chiv-id: Dear lord, school is killing me! I know, I haven't updated in ages...I just got so caught up in things I near forgot about my account! And my stories...

Natalya: Pololo, it's been months...hell, over half a year gone by!

chiv-id: Yeah, I know, sorry people! Really, I am! And I'll try to update all the rest of my stuff, too!

Jazz: Damn, I was getting cobwebs in my grill from waitin' fo' yo' ass!

chiv-id: You couldn't have just been sitting there for all that time...hey, wait, wasn't Natalya with you? What did you guys do while I was away?

Jazz: (silent)

Natalya: Oh, I was just doin' some check-ups on him...(whispers) He's got some problems that I was tryin' to fix, now I got this weird stuff on some of my clothes...

chiv-id: What is it?

Natalya: (throws up hands and walks away) Tch, hell am I supposed to know?!? That was a $40-somethin' shirt from Hollister! Ask Jazz, 'cause he won't tell me!

chiv-id: ...Let me guess, she went a little too far in didn't she?

Jazz: (dazed look) She's got the hands of a goddess...

Natalya: (walks back in) Okay, it's this stuff... (chiv-id: barely holds in laughter) What?

chiv-id: Did you get inside his mechanics? Like, really dug in there?

Natalya: Yeah, 'course, and then...wait...(stares at Jazz) Oh hell no this ain't what I think it is...

Jazz: (backs out of the room in embarrassment then runs)

Natalya: You tell me whether this is your hoo-ha juice or not! (chases after him)

chiv-id: (stares) Ooookkaaay...well, if you don't know what just happened there...she thought she was giving him a check up and he thought she was...well...jerking him off in Transformers terms. Anyway! I've officially finished the next chapter, it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, that's Hasbro! Read on!

Driven To The Edge

Chapter 7: The Flash and Dash

Natalya sighed as she began working on the make-up work from last week, cursing herself for missing school. This was one of the reasons why she never missed school: she knew her parents would make her go to it eventually, and then she'd be stuck with all of this make-up crap. It was a pretty long list, but she smiled as she saw Mikaela and Sam sitting next to her, helping her out. Homework never seemed that bad when there was someone to do it with you.

"So, Natalya," Sam said, "Why are you taking this health class again? Because I don't really know what a…clavicle is."

"That's the bone right here," she said tapping her collar bone, "And I take it so I can learn more about the male body and its hormones." Sam stared at her, Natalya laughing at his amazed and horrified expression.

"Oh, yeah, joke, I get it," he said after a little while, snapping out of it, "Yeah…"

"Really, though," she said, "I didn't really take the class early on like the rest of you guys, so now I gotta take it if I want to graduate."

"Uh-huh," Mikaela said, "I can't believe you're taking pre-calc right now…"

"Pfftt," Natalya said, "I'm smarter than I look. Besides, dad wanted me to take the class or he'd take my car away. I don't think there was a lot of choice in that one."

"Okay, today's Sunday," Sam said, "All we need to do is finish up the health, pre-calc., and English and we're all good to go. We did the rest of the homework for you while you were…uh…yeah, we finished the homework for ya."

"Wow, thanks guys," Natalya said, not commenting on Sam's words, "I promise, I'll go get you guys something real nice-" Natalya stopped as she felt her phone vibrate and ring in her back pocket. She took it out and answered it, smiling widely as she listened. After giving a few 'yes's', she snapped the phone shut with a sparkle in her eye.

"I think I found you guys the perfect treat," she said, smirking and putting her head on the back of her hand, looking much like a cat, "If we can finish in, like, 10 minutes, I'll take you guys with me to the Semi-Annual Flash and Dash."

"The 'Flash and Dash'? What's that?" asked Sam.

"It's a competition," Mikaela responded, nodding her head eagerly, "I've been to one before, Nat invited me. The 'Flash' is for the style and design on your car. The 'Dash' is for the racers. They hold it every 6 months."

"So, you wanna finish this up or what?" asked Natalya, twirling the pencil in her hand and finishing her work, "Because I'm pretty sure you guys do not want to miss this." She smirked again as they began fervently working on the homework in front of them. Natalya went upstairs while they finished, changing into a white halter top with tight black shorts, complete with rhinestone-studded heels. Underneath this outfit, she had a white bikini on underneath, rhinestones on the right breast of her bikini in the shape of a heart, matching the rhinestone heart on her left hip on the panty part of it.

"We're done," Sam smiled, beaming as he stood up and threw it over his shoulder, "Now, you wanna take us or what?"

"Hey, when I said I'd do something nice for you," she said, hands on hip, "I meant it, now c'mon!" They followed her outside, the couple climbing into their yellow Camaro while Natalya remained without a companion in her Celica GT. Natalya turned on her dashboard cell, so that she could talk to them during the trip. After driving for about 10-15 minutes, they came to a dirt road where Natalya turned into, revealing a beautiful lake next to a concrete parking lot and a series of roads that wound around the lake.

