Hello Lilo and Stitch fans! I have decided to jump back into this fandom with a new story and plans. I hope you all shall enjoy this.

Chapter 1: Activation and Information

As normal as Kokaua Town could get, it was rather peaceful being filled with activated and dormant genetic experiments. The sun was hanging in the middle of the sky, indicating a lack of outdoor activity. Everyone was busy with some task, be it work, school, or avoiding the heat. There was also a strange, small amount of tourists from the current climate, with the exception of a handful who are considered regulars by most of the natives.

One in particular, was in a newly constructed building that was placed by a beach. It was a psychology ward that was nestled by the hospital. A building like that was in high demand as everyone had been complaining about the same problem. It was constant bickering of mutated or unnatural animals who roamed the area. Usually people assumed it was something mythical or native life, however, local historians would prove it false.

From this breakthrough, Hawaiians quickly began seeing mental help. With the exception of those who knew what the animals actually were or too senile to notice. One special tourist was the first to apply for this newly installed treatment. For him and his newlywed wife had been assaulted by these creatures on more than one occasion. He is currently being treated for his many strange experiences.

"You have to help me. I keep seeing these strange creatures wondering around this island. They all had these strange powers, like superheroes." The nervous, unfocused tourist said.

The psychologist sighed. This particular worked was intelligent but strained. He scratched his Freudian beard trying to ponder a new way to approach this recurring problem. Nearly everyone in the island had problems of supernatural creatures. He was meant to deal with real emotional traumas and development issues; not the abnormal.

"Tell me about these animals you are seeing." The doctor said.

"Oh boy, you are in for a story." The patient responded. The analyst rolled his eyes. "I saw four of these things on my honeymoon. They were like aliens. There were two who were really dog-sized but surprisingly athletic. One of them survived a collapsing building, while the other seemed to blow like a foghorn right in my face!"

The psychologist looked upwards. He had heard the story about one in particular who was dog-sized and had an unnatural constitution. How many of these weird animals are there anyway?

"Then there was another who looked like a long, skinny, green noodle. And one eye at the end of his head! He didn't really seem to have any powers but was carrying like this vacuum gun. Finally, when me and my wife went to the museum, we saw a big whale or shark-ish alien. He was like twelve feet tall and was wearing some kind of uniform!"

"Wait." The psychoanalyst interrupted. Something different was now thrown into the mix. "Wouldn't other people say something about this?"

"Well, at first I thought that it was some sort of Samoan. But no human can be that tall."

"Hmm…is that it?"

"Yes doctor."

"It seems as though that you may be suffering from a mild form of dementia or hysteria that would cause you to see things that aren't really there."

"Oh no, that's horrible! Wait…aren't I a bit young to have that?"

"Not necessarily. Mental illnesses can occur at any age. Tell me, do you own any animals? Do you have a history of head injuries or alcoholism?"

"Not at all. I'm allergic to most mammals and I don't drink. And I never had any head injuries."

At that point, the doctor hit a snag. He tightened his face as he had to find a new scapegoat of why this person may be seeing these organisms. Everyone was talking about them. But they can't be existent, for there is no creature like that at all. Was the entire island mentally disturbed? He looked around for a possible was to stall for time. Other than see the books and boring scenery of the room, he had to look for an answer. Until his eyes hit the table.

On the table were basic accessories. But the item that particular caught his eye was a candy dish. It was filled with several high quality mints. They were pure white, to ensure their long-lasting wintergreen flavor. With the exception of one enlarged mint at the top. But sometimes food companies do mistakes like that. He knew that it would be the best solutions.

Pushing the dish forward he asked: "How about you tell me more? And try some mints, they will relax you."


The tourist looked at the mints curiously. They didn't see of any particular flavor, but he assumed that people like psychologists would have the high-quality version. He was in need of some relief, so he decided to take the largest mint he could see. But unbeknownst to him, the white sphere was engraved with the numbers of "104". He licked the item hoping for joy; however he immediately made a grimace upon contact with his tongue.

"Ew! What is this made of? Rock? He would soon find out. The so called 'mint' was coated with his saliva. It triggered the sphere's true purpose. It strangely began to glow and grow, causing the tourist to panic and toss the thing.

Both of the humans stood up in amazement as the candy was expanding like a miniature sun. They watched in awe as the humble item was acting extreme bizarre. What was the cause of this? A hallucination or some sort of deception of the brain? The sphere then reached to the height of half of the wall. At that point, it looked like it was covered it a yellow net. From that color, it exploded in a flash of light and strangely creating the sound of something technical like a sliding door. Beheld from the light was something neither of the earthlings would assume.

