Harry Potter and the Goblet of Ramen

Ch3: The Qudditch World Cup and Diagon Alley!

When Naruto and the gang got to their box, they were able to see their entire stadium. I mean, seriously! They were nosebleed height! Toward the Quiddich World Cup, (A/N I don't feel like adding details. Takes too long.) Sakura heard someone yell "Marmada!" (sp?) Suddenly her scar, you know, the one on her forehead? It burned like hell. I mean, DANG! She wasn't used to the pain, yet Harry was and saw the rosette fall. "SAKURA!" "H-Harry?" Sakura managed to say before she fainted in his arms. Everyone was running toward the forest. Harry did the same, a unconscious in his arms.

-Time skip to the Weasly's house, a day after the Quidditch World Cup-

Sakura's eyes fluttered open. Her forehead stung. "Ow." She whimpered. "Well you're awake." A velvety voice next to Sakura stated matter-of-factly. Sakura turned her head. "Where are we Sasuke?" "The Weasly's house." Sakura slowly nodded her understanding. Just then, a women with red hair and a plump frame bustled in. "Oh, Sakura dear! You're finally awake!" Sakura smiled, realizing she was in Ron's room. "Come down soon, dear. And welcome home." The woman left. "'Welcome home?' What's that supposed to mean?" Sasuke asked. "Sasuke-" "What's she playing at? (by now they're speaking in English) Konoha's your real home." "Sasuke I-" "She shouldn't be saying thing's like tha-" "SAUSKE!" Sasuke froze. Sakura had never yelled at him before. She seemed too… delicate. "I grew up here Sasuke. In a flat down the rode from here. " "So Konoha was never your real home." "No. How do you think I met Ron?" "well. You write a lot… and considering you have no life…" Here, Sakura sweatdropped. "I thought he was a pen pal." "Then how did I know Fred and George?" "Touché." Sakura looked around. "Man, this place brings a lot of memories back…" Sakura stopped talking. Sasuke saw her eyes visibly water, and a delicate tear roll down her cheek. Sasuke walked to her bed and sat next to her. He wrapped his arms around her petite waist and pulled her towards him. Sakura pulled back, wiping her eyes and sniffing. "I'm sorry Sasuke." Sasuke pulled her back. "No Sakura," he murmured into her hair. "I'm sorry."

After about 10 more minutes of hugging (sasuke) and crying, (Sakura) the two headed downstairs. By the time they got downstairs, you couldn't even tell that Sakura had been crying. Sasuke was amazed. 'Is this girl for real?' Mrs. Weasly smiled. "Glad to see you up. You too, dear." Mrs. Weasly said, nodding to Sasuke.

-Time skip to Diagon Alley in Ollivanders Wand Shop-

By now Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and the rest of the Weaslys had met up with Harry and Hermione. "C'mon you lot! We have to get these three wands!" Now the (Rather large) Group was in Ollivanders. An old, (slightly decreped) man came out carrying a box. Naruto was going first.

Ollivander took out a wand. "Mahogany, nine inches, dragon heart-string, good for Transfiguration." Naruto looked doubtful. This was the tenth wand he was trying! He'd already broken 8 windows and knocked over 2 glass, irreplaceable vases. He gave it a small wave and felt a tickling sensation in his fingers. Ollivander smiled. "You've got your wand boy!" he said. "Uhh… the young raven haired next please." Sasuke stepped forward. After about 5 minutes, he FINALLY got the right wand. (Cedar, 8 inches, single strand of unicorn hair, good for repairing things.) "And the young rosette." Sakura stepped forward. Ollivander gasped. "You, my dear, are legend." His eyes flickered toward Harry and back to Sakura. "Just like your young friend…. I think…" Ollivander disappeared into the back of the store, and came out carrying a very (and I mean VERY) dusty box. He opened it and held out the wand to Sakura. "Cherry, 9 inches, good for Defense against the Dark Arts, tail feather of the legendary black phoenix." Sakura hesitantly reached for the wand. The moment she held it, a golden light illuminated around her, and wings seemed to sprout from her back. Her hair seemed to frame her angelic face. When all that disappeared, Ollivanders' eyes were wild with curiosity. "Interesting… very interesting…That'll be 12 galleons, 6 sickels, and 9 knuts." Sakura handed over the money, and the group left. "Well well well. Look what we have here." The group heared these words the second they got outside. They turned around. Sakura put on a flirty smile and cat-walked up to Malfoy. She made her hand 'walk' up his shoulder. Then she smiled wider and punched him in the face, sending him flying down the alley, landing in a gutter. Sakura smiled a regular smile and walked back to the group. "C'mon you lot, let's go home." And they left.

Sorry this chapter's so short! I'll write more!
