A/N: This is the FINAL chapter and NO there will not be a sequel to this sequel because I think Syuusuke and Ryoma's story has ended here! XD I hope you enjoyed their emotional story as I had writing it. Their roller coaster ride is coming to a stop and I hope you'll continue to support me through my other stories!

Now I have some questions I'd appreciate all of you answer in a review for this story if possible.

This input from you will influence my future format and stories so please do tell me your thoughts or else it may not be to your liking later!

Quick Questions People:

Should I start writing old storylines again? Some people asked me to try writing like everyone else again for a bit and leave my weird original storylines…I don't know…what do you guys want to see? Something like everyone else with my twists or something new that practically no one in the PoT fandom thinks about but me?

Does anyone bother reading the A/N? BE HONEST, Because if you guys don't, I don't know where to leave my little thoughts unless you're willing to check my profile! Which leads into my next question!

Are you willing to check my profile for update dates, polls, and other such stuff? Because if everyone is willing then to find out my next mass release or to have a opinion on my polls will be located there from now on.

Should I only write 1-2 stories at a time instead of 5 or 6? Some people have mentioned that they have to reorganize their brains for each update they read from me because they sometimes confuse characters and storyline. What do you all think?

Does Mass release sound better or individual release? This question is an attempt to ask people what the feel more comfortable with. I started Mass releases because I could release all at the same time and read over all my reviews from all of you at the same time through all my stories so it was a nice little bunch to go through for an hour or so. BUT I can always readjust back to individual releases if it makes everyone feel better!

Does everyone like the chapter previews at the end of the chapter or can you go without it? I'm just curious since I added that recently to some of my stories to test out if everyone would kind of like to know what to expect…but I don't know…your opinion counts!

(Leave your reply in your review as well or e-mail it to me… I might take a hiatus to rethink my stories depending on everyone's answer.)

Read and Review as usual to support me!

mynoan- We'll all I can say is that if it made you do all that then I did my job! XD But more than that I just wanted to show different sorts of love to everyone; after all 'love' is used so loosely now that I feel it has lost most of its meaning.

MysticBlood- no matter how much I love reviews I hope you did all right on your test…hopefully the chapter didn't make you too emo to study XP

MARYLOVER- ) Hehe… sometimes you may be on the right road… anyways, I'm sorry if I didn't reply to everyone. I was a bit busy then but I'm adjusting my schedule and I finally have enough time to write to everyone! I hope you enjoy the emotional chapters because there's only so much words can explain )

abhorsen3- I understand stupidity but this is emotions after all. ) You'll hear all about it from Yukimura in the Omake XD

The only thing you need to promise me is a review because it's the last chapter and the end of their adventure! )

DesperateLoveKoi- :) It was a bit short but clarifying so I hope that brought aroud a bit of everyone's thought! Of course I'll always update though so you all have something to look forward to!

DemonGirl13- Update is here! Hopefully it'll bring a closure and wonderful review from you XD

Rebecca-sanFujiEijiLVR- Of course I won't forget about Yukimura- the master schemer nor Tezuka and Atobe. They may have short parts in here but the end will signify a understanding between all of them as well. )

Heart Br0ken- Is it obvious? Nothing is usually obvious if I'm writing it. XD not unless you all want a classic end :D

But what's the fu in that?

Sweet Obsidian Rain- TY for always telling me so…you have no idea how many I catch myself after posting XP I'm going to have to edit these one day! But until then I'm glad you spot them out for me! )

irishKaoru- Hehe… who knows if he'll go with Fuji…but we'll see!

just a gal- The chapter was to bring a small closure to the other supporting characters and focus on the two main as they start to move into the next phase of their life ) As for Somewhere In-between, the last chapter is here with the this release so do enjoy the end of their week with the Royal pair as well… although don't confuse the Ryoma's and Fuji's in the story… I sometimes mix them in my mind when I write so many chapters one after another XD

FlAmEsOfDeSiReS- You should know by now how I love leaving you guys hanging ) Anyways it now all comes down to it so here we go!

xcreepyxsusiex- True…I confuse myself so much when I write this story because there's so many ways I can take it.

Selyn- ) I had to add the previous scenes in there to show a bit of reflection. After all, they matured from the situation and as a special point not to disappoint anyone, I added multiple love affairs that drew everyone into one big mess.

Yukimura may seem like an angel but you must remember, he did tell Fuji and Ryoma that he only warned them because Tezuka and Atobe landed on his bad side. But that, of course doesn't make him less a genius than Fuji.

