I know it's been quite a long time since this story was last updated and I apologize for the long delay. Thank you to everyone who sent in reader comments asking for me to continue this story-it really helped give me a push to continue. Because it has been so long the writing style may seem different and I would love any comments or critiques on this chapter. I hope you enjoy it!
New York City
"What are you doing in the next few weeks?"
Amara burst out laughing. She couldn't help it: he had asked so graciously, as if she were a normal girl with a life and schedule outside of the mansion.
"I don't know. What am I doing the next few weeks?" She countered placing a finger into the spine of Lolita to prevent the loss of her page.
He had his hands in his pocket looking casually down at her, as if he were simply talking about the weather. "How would you like to accompany me to New York City on a business trip?"
Amara nearly dropped her book in her hurry to sit up. Go with him? To New York City? Of course! She had been in the mansion for over 7 months now without so much as leaving the grounds. She was more than ready to leave—even if just for a little bit.
"Yes!" She shouted and then realizing her over enthusiasm toned it down. "I mean I would love to go."
"It would be for three weeks: this Saturday to Saturday the twenty-fifth. We'll be staying at The Plaza in Manhattan. You can run around the city all day if you wish. I only ask that you come back at night. But even then I promise you'll be kept entertained."
Amara laughed, "You don't have to convince me. I think it sounds wonderful!"
"Good." He smiled, taking his hands out of his pockets. "I'll tell Adelaide and Evangeline to start packing your bags. We'll leave Saturday."
"Oh it's all right, I'll pack myself." She said rising up from the library couch she had been lounging on. "After all that's half the fun!"
He smiled widened, "All right but I suspect they'll be meddlesome without some task."
"I'll let them help, but I don't want to end up with three weeks worth of evening gowns."
Dominic let out a deep laugh, "I thought those gowns looked beautiful on you."
Wrinkling her nose she reached for the bookmark on the side table. "They were so cumbersome and unnecessary."
"A lot of beautiful things are."
"There can be beauty in practicality too." She said slipping the bookmark into Lolita's spine.
"There can be beauty in impracticality."
Amara sighed, "You're too whimsical for a businessman."
Dominic chuckled, "But it's my eye for beauty that distinguishes me from other businessmen. I buy and sell beautiful things when everyone else is preoccupied with practicality. It gives me an upper edge. Everyone loves beauty."
"I'm sure not everyone."
"Fine," he conceded leaning in closer, "maybe not everyone. Just the people who buy from me."
"That sounds better."
"You better go pack. Before Adelaide and Evangeline find out." He said softly moving in so that the space in between them was barely a hands width.
"Why? Are you going to tell on me?" She teased not moving back from his advance.
"Well that depends." He replied inching his face even closer.
"On what?" She asked clutching her book to her chest.
"On whether or not you keep arguing with me."
"Well then," she said suddenly stretching out on her toes and kissing his cheek, "I better get going." Without another word she maneuvered around him and left the library.
Amara was worried. She was afraid Dominic would interpret the kiss as something other than what she had meant. Actually she wasn't quite sure what she had meant but she hadn't meant anything romantic. It was just something that had happened. Like character development in a Tolstoy story. He had been leaning so close and she was so close and she was just so animated about the idea of New York City and it just happened.
In the days preceding their trip she was careful to avoid giving Dominic any unnecessary attention. Fortunately her worries turned out to be just that: worries. Dominic didn't flatter her or touch her anymore than usual. In fact he seemed completely oblivious to what had happened. It was similar to how he had behaved after Lucia had attacked a month ago.
By the time they were ready to leave for New York City Amara had pushed her fears to the back of her mind and let all of her excitement rush to the front. She was leaving the mansion! And not only that but she was going to get to wander around all by herself. She was actually a bit surprised he was going to let her off in the city alone; but at the same time she wasn't going to question his decision. She was too busy planning out her days and relishing the feeling of almost freedom.
"Are you ready to go?"
Amara looked down at her luggage. Clothes, toothbrush, books, shoes, and glasses: she should have it all.
"I'm ready." She assured him with a beam.
"All right. I'm going to need you to hold onto my arm and keep a tight grip."
