Title: Hello world, this is me

Author: Xelion

Disclaimer: I don't own beyblade and I'll never will. But if I did, I would never let any off you guy's/girls get Kai Hiwatari. He would be so mine. grins evilly Well on with the story.

Pleas let me know what you think about the story.

Chapter 38: Until the day I die, I'll never stop loving you.

From the moment we were in the park, what only took us one minute, I pulled Kai with me to the nearest rollercoaster I could find and went on it. I know from experience that if I'm not in the dame thing in less then five minutes. Else I chicken out and Kai can't know that. How embarrassing would that bee?

It didn't took long before we got on it, because most off the visitors were still waiting outside on a ticket. Ha, losers! The rollercoaster had three looping after each other and made a lot off sharp turns, which I really hate, cause I saw on television one time that the cart didn't take that turn and just kept going on, until it crashed.

And that's why I'm actually afraid off these things.

But like I always say: what's life without the thrilling kick off dying?

"Okay, tat was seriously…messed up. Three more times and I'll throw up for sure; I said, holding on to Kai so that I wouldn't fall down. He had the same problem: "Yeah, maybe we should wait on taking this one again…"

"Or not!; we said at the same time, trying to make our way back at the entrance off the ride. After the second time I had to run to the garbage can already, but that didn't stop us from going a third time: "Okay, now we are going to take an easy, calm ride."

"Let's go on that tower thing, where you go up and then they drop you all the way down; I suggested, but he wasn't really going to change my mind: "No way, to many bad memories in that thing. It' hurts when you're a guy and you go in that thing!"

"So? Not my problem; I said and graphed his hand. We were in luck with this one, it just opened and no one was in line. Hell yeah. We got on it and had to wait five minutes until the dame thing was full. Man, those five minutes lasted a life time: "Just think off it this way Kai, if your in a lot off pain I might be very nice."

"I'll keep you to that one; he yelled back. We went faster up then I expected and when we were finally all the way up, I got this huge lump in my thought. Wow, this is very, very, very high. It gave a huge view over the amusement park, but still knowing we were going to fall all the way down, scared the shit out off me.

"Hey Kai…; I yelled. The man who was controlling the thing all the way down, started counting down to warn us when we were going to fall: "Yeah?"

"Don't ever let me do this again; I screamed and the I felt like I felt my body and my soul was just falling down. I got pushed against my chair-thingy and my legs were being pulled towards the sky.

"No problem; Kai told me when we were going back up. I felt sick and it wouldn't surprise me if I would start throwing up on the way back down. I felt Kai graphing my hand and I tried to look at him: "Hey Alex…"


"Remained me to never take you to an amusement park again. It's going to kill me one day; he said and we went back down. I started screaming my gut's out, but it didn't help the fact I was scared. Hell who wouldn't be.

My heart was beating harder then ever and I noticed I was still holding Kai's hand. I saw the guy next to me loosing his shoes on our way down and it looked like they were just hanging there. Man, we're going fast!

"Okay kids, last time; the controller guy said and the people off my road all kicked there shoes out quickly. While going back up for the third time, we meat the mans shoes. It was pretty hilarious. They landed with the others.

"Oh God, I don't think I'm going to make it down again; I looked at Kai and he was looking a bit white. Wow, never saw I would him scared. I graphed his hand tighter and waited for our last way down. We heard the people down us laughing and pointing to someone.

"What's going on?; I yelled hoping someone would answer me. The man next to me looked at me and said that someone had throw up. I couldn't help but laugh at that one. I thought I would do that. But I kept everything inside.

I'm proud off myself.

"So everyone still alive?; the controller guy asked us and got us lose. I jumped out my seat and had to steady myself to stay on my feet. I tried to walk over to Kai, who was still sitting down: "Hey, you still alive?"

"No; he answered and I nearly fall on him. I couldn't stop laughing and Kai wasn't looking so well: "Don't worry, I know the perfect thing that can solve that. A friend off mien thought me this. I was so sick after going into the G-Force and she told me to eat something. It did miracles."

