From Two Different Dimensions

Disclaimer: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto. Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo.

This story will include some of my OCs. You'll know who they are as you read the story.

Chapter 1: Invitation to Soul Society.

Land of Fire, Shinobi World

A hundred years before our heroes were born.

"Hikari, get out of here! Daisuke, take her to safety!"

Both said people looked at each other questioningly before returning their gaze to the older woman.

"Mom…" Hikari called out. Daisuke grabbed her hand. "Let's get out of here, Hikari-chan!"

"Let go of me, Haruno! I can't just leave my mom alone," the sixteen-year-old girl tried to wriggle free from Daisuke's grip.

And then, more buildings were crashed followed by horrified screams of the villagers. Monsters kept on coming, one by one, gradually destroying the village.


Konoha Village, Shinobi World

Present time

Sakura shifted on the bed, slowly opening her eyes to meet the morning sunlight that hit her. She grunted. She went under the sheets, grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly.

The pink-haired kunoichi sighed. Today was going to be the same as any other day. Every morning, she would get up early, change into a nurse gown and go to work at the hospital whereas in the afternoon, she would be free but have absolutely nothing to do. Sakura had gotten used to that routine.

"Shall we hang out?"

"… I, uh…" the wristwatch was being observed. "I can't. Will be going on a mission in an hour."

Sakura had been getting a lot of that lately. No matter who they were. Ino, Tenten, Lee, Naruto or Sai. She rarely hung out with her comrades anymore. They all seem to have neglected her. Or so she thought. Sakura sighed and sat upright on her bed.

But seriously. Tsunade-shishou rarely called her in for training nowadays and her comrades were nowhere to be seen like for almost a month now. Sakura was never the one to have such negative thoughts, but she couldn't help but think that starting not too long ago, she had become invisible to everyone else. Everyone got their own mission or job to do while she hadn't gotten one in a while now. Not even a simple A-rank mission.

"Shannaro! This sucks!" Sakura kicked the sheets off her body but due to her frustration the blanket was forcibly tossed across the floor. "Oops."

She was getting lonelier and lonelier as days passed. She even missed Naruto taking her out on one of those 'dates at Ichiraku ramen stand'. She also had tried requesting for a mission from Tsunade the Hokage, also her mentor, but she got rejected often.

Her mentor had made an excuse by saying that Sakura was needed at the hospital. Moreover, she got the very same answer every time she requested to be on a mission. Sakura had felt like smacking her own big forehead whenever she heard that. Because there was obviously lots of nurses in the hospital capable of handling everything. And besides, there was no serious injuries reported lately. Just some patients having minor cuts, bruises here and there and so on.

Sakura sighed once more. She gathered her strength to get out of bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom. Just then, the sixteen-year-old girl realized that she had a day off today and so would like to take a stroll around Konoha.


Sakura rubbed her grumbling stomach, realizing that she hadn't eaten breakfast yet as she walked down the streets of Konoha.

"Ramen wouldn't be bad," she said and headed towards the famous Ichiraku ramen stand. As she entered that place, she saw her blonde teammate there eating his favourite food, ramen.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed. Sakura was surprised yet delighted to see him. She didn't know that he had returned from his mission. The girl took a seat next to him and ordered a bowl of ramen.

"Naruto! It's been a while," Sakura said with a grin.

"Yeah, Sakura-chan. I wish I could spend more time with you but I'm so busy nowadays. I bet you're busy as hell too, Sakura-chan!" he said without looking at her, obviously in love with his ramen more than her at the moment, Sakura noted.

"Oh, yeah. I am very busy, Naruto," Sakura thought sarcastically. She was about to take a bite of her ramen when Naruto suddenly said he had to leave.

"I got to go, Sakura-chan. I'm late for training with Kakashi-sensei. See you later!" Naruto said with a foxy grin. He waved Sakura goodbye before he got out of sight.

