some one taps on my partner's shoulder stopping our dance. "We have the host meeting now… if you'll come soon?" To my regret he lets me go and bows an apology.

"I am so sorry but I have to leave. Please, enjoy yourself." I smile and shake my head.

"No, I should say thank you. Thank you for giving me so much of your time. And I will enjoy my time here." I give him a slight bow and turn away, making my way through dancing partners. I find some doors leading out onto a balcony and the chill air makes goose bumps rise along my arms. I stand there for a while letting the cold air wake me up.

What am I doing? Pretending is so much easier than I thought it would be. If I'm not careful I might say something that will get me found out. Staying out here as long as possible would be a good idea. And so I stood out there for a while, not caring if I caught a cold or not. At least I was away from direct contact with other people minimising the risk of me being found out.

"Miss Isane?" A different voice inquires from behind. Such a vast difference between the sweet voice of the blond haired angel and this new one. I turn around, the tulle making light ruffling sounds as they brush against the balcony banister.

"Yes?" I ask the dark shadow at the door way, though I cannot see his face for I am sure this voice belonged to a he could not see me nor I see him, I felt as though all my layers of disguise had been pulled off and all my secrets were there for the world to see. I do not like how this feels.

"I am certain I have not meet you, what does your parents do?" My parents? Don't you ask about the person to find out about the individual?

"Is my parents occupation of such interest to you?" I ask coldly, taking a step toward the now decidedly menacing dark silhouette to prove to him I was not afraid of him. Even though shivers of fear were running up and down my spine. Stop it! He can sense fear! You are Isane Tanake daughter to a chairman in a major mining company and daughter to the heiress of a health conglomerate. Not that he has to know. This is a masquerade ball for God's sake!

I set my lips stiff and confronted the very person who could find me out.

"When finding out about a person is it not natural to ask about them first and foremost before of their parents?" He seems to be taken aback. Oh no. Did I say something wrong? Something a rich person wouldn't say?

"It is natural to want to know the roots of a person before knowing the person."

"Do defective roots mean a defective plant?" I ask curtly.

"Yes." The curt tone bounces back to me. I go for a different tack.

"Pleased to meet you. I am Isane. And you might be?" I ignore everything he has said and pretend nothing had happened. I'm starting a clean slate.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Pleased to meet you. I am Isane. And you might be?" I repeat myself with patience whilst still holding out my hand. The new comer takes my hand with suspicion before replying,

"Pleased to meet you Miss Isane. I am Kyoya Ootori." He dips his head down and brushes his lips against my hand in greeting. I retract my hand gently, the slight contact sending warning signals through my body. This man is dangerous.

Ootori… why have I heard that name before… then it hits me. The Ootori Conglomerate! It owns the hospital my mother works at! Oh dear God. Things cannot get any worse.

"Who are you Miss Isane?" He asks me outright. I keep my fear from showing.

"It does not matter who I am but who I am now. It is a masquerade ball and everyone can be anyone else they wish to be." I answer calmly.

"What are you hiding?"

"Nothing that concerns you. After all – don't we have secrets we rather no one else knew?" I look him briefly in his dark onyx eyes before pushing past him into the brightly lit ballroom. I'm shaken to the core but I don't look it. In fact I look as unruffled as any highflying socialite should be. I really should look into a career as an actress…

I seem to attract vast amounts of attention the moment I step back into the ballroom. People turned and whispered to each other while looking at me, some even so rude as to point.

Without looking where I was going two people looking exactly the same suddenly appeared before me.

"Would Miss Isane," Asks one, taking my hand

"Like to dance?" Finished the other taking my other hand, leading me onto the dance floor without even my say so. The first one picked up my hand and placed it on his shoulder before taking my other hand in his, and wrapping his free arm around my waist pulling me right into a dance.

"Who are you?" I ask more than slightly dazed now.

"Hikaru," The first one says and swaps me with who seems to be his twin,

"And Kaoru Hitachiin. Pleased to meet you."

