Assembly aka PARTY

"Oh Mr. Bennet we must attend the assembly. Mrs. Long has promised to introduce us to Mr. Bingley formally." Mrs. Bennet told Mr. Bennet as they talked in his study.

"Well if it's that important to you my dear, by all means, go on and attend this assembly."

"But Mr. Bennet you must be there with us. You have no care for my poor nerves. What will they think if you are not there?"

Mr. Bennet simply replied with a nod agreeing to go with them.

Later on in the day, Jane and Elizabeth had decided to let the twins borrow a nice dress to wear so that they could go with them to the assembly.

"How about this one Evangeline?" Elizabeth pulled out one of her long brown dresses.

Evangeline made a face. "Eh, that's too plain for my taste. Hey Adie! I think we found a dress for you?!" Evangeline laughed to herself and handed Adeline the dress when she walked into the room. "I think it fits you." Evangeline giggled and found a dress that belonged to Kitty. "Uhhh! I like this one. May I borrow it?" She looked at Kitty who was sitting on her bed.

"Oh yes of course. It is one of my dear favorites ." Evangeline and Adeline walked into a different room to get dressed.

"I like it here. They're nice and friendly." Adeline told her sister as they changed into the dresses.

The brown dress was nice and simple and it looked much like the dress Elizabeth had on when she found them. Evangeline's was simple too except her dress was a light blue color. It almost looked faded.

Once the girls were all dressed up and their hair was put up they went with the Bennet's to the assembly. The room was filled with people dancing around and laughing and talking. "This is awesome!" Shrieked Evangeline and was dragged by Kitty and Lydia to dance with the others.

Adeline stayed with Elizabeth and Jane who had found Charlotte. The four went off to a corner to chit-chat when the main doors opened and everyone turned to see Mr. Bingley standing with three other people, two men and a woman. "Who are they?" Adeline asked as they entered the room.

"The one in front of the group is Mr. Bingley and the one standing to his right is his younger brother. The woman on the other side is his elder sister and the man walking in behind them is Mr. Darcy." Charlotte said.

The younger Mr. Bingley had caught Evangeline's eye. Everyone went back to dancing and laughing once they made their way up to the front of the room.

A moment later, Elizabeth and Jane and Adeline were dragged away by Charlotte to the front of the room where Mr. Bingley and his group stood. Adeline noticed that Mr. and Mrs. Bennet were already there along with Mary and Charlotte's parents, Sir and Lady Lucas.

As each person was being introduced by Sir Lucas, they either bowed or curtsied. Then they came to Adeline. "This is my niece Adeline Lovett. She's come to visit from out of town." Mr. Bennet said as Adeline curtsied.

Mr. Bingley smiled. "A pleasure to meet you all." Just them Mrs. Bennet pushed Adeline aside so she could talk to Mr. Bingley. Adeline just walked away from the group to find her sister.

Adie noticed that she was being followed. Turning around she found herself face to face with the young Mr. Bingley. Adie curtsied as Mr. Bingley bowed his head. "Were you the one on the dance floor?" He asked.

Adie shook her head no. "I'm afraid you are mistaken. The young girl you must have noticed out on the dance floor is my twin sister Evangeline." Just then, Evie walked over to them. "Evie I would like you to meet Mr. Bingley." Adie introduced them. "Mr. Bingley this is my twin sister Evangeline."

Evie curtsied. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Bingley, I am Evangeline Lovett." Evie said.

Mr. Bingley looked at Evie and a smile sprouted on his face. He looked cutter when he smiled, Evie thought. "Would you do me the honor in joining me to dance?" Mr. Bingley held out his hand and Evie smiled placing hers on top of his and they went out to join the rest of the group dancing the Boulanger.

Adie was surprised when she felt someone pull her arm. It was Elizabeth, she had pulled Adie with her back behind the group of people where Charlotte was. "Does young Mr. Bingley have an interest in your sister?" Elizabeth asked giggling as she looked out at the group of people dancing.

Adie laughed, "I suppose so." Just then the girls saw Mr. Darcy and the elder Mr. Bingley stand near them enough so that they could hear them.

"Jane is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld." Bingley said. "Darcy there are so many handsome girls in the room, why do you not dance with one? The second eldest Miss Bennet is also quite handsome."

Darcy looked at Bingley, "She is somewhat tolerable but not quite handsome enough to tempt me."

Mr. Bingley looked around the room. "Darcy why has your brother not arrived?"

Darcy was scanning the room as well. "I ask myself that same exact question."

Adie, Elizabeth and Charlotte all looked at each other. None of them had heard that Mr. Darcy had a brother. Adie sat back and stared at Darcy. She wondered how he looked and if he was younger or older than him.