Sakura pouted. "Kakashi-sensei… How unfair of him to never have called me in for a training session."

She shrugged, split her chopsticks and went for the noodles. Ten minutes later she was on the streets again, heading towards the Yamanaka flower shop. Visiting a bestfriend wouldn't hurt, Sakura thought. As soon as she arrived, she saw Ino at the counter.

"Hey forehead! What brings you here?" Ino asked with a grin.

"Ino-pig, can we talk?" Sakura asked. Ino seemed to be thoughtful for a while.

"I guess. I have a mission in less than an hour so I'm going to get prepared. You can make it short, forehead," Ino said. Sakura stared at Ino for a while and took a deep breath.

Sakura tried to make it sound funny and not so serious, but failed miserably. "Ino-pig, I feel lonely."

Ino raised an eyebrow. There was silence at first. Then, she laughed. Sakura was irked by her friend's reaction.

"Forehead-girl, since when are you like that?" Ino asked and rubbed a non-existent tear from her eye. Sakura remained silent and watched Ino intently, prompting the blonde to continue, "Sakura, believe me it's just you. People are busy getting on with their lives. Seriously, why do I even have to explain this to you?"

Sakura frowned and she couldn't help but think that it was a bad idea that she came here in the first place. She forced a laugh. "You're right. It must be the time of the month. Gosh! Forget what I just said."

"How are you by the way?" Ino tried to ease the subject.

"Great. And you? When is your next shift at the hospital?"

"Great great. Well… I'm not quite sure. Haven't check my calendar yet but it's nowhere within this week. Look Sakura, I have to go now. See you later?"

She sighed and bade farewell to Ino. Now Sakura was on the streets once again. She eventually decided to spend the rest of the day at the library.

The library was quite deserted. Only a few people were seen at the tables concentrating on their books. Sakura browsed through the bookshelves and came across some books designated for medics. She reached her hand out for a book, but pulled back, because she had read it countless times before. And also hundreds of other similar books. Sakura loved reading books. She was an intelligent kunoichi, but being one should always be strategic in missions. Which she yearned for at the moment.

She wandered around, looking for something else other than medic books. She walked to the very end of the library until she saw an unusual book. It stood out from the rest because it looked very old and was sandwiched in between two not-really-old books. Okay, the book didn't really stand out but something drove her to check it out. She grabbed it and read the title on the front cover.

'Different Dimension'.

"Strange. I've never seen this book before," she thought and observed the book for a while. It was a dark blue book, rather thin, slightly covered in dust. From the looks of it, no one had ever touched the book and it was left sitting on the bookshelf for a very long time. Sakura looked around for a table.

She saw one near a corner of the library but there was someone there and she immediately recognized the person. To her surprise, it was Sai. Sakura didn't have to guess what book Sai was reading. It had to be a book about emotions. Or understanding people.

Sakura came over and sat across from Sai. The dark-haired man was startled.


"Hey Sai, long time no see!" Sakura smiled.

"Y-yeah. Nice to see you again," Sai smiled back at the kunoichi before he resumed his reading. Sakura held up her book and looked closely at the title.

"Different dimension… Is there any other place that's out there somewhere?" she thought. Sounds ridiculous, but deep down, something urged her to open the book. So she did. She turned over to the first page and began reading. By that time, Sakura was too focused on the book that she was unable to notice Sai taking out a sketch book and began drawing.

'It is believed that there is another world that exists besides the Shinobi world that we lived in. It was confirmed by the ninjas from a long time ago during the war time. Their village was attacked by huge, ugly monsters. People wearing black kimono and hakama, carrying katanas killed those monsters. Those people were called Shinigamis. According to one Shinigami who spoke to the ninjas, they came from a place called Soul Society. They came to Shinobi world for the purpose of killing the monsters, called hollows, that surprisingly had the ability to come to the Shinobi world. Later, all of them disappeared into a light hole in the sky.'

