He was running. Chiro was running. Again.

He was tired of running but for some reason he just couldn't turn back. So all he could do was just keep running, for now.

But...What was he running from?

Only he knew. Chiro was running from himself.

He remembered moments before...

He was mad. He couldn't remember why. They wouldn't leave him alone and he couldn't help himself...The next thing he remembers...Everything was destroyed—absolutely and totally annihilated.

No one was okay. Nothing was okay. It was his fault. He did it all and he didn't know why. So he did the only thing he could do—he ran. He ran from himself and was still running. One thing on his mind:

I need answers.


Chiro woke up from yet another fitful sleep. He's been having these nightmares a few days after the Elemental incident. He hated them. They just reminded him of what he did...And that was something he did not want to remember.

He didn't get it though. Why was he having these dreams now? Was it the house? But everything's over now, right?

But why didn't he feel any different?

Weren't the Elemental Powers gone? It was over, right? He was still alive so apparently they were. But there was still something in the back of his mind that told him that it wasn't over.

He was curious as to how the battle inside of him between the powers went. As in, how could powers actually fight each other? It was weird, it all confused him, and he didn't like it.


While Chiro was thinking all of this over...An unidentifiable figure stood atop a building watching the robot. It had on a black cloak that blended in with the night-time scenery. And all that could be seen of its face was the two burning red eyes that shown under the hood of the cloak.

"All will soon be clear, Chiro. All will soon be clear."

Yeah, I know. Not that great of a first chapter for a sequel, but, hey, I tried. More is to come soon! Read and Review!