Amara looped her arm through his and held on as tightly as she could. The hallway around them turned to black as all the air was sucked out of the space they inhabited. Squeezing her eyes tightly against the darkness she recalled the night she had first met Dominic.
A few seconds dragged by in the void before she felt her feet sinking into plush carpet. Carefully peeling her eyes open she had to touch a hand to her mouth to keep from grasping.
The room they were standing in was furnished in an Edwardian style and relinquished none of the grandeur. Right in front of her two high backed cream couches squarely faced one another across a marbled topped table. Current copies of the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal were neatly stacked on top of one another. A vase of dark pink cabbage roses stood still in a crystal vase that sparkled against the soft interior lights. Behind her was what appeared to be the entrance into the hotel. To her right were sets of double French doors that lead to something beyond. Amara glanced around, amazed at the lightness of the area. She was so used to the heavy décor of the mansion that the sheerness of the room was making her feel lightheaded.
"Will you be all right for a moment?"
Nodding her head Amara drifted away towards the window. Pulling back the gauzy white curtains she peeked out and gasped. A bright strip of dark liquid pulsated with red and yellow lights below, humming with sibilance against a cacophony of other sounds. Touching her fingers lightly to the miniature world below she began to fog up the glass as she gazed.
"It's an exquisite view isn't it?"
Amara whipped around to find Dominic standing just where she had left him; but now their luggage was at his feet.
"Yes it's beautiful."
"It's 5th Avenue," he said stepping towards the window, "and you can see south Central Park if you look to your right." Approaching closer he softly pointed to the right in indication of the famous park. Amara felt goose bumps prickle up and down her arms.
"It's all so…" She trailed off unable to think of an adjective appropriate enough for what she was trying to describe. Wonderful? Exciting? Energetic?
"Would you like to go out?"
"Into the city? Of course!" She said, instantly losing her awe in favor of curiosity. "Let's go!"
Bouncing towards the door she was acutely aware of Dominic following patiently behind. Before she had made it the sixteen steps to the door he had passed her though and was gallantly opening the door.
Smiling she walked out into the carpeted hallway and was once more stunned by the grandeur of the building. The carpet was a plush cream embroidered with gold curlicues and swirls. Thick-stripped gold wallpaper acted as a backdrop for gilded frames containing exceptional copies of Renoir masterpieces.
"This way." Gliding out of the room he shut the door and started walking to the right. Amara had to give a little skip to catch up to his long vampire stride on her short legs. Sensing her lagging behind he slowed his pace until she caught up.
"What would you like to do?" He asked, turning his head to give a small smile.
"I don't know." she shrugged coming alongside him, "I've never been to New York before."
"Well…" he mused stroking his chin as they approached the elevator. "We could go to dinner, go see a movie, sightsee; we might be able to catch a play if we hurry. Or…" He stood completely still in front of the elevator.
"Or?" She asked peering at his marbled face.
"I have something you might like."
"What is it?"
"Don't worry you'll see." He said leaning forward to push the down arrow.
"No really what is it?"
"You'll see." He grinned, watching the glass panel above the doors to see when the elevator would be there.
"What?" The pitch of her voice rose, as she couldn't help grinning at his playful manner.
"Trust me." He said as the doors came to the top with a dinging bell and smoothly slid apart.
"That was amazing!" Amara laughed nearly crumpling her program in excitement as she jogged through the crowd alongside Dominic.
"I thought you might like it." He said, weaving through the chattering crowd and creating a path for Amara to follow in.
"How did you know that was going on?" She queried, struggling to keep up with him. People were literally everywhere. They were on all sides, milling around, bumping into Amara and at some points separating her from Dominic.
"It's the Shakespeare in the summer series. They perform every Saturday at 10 in the summer." Turning around he reached back and grabbed her hand pulling her past two garrulous old men discussing the significance of Katherine's unruliness in relation to women's position in society.
"Don't get lost." He teased pulling her arm through his so that they were linked together.
"Trying not to." She assured him looking around at all the different people and lights and sounds and smells. She was convinced that the city was one constant stimulus no matter where you were or what you were doing.