For from the blast, was a creature. I had mere height that would look as if it would stare at a normal human's kneecaps. The body covered in a charcoal color with the exception of dark gray around his stomach, lower jaw, ears, and paws. His fur had a peculiar trait on each of his arms. Each had a stripe that swirled around his arm, beginning at the middle of his palm and ending at the correlating shoulder. The stripe on the left was white; the right one, black. With all these features, one would believe he would match all over. But attached to his short legs were pair of hooves. Each was circular in shape, except for the front that had two points aiming forward like an upside-down triangle.

However, this organism's head was truly the most interesting part of all. He had ears that were particularly close to his head. But they were short and jagged in a fashion similar to his hooves. He had an odd amount of hair placed around the back of his head. On closer inspection, his right cuspid would be shown even if his mouth was closed. Finally he had a basic set of eyes. However, there was a small lined mark on top of his forehead.

The psychologist felt hostile, yet overall intrigued in the creature. He inched closer to him in order to take a closer examination. It looked dormant, so the monster would most likely not attack him. The man stared at it deeply, particularly focused at the mark on his head. Was it a burn from the flash they had to experience? Or perhaps an extra patch of fur. It was neither.

The two humans screamed at the top of their lungs and ran out of the room. Mesmerized and frightened, they even sprinted out of the building from what they have witnessed. For it was no mark at all.

It was an eye.

A green eye. And as it was awakened, his other two eyes opened. They both mirrored a yellow-green color that would blind any normal being, which the poor doctor had to experience. But as the light hit the doctor, it was instantly burned in the experiment's brain. His ears and eyes moved around trying to understand what he was looked at. His middle eye rolled into the back at his head, and viewed that human as on a computer screen.

Focusing on the human, he viewed the principals of what he had studied. The skin was dark brown. The language it spoke was English. The race was hominid, in the species of Homo Sapien. From these facts, he could discover the dominate life in their environment. His technological mind had fused this information together and quickly transported through the neurons in his brain. It now seemed as this basic data was fully understood.

The experiment had sought life now. Slowly moving, he tested his body for complete functionality. His eyes had faded from a harlequin color to a simple black. He moved his pupils around while closing his third, in order to discover any information on his surroundings. At one side of the room, there was a large glass window taking up nearly the entire wall. Past it was the true splendor of Hawaii's nature.

He quickly thought of a simple plan to exit this room. Walking towards the glass, he extended sharp nail. The nails of most experiments were powerful enough to deal with objects like glad. He carved a rectangular shape starting from the base near the carpet. As the shape was made, he placed his hoof on the material, making sure it was perfectly leveled. Using force, he pushed the glass out of the room and onto the slanted roof.

104 jumped from the carved exit and onto the piece of slab. His weight quickly shifted to the board causing it to slide down building. The change in movement made him grin in anticipation. Hitting a ledge, he plummeted downward to field of grass. Pushing his legs, he sprung from the glass. The makeshift board broke on a nearby tree, while the experiment planted his limbs onto the ground.

The alien quickly stood up ready for more investigation. He scouted the local infrastructure for more life. There was one nearby building that caught his interest. It had a simple floor decorated in green, red and blue wood. However, it had a room that was extraordinarily tall. Buildings like this on other planets usually meant it would be a government housing of sorts. But he was wrong.

The black experiment walked slowly to this structure. But as he walked, he would take notice of all features of this world. The temperature was hot, but had a nice cooling breeze to compliment it. The grass had felt like a soothing balm to his hooves compared to glass or carpet.

As he reached the building, he gently opened the door in order to slip in. He hoped that he would learn more on this society from the leaders that would follow it. But this was quickly dashed.

For a large building, there were only 6 humanoids in it. He saw six underdeveloped females and one overfed adult. They were also during the most peculiar thing. With clothes made from plants, they seemed to move in a relaxing and peaceful dance. 104 chose not to interrupt what was going on. He simply stood there in order to not cause any attention.

"Okay girls, good session today. I'll be sure to meet you all on Friday for our big dance recital. Just be sure to practice and have fun." The male said.

104 decided to take further observation into these humanoids, especially since they seemed to diverse more than what he saw. The teacher of the group and one of the girls had shared the color of the psychologist he saw earlier today. Three of the other girls with varying hair color had a strange pink skin. And there were two others who had different shades of brown. They all comfortably walked from the stage towards the door.

