School Festival

By: MechanicAngelSilver

A Fate/Stay Night Fan fiction Story.

Disclaimer: I do not own FSN and its characters, TYPE-MOON does. So don't bother to say thank to me... The only thing I own is my original characters... enjoy :).

A/N: Here you go! Finally, I've finally posted my second fan-fiction story and it's completely AU. I must warn you that all characters here are probably OOC. And err… I'm combining between my OC and FSN characters into one story. For my OC, I took some of my friends' name under their agreement. Despite my activities, I still have time just to post one story... the others will follow after I managed to catch up some things at school (damn it!). I'm really, really busy these days and I got no time for post another chapter. So, please give me good reviews and no flames, constructive ones are accepted. Thanks!

# Characters Introduction:

+Main Characters+

Shirou Emiya : a 16 years old boy, good looking but clumsy.

Arturia 'Saber' Pendragon : a pretty, but not too feminism girl (that's why she was called Saber). A Lead Vocalist #2 and sometimes a pianist in her band.

Jimit Way : A British, The Class President of Fuyuki State High School. He's a very talented bass player in Saber's band.

Rin Tohsaka : Class Vice President of Fuyuki State High School, a strict girl. Has a huge crush on Archer.

Archer : Sakura's Archery coach in the school.

Ilyasviel von Eiznbern : Shirou's step sister.

Steffi Michelle : Jimit's girlfriend, the most smartest student in the region.

+Minor Characters+

Miss Taiga Fujimura : English Teacher in Shirou's school and also Shirou's neighbour who take care of Shirou.

Moy : Drummer in Saber's band. A quite lively person.

Sakura : Shirou's friend and Rin's younger sister. She frequently comes and helps Shirou to do house chores.

Paul : College Student and Manager wannabe.

Ronald : Lead Vocalist #1.

Fredy and Chokey : Lead and Rhythm Guitarists.

+Chapter 1+

The Beginning

Inside Emiya Mansion, 7.35 AM...

The sun has raised high above the clouds and the clock's pointer has pointed to eight o'clock. it was sign of a new day started when many people started to do their usual activities. Don't need to say it one by one, let's just say, going to school. Like every common teenager who has a main duty which is to gain knowledge for their future, Shirou Emiya a good looking 16 years old boy, prepared himself to go to that institution of education.

But like one of those days, He was in the rush, like always...

"Darn it!" He tried to eat a pair slice of sandwich while his hands were trying to knot his shoes. Not a perfect combination, though. "Why nobody told me that I got up LATE!!!"

Yes, Shirou Emiya was a senior student in Fuyuki City State High School. He was one of the non-popular students in school although he never knew why. He actually asked to himself why he wasn't popular at all. But if we looked through his appearance, he should be. His orange hair was one of the kind, it was natural and wasn't by colour hair paint. It wasn't only that hairs which could attract people, his golden eyes looked much matched with his hair. Despite his good looking appearances, his marks weren't supporting him though. For instance, in the last semester, he was the second position from the last of forty-eight students in class.

Really bad one, wasn't it?

"Senpai," A soft voice came from behind him, enough to make him missed the knot ("oh shit!"). Sakura Matou, the blue haired girl with apron came approach him. "You forgot to bring your lunch box,"

"Oh, thanks, Sakura. You're my lifesaver!" Shirou stood in front of her, so glad as he saw Sakura with lunch box at her hand. "I almost forgot about this one... and oh yeah, I heard that you have archery competition today,"

Sakura nodded as she handed over the lunch box. "Yes, but not today. The competition is held a week later, I'm still practicing. And um... I think I won't be home at time... so, you should make your dinner by yourself. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that's fine, as long as you can enjoy yourself in training. Bring that gorgeous trophy back to school, okay?" said Shirou. "Okay, I'm going!"

"Alright, be care-"

Just before Sakura could finish her words, Shirou stepped his shoe laces and fell because he didn't tie his shoes properly.

"Ouch, I'm fine! Don't worry!" Shirou quickly managed to get up and disappeared from Sakura's sight. "See you!"

