Here's a huge surprise: I don't own Teen Titans, the characters, the Network, or DC Comics.

Are We Still an "Us"? By Lar Lindor

Chapter One: "Scrapbooks and Reruns"

The 24 year old Raven sighed as she prepared to leave work for the day. It sounded thrilling to be the "Arcane Specialist" for the FBI. That was the title on her door. Still, it was a let down from her first job.

Raven, you see, had grown up as a member of the superhero group known as the Teen Titans. She smiled as she remembered. She pulled out a well worn file marked "My Family." This was her scrapbook of her Titan years. Each hero had his/her own section in the book, with comments from Raven written in the margins.

Robin, Dick Grayson, was the leader, a type 'A' personality, and a pain in the neck. He had been trained as an acrobat by his circus family, and taught combat skills by the Batman. Eventually he'd become the hero known as Nightwing. He still fought crime under that name.

Starfire was her best friend among the Titans, and the only other girl. Kory was a Tamerean princess, and a powerful, but naïve girl. After Starfire and Nightwing had broken up, the girl flew back to her native planet. Raven missed her terribly.

Victor Stone was the hero known as Cyborg. Half man/half machine he was the calming influence on the team. Vic still worked as an inventor, but no longer considered himself a superhero.

Then there was Garfield (Gar) Logan. Gar had been the team clown, and had delighted in trying (usually unsuccessfully) to get Raven to loosen up. He was known as Beast Boy, and he could change into animals. After the Titans went their separate ways, Gar had found work as a host of an animal show on the Animal Planet network. Since, then he had written books, mostly about endangered animals.

Gar was on her mind a lot. After years of working together, the two of them had been a romantic couple for a while. Although Raven had gone on dates since, the green teen was still the only boyfriend she'd ever had.

What had happened to their relationship? She'd gone off to college, while he went to Animal Planet. The long distance relationship soon cooled off, and they had gone their opposite ways. She'd heard from him last about three years ago.

Raven sighed. All of them had changed. Her violet hair and eyes were still there, of course, but she'd exchanged her leotards for business casual attire. She still loved hot tea and reading, but now she rarely meditated. Her emotions were still muted, but much freer than back 'in the day'. She watched television now, especially reruns of "Gar's World of Animals."

Dammit, she still loved him after all these years.

Wiping away a solitary tear, she locked the scrapbook up in her desk. She was lonely. She walked down to the parking lot, and drove away in her Firebird.

"I need to get out of this melancholy mood," she reprimanded herself.

She grabbed her cell phone and plugged it into the power source. That way she could talk without tying up her hands.

"Victor Stone Corporation," came a friendly female voice.

"Hello, this is Raven Roth, is Vic in?" she asked politely.

"Yes, ma'am," the voice said, "I'll connect you to his private line."

"This is Vic," a male voice grinned, "that you, Raven?"

"Yeah, it's me," she grinned, happy to hear his voice, "I needed to hear a friendly voice."

"Ya know you can call anytime, girl," he laughed. "I always have time for my old teammates."

"So have you heard from Dick," she asked, "or Gar?"

"Dick called last month, but it was business," he recalled. "He was interested in a Batmobile kind of car for himself. I sent him some plans, but he hasn't called back yet. You know how he is."

"Yeah," the former female superhero responded, "I know how he is. How are your wife T'lena, and the two mini machines?"

"Great," he laughed again, "you gotta visit soon, y'know. Vickie wants to see Auntie Raven again."

"I'll come soon, I promise. Now how about Gar?" she asked hopefully.

"Not a word from the grass stain," the big man sighed. "His web site claims he's "in the field" working on another book. I miss him. Have you…?"

"No," she said shortly, "I haven't heard from him either. I have to go, Vic. I'll email T'lena about a weekend to visit."

"You miss him, don't ya?" Vic asked.

"Yes," she mourned, "I miss him, and sometimes…"

Raven screamed as a car tried to run her off the road. She glowered at the driver. It was a deliberate act. Then a second car hit her from behind. She was banged up, but more angry than hurt. She pressed a button on her dashboard, which was a distress call to the FBI. She hoped someone would come soon.

"We have the woman," said a strange voice talking into a cell phone.

"Good, bring her to me," a somewhat familiar voice responded. It must have been on Speaker mode, because she could hear the voice distinctly.

"I don't think so moron," Raven growled. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" she chanted. The car was encased in black energy, and was floating now ten feet above the road.

She could hear police sirens in the distance. Alarmed, her assailants leaped back in their nondescript vans and took off at high speeds. She should've used her powers to stop the vehicles, she realized. Oddly enough, she'd never even considered doing that.

No license plates, she observed. Less than five minutes later, there were no less than five State Policemen around her.

Her identification made an instant impression on the cops. They were very respectful, and didn't push her on any issues. Fifteen minutes later, another vehicle arrived. It had no markings, but she knew it was FBI.

"Are you hurt, Miss Roth?" an agent asked. She shook her head in negation. "Do you think you were a specific target?"

"Yeah," she responded, "the perps were trying to abscond with me."

"Do you know who?" the dark suited man asked.

She frowned. She remembered now why the voice on the Speaker phone was so familiar. She knew it from her Titan's days. The voice at that time belonged to a kid, but said child was a major leader of a cult.

"Brother Blood, the younger one," she snarled. "It looks like he's back."

Read and review, please. This is my first TT fic. I've done four Danny Phantom stories, but one had a cameo with the Titans. Another tale was a DP/TT crossover, which I just finished over the weekend. Remember that I'm trying to guess what Raven might be like at age 24. I'm also assuming her powers may have changed/improved over the years.