As for them being together, that's to be decided on this chapter and who knows who's the seme and uke… they both seem to have their moments on who tops who XD

Omake? HAHA

I added it just for you!

BlueFreesia- Hmmm… I love making people anticipate, cry smile… everything actually… I pretty upon emotions LOL

But any way I do hope you'll continue to read other stories from me and assist me in future on other stories with your opinion!

Kawaii-Aikurushii-Kitsune- ) I'm glad you liked that scene! I thought it was needed after such a heartbreaking one in the first story…I thought they needed a moment to reflect in the same place so it won't always be a sad memory they have.

If It Makes You Happy

Rated: M

Summary: Everything is okay on the outside, but the turmoil of the heart may bring back one incident, two wounds and a thousand regrets. Packed with drama, revenge, jealously, angst and so much more.

Chapter 7: If It Makes You Happy


"Go with me Ryoma…let's break away from here for a while and start over…"

Ryoma eyes widened slightly as he saw a determined look on Fuji's face.


"I mean it…come with me!"


"Syuusuke…" Ryoma whispered as he felt Fuji wrap an arm around him possessively.

"Will you come with me?" Fuji asked once more.

For a moment a silence passed through as they looked at each other and although it was brief Fuji feared he already knew the answer…

"I can't…"

"Why not?" Fuji asked looking at Ryoma who held a small smile on his lips. Somehow he knew Ryoma would refuse already but he wanted to ask anyways…holding on to the hope that he might've said yes.

"Because I don't have anything with me," Ryoma pointed out, "Besides…I have no reason to go at the moment…"

"So you don't want to be with me?" Fuji asked softly. It hurt to know that Ryoma felt he had no reason to accompany him…

"NO!" Ryoma said with a frown, "I do…but I think we need some time to ourselves…to see if we really feel the same."

Although Fuji didn't want to even think about a break, he knew it was what was needed. Slowly he nodded slightly before he pressed his forehead against Ryoma's. "Okay…then I'll go…and this time I'll wait for you there."

Ryoma closed his eyes and nodded softly, "Okay…when I'm ready I'll come to you…"

Fuji nodded in understanding. He gripped Ryoma softly on the shoulder and looked at Ryoma almost uncertainly.

"What is it?" Ryoma asked. It seemed Fuji wanted to say something but was hesitating…

"When you come Ryoma…I hope you can start playing again…" Fuji said softly pressing a soft kiss onto Ryoma's forehead.

"Playing?" Ryoma asked unconsciously resting his hands on Fuji's hips gently as he mulled over what Fuji was asking.

"Tennis Ryoma…I want you to play tennis again." Fuji said looking at Ryoma intently.

"I…I'll think about it," Ryoma said after a while.

"Okay," Fuji said tightening his hand on one of Ryoma's hand. " I want you to…"

"Have a safe trip," Ryoma said finally.

"Aa…" Fuji said with a small smile. He knew he would never regret loving Ryoma, whatever the outcome maybe later he'd always remember the love Ryoma gave him.

Letting go of Ryoma, Fuji took a step back…he wondered if Ryoma would miss him as Ryoma turned away to walk towards Yukimura.

Ryoma, on the other hand wondered the exact thing as he walked away slowly. Fuji wasn't quite gone yet but he already missed him…

His impulse told him to immediately leave with Fuji but he knew they needed this time apart as well. Both of them needed to sort a lot of things out and the best thing they could do at the moment is sort it out separately.


4 Years Later

"Are you happy Seishounen?"


"So he's that everything huh?"

"Aa…He's everything I want and need…he says all the right things at exactly the wrong times but I love him anyways."

Nanjiroh laughed, "All right! I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then."


Nanjiroh hung up with a slight smirk. His son was coming home…happy this time.


"Who was that?" Fuji asked sliding an arm around Ryoma's waist from behind him.

"My father…he just wanted to know if we would still be flying there early tomorrow morning." Ryoma said leaning into his embrace.

"Oh…" Fuji merely muttered as he pressed a quick kiss to the side of Ryoma's head and let go.

"Where are you going?" Ryoma asked turning to follow Fuji with his eyes.

"To finish the latest design for the magazine before we leave tomorrow morning." Fuji said sitting at his desk.

"Heh…" Ryoma sighed, "Fine, I'll just shower and go to bed."

"Aa…" Fuji muttered as he began gathering different papers together. A faint smile played on his lips as he listened to Ryoma's feet shuffling towards their bedroom.