As Shirou closed the gate, he ran very fast as if he was being chased by dogs, through the alley, jumped people in his way, and leaving dust behind him. He had to hurry or else, he would miss the train. As everybody knew that at these hours in the morning was the busiest hour. Even if you managed to get the train, many people who aboard the train like sardines in the tin can would squash you. It'd better if he used motorcycle, but he didn't have one. He was still collecting money for that, though. The only thing he could do was running as fast as he could before the train departed.

When he arrived in the Junction Market, he saw his friend was riding Fenrir-like-motorcycle through the street behind him.

"Oiii!! Jimit!"

Shirou chased Jimit along the street because it needed more than a shout to take Jimit's attention. After many unsuccessful efforts, Jimit heard someone called him and pull the handbrake. He heard someone, but he didn't see that person. With innocent look, he began to turn around to see who was calling him.

"Oii!! It's me, you idiot! Right here!!"

Finally, he got Shirou's attention and opened his visor.

"Oh, it's you..." said Jimit calmly, as calm as the river from Everest Mountain. "What's up? If there's nothing important, I need to leave now,"

"No! No, wait!" Shirou pulled Jimit's shirt to prevent him to go away. "Can, can you give me a lift to school?"

"Apparently, No," said Jimit. "No lifters, 'cause I need to pick up my girl, she's waiting for me,"

"Oh c'mon, why don't you help your friend just once!" begged Shirou like a child whose candy was being taken away. "Your girlfriend's house is near from school right? Meanwhile, our houses are far away from school. So... would you? Please?"

Shirou gave him a big puppy innocent look. However, he didn't look like a dog at all... .

At first, Jimit re-considered Shirou's statement. That was right; he barely helped his friends while he always got help from them. But on second thought, he remembered how scary his girl could be. She could kill him with her death-stare and believe me; she wouldn't let Jimit to go home in one piece.

If that thing had happened, his eyeball would've the only thing he left in this world...

"Er... still no," Jimit closed his visor. "Well, you know my girl and what she's like. I don't want to make her mad again. Okay, good luck,"

"What?! Hold on! Hey wait!!"

Jimit pulled the acceleration bar and left Shirou alone with dust...

"Urgh! That guy..." Shirou let out his frustration by kicking garbage can only to make his feet hurt. "Ouch... Oh God!! It's getting late!!!"

So, he continued to make his way to the train station.

Fuyuki City State High School, 7.56 AM.

It was only matter of time before the bell rang. Even so, the school was still quiet and not many people were there. Only two or three people who worked on their homework in their table class while the rest of students went to cafeteria to have breakfast or snacks or even hang out in their 'secret' place. Students who were having chat had so much things to talked about. But most of them were talking (especially girls) about the latest gossips and issues from celebrities.

"Really?!! He did that??" screamed one of the girls.

"No, that's impossible..."

"Well, I'm telling you the truth... Ken-sama…"

"Yes, he couldn't do that, you know!"

That was the reason why students always crowded the school hall day by day. However, seems like there was one person who really didn't care with that whatsoever. This person walked across the hall with her headphone turned on. Her style was as if she was trying to be the coolest person ever lived in the century.

And that person was Saber.

Arturia 'Saber' Pendragon, or whose friends prefer to call her Saber instead of her name, was one of the popular persons in school. Even though she was addressed like that, she didn't care at all. The only thing in her head was how to make her band became a successful one like Saosin, My Chemical Romance, L'Arc en Ciel, Green Day, Dir en Grey, etc and it was quite unique for a girl like her. Unlike Shirou, She didn't too care about her marks in school because her marks were above the average. If you noticed her, there was something strange about her appearance. Everyday, she changed her hair colour frequently. From black to red, from red to green, green to pink, and so on. But this time, she preferred to be blond which was matched with her green eyes.

"Morning..." Saber yawned as she arrived in her class.

"Morning, Saber," said Rin who coincidentally stayed in the class, working on her assignment. "Gosh! This is endless! Oh, Saber, have you worked on English assignment?"

