First chapter of my first Get Ed fiction. Hope you like it, I'm going to put a lot more detail in it later, but for now, it is just this, it will continue, so there we go.

Summery- Edward is not average, he isn't be any means human either, but he has a purpose, just like everyone else. And that is to find out who he really is and to do that he must find his pieces, all twelve of them. This is an AU so there has to be something out of place... that would be his so called 'friends' don't know a thing about who he really is. Also, the plot line has changed. Quite a lot from the show. People are the same, but circumstances are differing greatly. All in all, the story will be more adult. For the characters? What will they learn? Or will Ed keep the secret so close it will only get to Bedlam by sheer luck? And what about the ever fickle first love of Deets and Ed?

All good questions, hope I can answer them in coming chapters.

Disclaimer- I do not own anything of Get Ed, except for this plot idea.

Secret's Keeper

DNA's puke green delivery truck was flying down the hover-way. Literally flying. Their speed clocking at least ninety on the usual sixty Hover-lane. An important delivery could make all the difference, with their standings anyways. Last place, and falling fast. So they in turn had to try their best to not get any objects stolen from them by 'the pesky couriers' or on more than one occasion, 'Edward.' One forever-smiling guard was in the front driving; his suit made up of the same green as his truck he was driving. A few more idiocy-in-their-smile blobs were protecting the package. They were all the same: green uniform, stupid grin, and the black hat they always seemed to be wearing. Of course being a clone might help in being the same… a little.

One of the delivers held in his hand a small box, wrapped tightly with a neon colored paper.

The package was fairly small, able to fit in the palm of a hand with relative ease. Inside it was a small blue sphere, with two wide white rings around it, crossing each other in the middle, but about half an inch off the sphere itself. It wouldn't quite lie in your hand, but rather hover. The sphere, in question, was powerful, even the DNA couriers could feel it. The energy contained inside made most scales leap. Even if they were just a pile of perfect matter, they could feel some things. Couldn't they?

The DNA couriers were very stiff in their seats, almost waiting for.. something inevitable stupid? The smiling driver kept his gaze on the road.

That's when the bumping started, right after the sharp sizzling noise. If the DNA couriers were surprised, they showed nothing for it. Their smiles were planted on their faces, almost frozen in place. The DNA's in the back jumped up, reaching for the weapons they kept hidden, only one stayed back to protect the sphere. Smile honestly never wavering.

"Hey, come on we just want to play!" a child yelled out a playfully, kid like voice to the driver, who was trying to keep control of the truck. He looked over momentarily to see a tall kid with skates, and just about the same color jump-suit as them, with the Dojo symbol printed on the right of his chest. His shin-guards had a swirl on it; he also had a puppet on his right hand, which looked a lot like a guard would have frowned if he could have, but does 'forever smiling' ring a bell?

Before he crashed into a lamp light, flinging himself through the front window. "DNA delivery, have a nice day." Was the last thing he uttered before he fell into a puddle of green matter on the hover-way.

"Whoo hoo, go Loogie!" Was what the next kid said, he was kind of short, his voice was slightly happier than the other, if that was possible, he was on a hover-board, also wearing a jump-suit, blue though, his shin-guard symbol was what looked like an alien head. He had a smile that might have rivaled DNA's. You could see he was also part of team Dojo. The whole right part of the upper chest area was a dead giveaway.

"Ed, relax." This new voice calmly came from a tall girl flying in the sky. Flying, yes you heard right. She was wearing pink, all pink. Her wings, also pink, were like those on a jet, spread like them too. She had long hair, definitely longer than the boys anyways. Her symbol was simple, what looked like pink eye lashes. And oh yes- was that what I think it is?- she had the small symbol of the Dojo also. Surprised?

"You might want to listen to Deets, Ed." This voice belong to a much shorter girl, she wore purple, and had much smaller hair than the other, Deets. Smiling... not her thing. Her transportation was a hover-scooter, and her symbol was the pi sign, and no not the food, the mathematical equation. You could see they were all on the same team, it was easy once you looked at all their chests. The Dojo symbol stood out. black on whatever color just happened to be theirs.

