Lunar-Locket- ok people this first chapter is gonna be sad and like a poem, but the second chapter will be better so i don't own Naruto only Blind

-----------------------------------------------------------chapter 1 : my name is Sakura-------------------------------------------

My name is Sakura I am but 3 my eyes are swolen I cannot see.

I think to myself can not someone feel love for me?

My name is Sakura I am but 5 and today my parents where sent to die

I run fast and I run long for if I stayed I would be gone

My name is Sakura I am but 9 I can not see I have gone blind

My home is the forest with the wolves that I love

My name is Sakura I am but 10

I've learned how to see but not like the rest

I see chakra not faces and color not eyes

I can tell whose who by the fell of there special chakra

My name is Sakura I am but 11 I can smash boulders to dust and create ninjutsus's just by thinking

M y name is Sakura I am but 12

and today my family was hunted and killed

I run to the only human I trust

I tell her,Tsunade who lives in a hut, what has happend

She holds me while I cry

and though I cannot see I know her eyes are filled with sorrow

She asks me to live with her

She says she will teach me many things

and promises to never leave me

I accepted and she said from now on call her mom

Because she thinks of me as her daughter so no harm could be done

My name is Sakura I am but 12

I have a new mom and a new life as well


LL- I know it was sad but it'll get bter I promise

Itachi - please R&R

LL- ITACHI!!!! (squeals and faints)