"I'm not eating Alex. It will just come back out; the teenager told me, but I ran over to a pizza stand. I bought a small one. (I really did this once and it helps, trust me) I had to force Kai in eating: "Key, fine. One bite."

Man, I really can make him listen to me. He took one bite and it worked immediately and he took the pizza over. He didn't want to admit that I was right, but being a girl just totally rocks: "Yes, you were right. Man, this really works good. Where to next?"

I saw his smile fade away all off a sudden and he was looking at something behind me. Or rather someone; I turned around a saw some dude that looked freaking a lot like Kai. His hair was only less wild and spiky. He apparently knew Kai and was starring back.

Why do I have bad feeling about this one? The dude, well actually the man had a pretty woman standing next to him and knew something was up. Hey wait, they do look a lot like each other. Maybe he's that ass off an brother.

I heard the woman telling him to come with her, but he didn't listen to her. She looked at me with some look saying 'help': "Well, I wasn't expecting seeing you here Kai. Voltaire said you had some school dance to go to. Shouldn't you be there with your girlfriend?"

"And what's that suppose to mean?; I shot back at him, but the man ignored me and walked over to Kai. Man, what is with those people? Stop ignoring me for once: "This is how it always go. I've never gotten in between them."

"I take it their brothers?; I asked to be sure. The woman knotted and her blonde hair got pulled behind her shoulders, showing her face better. She was a pretty woman, I had to admit that: "Ichiro and Kai could never stand each other."

"I heard he was an ass on school. I guess know I'll find out if that's true; I said, but the woman told me that he was totally different when Kai wasn't around: "They are a bad influence on each other."

"So? I'm a bad influence on a lot off people. The names Alex by the way; I said and she told me hers was Katherine: "Well, I don't want to hang around her the whole day, so I'm getting my man and leaving. See you around."

"That won't ever work; Katherine yelled after me, but hey, she just doesn't know me then. I didn't look at Ichiro and just pulled Kai by his arm with me. I didn't let go and Kai was getting pist off by it: "Zip it, he isn't going to ruin our day."

Kai gave his brother a last look, but did drop it. Ichiro was standing stunned and his eyes and mouth were wide open. I felt Kai's two arms come around my waist and I let go off his arm: "Yeah your right; Where to next?"

We ran threw the whole park the whole freaking day. We barley eat and just went from the one attraction to the other. We went on some water attraction and got socked. I had my bikini top under my shirt, so I just pulled my shirt out and Kai got ride off his too: "Trying to show off aren't you?"

"You liking what your seeing?; he asked me and pulled me closer. He pushed his wet shirt against my back and I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to make him stop, but that failed miserably: "Maybe, but if you don't stop right now I could change my mind."

He threw his shirt over my head and pulled me to the ghost house. I stopped immediately when I saw where he was heading too and tried to go the other way. But he threw me over his shoulder and forced me on going in there: "No Kai, seriously stop. I hate spiders."

"All the more reason to get you in there. Look at it this way, you have me to protect you; the teenager said I saw him smirking; Oh that jackass. No, I really don't want to go in there. But there was nothing I could do and before I knew it Kai placed me back on my feet and I was pushed inside the house.

"Oh God, I hate you; I said and pulled him close to me. Man I really hate these things. You never know what happens and when you watch to many horror movies like me, these things get just plain worse: "Oh look, a spider."

"WHAT! WHERE!; I yelled and almost hit Kai with my arm. I heard him laughing and I started hitting him like an insane teenager: "Don't you ever do that again! I told you I do NOT like spiders, so stop pulling that shit off on me!"

"Chill, I was just joking. Common give me your hand. I told you, you have me to protect you; he said and I didn't let go off his arm: "Oh yeah that's comforting. You do realize we're still talking about you and the fact you tried to scare the shit out off me just a minute ago!"

"You really hate spiders don't you?"

"YOU Think!"

"Hey, you trust me right?; he asked me and stopped. Yeah sure, but not right now. Hell, I'm traumatized for life after waking up one time and seeing a huge spider on my chest. That will never stop haunting me: "Yes."