"Took us 'bout 2 years, but we did it," Natalya sighed with pride, "This is our hideout, for everyone who loves driving and racing as much as the sun and the stars."

"Corny," Sam remarked, "But this really must've taken a lot of work."

"No doubt about it," Natalya said, "And I really meant what I said before, so say it's corny, I'll throttle ya." They got out of their cars, driving into the parking lot and greeted by many of Natalya's racing friends.

"Hey, there's my girl," said one older man, hugging her as she got out of the car, Natalya hugging back.

"Drifter, what's up?" she replied, taking in the appearance of the black man. In a way, he reminded her of J.Z., but he was taller, exuding street-smarts and experience in his black dress shirt, white jacket, white hat, and white slacks.

"Oooeeee," Drifter whistled, hovering a hand over the hot hood, "GT lookin' fine today." Natalya glowed as he admired it, commenting on the new additions. She had replaced the razor decals with black smoother ones, resembling rolling waves, the hood and fins were black, the rest of the body white, making the decals stand out more.

"LDs…" he said, seeing the barely visible red light under her car, "Can't believe you finally put 'em in like I told you to. You finally listenin' to this old street rat?"

"Dream on, Drift," she laughed, Sam and Mikaela looking around, already having gotten out of the car, "Sam, Mikaela, this is Drifter, he's the organizer of all the street racing events. He's the Tranquility Underground man of the streets."

"Aw, you do me good, Ya-Ya," he said, using his old nickname for her.

"'Ya-Ya'?" Mikaela laughed.

"Yeah, you know, this girl used to be all talk," Drifter began, grinning from ear to ear as Natalya rolled her eyes, "That's why her first 'street name' was Ya-Ya, the girl who talked up a storm, but rarely done nothin'. 'Course, she proved herself lots of times after, one of the best racers I ever known. Now we sometimes call her "Drag Queen" 'cause she still got the same attitude and mouth, only she's got the horse power to back it up. I still call her Ya-Ya, though." Natalya came over and hugged the geezer then punched him, causing him to wince with a smile on his face.

"I don't like 'Drag Queen' either," she said with a pout, "If I'm gonna be called anything, it's Bona Vantez, you got it?"

"Hey, it's a mouthful, so how about Bo-Bo?" he asked jokingly, earning him another punch, "All right, all right, how about Fly?"

"…I like that…Fly…" she said, contemplating it, "Better than Drag Queen and Ya-Ya, suppose." Drifter said smiling.

"You want me to put that in the entry for the Flash and Dash?" he said, then looked over her shoulder at Bumblebee, sitting in his normal Camaro form, "Hey, who's car's that?"

"Oh, that's, uh, mine," Sam said, Drifter coming over and examining Bee.

"That's some ride you got there, white boy," he remarked, Sam shrugging his shoulders, not sure whether that was a compliment or an insult, "You goin' into the Flash competition?"

"Uh…you really think…my car is that nice?" he asked, practically feeling the ego swelling up and making Bee's tires fill up with more than just hot air.

"Fo' sure, brother, fo' sure," he said, "But you don't look like a racing type, so I'm just gonna put you in for Flash, aight?"

"Wh-wh-what do mean I don't look like a racing type?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Well…" Drifter said trailing off, "You don't have the racing physique, you know what I mean? You gotta have some muscles to drive a car fas' all the time, so that you don't flinch at nothin'. Good reflexes are needed, 'less you wanna end up smashed against some random car. We don't just drive through abandoned cities ya know."

"Oh…" he said, deciding that it'd be best not to drive. He didn't want to bring any attention to himself, especially if he didn't look at all like a fast driver and his car happened to win the race by driving itself.

"All right," he said, "One…wha's your name again?"

"Uh, Sam, Sam Witwicky," Sam replied.

"Man…that sure is one white boy name!" he chuckled, Sam frowning as the girls cracked up, "I just jokin' man, just jokin'." While Sam and Drifter talked, Mikaela pulled Natalya aside to talk to her.

"Hey, I called a few friends to come, that okay?" she asked, Natalya looking a little worried as she said this, "I promise they aren't gonna cause any trouble, please?"

"Well, are they cops?" Natalya asked, "'Cause if they're cops…"

"They're not cops," Mikaela assured her, smiling widely as she saw them pull up, "In fact, they're here right now."

