Chapter 1

Anju walked down the street, parasol held tightly in her hands. She gazed at the bustling city with amazement, though a sadness washed over her; it was one of the few times she walked by herself in the broad daylight, and she knew that she would never be like the people who surrounded her.

A sigh escaped her lips, and she solemnly closed her eyes. She continued to walk with her eyes closed, and suddenly heard a soft thud and felt a sharp pain in her lower body. It was mainly in the butt area.

She opened her eyes to find that she was sitting to the side of a street lamp. Looking up, she discovered pedestrians all around were staring oddly at her. She ignored their curious stares, and slowly got to her feet. She had still only been outside alone during the day a few times, so her coordination wasn't yet at its best.

Anju nimbly continued on her way, careful to not let the sun touch any part of her body. It wouldn't yet kill her, but she knew that the pain would start as a prickling sensation, and then grow into an excruciating pain.

The young vampire decided that she had been out long enough, so she turned on her heel to head home. Not only did she want to get back to the safety and comfort of her home, but she also felt that her bum needed to be attended to. Along the way to her house she crashed into many items, including a mailbox, a light post, and a few parked cars. All these items had followed tripping over a small terrier; hence the sore bottom.

She eventually got to the mansion, though not before she noticed something peculiar. Before arriving at the mansion, she observed two beings, one of them dressed in a very baggy red outfit. The guy seemed to be getting scolded by the young woman, but he didn't look like he cared. An argument between the two fired up, and Anju felt that it was none of her business, so she left them and carried on towards her home.

Karin greeted Anju at the door, Boogie cradled in her arms.

"Hey, Anju. You forgot Boogie," she said, as Anju walked through the door.

"Yeah, you forgot me! I had to get this failure of a vampire to lug me around all day! Get back here, Idiot! I'm talking to you!" Boogie said fiercely, using his cleaver to point at his vampire friend.

"Sorry, Boogie…" Anju muttered, as she walked past her sibling and living doll, and up the stairs. She wanted to be alone at that moment.

::change in time::

Anju woke with a start. She felt oddly cold, and slightly nervous; she had broken out into a cold sweat in her sleep. She'd had a very strange dream; it was based upon the two people she had seen that day. Those two had been in her thoughts since she had first seen them.

She felt that this dream, along with her strong feeling for the couple, was very important, and also felt that she couldn't ignore it. She got out of bed and gazed around her room. All of her dolls were fast asleep, including Boogie. Satisfied that all was well, she made her way to Karin's room. She gently pushed open her sister's bedroom door, and silently made her way to the bed.

She looks so peaceful in her sleep, Anju thought, as she gazed at the sleeping form of her big sister. All was calm, and then…

"Usui Kenta! Kenta…my Kenta…" Karin called out in her sleep, and then made kissing noises. Her sudden outburst startled Anju, who took a step back. Karin's rambling went on for a few minutes, and then died down.

Anju decided that her suspicion could wait; Karin had had a long day, and she needed her rest. So she exited the room and headed back to her own.

::change in time::

"Oh, no!" Karin cried in distress, as she ran around the house doing various things. "I'm going to be late again!"

Karin's ruckus could be heard all throughout the mansion, and it woke Anju from her light slumber.

"Finally awake, eh? Hey! Anju! Get back here, and take me with you! ANJU!!" Boogie freaked, and then realized that he was being ignored. He didn't like that, so he resorted to insulting Karin. He said, "Don't you encourage that failure sister of yours!" He continued ranting, along with swinging his cleaver in all directions.

Anju left her doll friend at her bedside, knowing that his little legs wouldn't allow him to follow her. Although he couldn't physically get up and walk, the string of threats and expressions of his disgust did.

But she managed to ignore him, for she was bound and determined to get to her sister before she left for school.

"Karin?" Anju whispered loudly, as she caught Karin getting ready to walk out the door.

"Oh, hey, Anju…you're up!" Karin looked back to face Anju. "You're not usually awake this early. What do you need?"

"Karin…I have a secret…I have to tell you…" Anju answered timidly.

"Can't it wait? I've got to get to school," Karin said, as she continued to gather her things, and pack everything she would need for her day at school.

Anju felt very strongly about the matter at hand, and felt that if she were to hold back on telling Karin, it might slip her mind. So, at that moment, she did something that was a tad not like her. She asserted herself, and grabbed hold of Karin's sleeve.

"No, Karin. Now," she said with a quiet force in her voice.

Karin saw that her sister was tense, and decided to stay and listen to what she had to say. If it was that important to Anju, she could risk being late.

She put her arm around her little sister, and led her to the dining room. Remnants of Karin's breakfast still remained, scattered on her end of the table. Karin rushed to hide them, not wanting Anju to tell her parents; she really didn't want to feel their wrath at the moment. Then they each took a seat, and Karin began the discussion.

"OK, so tell me about this secret of yours."

::change of time::

Anju's explanation had taken a lot longer than Karin had thought it would; she had explained it in such detail. And although she did that, she seemed very confused, like she didn't know why she felt that way. Karin looked at the clock, and found that she had no hope of getting to school on time. One of her classes was already over. She wanted to help her sister, so she decided to skip that day.

From what Anju had told her, Karin figured that the man was a fighter of some sort; Anju had said that the stench of blood was very strong around him. And it wasn't his blood, either. Karin felt that this was strange and out of the ordinary, so she decided to begin an investigation. With other people's blood all over him, there was a chance that he was a vampire, just like her.

"Anju, do you really feel strongly about this?" Karin questioned.

"Yes…I do…"

"Then let's go try to find out more."

"OK…I'll go get Boogie," Anju said, as she started to walk to her bedroom in order to fetch her doll companion. Before she was able to get far, Karin stopped her.

"I'm sorry, Anju…but Boogie can't come along with us this time. He'd blow our cover," she told.


"Yes. We're going to track those two down, and gather as much information as we can. We have to do it in secret, and Boogie would make too much noise. He would get us caught for sure," Karin explained.

Anju nodded, acknowledging that they were to go out on their expedition completely alone. Even their parents could not know what they were up to.

Anju got changed out of her pajamas, and into her usual all black/grey attire, and the two vampire sisters set out on their journey.

They walked around the city, looking for anything that could turn out to be a clue or a hint. They didn't discover anything of major importance, but luck was on their side that day.

A breeze rustled through Anju's slivery hair, making it blow around in all directions, including her face. In an attempt to avoid the wind and restore her vision, she turned around. Her attempt was futile, as her bangs continued to flutter in the wind directly in front of her eyes. So she compromised, and held her hair away from her face with one hand, while the other held her parasol.

She looked straight ahead, now that she was able to see again, and found the best lead they could have hoped for: the actual people. On the other side of the road stood the boy and the girl that Anju had seen just the other day.

::end of chapter 1::

Well, this is one of the fanfictions I've been working on. I started it around the same time as Across Space and Time, but it was put on hiatus for the longest while. I finally got around to writing it again. It's nearly done now, and I'll be posting it on here as I finish typing out the chapters I have written.

I know this chapter's short...I resent that, but I couldn't think of anything else to put in it. As the chapters go on they get a bit longer, so this will be the shortest on in this fic. And there's only a few more chapters planned, so it'll be a fairly short fanfiction. But there's an unexpected twist at some point...

I really hope that the characters are in's my first time writing any kind of Karin fanfiction.

So, chapter two coming soon, as soon as I get it done.