"Then relax; he said and kissed me. That did not help. He might like dark, creepy, filled with spiders places. But I do not like those places. Even if those God dammed things are fake, I hate them.

I had never been so happy to see the light again. When I saw the exit I let go off Kai's arm and ran to it. But that wasn't a smart movie, cause some dude was waiting for people to walk past him and jumped out off his hiding place.


My heart was about to jump out my chest and I heard Kai trying his best not to laugh. I didn't planned on staying in there and just waited for him outside: "You found that funny didn't you? I thought you were going to protect me?"

"Well, euh…you see…you just ran off and I wasn't fast enough to…do…that; he said, still trying not to laugh. I turned around and went to find an other wild rid so he could feel sick again: "Oh man, I really hate you."

"No you don't. You love me, you just can't feel that at the moment; he said and followed me and laid his arms around my waist. I made his smile disappear when I wanted to go in an other rollercoaster: "Your joking me right?"


I got him to go on three more rollercoaster's when he said we were going to the aqua part off the park. It was cool, but I liked the rollercoaster's more. It was overloaded with kids and their parents who were running after them: "Common, the outside pools are more fun. You think you can get dressed by your self?"

"And what if I can't?; I asked him with a huge grin on my face.

"Get dressed or I'm doing it for you?"

"You would love that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, I would, now get moving."

"Pervert; I called him and got pushed into one off the cabinets. I only had to change my jeans into my swimming shorts and we ditched our bag in a locker: "This brings back memories. Care to change hat happened last time?"

"I'm always up for that; I said and he trapped me between the lockers and himself. I started kissing him in his neck and pulled him closer with my hands. His hands were on my back and I heard him breathing harder. I grinned in his neck: "Something wrong hunny?"

"Not really sweetie; he answered me and he pulled my face to his. I opened my mouth and the game off tongues started. Kai suddenly picked me up and started walking over to the outside pools. I laid my head against his chest, listing to his heartbeat was calming.

"Wane take a dip?; the teenager asked me and before I could answer, I got thrown in and he jumped in after me. We went on the slides and got a lot off new black spots and bruises: "Man, these things are dangerous."

"Only for two crazy teenagers who go in a kids slide; I said and got pushed under water. Some kid found it funny to pull my bikini top open. Man, I'm so happy that I felt it in time and could graph the dame strings and prevent the whole pull off seeing my breast.

That kid needs to die!

"Come here; Kai was standing/swimming behind me and he started buttoning the strings back together. My skin started tingle every time his hands touched my skin. I made sure my top was back on it's place before turning around: "You just couldn't resist could you?"

"I have no idea what your talking about; Kai said and I pushed him under, but he pulled me with him. Wow, under water making-out isn't easy. When we got back above water, Kai pulled me closer to him: "I love you."

"I love you too."

(ten years later, Noin's view)

Ten years have past since the year I met Alex and Caro Haarler. School had really changed with them around. We had all graduated together and Alex and Caro had gone their own way. I heard that Steph and Caro started designing clothes and what I saw from it, it looked great. They got married five years ago and had adopted a girl, named Jessica.

"Noin!; the two woman ran over to me, but stopped when seeing my huge stomach. They hadn't changed much. Of course they had grown a lot and Caro had changed her hair color to blond and she had gotten extensions. Steph had two piercing's in her ears and I saw a small star tattoo on her ankle.

"Someone's been busy!; Caro said and I started shaking my big belly, showing off that I was pregnant off my first child. But the kid could start coming out now. The doctors had told me I was going to give birth somewhere in this month. My husband, Jason, walked over to us with a tall, green haired man that couldn't be anyone else then Kevin. But the fact that he was actually taller then me now, surprised me: "Wow, Kevin. You changed a lot."

He had moved away four years ago to California and got married to a certain woman named Sharon. I had meat her once, but she couldn't make it tonight. She's a doctor and was called for an emergency: "You gain some weight, I see."