"What?!?" she screamed in a whispered voice, "You can't invite people here randomly, Mikaela! I could get expelled from the Underground if you let random people just walk in and-"

"So…now Ah'm just some random person, huh?" asked a deep voice, sending chills down Natalya's spine, causing her to turn and nearly faint at Jazz. He was dressed in a white T-shirt and silver vest, same grey-blue pants with the black Converse on his feet. He still hid those mischievous blue twinkles behind those black sunglasses, keeping her guessing at whether he was looking at her or not.

"Oh…J.Z., I-I didn't see you…" she remarked breathlessly, "So, how you doin'?"

"Fine, fine," he said, backing away little bit, seeing how close he was, "Don't mind if I bring some friends, right? They not cops, just friends who love their cars like themselves." She looked around him and saw the most amazing sight. Though J.Z. was the number one hottest guy in her heart, these guys came up pretty close in running to hotness. There were about three other guys with him, one a tall, strongly built brunette, another that was even taller than the brunette, with black hair, and a slightly smaller one, with bright yellow hair and glasses. They approached J.Z., their gazes seeming questionable as they turned to look at their friend.

"So…'J.Z.'…what is this event, exactly?" asked the tallest man, perhaps around his early 30s. He had blue eyes, just like J.Z., and as she looked at all of them, she noticed that all of them had blue eyes, varying shades of blue, but blue nonetheless.

"Flash and Dash, right?" asked J.Z., smiling at Natalya who nodded. She took their appearances in more detail, noticing that the tallest one had short cropped black hair, a bit spiked, but having the helmet hair look a little. Strangely, it fit him, noticing his attire looking a little like a biker's, with red flames running up his blue jeans and jacket, the red shirt underneath barely showing. The brunette had a cold hard look to his blue eyes, contrasting against the other's warm ones. He had a military style cut, his features rigid, also around his early 30s, with some questionable scars that led to questions about his past. He had a handsomeness to his physique, just below a body builder's, wearing a black tank top that showed his muscles with black and grey camouflage pants, baggy, but still revealing his black sneakers. The last man, being in his mid or late 20s, had a sort of refined hair cut, keeping his bright yellow hair swept away from his eyes so that she could see the more aqua-colored eyes behind his glasses. He had a red shirt and a yellow jacket, white pants balancing out the clashing of colors along with black shoes. All three of the men were taller than J.Z., the tallest about 6 feet and 3 inches at least!

"Hello," said the blonde, "My name is…Ray, pleased to meet you." His British accent made her stiffen a little, instantly recognizing how badly he was going to clash with the urban mood.

"Name's Iwren," the brunette mentioned gruffly, keeping his arms crossed. (chiv-id: His name's pronounced I-ren, okay?)

"And my name is Primo," the one with black hair smiled, "We're J.Z.'s friends. I hope you don't mind, but we thought this might be an interesting event to attend." (chiv-id: Yes, there is a name such as Primo…it's Italian…)

"Oh, yeah, okay…" she said, a bit disbelieving. Why the heck would J.Z. tag along with these guys…not much in the hood and they seemed new to the world of street racing, unlike J.Z.

"So, you guys race?" she asked, suspicious a bit as she saw their cars, "'Cause I can't really see y'all racin' in those cars…"

"No," Ray replied, adjusting his glasses, "We just enjoy taking a drive once in a while. J.Z. on the other hand…it's hard to keep him stationary for even a small while."

"C'mon, 'Ray', you know Ah love the feel of the road beneath my tires," he said, smiling as he stretched a little, almost making Natalya drool as she saw the six pack underneath his shirt. Excusing herself, she fought hard to push down the blush as she retreated behind a tree nearby. Never had she felt so flustered, especially since she was the one usually desired, not the other way around. Mikaela smiled as she saw Natalya breathing deeply to clear the red on her face.

"Hey, Drifter wanted to say that the Flash competition is coming up soon," she called to Natalya, making her jump.

"Okay, coming," Natalya yelled back, sighing as she got up from leaning against the tree. She walked over to her car, getting in and driving it over to the examination stall that was prepared for her car. She had to double take as she saw a familiar silver Pontiac drive into the stall next to hers.

"J.Z.? What're you doin'? You in the Flash competition, too?" she asked, watching him get out of his car.

"Yeah, why not?" he said, smiling, "I think my ride's good enough." Natalya shrugged and leaned against her car, knowing that she had to wait for the right moment to do her special move. Natalya smiled as she felt the rhinestone heart on her left hip with her hand. Man, did she love being a woman.

