Hello everyone )

This is my second story but my first Prince of Tennis fanfic. This story is actually based on a true story. It isn't EXACTLY based on the true story but it is similar. That's what inspired me to write this. There will be an OC here. If you have any suggestions please tell me and I will accept your opinion. (I won't really put any Japanese in here because I don't know that much and I don't want to get it wrong.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis, obviously, but I do own any characters I make.

Chapter 1

What a Cocky Guy

Ayumi walked to her classroom and took her regular seat next to her best friend, Kazumi. She quickly greeted her friend and took her seat. Ayumi ran her hand through her semi-long, black hair. She liked her red highlights that were streaked down her hair. She shook her head a bit to fix her side swept bangs. Kazumi's hair was similar but slightly longer and unlike Ayumi's layered hair, it was cut straightly. People who didn't know them would mistaken them for twins.

"There wasn't any-," Ayumi was suddenly interrupted by a girl who was squealing in the back of the classroom. She turned her head to the direction and saw a girl with pigtails squealing over a guy with shaggy hair. This was how the beginning of class usually went. Ayumi sighed, "She is such a fan girl for that guy, huh?"

Kazumi nodded her head, "It gets really annoying." In the morning before class there was usually a group of people crowded over Ryoma Echizen, a regular on the boy's tennis team. There was always a girl with long pigtails who was shy, a girl with short hair in pigtails that was loud, and a guy with a weird uni-brow that always surrounded him. Ayumi wasn't sure of their names but the shy girl's name is Sakuno, the loud girl's name is Tomo and the guy's name is Horio.

"No matter how hard I try I can't block them out of my head. Every morning she yells over him, screaming out his name and what not," Kazumi complained. Ayumi can understand what her friend was trying to say. Where ever Ryoma is you can almost always see a group of people surrounding him. Kazumi broke her train of thought, "Do we still have tennis practice after school?" Kazumi and Ayumi were in the girl's tennis club and they always hear girls' screams coming from the boy's tennis courts. "Yeah, we do." The teacher came in and told everyone to settle down.

After class Ayumi hurried out of class because she was almost falling asleep. Before she could go any further someone lightly tapped her shoulder. Ayumi turned around and saw Ryoma standing there holding one of her books. "You dropped this on your way out."

Ayumi quickly said thank you and turned to walk away but Ryoma stopped her by asking a question, "Do you play tennis?"

"Yeah, I do." Again she tried to leave but Ryoma had more to say, "Are you any good?" Ayumi turned around to see a smirk on his face. The way he said it made her mad. "Just because you're a freshman and you made it in the regulars, don't get too cocky."

"What's wrong with being cocky when you know you're good at something? You still didn't answer my question."

Ayumi wasn't getting that mad but Ryoma thinks he knows everything and that's what pisses her off, "You can call me average. By the way, it's one thing to know you're good at something and not to show off and another to know you're good at something and think you're already better than everyone else." Ayumi turned to walk away and heard Ryoma ask for her name. She yelled it out as she walked away, "It's Ayumi! See you later."

Finally, it's lunch time, Ayumi thought. She was starving. She went to go get her lunch and met with Kazumi. They liked sitting outside to eat because if you stay inside you hear more of Tomo's and probably other girls' screaming and yelling. "I saw Ryoma talk to you after class. What was it about?"

Ayumi rolled her eyes at the memory, "He gave me my book that I dropped then he became some know-it-all when he asked me about tennis." Kazumi laughed a bit, "Well what else do you expect from him?" Ayumi laughed with her then they heard a familiar scream. Obviously it was Tomo yelling out for Ryoma to wait for her and Sakuno. What luck, they were eating outside which was the only place Ayumi and Kazumi were able to eat in peace and quiet. Ayumi didn't notice that Ryoma was walking towards them until she looked up to see him only a few feet away. Before he reached them, Ayumi lightly pushed Kazumi's arm and nodded towards Ryoma. Kazumi had a questioning look on her face as she looked at where he was going. They were both confused at why he was coming their way.

