A/N: Ok, this is my first ff

A/N: Ok, this is my first ff.n fanfic, so try and go easy on me. So, this is your typical L/J MWPP and L. I'll try to use as little of W as possible cuz I (like most other fanfiction authors) think he's a horrible slimy little traitoranyways, I *LOVE* L/J and MWPP fics, so, right now there's not much more to say, butR/R/R! So, now onto my fanfic, enjoy!!!

Chapter One:

Happy Birthday?

Lily Evans woke up on the morning of Wednesday, August 15th in an unusually good mood. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, everything about the day said that it would be perfect.

Yeah right! The day was just about opposite of that. What Lily Evans really woke up to was her 17-year-old sister, Petunia, rapping at the door. "Wake up, you lazy prat!"

"Coming, Petty, dearest!" yelled Lily. "Don't you have something to tell me?"

"Why would I have anything to say to you, freak?" Said Petunia and walked out of the room.

"Humph, you'd think a girl should get a little respect on her birthday!" Said Lily annoyedly. Then she heard more tapping. "Alright, I'm up already!" The tapping continued, then Lily realized there were four owls tapping at her window. "Oh, I'm sorry, how long have you guys been waiting out there?" Lily asked, as if the owls were to answer. "Well, at least my friends care about my birthday. Oh my god, Pippy! What did James do to you this time?" She said to a frazzled-looking owl, whose feathers were ruffled and had apparently been turned hot pink. Lily picked up the poor shocked owl and sat him down on her vanity. "Ugh, I'm gonna have to try and fix you without magic, seeing as we're not allowed to use magic over holidays." Lily grabbed her comb and brushed the owl's feathers back. Then she brushed powder all over the still frazzled-looking owl. "There, at least you're only light pink now. Oh, and this bow'll look just adorable on you." She tied a bright pink ribbon around the little owl's neck. "There, all done. Do you like it?" The owl flew around the room, as if inspecting how it looked on herself. Then she flew back and gave Lily an affectionate nip. "Good. I like it too, now what did James get me?" Pippy flew over to a small envelope, which Lily ripped open. It contained a short note:


Happy Birthday, looking different?


"What did he mean?" She asked Pippy. Her answer came when she looked in the mirror and screamed. Her hair was green!


I hate you, Potter! You are the most horrible thing that ever walked this planet! Change me back now!


She gave the letter to Pippy. A minute later the owl came back.


You forgot the magic word.


P.S. What the heck did you do to Pipsqueak? He looks like some sort ofgirl!

Lily groaned. Knowing James, this could last for hours.


Fine then; PLEASE change me back now.


P.S. Pippy needed a makeover, and for your information, Pip IS a girl, if you haven't noticed!


Repeat after me: Marvelous James who is 100000000 times smarter, more cunning and greater than me do me the obscene favor of changing my hair back to it's original atrocious red which makes me look like my head is on fire. If you do this I will be your slave for life.

-J. Potter

P.S. Pipsqueak looked perfectly fine when it was pink, she may be a girl, but I will not tolerate my owl looking like a fool! For YOUR information, my owl's name is Pipsqueak, not Pippy or Pip! So, stop calling her that!


Like you'd ever hear those words coming out of my mouth.


P.S. Who's the one who turned her bright pink! Now that is making an owl look like a fool. I can call Pippy whatever I want to, Pipsqueak is a stupid name for an owl.


Don't call me Jamesy or I'll kill you. Fine then, I won't change you back; you can walk around with green hair until we get back to Hogwarts.


P.S. Pipsqueak is my owl and if I don't want you to call her stupid names, then you can't call her stupid names. Pipsqueak is a perfectly fine name and pink is a good color on her.


Fine, I won't call you Jamesy if you don't call me Lillian. Which, by the way, is not even my name. Well, I'll just go and tell Janet what you did and she'll ground you. So, change me back now, or be grounded for the rest of the summer. Take your pick.



Fine, you can get your way, like always. By now your hair should be back to its normal color.


Lily looked in the mirror and gave a relieved sigh.




Lily looked over at the other owls sitting on her bed. "Oh, I almost forgot about you guys." She said. "Silver, you first." A beautiful silvery owl flew towards her. He was carrying a package and an envelope. She tore open the envelope first.


Happy Birthday! I hope you like your present, We're all going to Diagon Alley on Saturday, I know its a little short notice, but can you come? Write back if you can.



I'd love to come! Who else is coming?


A few minutes later Silver returned.


Great! It'll be Grace, Sirius Rumus Peter, James, and me. Don't kill me. I know you hate him, but he IS our friend and just because you hate him doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, just deal with it. Besides you two make a cute couple.



Some best friend you are. We do NOT make a cute couple. See you Saturday.


Then Lily grabbed the package and tore it open. "Neat! I've been wanting this!" Inside was the book Bewitch Your Friends, Befuddle Your Enemies' and tons of pranks. It looked as though Tawny had bought out Zonko's.

Next Lily grabbed the package from her other best friend, Grace. Attached was a letter:


Having a good Birthday? How does it feel to be sixteen? Well, anyway, Tawny told me she's inviting you to Diagon Alley. Hope you can come, we haven't all seen each other in a month! Well, I can't exactly give my real present to you yet, but you'll love it. I'll give it to you in Diagon Alley, till then, I practically bought out the wizard candy store down the street. I suppose you don't have wizard candy with the muggles? Well, can't wait to see you in Diagon Alley. Happy Birthday!


The package from Grace was stuffed to the brim with candy. The fourth owl was unfamiliar. It dropped a letter on her lap and flew off. "Hmmmprobably our Hogwarts supplies list." Sure enough, there was a Hogwarts seal on the envelope. There were two letters inside one had the Hogwarts supply list for 6th years. Lily skimmed over it and tossed it on her desk. The other Lily read over carefully:

Dear Miss Lily Evans,

It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been chosen to be one of the four Gryffindor Prefects. This is a big responsibility and is to be taken seriously. The job of the Prefects is to make sure everyone is informed of the password when it is changed and to prevent havoc from breaking within the house. It will be your duty to inform the Hogwarts staff if you see trouble within your house. You will be role models for the entire school and you will be expected to act so. If you cannot accept this responsibility, please inform the staff and we will be glad to appoint another prefect. If you are caught doing something wrong there is always the change the head of your house along with the headmaster can decide to take away your Prefects' badge. The position of prefect also means you will have the chance to become Head Girl the following year. That is all. Your Prefect's badge shall be found inside this envelope alongside your Hogwarts list.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts

"Yes!" Squealed Lily. "I'm a Prefect!" Lily ran down the long hallway to her mother's room. She opened the door and found that it was empty. "Hannah, why is mum's room empty?"

"Oh, Lily! Your mother had to go to the hospital last night. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. She was just a bit sicker than usual. Tell you what, why don't we go to visit her after breakfast?" Suggested Hannah, their nanny and housemaid.

"Sure, what's for breakfast?"

"Eggs, waffles and-" The ringing of the phone cut her off. "Hello?" There was a slight pause then, "Yes this is them. Who may I ask is calling?" Then Hannah gasped. "A- are you sure? Yes, I see we'll be right there." Hannah hung up and said. "Lily, get your coat on. It's an emergency."

A/N: So, did u like it??? Hope so! Chapter two will be up soon! Review please! Constructive criticism only, flames will be trampled on by giant chess pieces. So, my three final words: Review, review, review.