"Okay, settle down y'all, settle down," Drifter announced, everyone quieting down and staring at the entries, "We got some fine cars lined up. You gonna be the first judges, so everyone get a good look at the cars. When I announce the name of the owner, ya'll scream and shout if you want that one to move on to the semi-finals. Aight, go look." All of the people surrounded the cars, many of them coming up to Natalya, as well as J.Z., though most of the ones surrounding J.Z. were girls. Natalya rolled her eyes as she saw Nicotine and Heroine blinking prettily at the black man, who looked at them with slight annoyance as he saw them lean against 'his car' quite provocatively. Natalya became a bit jealous, but mentally sighed in relief as he began scolding them on leaning on his car. It made her a bit sad that he was so possessive of his car like that, though, kind of ugly in her opinion. Sure, it was a bit disturbing to see people surrounding your car, fears of dents and ugly oil marks on your windows were nightmares to every car owner. However, Natalya only worried about her windows, while J.Z….he started pulling the girls off as if he was scared they'd dirty his car just by leaning against it. She had to shake her head at this.

"Wow," said one guy, a new suitor added to her list, "You really outdone yourself this time. Tell me, what's your name?" He also was of Latino descent, his dark hair and eyes making him look delectable, but she still liked J.Z. more.

"Fly," she offered him, his look a little dismayed as he realized that she only gave him her street name, "And thanks. You look new, why don't you tell me your name?"

"I'm Chris," he said, "Don't have a street name yet, but you'll be the first to know." His smooth transition into a friendly mood made her giggle, causing J.Z. to look up slightly at them. She didn't know it, but J.Z. was raising an eyebrow, listening carefully. Natalya was leaning against the open door of her car, one leg up in a bend, the other supporting her, her arms locking onto the door behind her back.

"Well, maybe I'll call you Smooth," she remarked, turning away from him despite his hopeful disposition, "You really good at easing into swinging a lady you're way into making a friend. Smooth…how 'bout we be friends?" Smooth was a little crestfallen again, but he was glad to make a friend despite being new. He shook hands with her and took a look inside, whistling as he stared at the inside. However, as he looked up and was about to exit, he caught J.Z. glaring at him, J.Z. pulling his shades down a little, his blue eyes flashing dangerously in warning. A little shaken, Smooth backed away and waved after walking away. Wondering what had caused his sudden departure, Natalya dropped down and stared into her car, wondering if she left something disgusting in it.

"Bye Smooth," she called, jokingly blowing him a kiss, "Better luck next time." Natalya obviously taken with the boy, J.Z. could only huff, crossing his arms as he took a stoic look. Natalya yawned as she found that the procession of onlookers was taking longer than she could stand. Finally, Drifter called everyone off of the strip where the cars were, the people stepping away enough so that they could distinguish car and person clearly.

"All right…first up, he's new, but he's Smooth, he's Chris!" Drifter announced, pointing at the end of the line. Surprised, she looked up and stared down the line, seeing Chris wave at her meekly as he stood next to his black Infiniti. She waved back, sighing as she shook her head. She should've known…a competitor, not some random kind person. A few claps were heard, but nothing substantial enough to get him to the next round.

"Next…Sam!" came the next name, Sam waving as more than a few people cheered. The Camaro was a big hit, Bumblebee barely containing his joy as his hydraulics lifted his frame to make him look a bit higher.

"Okay, Slide's ride got shot by that jackass white boy," Drifter said, many booing as a few insults were thrown with the name Trent, "But his sister's here to take his place! Give it up, for Fly!" Natalya smiled as she waved, blowing a kiss and winking as she saw a few men shout for her, a lot of the crowd going wild.

"Next, we got another newcomer," Drifter said, "Cheer for yo' new man, J.Z.!" Another uproar was heard, almost as loudly as Natalya's own support. As Drifter went down the list, the line of competing cars got smaller and smaller, until it was Sam, Natalya, J.Z., and 4 other people, all guys.

"Hey 'Fly'," called one boy of Asian descent, "See we got us a little more competition this year, huh?" He smirked as he looked at the silver Pontiac.

"What, no decals?" the boy said, leaning over and gazing at it as if it were some fossil, "Just a regular old silver paint job…not really impressing. The judges are really gonna pound you on that one."

"Hey, kid," Jazz said, motioning the boy to come over to him, "You said this was the 'Flash' competition right?"

"Yeah?" he said, unaware of the evil thoughts running through Jazz's CPU.

"Come over and take a look at the front," Jazz offered. Without a second thought, the Asian boy stood in front of the car and bent down, as if there was something interesting he was supposed to be looking for. Suddenly, Jazz flashed his lights, blinding the Asian boy and making him fall into the water behind him. Natalya giggled for a bit before assisting the spluttering and partially blind boy.

"'Flashy' enough for ya?" Jazz asked smartly.

"Hideyuki," she began, "You know you deserved that, man. Never tease someone about their car, especially here." The boy hung his head as she picked a few twigs out of his hair, taking the scolding with little resistance.

"Okay, the semi-finals's starting," she said, "Go back to your car and please try not to taunt the other drivers, okay?" He nodded and then smiled as she kissed him on the cheek, wishing him good luck. Again, a frown crossed Jazz's face.