"...No, why?" Saber looked confused. "But Miss Taiga said that we could work on that next week, right?"

"I know, perhaps I worried about Jimit. He hasn't completed his part yet and I hope that he brings that this time,"

"No worry, Rin. I know Jimit. He's not gonna let you down," said Saber as she sat to the chair in front of Rin.

"What makes you so sure?"

"He's my best friend, I always know about him," stated Saber.

As they were talking about him, the owner of the name had already come. Jimit entered the class while he hanged his helmet on his hand.

"Morning all,"

"Morning," said Saber and Rin in unison.

"Here," Jimit handed over the assignment paper to Rin. "I worked that thing 'till late night, it took me forever to finish. And it's hard to miss the call from my 'fiancée' while worked on it,"

"Wow, thanks..." Rin put that paper aside. "By the way, what about our plan to manage school festival? The principal demanded us to organize it as soon as possible. It's kinda irritating if you want to know, the kids are always ask me when the school festival begin,"

"Alright..." He threw his bag and landed exactly in his chair. "No worries, we'll take care of that soon,"

"Hey," Saber said as she patted Jimit's back. "Don't forget to have rehearsal this week okay? I think we should book the studio. Remember the last time we practice, Jimit? We had to wander around the city, only to find empty studio just because Moy forgot to book the studio before,"

"Easy there, that would be Saturday right?" Jimit tried to convince her. "We still have five days left,"

"But as you can see, due to the school festival which is gonna be held in every school almost in the same time, many band would re-considered of booking the studio earlier before the festival starts," said Saber with doubt.

"Fine, fine," Jimit stood and exhaled his breath. "I'll do that, but not this morning, okay? Besides, I haven't done my math homework. Mr. Soichirou will hang me upside-down for I haven't done his homework,"

"Well, that's up to you, then. I just reminded you anyway,"

They were talking to each other until finally, the bell rang, and the class suddenly became the most crowded place in school as students came inside the class. Although they still had time to chat until the teacher came.

"Teacher! Please stand!!" yelled The Class Leader, followed by every students stood upon the teacher's arrival. The ever-killer-without-mercy-whatsoever teacher in school was Saber's first lesson. Miss Taiga, the English Teacher (pronunciation of 'Tiger' in Japanese, kinda perfect for her…).

"Good morning, Teacher,"

"Morning everybody," Said Miss Taiga nicely and raised her ruler. It looked more like a sword than a ruler did. "Now, before we're going to start the lesson, let's have a little test just for brainstorming shall we? Take out a piece of paper from your book, and write down the answer given in this sheet. And no CHEATING! You know the consequences of being a cheater, don't you?"

"Yes ma'am," the students replied as if they were kids in kindergarten. No one protested, though.

"Alright, shall we begin?"

The test was going smoothly. Miss Taiga walked around the class to bust up some cheaters who used every second as a chance to cheat. Well... she successfully got two of them and now their life depends on the kindness of Miss Taiga's heart, because the detention sometimes not so equal to the students who committed fault.

It was about half an hour before the test over, suddenly the door was forcedly opened. Every eye now looked upon the opener of the door.

"Oh God... finally," Shirou felt relieved as he entered the class. He thought the teacher hadn't come yet.

But that was a wrong decision...

"You're late again, Shirou Emiya,"

His steps stopped as someone tapped her feet in front of him continuously. From that point, Shirou knew that his thought was wrong.

"……" Shirou was speechless. He was facing with the most killer teacher at school. To make it even worse, her face looked very, very, angry and so pissed off. Even though, she was his so-called aunt after all.

"IT"S THE SIXTH TIME YOU LATE TO COME, ESPECIALLY IN MY CLASS YOU MORON!!!" screamed Miss Taiga. Her scream could be compared with the roar of a tiger soaring to the jungle, ready to chase its prey. "HOW DARE YOU COME THIS LATE WHILE THERE'S TEST GOING ON!!"

"Er… I can explain that, but miss…"

"NO BUTS! Get out from my class right now!!"