Sakura blinked. She couldn't believe what she had read.

"This has gotta be a fiction, right?"


"Oh, nothing Sai. Something about this book… Nevermind. I'll keep on reading."

She wondered if there was actually another world that existed. For heaven's sake! She had been alive for over a decade and had been considered as one of the brightest students at the Ninja Academy. But she had never heard of Soul Society. Actually, she bet no one here did.

Sakura lifted her gaze at Sai. He was looking at her but had reverted his eyes immediately back to his sketch book after that. His hand was busy sketching something. Sakura was curious about what Sai was drawing but decided to continue reading the book.

'Not much information was told after that. However, before the Shinigamis left, they said they will handle the situation and prevent any more hollows from appearing to this world again. And they did, because years have passed and not a single hollow had ever appeared after the incident. As each year passed, the incident was slowly forgotten and it became completely wiped out from people's memory eventually. The sole purpose of this book being written, is to prepare the people of a future where the incident returns.

Hollows' appearance:

They have ghostly appearance since they are spirits. They wear masks. Most importantly, they can't be seen by normal people.

Sakura turned to the last page of the book to find out who the writer was.


"Oh great, the author didn't leave his or her name! This book must be a joke, right?" Sakura closed the book and sort of regretted to have wasted her time reading a fictional book. The story even sounded convincing. But there was no way… Right?

Sakura looked at Sai. He was still busy drawing something. She caught him looking at her and then sketched something again several times. She wondered what Sai was drawing. Was he drawing her? It was not possible. Then, she heard him muttered the word 'finished' and closed his sketch pad.

"What did you draw, Sai?" Sakura asked. Sai made a sheepish smile and got up to leave. "It's a secret."

Sakura pouted. "Geez, he won't tell!"

She was about to get up too when suddenly the building shook. Sakura fell to the floor with a loud thud. Sai tried to regain his balance by holding onto a nearby wall. He immediately turned to Sakura once the place had stopped shaking.

"What was that?"

"I don't know… Let's go, Sai!" Sakura said. Sai nodded and they hurried outside.

Once they were outside, to their horror, they saw a huge ghostly figure wearing a white mask destroying whatever was nearby.

"What the heck is that?" Sai asked, his eyes widened in disbelief. Sakura was lost beyond words.

"Ghostly appearance… a mask… No, it can't be…"

The monster gave a loud cry as it destroyed a building.

"IT'S A HOLLOW!" Sakura shouted.


Seireitei, Soul Society

"Man, what a drag… another meeting?" a man said as he walked down a hallway.

"Ken-chan, I don't think this is an ordinary meeting," a small smiling pink-haired girl said as she climbed onto the man's shoulder.

"Yachiru's right. Yamamoto-taichou doesn't usually invite Lieutenants to a meeting. Only Captains attend meetings," a blonde woman said.

"Matsumoto is right. Something unusual must've happened," told a silver-haired boy.

The four of them entered the meeting hall to find the rest of the Gotei 13 captains and lieutenants waiting.

"We've been waiting for you, Hitsugaya-taichou, Rangiku, Kenpachi-taichou and Yachiru," Renji greeted them.

"Sorry we're late," Toushiro apologized and all four of them got to their places.

"Hm, doesn't matter. Now that everyone's here, let's start," Commander-General Yamamoto began. The room was silent for a while.

"Still remember Shinobi world?" he questioned suddenly. Everyone seemed to be shocked at the mention of Shinobi world. Some were confused while the others seemed to have already known about it.

"Way back a hundred years ago, hollows had invaded the place, right?" Kyouraku asked as for confirmation. Captain Yamamoto nodded slowly.

"What about it?" Mayuri asked. Captain Yamamoto didn't answer until few moments later.

"What Captain Kyouraku said about the incident a hundred years ago... It's happening now."

Several gasps were heard across the meeting hall.

"You mean, the Shonobi world is under attack… Right now!?" Shuuhei asked in disbelief.