"Hey, Ami," he said as he came to us. I rolled my eyes, "It's Ayumi not Ami." He smirked a little bit and looked at Kazumi's way, "And you are?"

Kazumi looked at him in the eye then smiled, "Hi, I'm Kazumi. You're Ryoma right?" He nodded then just stood there for awhile. Ayumi broke the silence, "Well, what do you want?"

Ryoma looked at her with a smirk on his face, "Well, you said 'see you later.'" Kazumi giggled at his smart remark. Ayumi ignored her but she couldn't help but smile, "I didn't mean it literally." Ryoma shrugged and asked Kazumi if she was in the girl's tennis club. She nodded then nudged Ayumi's arm and nodded towards Tomo's direction. When Ayumi turned around she saw that Tomo was glaring at them. Kazumi joked to Ryoma, "Better leave soon. Your want to be girlfriend looks like she's about to kill someone." Ayumi laughed at her friend's joke. It was true after all. Tomo doesn't allow any girls to hang out with Ryoma except for Sakuno.

When Ayumi looked up to see Ryoma's expression she saw that his face was some what blank and confused. "You know, girlfriend?" He nodded then said in a confused tone, "Yeah, I know what it means but how can you tell Tomo wants to be with me?" Wow, Ayumi thought, this guy is clueless. Ryoma spoke up saying, "She's really annoying too. Well, how are you guys at tennis? Are you singles players or doubles?" Kazumi looked at him and answered, "Well we play doubles together. People say we have a perfect combination because we always know what the other is thinking but Ayumi is also a singles player. She's better than me that's why."

Ryoma smirked at this information he had received, "I thought you said you were average?" This time it was Ayumi's time to smirk, "Like what I said earlier. It's one thing to be good and not show off and another to be good and start thinking you're better than everyone else."

Ryoma kept that smirk on his face and responded, "I thought that meant low esteem. Knowing you're good but you still doubt yourself is like low esteem, right?" Kazumi laughed at his smart remark again. Ayumi stopped smirking and looked at him in the eye. She never knew anyone so cocky! Ayumi slightly smiled and said, "No, it's called modesty or being humble. You might be too stupid to know what those words mean." Kazumi laughed at the two arguing. Ryoma smiled at Ayumi, "Not bad, usually people would give up when they have a small argument like that with me. Oh, and I always win." The only word that came to Ayumi's head was cocky. The bell rang and Ryoma turned around to walk away, "See you guys later then."

Ayumi and Kazumi walked into their next class but before they could sit down Tomo blocked their path. She spoke in an angry tone, "Now, now why are you girls hanging out with Ryoma? Back off you hear me? BACK OFF!" Ayumi and Kazumi looked at her then each other then started laughing. Tomo looked irritated, "What's so funny? I'm serious."

"T-Tomo, stop it now. Uh, class will start soon." Ayumi looked up to see Sakuno trying to pull her friend away but before they turned around Ayumi said while smiling, "Hey Sakuno, see you later at tennis practice. And to you Tomo, it's not like you own Ryoma. He came to us when you usually go to him. Get what I'm saying?" Kazumi laughed and had a smirk on her face.

"Are you saying Ryoma likes you guys better than Sakuno and me?" Kazumi shrugged, "Well who knows? You do stalk him don't you? You should know." Ayumi and Kazumi laughed then walked to their seat. They could hear Tomo complaining about them but Sakuno was trying to calm her down, "Tomo they're really nice! Kazumi and Ayumi always help me during tennis practice. They're not always like that. It's maybe, um, because it seemed like you wanted to pick a fight with them."

Ayumi turned to her friend, "Obsessed much?" Kazumi looked back and saw Tomo looking at them, "Oh, oh, seems like she wants a second round." Ayumi turned around to see Tomo walking towards them, "Ayumi, Kazumi, I'm sorry." Then Tomo turned around but you could still hear her complaining about them. Kazumi rolled her eyes, "She only said that because Sakuno probably made her."