"So what did you think of Katherine's portrayal in this production? Too impudent?"
Amara laughed, "The more impudent the better!"
She continued to prattle on about the importance of Katherine's impudence in contemporary terms as Dominic slowly maneuvered her through the crowd. Somewhere along the way they ended up at Times Square milling in and out of the people. Dominic was pointing out the sights and narrating the interesting aspects of each. Amara stayed relatively quiet, soaking in everything she could with her senses. After being trapped in the mansion for some eight months without anyone but Dominic, she found the congestion of people exhilarating. So much in fact that she hardly noticed Dominic had slipped his arm through hers.
Eventually Times Square became the Garment District and the Garment District became Greenwich Village and Amara was starting to get tired. Her legs were beginning to get that numb, tense feeling they always got when she had been standing for too long at the library.
"Can we head back soon? I'm starting to get tired."
"Of course," Dominic said, looking down at her with a smile, "I'll get a cab."
Releasing her arm he walked to the edge of sidewalk and stared intently up 5th avenue for an empty cab.
"Can't we just do the disappearing trick?"
He laughed and turned back to her, "With all these people around? No. We would almost certainly draw attention. Besides I need to stop by the front desk at the hotel and get another copy of the key so you can come and go as you please."
Amara's heart gave a quick jolt and then started to speed up.
"Are you really going to let me wander around New York City all by myself?"
"Why not?" He asked, his attention back on the road, "I think you can take care of yourself."
"But what if I run away?"
"Are you going to run away?"
"Well no, but what if I did?"
"You wouldn't get very far."
Amara swallowed as a cab pulled up to the corner right by Dominic.
"Come on." He said, turning back to her and extending his hand.
Amara stepped forward and took his hand.
When they arrived at the Plaza Hotel lobby Amara was surprised by the amount of activity. All manners of people were up and about decorating the gilt lobby with satin suits, diamonds, stilettos, and the occasional fur coat. The men laughed casually and the women's voices sparkled. Amara looked down at her jeans and t-shirt, feeling exceptionally conspicuous. Dominic on the other hand was wearing a black blazer, with a black dress shirt and black pants. What Amara had always thought to be an overly formal sense of style now showed its inspiration in the clusters of people milling about the lobby. He could easily slip into any circle of people and blend in. As Amara thought about this Dominic slipped his hand into hers and gently tugged her towards the front desk.
Even though there were a great number of people in the lobby there was nobody at the front desk and they were able to walk right up to a salt-and-pepper haired man clacking away feverishly on his keyboard. He looked up at Dominic's figure approaching and a smile spread across his face.
"Mr. Lucenzia! Back so soon?"
"Yes. I just couldn't stay away."
"Well we're happy to see you again sir! Is there anything I may assist you with?"
"I just need an extra copy of my key for my wife."
Amara jolted and accidently tugged her hand free. Is that what he told people here? That he had a wife? And was that how he intended to keep her from running away?
"Ah Mrs. Lucenzia! It is so nice to meet you! We hope you enjoy your time here at the Plaza. If you need anything at all please don't hesitate to call down to the front desk and ask for me, Robert."
"Oh, umm thank you." Amara blushed, embarrassed to be noticed. She must have looked like some kind of waif in this grand place with her worn jeans and hair that hadn't been combed since that morning. She most certainly did not look like anybody's wife.
"Let me go get your key and I will be right back. Please excuse me." Smiling, Robert briskly stepped away from his computer and disappeared behind a door.
"Are you all right?" Dominic asked, learning with one elbow against the counter, like some gothic James Dean.
"I'm fine," she assured him, "I'm just tired."
"We can head straight to bed as soon as we get the extra key." He said, reaching over to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. Amara stiffened. Dominic only laughed. "You're so jumpy tonight."
"I'm just…"
"Here is the extra key." Robert had reappeared holding out an electronic swipe card. "Is there anything else I may assist you?"
"No, thank you Robert." Dominic took the key and held it out for Amara who took it gingerly from his fingers, afraid her freedom might be an illusion.
"You're welcome. It was so nice meeting you Mrs. Lucenzia. Have a pleasant evening."