"Quite true. It has been reported that a hollow has appeared somewhere in a village called Konoha."

"So, what's the plan?" Rangiku asked.

"Listen very well…" Captain Yamamoto said. Silence filled the room. Then, he began, "Lieutenants from Divisions three, five, six, nine and ten are to go to Shinobi world and take down the hollow or maybe hollows and after that, hold a meeting with the highly-acknowledged ninjas and explain to them about the situation."

With that, Kira, Momo, Renji, Shuuhei and Rangiku stepped ahead. "Roger!" They all agreed and walked off towards the exit.

"And bring the substitute-Shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo, with you as well." Captain Yamamoto added.

"What…" Renji was about to say something but he was shoved by Rangiku.

"Come on, Renji we don't have time. Let's hurry."

"There's one more important thing I need to tell you before you leave," Captain Yamamoto said. All heads turned to him immediately.

Commander-General Yamamoto then made his last announcement, which received a lot of mixed feelings among the Shinigamis present in the room. This had never been done before, but maybe this time things might become more serious that it was now an exception. With that new plan proposed, the Shinigamis slowly one by one left the hall, making some preparations.


Konoha Village, Shinobi World

"Hollow?" Sai asked, puzzled. He looked at his teammate confusedly. Sakura froze on her spot. It seemed very ridiculous somehow. How could something that she read in a book, which she had thought to be a fiction, became a reality in less than a minute?

But if that wasn't a hollow, what the hell could it be? That sort of monsnter had never been spotted here before. But the description in the book exactly matched the monster's characteristics. How could she be wrong?

Then, a middle-aged woman was seen crossing the street in front of the hollow. Sakura and Sai watched in horror as the lady didn't acknowledge her surroundings.

"Get out of there! You're in danger. Can't you see the monster behind you?" Sakura said aloud. She was worried about the normal villagers getting hurt. The woman turned towards Sakura.

"What are you talking about?" the women yelled angrily. Then, Sakura realized.

'They can't be seen by normal people.'

Normal people can't see them! It turned out that only humans with high spiritual energy could see the hollows. That was another thing she got from the book.

The hollow was annoyed at the passerby and shoved the woman away from him. A loud scream was heard before it came to an abrupt stop. The poor woman had been crashed into a nearby building and soon became lifeless. That made Sakura really, really angry.

"SHANNARO!" With a chakra-enhanced fist, she charged towards the hollow, which seemed to be unaware of her as it destroyed another building. The hollow suffered from the impact of Sakura's heavy punch and it crashed into a tree.

The hollow gave out a loud cry. Konoha citizens began to panic. They couldn't see what was destroying their properties.

"Damn! I made that thing angry!" Sakura cursed. By that time, Sai had already stood beside Sakura. He took out his scroll to perform a jutsu when suddenly someone jumped over both him and Sakura and flew towards the hollow.


"Naruto!" Sakura called out to him. But before Naruto could aim his target, something interrupted him.

"Getsuga tensho!"

A cresent blue-coloured blast sliced the hollow into two. The hollow cried in pain and moments later, it turned into spirit particles. A blonde teenage man was seen coming out of the forest. He was wearing a black kimono and hakama. He also carried a katana which he used to kill the hollow just now. Later, five more people wearing the same outfit appeared. Naruto, Sai and Sakura watched at the newcomers. They looked very different and unfamiliar.

"Black kimono…hakama…Even those katana… Oh my God, they're Shinigamis! What's going on here?" Sakura became more lost with the current situation.

"Ichigo, I think that's all for now. There are no signs of hollows at any other places." Renji said. Ichigo looked at his surroundings.

"So this is the Shinobi world." He said. All the six Shinigamis turned to Naruto, Sakura and Sai. The three ninjas held a confused look.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Naruto asked. Just then, several ANBUs and Jounins appeared in front of the Shinigamis. Tsunade came too. She stepped forward.

