A single thread.

She awoke with the flutter of her lashes. The first thing she noticed was she was alone. Alone and cold. With a shiver running through her body she pulled the covers up to her, making herself into a small ball of blankets and flesh. She sighed contently and closed her eyes to the annoying dull light of the early morning sun. She didn't want to get up earlier, though she knew s shower and food were essential if she were to be useful today.

She heard the faint shuffle of feet and the door open. She didn't have to open her eyes to know who it was. She could tell simply by the chakra signature. Though he masked it, her senses were acquainted to him, highly. Over the years she had spent much time perfect ionizing it. Finally after a year she had gotten it right. Becoming highly acute to the rise and decent of his chakra levels and being able to track him easily. Though he still was able to surprise her, but for the most part she was always well aware of him more then even herself.

She felt the bed sink under his weight as he sat beside her small form on the bed. She felt a warm hand caress her back through the fabric. She rolled over, the hand now rested on her clothed over abdomen. She felt the slight pressure on sore muscles as he massaged. She stretched stiff limbs as he continued to touch her through the covers. Her hands, though not directly making contact, were working magic. She let out a silent groan as he pressed his fingers into a pressure point above her navel.

He pressed into it again, causing her back to arch and the covers become loose around her body. She felt the large calloused her slip under the layers of cloth that protected her from the cold room. His hand not rested on her stomach, the only thing between skin on skin was her shirt. He began to massage and rub a her tight belly. She arched into his hand, till it was sprawled over her lower stomach. Sasuke chuckled, his hand pressing her back down onto the bed.

She opened her eyes, in attempt to protest with a scowl though she came in contact with something unexpected. His legs straddled her covered hips, she could not feel any weight on her; he supported it all. Her left hand supported her upper body as his right hand kept her pinned down on the bed. A mischievous smirk graced his tempting lips as he hovered only inches from her longing mouth. Though her parted lips she could taste his luscious breath. It was sweet, musky; tempting. She resisted the urge to pull him down to her and take him right then as he own. She knew he like to be the dominate one; never the follower.

She made a sound somewhere between a whimper and a plea. He knew what it meant as he leaned down, finally claiming her lips for his own. She tasted sweet, innocent. Her innocence would b his; he had sworn to it long ago. He would be the one to have both her first kiss, virginity, and love. She would be his, no if ands or buts. He would make her his; after her had finished off his brother. After he had succeeded in his mission. Till then, he couldn't except her love; only thrive on the lust of his hormones and need for her body. Till he had defeated his one goal in life; he would begin his other. Learning to love her in turn. She deserved it. She had done everything for him, he had done nothing. Even if it was wrong to have her chained to his side for all eternity when he knew he should make her go somehow, he had to let he decide on her own. Whether it was good for her or not. He would not object to her wants and needs; he owed her that much.

Their lips moved in slow, agonizing sweeps of the tongue and love. Sending them both into flurries of rapid beating hearts and rise in temperatures. Finally they pulled apart; their breathing was ragged, strained as they stared at the other in wonderment.

Sakura's heart was beating so fast, she swore that it would burst through her rib cage right out her body. She could hear her pulse in her ears, and wondered if he could hear it as well.

Sasuke was taken back by his own actions. Why did he continue to torture her so for his own needs? It took all his strength to not take her right there. Not to make love to her until he felt she was truly is forever. He fought against his needs and wants.

He would never do it without her consent, never.

He pushed himself off of her, getting up off the bed hr shook his head as if to clear it. He ran a hand agitatedly through his messy raven locks as he began to pace the length of the room. His steps hasty and agile; making no noise over the hard wood flooring.

"S-Sasuke?" Sakura's voice was weak, small. She worried for him. The look on his face! It frightened her the most.

Finally the boy stopped his pacing, his cold eyes on her as he began to speak the unthinkable. "Sakura. I can't do this…" He spoke slowly, as if testing the words out. "I can't take you with e any more. Yours a distraction to have around. Your annoying…" The end hurt her like a slap to the face. It was just like years ago. When she had confessed to him. Her undying love had lasted till now, and even at this moment it radiated from her very heart. Her heart that hung by a thread all these years. Her heart which hung by that very thread, which threatened to break, was beginning to crack as he spoke his cold hearted words. "I have to leave you here. I ask of you to return to Konoha. To tell them I had kidnapped you. They shall have no problem with that. And never leave again. Is this clear?" He was calm and measured a ever.

She shook with an unsounded sob. Her eyes looked up at the blank, bare ceiling as she lied there. Her whole world coming down around her. Everything had had lived for seem to be going wrong. Her life seemed to be nothing more then a wanted dream at that moment. All that functioned in her mind was the thought that he was finally leaving her behind.

That was when the strong hands grasped her, wrenching her from the bed. Holding her tightly, her bones threatened to break under the pressure of his large hands as he gripped her. His eyes no longer black; but crimson. Blood crimson. The color of death it's self. She stared blankly, as if not comprehending the situation of the matter. Her body limp in his grasp, her legs were like rubber. Finally as he small circle like swirls of his eyes began to rotate she slipped into darkness. Genjustu at it's strongest gripped her, taking her under into the bliss of the welcomed darkness. The place where nothing hurt, nothing matter.

The first thing she felt was the hard ground under her body. What had happened to that warm bed? The second thing she noticed was the sound of hazy voices mumbling, yelling, some near some far. The next thing was that she felt numb. As if nothing could hurt her now.

Finally her eyes slid open. Her eyes adjusted to the sight of a blonde boy. Bright blue eyes stared at her, joy and fear in their depths as the boy held her. Who was he? "Sakura-Chan!" The boy shouted. Naruto? Oh, yes… She reached up, gently brushing his face with the back of her hand.

So soft. So warm. The boy gripped her into a vice hug. Warm, inviting. Yet she felt nothing. Nothing came to her as the cold wind of the night rushed around her, Goosebumps covered her cold skin. Yet she did not feel it.

As the boy helped her up, arm around her waist. And as all the face of lost loved ones look at her, and she at them. It finally came to her. Her last thread. Had broken.


Author notes:

The end! I know it was crappy, but there will be a second part to this, eventually. But I have to work on a few other projects I wish to-do. Soon I will rule this story and make the next book/ part to it. But till then! Cliff hanger!