"We want to know," I'm swapped again.

"Who you are." Asks the other twin

"Wah?" I'm so dazed I can't even stay in character for more than five seconds at a time.

"We want to know who you are." They say in perfect union, each one holding one of my hands pushing right up near me. I have to lean back to keep any sense of space.

"I am Isane as you know."

"Do you," asks one twin – I don't even know who is who now.

"Not have a last name?" Finishes the other. I answer back in amusement, they want to play I'll play.

"No I don't actually. You're free to give me one." I offer generously. They give each other looks I do not like the look of. They look even more sinister than Karin ever had been. That thought sends shivers down my spine.

The over bearing twins are suddenly pulled away and my blond angel comes to my rescue.

"I am so sorry about the twins." He blusters in an apology. I fight to keep my laughter in before assuring him I can manage fine on my own.

The night passes without another unpleasant event and I am so involved in the evening I did not realise how fast midnight had come. The glamour, beauty, the lights and the atmosphere it was everything and more that I'd ever imagine of – not that I'd ever tell Karin that. Until the bells ring.

"I'm so sorry. I have to leave now. My mother will be expecting me. You have given me a wonderful evening I will never forget." I smile and bow slightly to the person I now know as Tamaki Suou. I just hope you will forget me.

"But the best has just started…" he trails off in hopes that I will stay.

"I'm so sorry. Good night Master Suou." I bow again and turn around leaving in a hurry. The dare is done. I gather up the excessive material of my dress and rush up the stairs hoping I wont trip. It seems God had heard my pleas for I did not tip on the way up the steps but once I pushed the door open and out I run into the one person I hoped not to see in this same evening again.

Kyoya Ootori.

"In a rush?" He asks me with an obvious hint of a threat there.

"As a matter of fact yes. I'm in a great hurry. Nice to meet you." I try to push past him again like the last time but he holds me back.

"I have to go." I say pained.

"Tell me who you are." He demands darkly.

"I am Isane! There is nothing more to know!" I push his arm away but at the same time the elastic of my mask gets caught on his costume and snaps off. Instantly I turn my head away. Oh no!! While my head is turned away I push his arm off but he catches me with his other.

"No! Let go of me!" My voice becoming higher as panic starts to take over. I'm going to be found out! And I've just finished the dare! My eyes open and his face is there. I'm done for.

"Who are you?" He breathes out. Looks of total disbelieve flooding his face – almost as if he couldn't believe he did not recognise me. The make up! Thank god! I love Karin! You've saved my hide!

"I told you! I am Isane and there is nothing more to know!" the grip he had on me slackens and I take that opportunity to push him away, running all the way out turning right at the gates as instructed by Karin. As promised she was there.

"What – " She begins but I don't answer her. I just get into the car and say,

"Just drive Karin!" bewildered by my behaviour she just does as I tell her. It was not until we were a few blocks away that I started to calm down.

"I was found out as I was leaving Karin. That's why I took so long. I ran all the way here from the entrance. I still won. It was after midnight." I close my eyes and leant back into the seat calming my breaths.

I won. But at what price? There is no price Isane! You are who you are now. You are Isane Tanake who lives on the other side of the city the daughter of a local blacksmith and nurse. You will never see those people ever again. It's a dream you will wake up from in the morning and everything will be as it is.


As I open my eyes the sunlight from my window sends stabs of pain into my eyes and into my brain forcing me to close my eyes and roll away from the window.

"Get up Isane! You'll be late to school if you don't hurry!" I ignore my mum's nagging and roll onto my stomach, rubbing my face into my pillow.

The wonders of yesterday evening come flooding back to me with such clarity I could remember every single detail of what people were wearing, what they were saying and even up to what they were eating. And just like a flip book my mind stumbles upon the unpleasant memory of being found out. I groan into my pillow and pull myself out of bed.

Time to stop dreaming. I think as I pull my covers off the bed and remade them. Time to get back to reality.

A/N: reviews are always nice :D