"Aight, aight, listen up ya'll," Drifter publicized, "The second round's gonna be judged by me and the two other organizers for this competition. Give a big shout out to Deysha Monroe and Lance Montague!" One extremely dark African American woman and one tanned white man stepped out, waving as the crowd cheered. So, after introductions, the semi-finals began, meaning that 4 more people were going to be kicked out of the competition after, leaving only three people in the finals.

"Hey, nice to see you again Ya-Ya," Deysha smiled, hugging her, "Or is it 'Fly' now? Drifter never told me if it's final."

"I like Fly," Natalya remarked, "Better than Ya-Ya." Deysha then managed to glance over at J.Z., taking in the handsome holograph.

"Oh, hello," Deysha batted her eyelashes, "I'm one of the sponsors here, and you are…?" Natalya rolled her green eyes. It happened every time; Deysha usually took in the "hotness" factor of the guy and not the car in her ruling.

"J.Z.," Jazz said nonchalantly, unaware of the older woman's affections. He was crossing his arms, looking as cool as one could possibly be. J.Z. was in his early to mid-20s, Deysha was 30.

"So, you must be new since I've never seen you around before," she began, not even glancing at his or any other competitor's car. Drifter sighed as he saw her inch towards him, the voracious woman seemingly enthralled with her new target. Lance himself was a bit captivated with Natalya's legs, although Natalya was paying more attention to the little scene between the judge and J.Z.

"Yeah," he replied, "Friend invited me over."

"Oh, and who would that be?" she asked absentmindedly, still ogling him.

"The person behind you," this made her turn and stare at Natalya who raised an eyebrow and took a sassy stance, one hand on an outward thrusted hip with her head moved back a little. Grinning sheepishly as she remembered what she was supposed to do, she commended both of them on their cars and moved on with the two other judges.

"Well, you got one vote," Natalya snickered, earning a rolling of the eyes from Jazz, "And so do I." Giving her a questioning gaze, she hopped up on the trunk of her car, careful not to spread oil marks and stretched her legs out in front of his eyes.

"To think, you didn't even have to work anything to make Deysha fall in love with you," Natalya commented, "Then again, the last round isn't being judged by those three. It's going to be the crowd." She eased herself off of the trunk of the car, smirking as she caught him staring at her.

"Right now," Natalya warned, "You're my rival. Until this competition is over, I'm going to everything in my power to win. My brother won the Flash for 2 years in a row. I'm not gonna let him down this time." Jazz smirked back and nodded, understanding.

"We got us ourselves the finalists!" Drifter yelled into the mike, lots of people going quiet immediately, "They are…Sam, Fly, and J.Z.!" Everyone cheered for the three, Sam gaping in disbelief, making Natalya giggle. Mikaela screamed loudly and Sam looked at her, giving her a thumbs-up and waving at her.

"Sam," Natalya said, coming over, "Congrats, you got this far. Proud of you, dude." She shook his hand, Sam smiling and seeming out of breath from the joy.

"Okay, we gonna do one last cheer round," Drifter said, "You know the drill, when I say they're names, you guys cheer for your choice. Oh, and competitors…ya'll have a 45 second time limit to make them cheer for you. Aight, first we got Sam!" Sam just sort of climbed on top of Bumblebee's hood and stood up straight, raising his hands above his head. It garnered some to little applause, making him shrug and Mikaela gave him an apathetic smile. Natalya was up next, stretching a little as she prepared herself.

"And next is Fly!" Drifter yelled, Natalya smirking, "Got 45 seconds baby girl, go get 'em." The crowd already was cheering loudly, but she climbed on top of her car, sitting on the trunk on her shins. She slowly and tantalizingly took off her halter top, revealing the white bikini, sliding the black shorts off after with the same speed. Natalya could only just keep in her laughter as she glanced over at J.Z. and Sam who's eyes were nearly popping out of their heads, Sam's mouth agape, J.Z. seemingly frozen at her performance. She stretched herself across her car, garnering even more praise. When it was finally done, they continued to cheer, noticeably more guys than girls.

"Don't that just make ya wanna say, 'Sexy Can I?'" Drifter asked, many cheers coming back up, "Now, J.Z., you think you can top that?" J.Z. was a bit dazed for a moment, snapping back to reality as Natalya pulled on her halter top and shorts.

"Give it up, for J.Z.!" he yelled, a good sized cheer ringing out through the crowd. J.Z. shrugged, turning on his radio and began break dancing. Natalya was amazed at his moves, J.Z. swinging his legs out while supporting himself on his hands, then spinning on his head after. The crowd went wild at his performance.

"Yeah! Well, accordin' to my ears," Drifter said after, "I think we might have a tie between Fly and J.Z.!" Natalya raised an eyebrow at J.Z., a bit surprised.