As soon as he heard the faint sound of the bathroom door shutting, Fuji placed all the papers he had already finished away and started towards the bedroom. Taking off his clothes on the way to the bathroom, he knew Ryoma would never lock the bathroom door and snuck in. Fuji smiled softly as he made out Ryoma's figure through the haze of steam. He slid the curtain aside enough to slide in behind Ryoma and watched as his cute lover bent a bit to grab his shampoo. Reaching over, Fuji brushed his fingertips against Ryoma's nipples and felt the rush when he heard Ryoma's breath hitch and a slight moan escape.

"Syuusuke…" Ryoma said turning to face him, "I thought you had work to do…"

"I'm done." Fuji assured pulling his lover against his hardening erection against Ryoma's. A slight groan escaped both of their lips as Ryoma wrapped an arm around Fuji's neck tightly and brought his lips to Fuji's. Obliging to his demand, Fuji bent and kiss Ryoma softly as he took his time grazing his hands down Ryoma's back.

"Ryoma…" Fuji moaned out against Ryoma's lips. "We can't play late or else we'll never make our morning flight…"

"Then why are you taking your time…" Ryoma asked pumping Fuji's erection while looking innocently at Fuji.

"Baka…" Fuji muttered and pinned Ryoma against the wall. "We'll see who's taking their time now…"


On the Way to Japan

Ryoma smiled lightly as he brushed a hand thorough Fuji's hair. Fuji was exhausted after they played last night and worked through the first part of their flight. It didn't seem like they were together for 3 years at all…it seemed as if they had been together since forever.

After Fuji had left him 4 years ago to go to America, Ryoma realized exactly how much he missed Fuji presence. He moved back to their apartment only to find emptiness and even started to play tennis again…but he found it quite lonely if he wasn't playing with his father.

Gradually during the year apart, he grew closer to Yukimura and Kirihara since they always happened to check up on him. Together, the three of them decided that Ryoma had to become the confident Ryoma before he could go back to Fuji. It had taken a year of constant practice to become what he once was professionally and when he did reach that peak again, he found the passion he lost to want to go on farther than that. With Yukimura's help Ryoma was always aware that Fiji was doing well and slowly he started to live life again knowing on the other side of the ocean Syuusuke was waiting.

When he was finally able to enter into the professional tennis field again, he immediately participated in the US Open so he could go see Fuji…he remembered that day clearly…

"You're sure?" Yukimura asked handing Ryoma the ticket as people started boarding the plane.

Ryoma nodded with a confident smile. "I'm ready to be me again…"

Yukimura studied his expression for a while before he nodded. "Aa… I think I see the lively Ryoma I used to watch on TV again."

Ryoma mouth twisted up in a smile. "Thank you…"

Yukimura smiled, "For what?"

"For everything you've done to show Syuusuke and me we…we need each other."

Yukimura nodded brushing Ryoma's cheek lightly, "Aa…so you better live a damn happy life for every second I had to help."

Ryoma nodded, "We will…does he know I'm going?"

Yukimura shook his head. " He doesn't…I called him last night and it seems he knows nothing of you returning to professional tennis or even of the trip you're taking to participate in the US Open."

"He must've been busy if he didn't see the national broadcast!" Ryoma smiled.

"According to him, he is!" Yukimura said with his own faint smile, "I think he needs you to go recharge him…he sounds tired."

Ryoma merely nodded gripping his plane ticket hard. "Hopefully he's still waiting for me…"


"Itai!" Ryoma said turning to face a frowning Yukimura now. "What?"

"Don't you think like that!" Yukimura stated, "He's waiting and that's that!"

"Aa…" Ryoma said and grabbed his duffel bag, "Well… I'm off!"

Yukimura nodded, "Go and win!"

Ryoma nodded and turned towards the terminal. His hope, his future was all ahead of him at that moment...


"Hmm?" Ryoma asked glancing at Fuji.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep…"

"Iie…" Ryoma said with a smile, "You were exhausted…"

"What were you thinking about? You seemed lost in thoughts…"

"I was thinking about the time when I came to you…" Ryoma said readjusting himself so Fuji could be more comfortable.

"Oh…that was so many years ago…" Fuji said with a soft smile.

"To you?" Ryoma asked.

Fuji nodded, "Since then we had three years together right?"

"Aa…" Ryoma said softly tangling his hands through Fuji's.