"Yo Dojo's we just gon'na stand aroun' all day lookin' happy for our'selves? We got a delivery to steal." This new voice was much rougher than the others before for it was a he. He wore the most interesting uniform of them all, black with orange flames, that laced around his helmet, and up his lower body to his upper. His expression was much darker than the others, he didn't like to stand around doing nothing that's for sure. Like the short haired girl, Fizz, smiling just wasn't his thing. He was also a darker skin color than the others. His symbol was kind of easy to guess, a flame, orange of course. The only things they had in common was the Dojo symbol and they're different colored boots, that came knee high.

The others all looked at him with respect, he was obviously the leader. The kid in the blue jump suit quickly headed to the back on the truck, it wasn't damaged there, but there were quite a few piles of the perfect matter known as DNA splattered all around. He ripped open the door to the truck, and jumped in side. The hover car was at a slight angle, it wasn't all the way up, but by no means was it down. The kid riding the scooter rode over to the back of the truck.

"Find anything Ed?" She asked, her voice sounded the most childish of them all. But she was definitely the brain of the team. Pi symbol anyone?

"Not ye- Hey! Whoa… take a look at this Fizz." Ed said the first part, as one heard rummaging, then he stopped for the 'hey' part of the speech. He came out to finish the sentence. Holding something in his hand, he held his palm out for Fizz to see.

Fizz, as she was just dubbed, looked at the small object Ed had, and quickly took it to examine it further. It was still packaged, so not much to examine.

"Wow." She said, as she scanned the box. It was like a small blue glass ball, being circled by two bands of green. " Old school will want to see this, is it the package?" she asked tensely, hoping it was, because it was Old schools package. losing that would be like sending yourself to bedlam in a hand basket.

"Let me see." Deets said holding out her hand, also wanting to examine it further. Fizz gave it up, holding it out while Deets carefully took it. Deets had the longest history for a Dojo, she had been there the longest of everyone, anyway. So if she knew what Old school wanted it for, then they could hurry back faster.

"Ohh!" loogie said, looking at it. Then he held up his puppet, and started to talk for it. Apparently they were having an argument over creamed cheese. How that came up.. was a mystery.

"I don't know… How about you Burn?" Deets asked, looking over at burn. He had on his 'I-don't-care' face.

"How am I supposed to know?" A glare. "Fine." He said, and then took the box, and twisted it in between his fingers. He tested it, by lightly pressing down on both sides. It was stronger than it looked, because it didn't even show sign of the pressure. I guess once you want something as small as that to be protected you want to give it a good box.

"I think this is it. Here hold it would you Ed." Burn said indecisively, he tossed it over to Ed. Ed in turn caught it and put it into the safety of the pouch on his belt. That was where anything small needed to be kept safe. Ed stopped as soon as it was safely away.

Ed felt strange, it felt like the little ball had been… humming? To him?… He shook his head, it didn't seem likely.

"Okay let's drop this Package off and then go get something to eat." Burn said, hoping onto his one wheeled motorcycle. Ed did like-wise except he rode his hover-board. Deets, and Fizz followed suit, and loogie… Well he just kept fighting with 'Dr. Pinch', and he was apparently losing, badly.

"Loogie, are you coming?" Burn impatiently asked. This happened a lot, you could tell from his expression, and from the way he acted… Kind of like he was expecting it?

Loogie looked back. " Fine… but only if the cream cheese is on my side!" He bellowed, that same strangely obsessive expression showed. 'Dr Pinch' was apparently on his side now. And chirped in on 'his own.'

"Yeah, and make sure the mayo knows about it!"

Ed looked confused. Really confused. As in, confused that an elephant was in the room-confused.

"I thought Creamed cheese was a food? How can he be on your side?" He asked, once again everybody forgot how gullible Ed was, and groaned out.

Deets, having understood what Ed asked, replied quite quickly.

"Listen Ed, Loogie is just joking around, honestly. Creamed cheese is food, but sometimes he likes it a little too much… Same with the Mayo." Deets said. She was just about the only one Ed trusted for this stuff, after the whole 'lets-play-a-prank-on-Ed.' He still didn't let Burn go near the CD rack, or Loogie near the bathroom.