Amara wasn't lying about being tired just to mask her real feelings—she did feel ready to crawl into bed and sleep for a solid ten hours or so.
As they entered the suite Dominic said he had to make a phone call and excused himself to the balcony. While he was busy with that Amara decided to locate her bedroom in order to speed up the process of getting into bed. She hadn't seen an extra bedroom when they first got to the suite but she was sure there had to be another bedroom.
It only took a few minutes to go through the entire suite and she had found everything but another bedroom. Drained, she sat on the couch, feebly scanning the headline of the New York Times, waiting for Dominic to come in and solve the mystery of the missing bedroom.
"Anything interesting?"
Amara jumped for a second time that evening, the paper jolting in her hands. "Uhh no, not really."
"There never usually is on the front page. The best stuff is in the
Entertainment section." He said, leaning over the back of the chaise directly over Amara's left shoulder. Her body tightened and Dominic, presumably perceiving it, laughed.
"Are you ready for bed?"
"Yes!" She said, springing up out of the chair. "Where is it?"
Dominic laughed, "Right in front of you."
Amara looked straight ahead into the master bedroom. "Yes I saw that one but where is the other bedroom?"
"There is no other bedroom."
Jolting was starting to become a habit for her. "There are no other bedrooms hidden away in here?"
"It's a one bedroom suite."
"Where should I sleep?"
"In the master bedroom."
"Where are you sleeping?"
"In the master bedroom."
"With the one bed?"
"I believe there is only bed and the Plaza doesn't do roll away beds for the suites."
"I'll just sleep on the couch."
Dominic shook his head, "Nonsense. The bed is quite spacious. I will stay on my side and you can stay on yours. You will never know I'm even there."
Dominic lied. Amara did know he was there—all night long. He didn't snore or kick or steal covers, but then again, he didn't do anything. He didn't even breathe. He was just…there. The force of his being was so encompassing and tenacious though that it made it difficult for her to relax. Was he always this…stifling? Had she just never noticed it?
Amara slept on and off for several hours before finally giving up around nine am. At least the sleeplessness had given her a chance to plot out her daylight excursion. If Dominic really meant to give her free reign in the daylight hours (and something in her stomach told her to remain skeptical) she was going to take full advantage of it.
Sliding out of bed carefully so as not to arouse Dominic, she tiptoed to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. Emerging a little while later the sight of Dominic stopped her short. Throughout most of the night and into the morning she had tried to keep from looking at him—afraid of what she would see. Now, like Medusa's victims, she wished she hadn't looked.
He was lying cold and dead in the bed, with the covers hitting mid-chest. His skin was the color and consistency of marble and his dark curls appeared matte and part of the marble in the sunless room. No part of his body. Not event his chest. He didn't breathe.
It made sense—what use did an undead vampire have for breathing? But still it sent shivers up her spinal column.
Quickly she walked away and towards the dresser to pick up the key card. To her surprise a stack of cash and a note accompanied the key card. Carefully moving the cash off the note she quickly scanned its contents.
Dearest Amara,
Here is $2000 for your expenses. If you need more it's in the safe. The room key will open it.
Amara looked back and forth between the note and the cash. $2000? And more in the safe? She knew cities were expensive but what did he think she would be doing? And did he really have that much money to just be handing out to her?
As she asked that last question she grimaced at her own idiocy. Of course he did. She helped with his some of his accounting—and with the files he let her work on he was easily raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars. And those were just the accounts he let her see. Who knew what he was making on the accounts he kept in that password-protected folder.
With these new perspectives of Dominic starting to get to her, Amara quickly pocketed a couple hundred dollars (she wasn't going to walk around New York City with $2000 in her jeans pocket!), the key card and left.
Riding down in the elevator she tried to let the uneasiness in her stomach fade and let the bubbling excitement take over. She was in New York City! One of the greatest cities in the world and she was here without chaperone. For a few weeks she wouldn't be confined to the cold, dark, lifeless mansion.
At last reaching the ground floor the doors of the elevator slid back letting the sunlight hit her full in the face. The bubbling excitement instantly began to boil over. Unable to keep the smile off her face she stepped outside the bounds of the elevator and out into the city.