Fuji gripped his hand softly as he twisted his head to press a soft kiss against Ryoma's cheek, "You completed my life that day…"

"Did I?" Ryoma asked with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Aa…I'll never forget how you ended up on my doorstep that night…"Fuji said closing his eyes lightly as the memories came flooding back…

Fuji rubbed his head a bit as he awoke to the doorbell ringing.

'Saa…who would visit me?' Fuji thought tiredly as he stood to go open the door. Swinging the door open he peered out only to have something attach to him. Fully awake now he noted the pulled down cap and the strong arms around him…

"Ryoma?" Fuji murmured in disbelief.

"Did I wake you?"

"Aa…but I don't mind…" Fuji muttered looking him over to make sure it was Ryoma…it was too good to be true after a whole year and 2 months…

"My flight got in a bit late…I didn't realize you'd be sleeping at weird times…" Ryoma muttered finally peeling himself off.

"It's fine," Fuji insisted grabbing hold of Ryoma's hand, "You…you're here…"

Ryoma smiled, "Do you want me to tell you the whole story at the door?"

Fuji moved immediately and helped him bring in his luggage. "You should've told me you were coming…I'd have picked you up-"

"I wanted to surprise you," Ryoma stated dropping his duffel bag and tennis bag in the living room.

"Well you did…" Fuji said setting the rest of his luggage there as well. He glanced up to see Ryoma studying his expression. "What is it?"

"Nothing…I was just trying to etch your memory in mind…" Ryoma said before he was pulled into a crushing embrace.

"Baka…you don't have to remember only…you have to love me too…" Fuji whispered bending to capture his willing lips in a hard kiss.

"I missed you…" Ryoma managed to mutter out somewhere in the mist of the draining kiss.

Fuji merely nodded after he broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Ryoma's. Walking Ryoma backwards, he pushed Ryoma onto the sofa he had been sleeping on earlier and sat down as well.

"Then your trip here…was it to answer me?" Fuji asked after settling next to him. He felt Ryoma's arms encircle him and saw Ryoma nod.

"That is why I'm here right?" Ryoma teased.

"I hope so…" Fuji said drawing Ryoma into his own embrace as well. Glancing at Ryoma's figure, he noted there was no sign of fatigue or problems with Ryoma. Actually… it was all different. "You've been working out…" Fuji muttered noticing his legs had his calf muscles fully back.

"Aa…I'm playing tennis again…" Ryoma said softly.

Fuji whipped his head around to look at Ryoma with emotion-filled eyes. "Really?"

Ryoma nodded pressing his lips to Fuji lightly. "I wanted to be 'me' before I came for you…so here I am…me..."

Fuji pushed his head against Ryoma's as a small smile touched his lips, "You've always been Ryoma to me…"

"But not the Ryoma I should've been at the time of your departure last year." Ryoma said.

"I love you…" Fuji murmured

"I hope so…" Ryoma said with a smile, "I hoped you were still waiting…"

"I'll always be waiting for you…even if I don't realize it, you're always the one!" Fuji said softly.

"Then will you watch my game on TV?" Ryoma asked suddenly.

"Your game?" Fuji questioned.

"The US Open in New York…" Ryoma said with a nod.


"I stopped in Manhattan to see you and tell you face to face." Ryoma said with a small smile. "I've decided to complete my dream…so I hope you'll support it…"

Crushing Ryoma into another embrace, Fuji closed his eyes in relief as he spoke, "Baka…I'll always support your dream…because I want us both to do what we love the most"

Ryoma nodded wrapping his arms around Fuji as well. "Thank you…"

"Did you really think I'll watch you on TV?" Fuji asked after a moment.

"You won't?" Ryoma asked trying to mask the hurt although it clearly showed on his face.

"Of course I won't!" Fuji declared pressing his head against Ryoma's. "I want to be there with you every step of the way."

"Syuusuke…" Ryoma uttered staring into Fuji's blue eyes. "Aa…I want you there as well."

" It's been a while since then ne?" Ryoma muttered to Fuji.

"Aa… but we completed your dream and you were finally able to hand me another medal for winning the Grand Slam again right?" Fuji said stretching a bit to soothe his limbs.

"True…it took lots of work but I did it with you by my side." Ryoma said staring out to the clouds that they passed.

"Do you miss Japan?" Fuji asked before pressing an affectionate kiss on Ryoma's cheek.

"I do… but I don't regret leaving this place to be with you." Ryoma said turning to face Fuji.

"That's good." Fuji said, "I can't wait to go back to our apartment."

"It's probably all dusty…" Ryoma joked.

