The Next Super Saiyan 2 : The Return of Ron Stoppable.

Chapter One : A False Beginning.

Middleton Cemetery.

Silent Tears clung to Kim's face as she kneeled down in her black dress and laid a bouquet of flowers at the foot of the memorial. Today was the day it happened, exactly one year ago today Ron Stoppable was killed, murdered with his family by the fugitive Monkey Fist.

For almost the entire year Kim had been hunting Monkey Fist, he was caught the same day he had killed Ron due to him being knocked out by the very bomb he used to destroy Ron's house but had mysteriously disappeared from his cell a few weeks later. The closest she had ever come to finding him was a giant monkey rampaging through west city just a few weeks after Ron died but that had turned to a dead end.

Kim had never forgiven herself for what she had said to and done to Ron that day…


"Ron would you stop following me." Kim hissed angrily, she was still peeved at him.

"But KP...I said I was sorry! I didn't mean to mess up I time I'll try harder I promise!" Ron pleaded but it fell on deaf ears.

A group of students had gathered around them but neither had noticed yet. No one knew exactly what was going on but what happened next no one would soon forget. And Kim would spend years regretting her actions and words.

"SORRY!" She yelled, causing Ron to flinch. "Sometimes sorry just isn't enough Ron! That was the third mission you have screwed up this week. God I'm starting to believe that Bonnie is right, you are a loser!"

Ron stepped back as he looked like Kim had punched him in the gut.

"But KP...I"

"But what!" Kim growled. Ron just stared at his feet unable to think of anything to say "Argh! I don't have time for this I'm going to my locker!" Kim snarled and turned around.

"KP! Wait please" Ron grabbed her shoulder, he didn't want her to leave like that.

Unfortunately Kim still blinded by anger and frustration could not think or comprehend what she was doing until it was to late.

"Don't touch me Ron, go be an idiot or a loser some place else and stay the hell away from me!" She snapped and swung her hand without thinking. CRACK!

The crowd gasped in shock as Kim slapped Ron with such force it knocked him off his feet and to the floor. Her emerald eyes went wide as she stared at her now stinging hand, she could see drops of blood dripping from her nails. She had been mad at Ron but she never wanted to hit him. She fearfully dropped her gaze to meet his, only to be shocked when she saw the three long cuts on his cheek that her nails had caused. They were bleeding quite badly as they had all ready caused a small pool of Ron's blood on the floor. She could see tears mixing with the blood around his cheek. With a gulp she looked in his eyes and saw what she had truly done. His once lively and happy chocolate brown eyes had been drained of emotion.

She couldn't believe what she had just done and the look on his face and in his eyes told her just what she had done. She desperately tried to move to hug him or say something but she was stuck, trapped gazing into his dead gray sad eyes.

Finally Ron got up to his feet, not bothering to look at the horrified expression on Kim's face nor did he bother to wipe the blood from his cheek. With that Ron left Kim and the group in the hall in haste. Kim remained rooted to her spot not wanting to believe what had just happened... she watched Ron walk out the main doors with tears in her eyes…


That had been the last time she had seen him, later that day she returned home from School finding her family in tears and Dr Betty Director of Global Justice comforting them… it was then that she found out that Ron was gone… and she would never be able to reconcile with him.

Kim stood up straight and reached into he pocket to pull out a piece of cloth, she leaned forward and proceeded to clean the grime from the plaque on the memorial. Before reading it.

In Memory Of

Ron Stoppable


A Good Friend

A True Hero

Kim slipped the cloth back into her pocket before turning around and heading into another section of the cemetery, she still had two graves to visit today.

As Kim entered the next section of the cemetery she noticed something, someone standing in front of the grave she was heading towards, it was a man barely taller then her with black hair and wearing a high collared black trench coat that obscured his face. She watched as he leaned down and left a bouquet on the grave.

'Probably a friend of the family' Kim deducted.

As she walked towards him she saw his turn and glimpse in her direction Kim saw only one the mans brown eyes over the collar of his coat as his black bangs hung covering one of his eyes. As soon as he saw her he hesitated for a moment before turning around and walking away.

Kim noted the strangers behavior and walked towards him hoping to find out who he was, she saw him turn around a mausoleum and continued to follow him, she turned around the same mausoleum only to find that he was gone.

"What the…? Where…?" Kim muttered to herself.

Kim turned around and walked towards the grave she had intended to visit. This was the grave of Gene and Mandy Stoppable, Ron's parents. She kneeled down and left a single rose for each of them before straightening up and walking away. As she walked away her thoughts wandered back to the stranger in black. Who was he and how did he suddenly disappear like that?

She dismissed her thoughts for now, she had a lot on her mind. Drakken had been very active lately. It started with the kidnapping of Mr Nakasumi in Tokyo a few weeks ago, she managed to rescue him but had almost burst into tears when he inquired where Ron was. Then there was the confrontation at the Bermuda Triangle nightclub, and then Drakken had even kidnapped her father.

For tonight at least, she could try to have a good time, tonight was the junior prom and she was going with her boyfriend Eric who had transferred to Middleton High just a week ago.

As Kim exited the Cemetery She failed to noticed somebody watching her from a rooftop across from the main gates, the same man who had been visiting the grave of Gene and Mandy Stoppable.

"Whew… that was too close" the man muttered as he turned around and suddenly took to the sky's flying towards the west.


The day passed quickly and before Kim knew it, she was dancing with Eric at the prom. After a few hours the band playing were taking a break from playing and Kim was sitting with Monique while Eric visited the bathroom.