Ayumi nodded her head and turned in her seat to see Ryoma talking to Tomo. She could hear them from her seat. Ryoma was speaking, "Did you apologize?" Tomo nodded her head then turned to sit down but she was still fuming about the argument. Kazumi must've heard this too because she looked confused, "Why did Ryoma make her apologize?" Ayumi merely shrugged and turned to face the front of the classroom.

Ayumi and Kazumi walked out of their locker room to head over to tennis practice. Ayumi had her hair high up in a ponytail that was on her right side. She didn't like putting it in the middle like everyone does. Kazumi just had her hair up in a low ponytail.

"So-sorry about earlier." They turned around to see Sakuno looking down. Kazumi shrugged and said, "It's not your fault. Your friend just tends to be a little obsessive." Ayumi laughed as they walked to the tennis courts for the girls. Ayumi quickly greeted her coach. "Hey Ayumi," her coach called out, "we're going to watch the boys' practice matches for awhile. It'll be a good inspiration for you girls." Kazumi seemed excited, "Oooh, we get to see the guys play." Ayumi rolled her eyes, "Don't go all fan girl crazy on me now." Kazumi laughed as they walked to the boys' tennis courts.

"What are you doing here?" Ayumi turned to see Ryoma, "Our coach wants us to see you guys play because it'll inspire us." Kazumi shrugged, "I don't mind watching you guys." Ryoma smirked, "Of course I'll inspire you. I'll play like how I always do. It won't be that hard."

"Hoi, hoi, who's our kiddo talking to," Kikumaru Eiji, a third year regular asked another regular, Inui.

"Ahh, young love," Momo, a second year regular said.

Fuji, another regular smiled, "How come there are two girls?"

Inui spoke up, "The taller one with slightly longer hair is Kazumi, a freshman. She is a tennis player, volleyball player and a dancer. She is an average student with A's and B's but her weak subject is math. She also sings very well but hides her talented voice. The shorter one with slightly shorter hair is Ayumi, a freshman as well. Like Kazumi she plays tennis, volleyball and dances. She also plays basketball. She is an excellent student with straight A's but doesn't stand out with the other smart students in her class. She doesn't like to show off. Both of them were born in the Philippines but raised here in Japan. The only club they joined is the girls' tennis club and they are known as the girl version of the Golden Pair."

"Wow, Inui you know so much! Ah, they're a girl version of the Golden pair, eh? Oishi, let's play them," Eiji said while jumping up and down.

"Eiji, they're freshmen and it wouldn't be a fair match," Oishi countered. Inui shook his head, "They're higher than an average freshmen level. They would be able to keep up with you and Eiji. I also heard Ayumi is a fairly well singles player."

Eiji seemed to get even more excited, "Come on let's go say hi to Ryoma's new girlfriend!" Fuji smiled at his hyper friend, "I don't think they're an item though."

All of the regulars walked up to Ryoma, Ayumi and Kazumi, "Hello!" Ayumi looked up to see seven of the other regulars, "Wow, a lot of people." Kazumi smiled and said a quick hello. "Regulars, go check your matches," the captain, Tezuka, told them. Ryoma turned to Ayumi with a smirk and said, "Watch me win." When Ryoma walked away Ayumi rolled her eyes, "Cocky!" Kazumi giggled and pulled her so they could watch Ryoma's match. It wasn't against another regular and Ryoma won in straight matches.

Ryoma walked out and turned to Ayumi and Kazumi, "See I told you." Ayumi shook her head and heard her coach calling for them, "Girls Tennis Club, let's go practice now!" Ayumi and Kazumi turned to walk over to their own courts. "Ryoma is the cockiest person I've ever met," Kazumi said as they walked to get their racquets. Ayumi nodded as they started to warm up by having a rally. As she was hitting the ball she couldn't help but think about Ryoma and how good he thought he was. Cocky was the only word to describe him.

So what do you guys think so far? I really want to know what you think so review please and thank you. If there are areas I need to improve on then I would appreciate it if you would tell me.