"It better not be… or else I'll kill Yukimura!" Fuji said with a small smile.

"Is he the housekeeper?" Ryoma asked amused at the thought of his harsh trainer cleaning an apartment. Actually the thought of the fragile man choking on dust widened his smile.

"He's so rich, I'm pretty sure he had someone clean it for us Ryo-kun…" Fuji said rubbing Ryoma's arm lightly. "But first we have to stop by where?"

"My parent's house…Karupin…" Ryoma said immediately.

"That's right…" Fuji said with a smile as he watched his lover's eyes light up at the mention of his Himalayan cat. Although Karupin was a very old cat now, she stayed with them in America for two years and they shipped her back to Japan when it seemed her health was getting too fragile and with the schedule both Ryoma and he ran wasn't going to cover Karupin's needs.

"Do you think she's okay? I haven't seen her in almost 2 years…" Ryoma said with a worried frown.

"She's fine," Fuji concluded with sincerity. "There's still another four hours…want to exercise a bit?"

Ryoma stared at Fuji as if he lost his mind. "How are you going to exercise on a plane? I refuse to look like dumbass…you can exercise by yourself!"

"But the exercise I'M talking about involves you and me in the bathroom…" Fuji said with a smile.

A slight blush swept through Ryoma's face before a scowl replaced it. "Baka! It's too suspicious!"

"Why? We're first-class passengers! Who's going to know?" Fuji asked with a small pout.

"For one thing, both of those flight attendants that can't seem to keep their eyes off you Syuusuke!" Ryoma complained noticing the girl had passed their section once again with a smile.

"Ryoma, there's no need to get jealous just because they offered me a drink and peanuts." Fuji said feeling very satisfied that his Ryo-chan was jealous.

"Yet they didn't offer me any!" Ryoma complained. "I'm not jealous either!"

"If you come with me to the bathroom I can show you how much you mean to me…" Fuji muttered against Ryoma's ear.

"Baka! I told you WE aren't doing THAT!" Ryoma said as the stood and went to the bathroom.

"Eh… yet he still went…" Fuji said with a smile. Standing as well, he made his way with Ryoma to the bathroom…it'd be quick but well worth it to listen to Ryoma's cute moans.


"Welcome home Seishounen!" Nanjiroh said pulling Ryoma's cap all the way down.

"Oyaji…" Ryoma managed to growl out.

"Echizen-san…" Fuji greeted.

"Oi Seishounen…did the plane ride make you cranky? You're worse than usual!" Nanjiroh said after nodding a welcome to Fuji.

"He just had an unfortunate accident in the bathroom of the plane…" Fuji said with a smile to Nanjiroh.

"What kind of accident? Did you fall over and hurt your back?" Nanjiroh asked.

"Actually his back aches for a totally different matter…" Fuji said after a moment.

"That's enough!" Ryoma said glaring at Fuji, "You're in trouble when we get home!"

"Trouble?" Fuji asked following them to the baggage department. "I like that…"

"Mada mada dane…" Ryoma muttered walking away from both Nanjiroh and Fuji.



"Come on," Yukimura coaxed.

"I got back late last night… let me sleep a bit more…" Kirihara complained.

"But you slept through the whole day already," Yukimura pointed out, "it's already time to go see Syuusuke and Ryoma!"

"Eh?" Kirihara said opening his eyes enough o stare at the clock, "It's already 6pm?"

Yukimura nodded, "Let's get moving if we want to meet up with everyone at their house."

"Are you sure it's okay to just go over?" Kirihara asked sitting up with a yawn.

"Syuu-chan gave me the key for a reason years ago!" Yukimura stated with a 'sincere' smile.

Kirihara resisted the urge to shiver as he wondered what his lover was up to. Walking towards the bathroom, Kirihara flung his shirt off lazily and started the water for a quick shower.


"Just unlock the door!" Ryoma snapped as Fuji opened the door tot heir apartment.

"Eh? There's two sets of shoes…" Fuji murmured looking towards the ground.

"Then that means… Yukimura-sempai?" Ryoma called out wandering towards the living room only to find it empty.

"Where is he then?" Fuji asked wrapping an arm around Ryoma.

"I don't know…" Ryoma said scanning the kitchen and living room for some sign of life.

"Well the apartment isn't dusty." Fuji said looking around.

"Yeah…" Ryoma muttered as he tried to move out of Fuji's embrace only to be pulled back against Fuji. " What?"

"So I don't get punished?" Fuji asked walking Ryoma towards their bedroom.

