The clouds were thin strips hanging across the sky, the sky tinted with a single gray streak. It was probably around six, since it had gotten much darker and colder. But, that was what you could expect a wintry day to be. At least, it wasn't frigid. But it was cold.

It seemed like this winter would never end. It had snowed for seven consecutive days. But, the snow would partially melt so there was the same amount of snow every day. It was weird, to say the least. It had never snowed so much—from what he remembered, anyway.

Ritsuka walked the street with his hands crossed and his ears pressed down against his raven-colored hair. He needed to get to Soubi's. Sure, he was sure that Soubi had only loved him because Seimei had instructed him to, but he still felt something for the ashen-haired fighter.

Why go to Soubi's? Well, he didn't really have much of a choice. He couldn't take it anymore, what his mother did to him. He had lost track of all the bruises, all of the pain, all of the emotional stress that she had caused. Ritsuka still loved her dearly, though. But he also thought that it would be for the best if he left. He couldn't bear to see his mother in such a distraught state.

So he left. It was that simple. But now he was still faced with man problems. He had to find another place to stay. He could just spend the night in the park, but the risk of hypothermia was too high. So he decided to go to Soubi. Soubi, after all, had told him that he could always come to him if he had a problem. Not only that, but Soubi had also tried to convince Ritsuka to come live with him on many different occasions. Many different times which he had so stupidly refused.

He stopped walking for a moment. Why had he always refused the offer? Was there actually a logical reason? He wondered. If he did have to answer that question truthfully he would have to say that he couldn't leave his mother alone. But then, how was this instance different?

Because I've had enough, he thought. He did have enough. There was only so much a boy such as Ritsuka could take without breaking.

He continued down the empty sidewalk, searching for Soubi's apartment. When he had found the apartment, he knocked on the door twice. But the door did not open. He knocked again, but still, there was no answer.

By now, Ritsuka was shivering all over. How could it be this cold? It just didn't seem possible. He sat against the door curled up. He needed warmth, it was too cold.

Somewhere—maybe two or three blocks from the apartment—Soubi, Natsuo, and Youji had begun to walk from the local supermarket with groceries in tow. Of course, Soubi had to carry them all since Natsuo and Youji claimed to have their hands "busy at the moment". Doing only god knows what, Soubi mused.

Those two were not as innocent as they seemed. Their first encounter had proved that when they had put a nail through the palm of his hand. But Soubi didn't hold a grudge, or anything. They were ordered—to some extent. He doubted that they were actually ordered to do that, but that's a completely different topic.

The trio had definitely not expected what awaited them at the front door to the apartment.


Authoress's Note: LE GASP?! Actually updated. Wow. It's different, as you can see. I'm taking this fanfic in a new direction. Goodbye, plot bunny.

Hmm, It's really different. But that's okay. I'll work on it. 8D

I don't think I even have the right to apologize for the long wait. It's been months. (Half a year, but who's counting? I'm not.)

For future reference, yukidoke means "melting snow",or some my friend claims. (Shrugs.)

R&R Please,

Miss V.