"So, ya'll, whaddya think we should do for our tie breaker?" he asked, the audience screaming out random things, "A break dancing contest? Aight, I'm down for that. Come on up, you two, and get this tiebreaker on!" Natalya was in disbelief, J.Z. smirking at her as he climbed on the stage. She hopped on after him, standing in her usual sassy pose as she zeroed in her vision on the supposed rival, J.Z. putting his hands behind his head and smiled. Jazz was actually glancing back and forth between the audience and Natalya, who's shorts had slipped down a little and showed the cute little rhinestone heart that was above her hip, holding the flimsy white material of the lower part of the bikini together. Surely, a break dance wouldn't work if she was wearing that…but if she went through with it…if it were to slip…

'NO!' Jazz thought, mentally shaking his head of those nasty thoughts, 'Keep yo' slaggin' CPU on the contest, Jazz! On the contest…not on…Natalya…in that damn nice bikini…" Yeah…these were the thoughts of the second-in-command as he continued to look between the audience and Natalya, extremely distracted since she did that little stripping stunt back there. After all, Jazz had as much of a crush on Natalya as she did on him…even if he didn't really want to admit it.

"Aight, ya'll ready?" asked Drifter, "We gonna play a nice song for ya'll, how 'bout 'Kiss Kiss' by Chris Brown?" The crowd cheered and he took that as a yes, putting the record on and starting the music. Natalya went first, doing a few flirtatious moves that made Jazz smirk.

'She wanna play like that? Aight,' he thought, going at it with his own moves, showing off his muscles and strength by doing some hot shot gymnastics.

'Damn…he really has a nice six pa-no! Focus!' she thought, as she began dancing more seriously, showing her skill. At T-Pain's part, Jazz got in Natalya's face, Natalya not moving an inch as she stayed her ground and took the challenge. The crowd began telling her to fight back, and she did, both of them going at it hard. Finally, it was the end of the song and they were both trying to outlast each other on spinning on their heads. However, Natalya finally stopped and sighed as she knew that J.Z. had won instead, but surprisingly, he stopped at the same time she did.

"Dang, that was pretty tight, but who really brought it to the table? Give it up, for Fly!" Drifter yelled, the crowd going wild, "Ai'ght, and our man, J.Z.!" This time, the crowd seemed just a little tiny bit softer, even with the girls screaming.

"And the winner is…Fly!" Drifter announced, stunning Natalya.

"'Ey, good dancin' girl," Jazz congratulated, holding out his hand, "Maybe we should grind some other time, ai'ght?" She smiled and nodded, shaking it in good sportsmanship. Drifter held up the giant medallion that represented the 1st place prize for the Flash competition.

"It's yours," Drifter pulled the lanyard and medallion over her head, "You deserve it, baby girl." Natalya smiled and hugged Drifter.

"Thanks Drifter," she then looked over to Jazz, "Hey, you gonna be in the Dash competition? I'm signing up for that next."

"Well...nah," Jazz smiled before walking off the stage with her, "I'm gonna take a breather from that show we just did. 'Ts hard doin' all that, ya know?" Jazz acted like he was dizzy for a moment, making her giggle.

"Okay, whatever," then Natalya stopped, "You want me to win the race for ya? Then, I can give you some of the prize money."

"Sure," Jazz smiled, hoping she would say that, "Take my car, probably be needin' some love and it loves racin'." Natalya grinned and ran to the Pontiac, Jazz's hologram walking off and disappearing behind a tree. She looked behind her, expecting J.Z. to be smiling back, but he was gone.

"…I guess he must've been thirsty or something," she whispered to herself, a bit disappointed. Lowering herself into the driver's seat, she turned it on and the music station was on Nelly's "Hot in Herre".

"It's getting hot in herre, so take off all yo' clothes!" the radio blared, Natalya shaking her head and smirking.

"This car is so weird," she turned the radio down a bit before driving it over to the start line, "Hey, Drifter! You signed me up, right?"

"I'd think you was crazy if you didn't want me to," Drifter smirked at her, "Got a lot of bets on you, baby girl. Don't let 'em down!" Natalya smirked back and looked at her competition as Drifter got out of the way. There were mostly new racers, but there were some oldies, too. Suddenly, she felt the vehicle purr under her and she realized she was pushing the pedal down a bit too much.

"Huh, pedal's gotta be a bit loose," she remarked, then as she tried to lean forward to check it, the seat belt held her tight against the seat, "Oh great…must be jammed. If I just…" Brushing along the edge of the seat to find the buckle, it clicked and slowly slid off and trailed along her left arm, the cold metal making goose bumps.