"Oi… now's not the time-"

"Ryo-baby… anytime is the time, "Fuji said with a slight chuckle opening their bedroom door.

Both froze as they watched Yukimura Seiichi pull on his shirt and Kirihara zipping his pants while their bed looked thoroughly used.

"Sorry Fuji… we borrowed the bed when you two didn't quite show up on time…" Yukimura said shamelessly taking his time to button his shirt, "it seems we beat you to it…"

There was no answer as Fuji merely stared at the used bed sheets while Ryoma was staring at Yukimura with disbelief.


"Ah… the guests have arrived," Yukimura said and walked pass the two that were like statues at the moment. "If you two would excuse me…" Yukimura murmured with an amused tone as he slipped out into the hall and to the front door.

"Sorry…" Kirihara muttered as he also slipped by.

"Well… what a welcome ne Ryoma?" Fuji said letting his lover go.

"Aa… do we have spare sheets tonight?" Ryoma calmly asked.

"I think so…but what guests are we expecting?" Fuji questioned turning off the light in their room before leading Ryoma towards the living room.

"I'm not so-"

"So you did go back to him…"

Ryoma and Fuji turned to see Atobe, Jiroh, Tezuka and Sanada walk into the living room.

"Atobe…" Ryoma greeted.

"Funny see all of you here…" Fuji murmured wrapping an arm around Ryoma's waist.

"Yukimura thought we all needed to be friends," Atobe said with a frown to the smiling man.

"We should all get along…"

"After you ruined our lives?" Atobe asked.

"FIXED!" Yukimura said with a smile, " After all Atobe, You're a happy man with Jiroh by your side and Tezuka and Sanada have recently married right?"

Atobe merely let out a 'che' while Tezuka and Sanada shifted uncomfortably since they didn't know what the reaction of Fuji and Ryoma would be at that.

"after all, aren't you all a lot happier?" Yukimura pushed.

Not one person spoke for the longest time until am agreement sounded.

"I am…" Fuji said wrapping an arm tightly around Ryoma now. "I don't regret what happened after a lot of thought… I believe it taught me who I really loved and if I have to do it all again to be with Ryoma I would."

"Syuusuke…" Ryoma muttered craning his neck to look at his lover.

"I think we all just inconvenienced ourselves…" Tezuka finally said. "I should've have settled with what I believed what would last."

"I suppose I shouldn't have made such an offer as well…" Atobe said, "But Ore-sama had your best health in mind!"

"I know…I think this all taught us something…" Ryoma added.

"I hope so…" Yukimura said with a smile.

"So I hope we can all heal the wounds between us?" Sanada said looking at Yukimura directly.

Another silence passed as Yukimura didn't say anything. He had lost his smile and was looking quite serious now…. that was until he felt Ryoma's and Kirihara's hands touch his lightly.

Giving them both a smile he looked back at Sanada, "Aa…let's let it heal…"



Yukimura- Well that concludes the main story… unless you'd all like to hear about my side of the story then-

Kirihara- Why don't we just take a look back at all the chapters at what everyone really thought… for example; in chapter four, Yukimura was giving hints to Ryoma…

Yukimura- Seriously, Ryo-chan is so dense! I was telling him the truth! It wasn't even a hint! It was better than a hint and he still didn't get it!

Kirihara- He is pretty slow huh?

Ryoma- what do you expect? It was unbelievable! Telling me Monkey-king was seeing Jiroh!

Yukimura- Fuji wasn't any brighter…you both were clueless! But then again I took many losses for the both of you!

Ryoma- what losses?

Kirihara- Seiichi had to bribe Momoshiro

Fuji- Bribe?

Yukimura- oh yes! I had to find him a place to live, rearrange your house so it'll trigger memories for you two clueless people, make sure Syuu-chan was home, Make sure Ryo-chan was home, AND bribe Momoshiro to call you up! That's like seven things already!

Kirihara- That wasn't seven things… But Momoshiro even said it felt like you were using him…

Yukimura- But I was…I won't deny it. As for the hot kissing scene on the subway and at the airport was great eye candy for some people and horrifying for young mothers I believe! We should've censored that more…

Fuji- Wait how do you know about the subway one?

Yukimura- …Don't get careless!

Kirihara- (stares) Stalker… Anyways Review and add lots of love for me even though it didn't show me all too much!

A/N: And that ends this tale! They have all gone their separate ways and are seemingly happy so I hope you all enjoyed this story and will review in your final thoughts! Thank you for reading and please continue to read other stories from me!