"So, how ya holdin' up girl?" Monique asked showing concern for her best friend.

"What do you mean?" Kim asked with a puzzled look.

Monique shook her head with a smile.

"You know what I mean, it happened a year ago today… he was my friend too Kim"

Kim gave Monique a sad smile,

"I… I just wish I had the chance to earn his forgiveness… I mean, the last thing I ever told him, was to stay the hell away from me" Kim said as tears started forming on her eyes.

Monique leaned forward and pulled her friend into a comforting hug.

A few minutes later Kim had pulled herself together and separated from Monique after whispering a 'Thank you'. the band returned to the stage and the couples filled the dance floor.

that's when it happened, all of a sudden the wall behind the band on the stage exploded, each member of the band were blown forward onto the dance floor and the music came to an abrupt halt.

Kim separated from Eric whom she had been dancing with and looked at the stage. Within a cloud of dust was the outline of a man. Everyone looked closer to see who had entered the Gym so destructively when a dark and familiar voice broke the silence.

"So sorry to barge in, but I have business with a certain cheerleader" came a dark English accent.

Kim's eyes widened immensely when she heard that voice.

The figure slowly stepped out into the open revealing himself to the crowd. The man wore a tight black Karate Gi, he had monkey hands and feet, black hair and dark rings under his eyes.

Kim's face slowly turned from one of shock to one of rage.

"Monkey Fist!" Kim growled through clenched teeth.

Monkey Fist turned to see who had said his name and locked eyes with his teenage foe and smiled.

"Ahh, the cheerleader" Monkey Fist said with a sadistic smile.

Kim couldn't hold herself any longer, before she knew what she was doing she had pushed her way past the crowd and running towards the man who killed her friend.

To everyone's surprise Monkey Fist made no move to get out of the way of even prepare for her.

Kim leaped into the air as she reached him and delivered a powerful punch to his face. Kim felt a sudden immense pain shoot through her hand, it felt as if she had just punched a steel wall, she literally felt several of the bones in her hand break.

"Agh!" Kim fell back clutching her hand and looked at the man she had punched and there he stood, completely unfazed, standing up straight with both hands behind his back and smiling.

"What? Done already?" Monkey Fist asked with sarcasm.

Enraged at his statement Kim quickly jumped from her spot kneeling down and spun herself into a kick. Monkey Fist moved quicker than anyone's eyes could follow, he reached up and caught Kim's ankle with ease, this in turn caused Kim's body to fall to the ground. Determined to not give up, Kim quickly leapfrogged back to her feet and raised her one good hand ready to punch him, Monkey Fist kept one hand behind his back as he simply swung his right hand and backhanded Kim across the face, this caused Kim to fly to the side and smash into the table that had been holding all of the food.

Kim couldn't believe it, she knew that all Monkey Fist had done was backhand her but when the blow had connected… it felt as if she had been hit with a sledgehammer.

As Kim shakily got back to her feet she failed to notice that her Kimmunicator had been ringing for almost a minute.


Wade was freaking out, a few moments ago his computer equipment had picked something up moving fast across the ocean, it was moving so fast that the computer had registered it as a missile, but no missile could move that fast. Whatever this thing was, it was heading straight for Middleton High.

Wade had tried desperately to get in touch with Kim, but nobody was answering her Kimmunicator.

Wade watched as the unidentified object crossed the city limits and within a few seconds it was at Middleton High and it… stopped.

Wade was once again stunned, nothing moving that fast could possibly stop so abruptly.


Kim was once again knocked aside by Monkey Fist and she smashed through several of the wooden seats in the bleachers.

"You fool, I've gained more power than you could possibly imagine, never again shall I be defeated by a cheerleader and her bumbling sidekick!" Monkey Fist said with a growl.

Kim's eyes widened considerably at Monkey Fist mentioned her late best friend.

"HAA!" Kim screamed as she launched herself from the broken seats towards Monkey Fist.

This time Monkey Fist raised one hand and caught Kim in midair by her throat. Kim quickly reached up and gripped at the hairy hand crushing her throat.

"Silly little girl, I shall say it again… you cannot defeat me…" Monkey Fist said as he tightened his grip, "… I am going to destroy you, I am going to destroy everybody here and there is no power on earth that can stop me…"

Just as Monkey Fist was about to tighten his grip just enough to snap her neck he felt something, a sudden burst of energy, and then he felt a sudden pain in the side of his face as he lost grip on his teenage foe letting her fall to the ground as he was thrown to the side.

Everyone in the gym saw it happen, Monkey Fist was about to finish Kim off when suddenly a beam of yellow light shot from the side and impacted with the side of Monkey Fist's face.

Kim choked to clear her airway before looking up to where the blast had come from and froze. Everyone in the gym also turned to see where the attack had come from and were suddenly silent. There standing in the doorway that lead from outside into the gym he stood, he wore a pair of smart black pants a white shirt complete with a loose black tie all drenched from the rain. He had black hair that fell to his shoulders and chocolate brown eyes that were filled with hatred as he looked at Monkey Fist..

He stood with his palm pointed at Monkey Fist.

"I'd like to test that theory" he said to Monkey Fist.

Kim looked at the man standing in the door and silently whispered.


To Be Continued…


Booyaa! i was thinking that it was time for me to write this. It is the sequel for the first KP fanifc i wrote. so pleas Review and let me know what you think.

More things will be revealed during the next chapter.