I know I promised a quick update and I can't tell all of you how sorry I am that I haven't been able to give one.

I'm afraid War On My Heart is, for the moment, on hold.

There's been some trouble at home as well as outside of it and lucky me I got dropped smack into the center of it all. I promise it will all be fixed up as soon as possible but until I can get things fixed up, there won't be any more updates.

Once again, I'm truly sorry because I regret not being able to work on this when I know so many people enjoy it. I'm estimating a time frame of another few weeks until this situation gets cleared up but I promise I'll update as soon as I get the opportunity.

Thanks to all of you for staying avid fans.

While you wait for War On My Heart to get updated again, I suggest checking out a story by Nollie Marie or Daddy's Little Cannibal. Both of them are splendid writers and I'm a huge fan of both.