"That's not funny, you shorty; I got back at him. I saw Tala Ivanov talking to his old friend Bryan Kuznetsov and his latest girlfriend. Does he ever grow up. Tala had gotten married, but also divorced. They did have a son, Sean, who was running around here somewhere. He looked a lot like his father, but wasn't ass rude and his hair was blond, like his mother.

The cheerleaders had bought new uniforms for tonight and did an old cheer routine. To bring back memories. I had to admit , they changed a lot. They head cheerleader, who I always fought with was a huge clothing designer and she was making big bucks with that. Hillary worked for her and so did Mariah.

It shocked me when I heard that she had gotten married with Ray Kon.

Man, where is Alex? She's late. I hadn't' heard from her in a while. She had finally published her music, well we kind off forced her into doing that and they had been busy on recording them. But they sold good. She and her old friends weren't planning on touring or anything, because they all have their own lives.

A woman wearing a black dress that came to the knee walked in the school's gym, holding the hand off a small boy, who looked kind off scared on coming in: "Look who finally decide on showing her face here."

The little boy ran over to Tala and he got picked up by the now grown man. He had taken over his adoption's father's work and was also making a lot off money. Tala's son appeared and the other kid started running off with him.

Wow, Alex changed a lot. Her piercing was gone and the typical savage look that was always on her face had been replaced by a young mother. She walked over to us and couldn't help but show off the fact she was wearing a dress and make-up and high heel boots. When she turned around you could still see dragon tattoo on her shoulder and the scar on her ear was also still very clear.

Caro had gotten ride off it by going threw plastic surgery.


"Your late; we all told her and were wondering where her husband was. We all knew she was now called misses Hiwatari, but like I mentioned before we hadn't heard a lot off those two and I was actually wondering if they where still together: "Where's Kai,"

"He's getting the babies; she answered like it was nothing; What! She has an other kid? Wait, didn't she say 'babies' as in meaning more then one kid. We looked at the door and saw a blue haired man walking in, carrying two babies: "We got twins."

"Good luck then; Kat told my best friend. She had been talking to an old teacher and saw the grown up Hiwatari walking over to us: "I mean, twins and you two are the parents. That's bound to go bad."

"Yeah, we know. But hey Lucas is nothing like us, so who knows. Maybe we'll be lucky; Alex answered Kat and took over one off the babies. We all started looking at the two babies. They were so cute. Oh, kid get out my stomach!

"This one is Kayla and that's Layla; Kai told us. Their first born, Lucas, ran over to his little sisters and he was followed by Sean. The two knew each other good and Lucas was telling him that had to be nice to his baby sisters, else he would kick his ass.

"Lucas!; Alex warned her son and he said sorry for saying that. Everyone found it pretty funny that off all people Alex Haarler say's that to her son. She kept a close eye on him and she was a teacher on his school. Kai had taken over his grandfather's company when he passed away and with the money Alex is making, she doesn't even have to work.

"When we were younger she always wanted to teach kids in junior high; Caro told me once. I saw Sway walking around. She was retiring in two years. I would seriously bet money on the fact that she was looking for Alex: "Hey your favorite person is over there."

Alex got an evil smirk on her face and I knew she was up to something; Maybe she hasn't changed at all. She pulled me with her and we walked over to the punch bowl: "I really couldn't resist."

She pulled a small bottle out her purse, with the words 'super glue' written on it. VDB was standing next to her, but she hadn't seen him: "I guess something's never change. Have full little kids."

"Will do; Alex said and caught the attention off Sway: "Miss Sway, it's been a long time. Care for some punch?"

The woman wasn't sure about it all, but when Lucas came to ask his mommy for a drink, she decided that Alex would probably have grown up. And that's where she guessed wrong: "Well, I have to go over to my twin, making sure their okay. With Kai you never know."

"That was such a lame excuse; I told the girl, who couldn't stop laughing. We went back over to the others, who were curries off what Alex had one. Lucas apparently knew what his mother was doing and laughed along with her. It didn't take Sway long to finger out what was wrong with her punch.


The End

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