Secret Video Footage!!!!

"Welcome back to What not to where Ninja Addition…" whispered Amethyst, "We're taking a quick break to burn the abundantly redundant…"

"hey, that rhymed!"

"Wardrobes we've collected thus far, but fear not! We've got a special treat for you viewers!"

"That's right Amethyst," continued Jade, "We've got exclusive footage of our green room, courtesy of Bobbie's cousin Joe and his hardware store."

"Why are we whispering again?"

"Dramatic affect….Cut to the feed!"

Naruto can be seen walking over to Sasuke, almost stalking over apparently shouting something. "And it seems like Joe forgot to install the microphones. Good going."

"Note, get Joe to add microphones later." Jade muttered, "What are we going to do, this is really going to kill the fun…"

Naruto reached Sasuke and started gesturing wildly.

"Here we see a wild Naruto in its natural environment. 'Hey, what are you doing here, Teme?!'" said Amethyst in a very poor imitation in Naruto's hyper voice. "'I thought you were hangin' with Orochimaru and his snakes.'"

Naruto continued to wave his arms madly as Sakura went over to the two of them.

"'How come you're here Sasuke? Huh? Huh? Answer me gosh darn it, stupid emo-boy!' 'Oh, Sasuke-kuuuun. Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun'" Amethyst began whining in a high pitched voice. She switched back to Naruto again. "'Oh shut it, Sakura-chan. I thought you'd gotten over him years ago.' 'Well, I did… but I mean… look at him! He's all shirtless and… you know…' 'Yeah, yeah I could see that. I mean, he does look much better without the shirt…'"

"Hey!" Jade yelled, swatting Amethyst on the back of the head. "They aren't saying that!"

"Well what are they saying then?" she asked, indignant.

"'Naruto, why are you wearing pants while I'm stuck in boxers? Your such a looser! Or course I'd rather hang with that pedophile Orochimaru'" Jade began imitating Sasuke, " Baka, now I can't tell how low your tan lines go…' Sasuke goes emo…. "

Sai walked over to the three teammates and smiled, pointing at Naruto.

"'The dickless wonder has no tan lines, Duck-butt. It is nice to meet you, please teach me your emo ways.'"

"What!?!? Like Sai would ever say that!" Amethyst thought about that for a second. "Wait… nevermind."

Jade snickered and watched as Kakashi approached the teens. "'Now, now children. There's no need for fighting.'"

"Hey! I get to do Kakashi! You can have Sakura," Amethyst said with a glare at her co host.

"I don't want Sakura! Sakura's a bitch! Besides, you do her high pitched whiny voice so well."

"Hey now!" Amethyst complained. "I don't want to be Sakura. She called us old hags or something."

"Fine, we'll split Sakura." Jade compromised.

"Okay, okay, we should get back to the green room. You know, I've always wanted to be a voice actress…"

"You what? Me too!" Jade exclaimed, "Ok, lets see…ah crap. Everyone's bruised now…."

"What did we miss?!" Amethyst added as Naruto and Sasuke caught their breaths and Sai rubbed his Jaw while Sakura shook out her fist. Kakashi just sweat dropped. "'See? This is why I told you to calm down…' she started again as Kakashi, 'Tell that to Sasuke! He's the one who started it!'"

"'Looser, blaming it on me.' 'Sakura, why did you hit me? I was just saying that Naruto had a tighter ass.'"

"'SHUT UP YOU PERV!' 'Actually, I'm surprised you didn't put him though the wall, Sakura,'"

"'I tried to Sensi!'' Jade chucked, "Ninja proof walls, $1,546 on MasterCard, keeping your fish in a barrel, priceless."

"I'm really glad we spent the extra money on those…" Amethyst commented, watching the ninja continue to argue. "'I'm almost afraid to ask, Sakura, but why exactly were you trying to put Sai through the wall?' 'She was protecting my honor, of course!'"

The hosts snickered as they watched Sakura try to punch Naruto through the wall this time.

"'Ow ow ow ow! You hit so hard Sakura-chaaaan!'"

The hosts snickered harder as they watched Sakura pull her fist back again. Then they gaped as Sasuke stepped in and grabbed her fist before she could test the ninja-proof walls again.

"'S-sasuke-kun?'" Amethyst asked in a wavery voice.

"'Don't hurt him, Sakura.' 'Yeah, Sasuke doesn't want you pummeling his Naru-chan into oblivion. I mean, have you seen what's on his shorts?'"

Everyone in the room took a good look at Sasuke's foxy Uchiha shorts.

"'Wahhhh! Why does Sasuke-teme have boxers with foxes holding Uchiha fans? And why do the foxes have, ummm… nine tails?'"

"'Why do you think, Dickless wonder? He obviously wants…'"

"'Ok, that's quite enough out of you Sai,'" Kakashi slapped his hand over Sai's mouth. "'Sasuke! You don't me to tell me that all this time you were….'"

"No Sakura…It's not what it looks like….' 'how could you do that Sasuke? Why are the cute ones always gay?!'"

"'Because gay guys like like cute guys?' 'Kakashi, not you, too!' Oh look, Sakura's crying. 'don't cry Sakura-chan, you could beat any gay guy strait!'"

"Yeah, I'm sure that'll make her feel better, baka.' 'so to be emo you have to be gay? Or just think Naruto is hot?'"

"'Sai, don't say those things! Coming from you that's just gross!'"

Kakashi apparently had tired of his student's arguments and had pulled out Icha Icha.

"Hey Jade?"


"Didn't we take away Kakashi's weapon's pouch?"


"So where'd he pull Icha Icha out of?"

"Seeing as he's not wearing anything but his pants…"

"Riiiiight… ummm… not thinking about that…"

"Well, we do have about fifty other people to get to. We should probably leave Team Kakashi alone with their happy little relationship issues. And besides, the clothes are finished burning."

"Oh, right. The others." Amethyst paused. "Hey Jade?"


"Where'd Sai get the scroll and paintbrush?"

Author notes! Yay! filler chap. Sadly, we're going to be taking a break, the Naruto Manga right now just an't doing it for us. Uchihas suck. 2 of them sucks a lot. (WeevilOne: Hey! I happen to like Obito, thank you very much. It's just Sasuke and Itachi that are giving the Uchiha a bad name. sulks) (KitsuneFoxfire: It's Naruto not Sasuke) So, as this was a good place to stop (between teams and all) We're stopping. Enjoy, and pray something actually happens in the manga. if anything really happens, we'll probably be writing again.