So, this is my first One Tree Hill fic, but I've been wanting to do one forever. I love Brucas and think that it's a shame what the show has done to them, making it seem like Brooke was just a prologue to Peyton for Lucas. So, this is what happens in my version and I hope that I do the ideas in my head some kind of justice. Thanks for reading!



Chapter 1

They were friends. Not just the "let's just be friends"-friends after the awkward break up but actual, you-can-count-on-me kind of friends. To some it was questionable, doubtful and even a bit suspicious, to others it was simply miraculous. But to Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott it was the only option.

They had dated twice. And twice they had come to a bitter end. And twice it was one Peyton Sawyer who had, in some way or another, broken through the already unstable walls they had built around their relationship.

The first time, Lucas had cheated on Brooke. Before Lucas, Brooke had never had a real relationship. She hooked up with the willing, and she did it well. It was like a sport to Brooke. But then she met Lucas. He was quiet and kind and just different than all the rest. Lucas Scott was all the things that Brooke Davis had never known she wanted. And most of all, he believed in her. He made her feel like she deserved a guy like him. That was, of course, until she found out that he had been cheating on her with her best friend, Peyton. And that's when he took away all the confidence that she had built up over the months they were together. He had always told her how beautiful and amazing she was. And then he cheated on her. He broke her.

She tried to hate him. She really did try. But instead he continued to show her that just maybe he really was the guy she thought he was when they were dating. Possibly he really was a good person. And everybody deserved a second chance, right? So, they tried being friends. But then Lucas kissed her and told her he wanted to be with her. Right before she got on a plane to California for the summer.

Brooke was scared. She was scared to let him have her heart again. However, she was even more scared to not take that chance, especially when she felt the same way he did. She believed he was being genuine when he said he wanted to be with her. But what if Lucas screwed up and again showed her that guy she hated, the guy that cheated on her, the guy that broke her. And Brooke knew more than anyone, he could be that guy.

That fear lead to bad decisions on her part, namely non-exclusivity and Chris Keller. But he forgave her. Hell, he loved her. So they spent many months happily in love. However, these were arguably the hardest months in their lives. Not because of each other. In fact, being together actually softened the blows. However, the school shooting and Lucas' Uncle Keith dying, all on the same day, took its toll on the couple.

Brooke could handle that though. She could stick it out because she knew Lucas was going through a really hard time and she knew how much he loved her. But then Peyton happened again.

Not only did Peyton have feelings for Lucas but she had also kissed him in the library during the school shooting. Something that Lucas had neglected to tell Brooke. The whole scenario was becoming too familiar to Brooke. Lucas was lying and Peyton wanted Lucas again.

The fear became paralyzing for Brooke. Lucas loved her, yes, but he also had a place in his heart for Peyton. That was abundantly clear. The question was, would he do that to her again?

Maybe. She didn't know. But she wouldn't be broken again. She couldn't be broken again. Not by the same two people. She broke up with Lucas. And he had nothing to say but, "I'm sorry". She knew if those words had been "I love you" she would have stayed, they would have beat the whole thing.

To be fair to Lucas, he wasn't in love with Peyton and he would have done anything to keep Brooke. He just didn't know how, he didn't know what she needed from him. For him, it was easy to save girls like Peyton. She always had something going on and always needed someone and he loved to be that hero. Brooke was so strong and brave and independent. And he realized she had to be simply because no one ever had saved her from it all. He wished he had more answers for why he just could never get it right with her. The only way he could explain it was that he just didn't know how.

They spent a long time without speaking. They both wanted talk but had nothing and too much to say all at once. Brooke was still healing from it all trying to learn from it all and grow. She refused to let this make her anything but a stronger person. Lucas went in the other direction. A few months after he and Brooke had broken up, he became exclusive with Peyton. He had no real reason for it, other than he needed comfort and Peyton was just always there. Peyton had told him that she loved him and it was nice to hear. Comforting. Safe. And he had returned the sentiment. He did love Peyton. Was it the same love he felt for Brooke? He tried not to think about that too much.

High School was coming to an end terrifyingly soon and Brooke and Lucas were both afraid they had blown it completely by not talking to the other soon enough. Their chance at a friendship had been shot.

That was until graduation day, the last hope for both of them.

Brooke stood at the back of the Auditorium just after everyone had thrown their hats and broken into chattering, laughing groups of friends. She was surveying the crowd, taking in the fact that she wasn't a kid anymore. She had grown up. And while there was still apprehension of what lie ahead, there was also excitement.

Yet another set of tears had just begun to form in her eyes when she looked to her left. Lucas was a couple yards away and looking at her curiously. Their eyes locked and time stood still. After a moment, he made the first move and walked towards her. Anticipation was felt by both but they were more fueled by the fact that this was it. They didn't know anything else after this point. It had to be now.

"Hey." Lucas said. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry that was lame." He looked at the floor.

Brooke smiled, happy that he was as nervous as she was. "That's okay. I don't really know what to say either. I guess 'how are you' works?"

"I'm good. Great, even." He lied looking straight into her eyes. And then realized he couldn't. "Okay, so maybe not 'great' so much as just 'okay'. How are you?"

"I'm okay, too. This whole graduation thing is starting to get to me." Brooke placed a finger on the corner of her eye and swept upward, clearing the mascara and eyeliner that had managed to run amongst the tears.

It was then that Lucas took in the sight of Brooke. She stood there in her royal blue gown, her hair pinned back in voluptuous curls. Although her lips were painted red, the rest of her makeup seemed very natural looking, not too much eyeliner or mascara. Apparently, that was a good thing since her green eyes shined glossily and slightly red rimmed, a sure sign that she had been crying. It just made her even more beautiful to Lucas. That and he had always loved when she wore that red lipstick.

"Yeah, it looks like it." Lucas said, referring to her obvious tears. Brooke grinned sloppily and rolled her eyes at him.

Finally, Lucas mustered up his courage and put an arm around her shoulders, holding her to his side. He leaned into her ear, smelling the coconut shampoo he used to love so much. "Can I tell you something no one else knows?" He asked conspiringly. He had that sparkle of humor in his eye that was so rare but Brooke loved whenever she got the chance to see it.

Brooke smiled and nodded as she put her arm around Lucas' back.

"I'm scared shitless. Of everything past these walls. I don't want to be a graduate. I don't want to go out into the world. I just want to stay right here." Lucas told her quietly still looking out into the crowd where he could vaguely make out his girlfriend among his friends.

Again Brooke smiled, this time looking up at Lucas. "Hey," She said capturing his attention. He looked down at her questioningly. "I'll go if you go." Brooke told him kinking an eyebrow.

For a moment he looked confused. She smirked, "Out into the world, I mean."

And all he could do was grin and say, "Okay."

And so they did. They went out into the big, bad, scary world as friends. They had no other choice. It was too hard living without each other, but it was too complicated trying to figure out their hearts. So they didn't try. Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott happily accepted their fate of being friends. Because friendship was simple and so were they. Right?


Reviews please! I would love to know how the first chapter of my first One Tree Hill fic is being recieved. :)