Blacked Out

Chapter One: Redemption for the Past

This is a writing warm up. I sit for 30 min and I don't know if I will finish this one. Just not sure this story comes before A Distant Memory and Also before Eyes of the Bee.


He awoke with a start. He rolled on his side and saw that his propeller blades were bent. What had just hit him? Felt like a few dozen Auto cannons had attacked him. He sat up and looked around. The Autobot was still offline. He reached up for his head. He wasn't sure what just happened but whatever it was it didn't care about what side they were on. It was trying to take them both out. The humans have EMPS but it would have killed them both.

"Get up." Blackout picked up a large rock at tossed it at the yellow Autobot. It bounced off his armor and to the ground. "Great…" Blackout stood up and looked back. "Scorponok?" He looked around but his companion was gone. He made his way over to the Autobot. "Stupid Scorpion..." He muttered.

"Smallish insect Autobot..." Black out shook him trying to get him to wake. "Great…he is in stasis lock." Black out turned and considered his actions. To him it was no victory if both were taken out by something. He did not feel he had won, nor did he feel it was fair that the Autobot suffer under anyone else but him. At least that's what he would continue to tell himself. Truth be told; Blackout was getting sick of hiding, and more sick of fighting under Starscream. His decision came after much thought. "Come on…" he turned back and picked up the yellow Autobot and turned getting an idea of his location. "Your base must be close by…when you are fully operational I will slag you for slowing me down…" Black out muttered.

They walked for an hour. Blackout had carried Bumblebee and was broadcasting on a wide band to the Autobots who might respond. He considered stating it 'was not a trap' but that would look so bad. Decepticon with an Autobot in stasis lock, come out and play. Yeah that would be great. He was getting weaker with each step his processors were shutting down one by one, he was going into stasis lock like the Autobot.

Blackout's propeller rotors were sparking all over. He was worried about that too, and worried for Scorponok. Who was still unaccounted for. He started to make his way towards a clearing. He heard the Auto-gun behind his head and froze.

"Put him down."

Blackout turned to the voice and coughed a bit eyes meeting with Optimus Prime. He set Bumblebee gently down on the ground and promptly collapsed over the Yellow Autobot.

His eyes opened. There was a bright light in his eyes. He sat up and saw that he was in a holding cell, but he was repaired. His propeller blades were straight and all accounted for. "Slaging…stasis lock…" He muttered touching his chest making sure he was intact.

"Why did you do it?" He turned to the voice of Optimus standing at his door.

"You don't care…" Blackout stood and marched up to the cell door facing him.

"I do, because a Decepticon under either Starscream or Megatron would not do what you have just done." Prime folded his arms. "What happened to make you bring him out of the woods?"

"Something attacked the both of us, put the little insect bot into stasis lock, and almost locked me up too. It would have taken us both, and that would not be good for anyone. Is the Insect online?" He turned. "Scorponok is missing."

"Bumblebee is online and we are aware your recon is missing, Ironhide is looking for him." Prime narrowed his vision. "Thank you…" He said sincerely.

"For what!?" Blackout sounded disgusted.

"For saving one of my men…" Optimus opened the cell. "You are free to go, or you are free to stay with us. The choice is yours."

"I could stay?" His harsh tone had a shake to it. Prime could tell he would think it over.

"Yes you and Scorponok could stay." Prime turned. "You'd have a better life here…I promise you."

Blackout stepped out of the cell by Optimus, and lowered his red eyes. "You would never trust me." He stepped past Prime.

"I'm starting to…" Prime raised a brow. "You don't act like the others…and it certainly shows."

Blackout turned. "I am going to look for Scorponok." He turned back and headed out. "I will return with my answer."

"I look forward to it we have given you Autobot activation codes if you choose to come back to us." Prime crossed his arms and watched the Decepticon make his way back to the surface. He did not know if the Decepticon would return.

To be continued…