The experiments slipped out of the room in order to keep his surveillance unnoticed. He moved towards the side of a set of stairs as a perfect hiding space. The six girls dashed through the doors, feeling glad that their form of discipline had been lifted. They then quickly formed a circle, discussing many plans that had to make for the rest of the day.

104 then gasped, as he looked towards of the girls in awe. The native skinned one had a peculiar animal with her. That looked almost like him. Except he did not have gray fur, hooves, and an extra eye.

"I don't ever recall something like that being created." The experiment thought to himself. What in the world had happened since he had gone? He couldn't think of it for now, for the human females began conversing:

"I can't wait for this Friday." The girl with the experiment mentioned.

"I know, Lilo. This'll be my first recital. I wonder what I should do."

"You should do something involving the dead, like what I'm doing Victoria."

"Hmmf." The red-headed snorted.

"What's wrong Mertle?"

"You always do something on skeletons or vampires or zombies or mummies."


"So, it's weird. And crazy."

"Yeah…" The three non-speaking girls at that moment said.

104 blinked. Arguing over a ritualistic dance? The undead? Little girls who have been lobotomized? There must be more to this.

"Oh, I just dance with what works for me."

"Ih!" The experiment enthusiastically agreed. The hiding experiment recognized that pretty quickly. Turian, the common language of his creator.

Myrtle rolled her eyes. "Well of course your disfigured mutt would agree with anything you do. I bet your family of weirdos would feel the same way."

The native girl's eyebrows moved downward. "Now you take that back! My family is not weird."

"Oh Weirdlo, of course they are weird! Even your parenting set up is weird! You have a sister, an ugly aunt and uncle, and no parents"

"That tears it!"

"Lilo, don't! Remember what kumu said."

The black haired girl listened to what she echoed. That red-head had taken it too far. But Moses does not want to see her fighting again.

"You're right Victoria"

"Excuse me…" A random voice said.

All the girls and the "dog" turned their heads and attention to the voice. Upon sight, they saw the odd, yet inquisitive experiment 104. He had been eavesdropping for the most part, but felt that interaction with this race would help his experience better. While he walked casually to the group, most of them had a hostile presence.

"Oh no! It's more of Weirdlo's ugly dogs!"

"Who are you?" Lilo asked.

"Er…I don't really have a name. But I am a type of intergalactic experiment."

"Cousin!" Experiment 626 instantly perked up from that statement.

Even though he saw the other experiment light up with joy, 104 decided to not to focus on him. He had to learn on the subject at hand.

"You." He pointed at the belligerent human leader. "Why are you so angry?"

Mertle was puzzled. The experiment had freaked her out, but he had a strange calm and intelligent attitude and voice. "I…I don't know. She's weird."

"Well, explain to me. Is it taboo to like supernatural things such as zombies and mummies?"

"No." Said Lilo. "Villains like that have fans in the millions!"

"Hmm…" The experiment peeked back at Mertle "So, you really don't have a reason for arguing with her."

"Of course I do!" The girl said defense.

"I don't think so. You see, you have several problems that indicate you are not worthy of insulting."

This caught Lilo's attention quite strongly. She never liked it when Mertle would insult her. Yet this experiment is completely standing up for her and telling Mertle why she shouldn't. This made her feel good and quite entertained at the matter.

"From your skin, it appears you are not from this particular area. Your hair looks severely aged, you have skewed vision that causes you to wear those rather large bifocals, and you are overweight."

Lilo, Stitch and Victoria couldn't help but snicker at that statement. Mertle, steaming with rage, decided to simply blow off that comment. She simply scoffed and flipped her hair.

"You're wrong. I'm beautiful."

"Yeah!" Her three cohorts said in a long nagging tone.

"Nope." 104 dismissed. "And it appears your followers have no self-esteem or intelligence either." The three girls made puzzled looks.

"You sure know a lot." Victoria complemented.

"In fact, if she knows a lot more than you, and she didn't even do anything to provoke you…" He pointed at Lilo. "She should attack you."

"All right!" Lilo stated cheerfully. She made a devious grin at Mertle, who in turn made quite the opposite face.

At that point, the Hawaiian girl pounced on her with enthusiasm and vigor, knowing she was allowed to attack her. Mertle's friends decided to simply run away to make sure that it wouldn't happen to then. 626 laughed gleefully as he knew the pale skinned one deserved it. Victoria and 104 just grinned. The experiment felt pleased that his words were being taken into action. He most likely had a lot to explain to this planet.

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