"I'm the Hokage, ruler of this village. So, who are you?"

"Do it now, Ichigo," Renji whispered as he elbowed Ichigo in the upper arm.

"Go, Kurosaki-san," Shuuhei said.

"Does it have to be me?" Ichigo asked.

"YES!" Renji, Shuuhei, Kira, Momo and Rangiku said in unison. Ichigo sighed. He stepped forward.

"We're Shinigamis," he said. Tsunade raised an eyebrow. Shizune came beside her and whispered, "Tsunade-sama, I've heard about them before. One hundred years ago-"

"…Save it, Shizune. I've heard about them already," Tsunade cut her sentence. Shizune just nodded. Tsunade turned to the Shinigamis again.

"After a century, it happened again. What's going on?"

Momo stepped forward and explained. "That is still under investigation. Other Shinigamis in Soul Society right now are trying to figure out the cause of the problem. Further details will be told later when they have gained solutions."

"I see," Tsunade said. She feared that the event that occurred over a hundred years ago would happen again. The first time she had heard about the event was from the elders. And that was when she was just a little child and she hadn't believed it at first… until now that she could see the hollow and Shinigamis in front of her very own eyes.

Tsunade whispered to Shizune, "Shizune, assign a few Chuunins to go the library. I heard that there's a book that explains about another world. I don't know if it is true or not but just search for it. If you find it, bring it to my office immediately."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!" Shizune complied and proceeded in doing her task. What they didn't know was that the book was already taken by Sakura, who held the book in her arms right now and wasn't even aware of it. Her eyes were fixed at the Shinigamis in front of her.

Remembering the last command given by Commander-General Yamamoto, Ichigo spoke again, "There's one last important thing that we need to tell you. It's more like a request."

"Go on," Tsunade said. The rest of the Shinigamis took in deep breaths.

"If possible, we need a few people here to come with us to Soul Society and undergo a special training to become a Shinigami, like us. It may take years."

All of the ninjas were shocked by the proposal. There was no way someone would willingly leave their beloved village to train something that did not follow the way of Shinobi in another world.

Renji finally spoke. "I know it's difficult, but we Shinigamis from the other dimension won't think it'll be easy for us to come here whenever a hollow appears. We can't predict how serious the problem will become. So until the current problem is solved, we need some of the skilled ninjas here who think they are capable of handling the hollows to come with us."

Rangiku continued further, "Please understand that the way the hollow is killed is different as to who does it. Only a Shinigami's power can cleanse the hollow's soul instead of completely destroying it."

"So, anyone who is willing to take the risk, please accept the offer. This is also for the sake of your village," Kira concluded.

The Konoha shinobis seemed to be thoughtful for a while.

"We give you twenty four hours to decide. Whoever is willing to become a Shinigami, please meet us at the front gate of this village in twenty four hours and we will bring you to Soul Society where you will begin your training immediately. That is all." Renji explained.

He took out his Zanpakutou and thrust it forward, and suddenly sliding doors appeared before the Shinigami.

"We have opened the senkaimon. We'll take our leave now."

The Shinigamis entered the senkaimon to return to Soul Society.

"Remember to meet us tomorrow," Kira managed to say before the door was completely closed.

"What... what the hell is going on?" Naruto was equally confused as anyone else. He watched as the sliding doors disappeared into thin air. The surrounding became noisy immediately as people began to make a huge fuss about the situation. Sakura just stood there on her spot and stared at the ground hard. She hugged the book tightly to her chest.

"Soul Society, hmm…"

-End of Chapter 1-

Next Chapter: Sakura's Decision.

Please note:

Hakama – a Japanese clothing: the wide, black, pleated skirt worn by the Shinigamis.

Taichou – Captain.

A/N: This is my first attempt at a crossover fanfiction. Reviews are appreciated. The titles of the future chapters are ready, so tell me in your reviews if you want me to show them in my profile. :)