The last chapter yeah! I hoped you all enjoyed it as much as I liked writing it. I am in the process of writing my next fic which I hope to start posting in the next few days so please keep your eyes out. Thanks again for all the kind words and reviews.

Disclaimer: I won nothing CBS does.

Sitting quietly with Lucy, who was fast asleep, on her lap Sara looked around the room.

She was not surprised at the many people who had came to the wake.

Grissom had been amazing giving an wonderful speech about his mother and the joy she had bought to so many people's lives.

Watching him sign to his mothers many deaf friends Sara wished she could have met her.

Closing her eyes and resting her head for a moment on Lucy's she looked up to see Grissom walk over with a coffee.

Sitting down beside her Sara happily accepted the coffee as she watched Grissom.

"Penny for your thoughts," Sara asked after taking a sip of the bitter liquid.

"I was just thinking about how I managed to bag the two most wonderful women in the world," he smiled back before kissing her on the check.

Smiling back as Grissom walked back to the crowd she smiled to herself wondering how she managed to turn her life around to include such a wonderful man.


Moving Grissom's stuff into her apartment was easier than Sara thought after discovering that most of his stuff was already packed away in storage.

Although Grissom only had a fraction of his stuff in the apartment it was starting to become cramped and it did not help that Lucy was asking for a dog at every opportunity after meeting Grissom's tarantula.

Waiting for her weekly breakfast in bed Sara heard giggling coming from the hall and smiled in anticipation.

Seeing her two favorite people walk through the door Sara raised her eyes up to see Grissom holding a blindfold.

Looking from Grissom to Lucy, Sara realized that they must have something planned that had nothing to do with tying her up - although she liked the idea if Lucy was tucked away in bed.

"We have a surprise for you Mommy," Lucy giggled before Grissom asked Sara to get dressed and to meet them in the lounge with no questions.

Sitting in the passenger seat Sara could not see anything but calculated that they were approximately 20 minutes drive away from the apartment.

Coming to a stop Grissom helped Sara out of the car and guided her along for a few yards before whispering in her ear, "you can take it off now".

Allowing her eyes adjust to the light Sara looked at the house in front of her before looking at Grissom.

"I figured we needed more space, especially if we are going to get that dog," he answered before Sara pulled him into a kiss.


Looking around the house after being carried over the thresh hold Sara walked through the different rooms as Grissom explained what they could be used for.

After giving her a kiss in the master bedroom he slowly walked her to another smaller room next door.

Turning around he looked into Sara's eyes before speaking, "I was thinking that we could use this for a nursery,".

Feeling tears well up in her eyes Sara nodded her head before seeing Grissom bending down into one knee.

"Sara," he began, "you are the most amazing woman who I have every met, you are the mother of my child and I want to make Lucy all over again with you, will you marry me?"

Seeing Sara crying Grissom stood up and pulled her into an elongated kiss.

Not wanting to break apart they suddenly saw Lucy standing watching them.

Afraid her daughter was upset she was relieved to see her smiling as she shouted out, "There is a pool outside."

Telling her they would be out in a minute Lucy happily skipped down the hall while Sara looked Grissom in the eye.

"Looks like you made both us our dreams come true,".


One year later:

Grissom held his daughters hand tight as they walked through the many corridors until they reached room 1045.

Seeing Lucy run quickly over to the crib bedside the bed to see her new baby brother Christopher, Grissom sat down beside his wife and picked up her hand.

Smiling at her husband and then across at her two children Sara knew the life could not get much better then this.