"Ohh." Ed said, slightly taken aback, he knew Loogie was like that, I mean who keeps a Puppet to talk to?

"Can we go now?" Burn asked impatient, again.

"Yeah, lets go." Loogie said, and started to skate away, as if he hadn't been having a conversation about Cream cheese on his side… or mayo.

-+- Home -+-

It didn't take long for the gang to get home. Their little base was almost in the middle of the city. It was dome shaped in the front and flat in the back, or at least away from the front door. The whole place was built out of glass, and some times a wall, but only in side the house. The place was quiet and calm, except… the hover-way, that was right above it.

Ed was the first in. Followed by Deets, then Fizz, next Burn, and Loogie… he decided to go on ahead to the dinner.

"Ol' skool!" Ed yelled out excitedly. Ol' skool was the closest thing he had to a dad, or parental figure. Ever since he had been activated in the supposed 'secret lab', he had been trying to figure everything out. Ol skool helped by letting him help with the couriering services. He was still a little naive, but he was starting to understanding who to trust, and who not to. And for Ed, that was enough.

The others didn't know he was an alien techno or that he was smarter than any of them combined, including Fizz and Burn, they just thought he was here for an apprenticeship. Funny and ironic isn't it?

"Yo guys, did ya get the package?" Ol' Skools voice echoed from the Kitchen, followed by Ol' Skool himself coming out. He was much like a kid, on the inside. On the outside… not so much. He was old, needless to say, but wise. He helped the team of misfits out as much as he could, and not just because they were his source of credits, or money, but because they were a lot like the children he never had.

"The DNA didn't stand a chance." Burn said lacing his voice with pride. It was his team after all, and no matter how they acted he was responsible. Even when it was Loogie.

"Cool, so may I see the package?" Ol Skool asked, slightly picky and humored all of the sudden. He looked Ed over to make sure he was 'ok', it seemed like something he always did. He did build him anyways, why shouldn't he feel a little bit of worry now and again?

"Yeah!," Ed said bubbling with happiness. He held out his hand, which had just been in his pouch before, and showed Ol' Skool the round sphere, which was still in the box.

"Nice." Ol' Skool said, picking it out of his hand lightly, like he would a glass box. He looked it over, scrutinizing it with every fiber of his being. He finally gave a little shake of his head, up and down. Everyone relaxed, they had tensed up, hoping that Ol' Skool wouldn't be mad at getting the wrong thing, but they had done good.

"Okay, well Ol' Skool, me and the gang are gonna go eat, want something?" Burn was the first to speak, as Ol' Skool put the box carefully on the counter.

"Nah, I'm cool. But I would like Ed to stay back for a second. Is that alright with you Edward?" Ol' Skool had very cleverly designed the name, so he could use it casually, and when he needed Ed for something. Ed's gaze hardened and his smile faltered slightly at the use of his full name, knowing he was needed to stay back. It left quickly though, and his smile came back on full flash.

"I don't mind, do you guys?" Ed implored, looking back at them, hinting about nothing as Ol' Skool had instructed him so. Ed was the perfect little liar, especial when he had no moral-upbringing to tell him not to. Someday, that might be Ol' Skool's undoing, but for now it served its purpose.

"It's fine, take your time Ed we'll be at the Pizza Rax!" Ed heard them mubble hurriedly as they had already started off, belly's rumbling as they practically ran out the door.

It was quite in the room.

Ed's POV:

As soon as the door shut, I was turned back to Ol' skool, arms crossed wondering out loud, knowing it was safe. I could let my true colors shine through.

"What is it? Is the sphere a part of me?" It was excitement I let creep into my voice. I didn't let this kind enthusiasm seep out often, I knew if I grew attached to anything, or anyone, it could very well be the death of me, or said 'thing', 'person'. It didn't stop me from making conections with people though. It was the only way I learned.

"It could be." I heard Ol' Skools excitement like mine was. I knew we were finally getting somewhere.

How did you like? This is my first Ed fiction! So be nice, or mean don't really care, but would love your opinions. They are my favorite.