Time Frame: Season 3 Prior to All Haliwell's Eve and after Once Upon a Time

Summary: Leo's thoughts, I guess

Notes: Because of plots, Leo never gets enough screen time, so here it is.

Relationship: Leo/Piper

Rating: Kids +

You Rescued Me

By LeoLeoWyatt

October 24, 2000 . . . .

Leo still could not believe she was in his arms. He wanted to smack his head, again, for trying to make her forget him. How could he ask her to do something like that when he had thought about her every second they were apart? While carrying out his missions and as he endured the punishment of the Elders. He completed every mission in her name, being possibly more careful than if no one was in his life, rethinking every move to keep safe.

The look on Piper's face when he showed up...it was the smile of an angel, particularly after hearing the news that they could be together. On the way up the stairs, she told him how much she liked his orange shirt, which seemed festive for the week before Halloween. Leo had smiled in response–his choice was deliberate and he was glad she noticed.

They renewed and reacquainted themselves with one another as lovers. Followed by a hot shower and Piper stealing his shirt, they had slept into what was now becoming dawn. Leo had not heard another sound out of Phoebe and Prue and wondered, vaguely, where they might be.

His last act the night before was to spoon against his love, one arm across her stomach. She had already fallen asleep by then, once again mumbling something about wedding plans. Plans he was looking forward to more than ever.

Later that morning . . .

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" Piper was asking him.

Leo shrugged. "You're cooking it. I know that it'll be perfect." She had reluctantly given him his shirt back when they dressed, in case Phoebe or Prue walked in on them. Not to say that Leo wasn't good to look at, but Piper didn't want to share the view.

"You know, it's unfair for you to do that."

"What?" He tried to sound as innocent as possible.

"Complimenting me in a way that I can't argue with you. So, omelets it is." She turned to the fridge to pull out the ingredients she wanted.

"Are you sure?" he teased.

"Leo . . ." she turned back around.

"Yes." He leaned over the counter toward her.

"Nothing." She closed the door of the fridge, put down the ingredients and gave him a peck on the lips. "You could change your mind 100 times, I wouldn't care. Because I have you, and you're mine."

He hadn't expected her to say all of that and his jaw dropped in surprise. He had been thinking the same thing of her, that she could scold him as often as she wanted. Her voice was a sound he could never tire from.

"You'll catch flies if you stand there like that for too long." Piper quipped as she cubed ham.

"We can't have that. It'd spoil breakfast." Leo gave a chuckle. "You rescued me, you know."

"Unspeakable wrath?" She gave him her full attention.

Leo nodded.

"Want to talk about it? Make you feel better."

"What happens up there—"

"—stays up there, I know. I'm sorry you went through that."

"Hey, you rescued me from it and I went in with my eyes open. I knew what could happen and it is not your fault that it did."

"I know, but, we both tried to avoid the Elders." She came around the counter to hold him.

He held her, thinking. "And you showed them how much you'd sacrifice. And we're together. I do love you, Piper. For you, not just because you are drop. Dead. Gorgeous." He kissed her.

Piper laughed against him. "I love you, too."

Leo leaned down to kiss her once more. Letting her go, he was more than content to watch her cook.

The End