"Okay, now I wish I brought a jacket," she sighed before checking the brake, finding it all right, and buckling back up, "Let's do this…" She zoomed up to the starting line and felt the excited rush of adrenaline in preparation. The car's needles seemingly were getting hyped as they rushed up and slowly fell back down with no assistance from Natalya. Giving a secret smile, she brushed her hair out of her face and squeezed the wheel in anticipation.

"Hey, it's me again," she sat up straighter, "I know, it must be annoying for me to keep talking to you…"

'No it ain't!' Jazz protested silently, again the seat warmer turning on.

"Well, I know J.Z. is your owner, but I bet your run smoother in my hands than in his, right baby?" she giggled as she kissed the steering wheel, "Oh crap, forgot I had lipstick…should I wipe it off?" Jazz quickly knocked her bag away with his emergency brake secretly as she reached for some tissues, letting it fall to the floor while he tightened the seat belt.

"…Crap, uh," Natalya looked around, "I'll just have to say…that I braked suddenly…and I accidentally fell against the wheel, yeah, that'll work!" Jazz chuckled silently at that, mentally shaking his head that it wouldn't.

"I don't want him getting all panicky like he did with the other girls!" she muttered while freaking out a little.

'…She…she was watching me?' he wondered. Leaning against the head rest, she sighed and put a hand over her eyes.

"Man, am I in love with this guy or what? I'm in love with him and his car!" at that Natalya jumped as the horn went off for some reason, quickly turning off the horn, "Yet, I can't help but get the feeling that he's never had a successful date in this car…"

'Girl, I got tons of femmes with this!' he snapped mentally, then froze as she began undressing, 'N-Natalya, what you doin', girl?'

"Damn it, this bikini's too tight! If I just loosen it a little bi-shit! It fell off! If this seat belt was off, I could take off my top…and it feels like the bottom's grabbing my ass!" Underneath Jazz, a thick fluid spurted out, looking oddly like energon…(chiv-id: Yeah! Nosebleed time!!!)

"Oh crap, can't fix it now," Natalya sighed as she saw the flag girls get up, "All right, c'mon, we've had a good run last time, let's show 'em what we got again!" She eagerly revved the engine, shaking him out of his stupor. The other contestants revved their engines in response, acknowledging the challenge. Jazz almost scoffed at the weaker sounds, and when she pushed the pedal down again, he roared forward, the small car surprisingly loud.

"Got your bite back didn't ya?" she smirked, her fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly, "Okay baby boy, let's win this for J.Z.!" Jazz, at the same time, felt extremely glad that she liked his hologram, and yet a twinge of unhappiness. A secret like his would have to get out some time, and he didn't know if she liked him for his looks or his personality, and if he did decide to show her, what would she do? Most humans, he knew, would begin to freak out or try to destroy them in "self-defense". That's why he distrusted humans so much in the first place like Ironhide, especially with what happened to Bumblebee, but he's come to see the good in them as well like Optimus, after meeting Sam, Mikaela, the Witwickys, and even Natalya.

"Where is he?" she wondered out loud, but soon had to dismiss the idea as the girls lifted up the rags that would start the race. When they flung it down, Natalya hit the accelerator and Jazz zoomed forward, creating a cloud of dust that confused the other drivers and she let out a loud whoop.

'There really isn't another feeling like this,' she thought wildly and with a smile on her face as she continued to roar along the road with Jazz. And Jazz thought the exact same thing, the Pontiac Solstice drifting as Natalya turned the wheel sharply as they turned around the bend of the lake. For five whole laps, they continued to drive, each time Natalya felt that warm feeling she got every time she raced, but this time, she felt wholly warm, as if complete. When they won, she got out and received the prize money along with a decal that was like a medal for Jazz. Then, she looked for J.Z. and saw him walking towards her with a grin on his face.

"I won J.Z.!" Natalya ecstatically told him, "You get the half of the prize money!" Giving him half, she blushed as he looked down on her and took her chin in his hand, ignoring the money for the moment.

"That was some amazin' drivin' right there," he replied, smiling, "If you want, I found the perfect spot to spend the rest of the day…I'll give you another prize there." He winked and took the money before walking to his "car", standing back up after looking inside.

"Is this for me?" he asked, pointing to the lipstick. Again, she blushed in embarrassment, and nodded shyly.

"Well, half for you, half for your car," she smiled, "After all, it did all the work." He laughed and got in, waiting for her to get in the passenger's side.

"Looks like you like my car more than me!" he chuckled before zooming away. While he drove her to their special place, leaving the rest of their friends behind, she couldn't help but fidget. She still didn't fix her bikini, and she hoped it wouldn't ruin the mood because of her discomfort.

"Your strap's falling down," J.Z. commented, startling her, "Let me help you…" She tried not to breath as his hand brushed her arm before pulling the bikini strap back onto her shoulder, trailing his hand down her arm again.

"Oh, th-thanks," she replied, "Actually, I need to fix might've come off." When he looked over at her, she bit her lip in a flirty way, fingering the strap that fell down again, J.Z. widening his eyes before smiling.

"Need my help for that?" he asked, playing along. Just then, they arrived at the shore opposite of the crowds, sunset already touching the horizon and they watched it through Jazz's tinted windshield.

"Maybe…" she bit her lip again and leaned a bit towards him, letting him see that both of the straps had fallen off, "Then again, I could just take the entire bikini off, but then…"

"What?" he asked, watching as she began to crawl over to him, his holographic self leaning back against the door as she got over the divider.

"It'd be too easy for some perv to feel me up right?" she leaned back, as if evaluating what his response would be. Jazz's CPU stopped for a moment, seeing how this was a critical moment between them. Was he to play along, be the pervert? Or was he supposed to show restraint? It was hard though, staring as he saw the straps slip off just a bit more, Natalya leaning over him slightly enough with her entire body within his reach. Her pheromones, which were sensitive to him as it was to most Transformers, gave him a heightened sense, her breath, her smell, her touch, it was all very tempting. However, he forced himself to remind her that she was still in a delicate state, and he got up and pushed the straps up, Natalya surprised for a moment.

"Yeah…it would," he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, "That's why I'm gonna make sure nobody's gonna do that to ya." Sincerely touched, she blushed and then leaned in and kissed him on the lips, Jazz actually blushing as he could feel the bikini still slipping. As they continued to kiss, he leaned back against his door, letting her body mold against his. Breaking away, they breathed and she cuddled beside him, letting a hand wander on his chest while one of his hands laid upon her thigh.

"You're probably the first person I've known who wouldn't take advantage of this position right now," she giggled, "All the other boyfriends I had were on a one-track mind, if you know what I mean."

"Other boyfriends?" he asked, but she just laughed.

"Yeah, my ex-s, but don't worry, I haven't seen them in a long time."


"Hm? What, are you actually jealous?"


"Really?" Natalya sat up a little and stared at him, being flirty, "If I were to talk to another guy who was really hot, would you be jealous then?"

"Don't test me, that guy could end up in the hospital," he growled playfully, grabbing her and kissing her again, "But yeah…after all, I really like you…" She stopped flirting and looked at him in all seriousness before kissing his jaw then moved to his neck, a blush on her face as she kissed his collarbone next.

"I like you too," she smiled and continued to cuddle after that. Jazz mentally gave a shout of victory, he had actually said it! It just came out so fast he didn't know how she'd respond, but he was glad that she responded so well. Then, with his heart still in such joy, he kissed her again and copied her actions, moving from the jaw to the neck.

"You like your prize?" he asked, Natalya moaning so softly in response that he immediately felt turned on. She grasped the back of his vest as he continued to kiss, her face red from the passion that was beginning. Of course, he knew this was going to fast, and didn't want to become another one of her ex-s, so he pulled away after giving one last hickey to her neck, nuzzling it.

"Now you're definitely mine," he joked, kissing her on the lips.

"Oh, possessive," she smirked, "I like that. J.Z., look! The sunset!" They both turned their heads to watch the sun go down. She sighed contentedly against his chest, rubbing her hand over it again as Jazz rubbed her thigh once more. Natalya couldn't help but feel that this was the perfect end to a perfect day. And Jazz couldn't believe he confessed and had his feelings returned, the sunset like a sign that all was well. With that, they watched the sun continue to slowly climb down off its ladder in the sky, content to be with each other.

chiv-id: Weeelll, looks like you two are pretty snug now.

Natalya: (shrugs as she holds onto Jazz) 'Course! Just gotta be more careful I guess...and warn me next time.

Jazz: (squeezes) Fo' sho, baby doll.

chiv-id: Okay, well, since they probably want some privacy, time to say good-bye!

Natalya: Hey, hey, hey, hold up, you can't just walk away like that!

chiv-id: ...I...can't?

Jazz: You heard the girl, ain't no punishment been settled fo' keepin' us waitin' like that...

chiv-id: P-punishment? Oh, you can't be serious...(backs away)

Natalya: Jazz, keep her here while I get the tar and feathers.

chiv-id: (runs away)

Natalya: Damn it! Jazz, get her!

Jazz: Will do! (runs after chiv-id)

Natalya: (sighs) Don't worry readers, we'll catch that her and give her her punishment. Later!

chiv-id: (runs by) Reviews! Give reviews! (runs away with Jazz after her in car mode)

Natalya: Bamino, baby, mui rapido! (trans: Let's go, baby, go fast!) (hops into Jazz and speeds off after chiv-id)