"Al, alright! I'll go, I'll go!" Shirou got out from class as he dodged a flying whiteboard eraser.


The class became quiet and the students looked at Miss Taiga with expressions of both amused and scared at the same time. But, when she turned around, her face suddenly changed to one-hundred-and-eighty degrees.

"Now, has anybody finished yet?" she said, added with smile.

Fuyuki City State High School, 12.45 PM…

"God… Fuji-nee really scared me out… at least, she let me to take the follow-up test…"

Shirou was depressed. It wasn't one of his lucky days, got up late, chased train before it departed, and got scolded by his aunt. He exhaled his breath while he walked back to the class using stairwell.

"Oh well, time to get some lunch to end this bad luck-ness…."

When Shirou opened the door class, someone was standing on the other side, also wanted to open the door.

"Oh…" Shirou said. His voice became stutter as he saw the person. It was Saber. "Ha, hi…"

"Oh, hi, Shirou,"

Without prior notice, there was a light blush painted on Shirou's cheeks.

From a long time ago, ever since he was in junior high, he had always admired this flaxen-haired girl. For him, nothing compared to her beautiful face and her gorgeous green eyes. His feelings towards her became worse this lately, sometimes he couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate everytime Saber was around. Even Shirou had a feeling that they were meant to be together. However, he barely talked to her or even tried to be closer to her. When it came to girl's problem, Shirou was so lacked of experiences.

My God! She's standing before me now! What should I do, what should I talk with her?!! Oh God, Help me!!!


"Uh… oh? Yes??" that voice made him back to reality. He was thinking something but that interruption ruined his train of thoughts.

"Would you mind to… um, step aside? I need to go out," said Saber with her hand sign posting.

"Oh? Oh yeah, no! Um I mean, yes, sure… okay…"

Well… it was always like that. Shirou, again, lost his opportunity to talk to her. He always let that chance slipped away between his grasp because of his nervousness. A chance to talk to her, a chance to get closer with her. And Shirou could only see Saber walked away before her back disappeared in the alley.

"You failed to talk again with her, didn't you?"

Shirou turned his head to see who was talking to him. Jimit had just arrived from cafeteria; anyone could say that, it could be seen by a sauce stain from his shirt. Judging from his behaviour, seems like Jimit had seen him with Saber before he decided to approach Shirou. He couldn't help anything but smiled just to hold his laugh not to burst.

"What? What's so funny?" asked Shirou more look like, demanding.

"No, no… nothing at all," Jimit tried to hide away his emotion. "Anyway, ehm… I see that you've been chasing her for almost three years. But why don't try to make a move?"

"I've tried. But believe me, it's harder than its look," Shirou looked more depressed than before, knowing his chance was as same as finding a needle in the stack of straws. "Especially, when you try to speak to a girl who you really like the most,"

"Oh, come on, I believe that's not that difficult. In my case, if I were you,it's not too hard to talk to a girl like her," said Jimit a little bit arrogant with his eyebrow lifted for a bit. "It just the same as turning baby's palm,"

"Yeah, that would happen if I were you, Mr. President, thank you very much," replied Shirou sarcastically. "Listen, she's not like your girlfriend. You know she's one of the most popular students in this school and meanwhile, your girlfriend isn't on the count, okay?"

"Who said that my girl isn't popular in school? As you know yesterday, she got gold medal for Physics Olympics in National Competition!" Jimit told him with higher pitch in every word. "Every teacher in this school knows her!"

"Not that kind of popular, I mean, popular in friends and can hang out anywhere she likes, make friends anywhere she likes to," stated Shirou. "Maybe every boy in this school is lined up trying to be his boyfriend. Trust me; I've lost a hundred steps away, man,"

"No, you're not," Jimit shook his head, trying to convince his miserable friend. "Kick away your gloomy face, pal! My trust-worthy informant said, she rejected all those boys, trust me. The road is still opened for you! Look, if you really like her maybe I can do you a favour,"

"A little help?"

"Well… you can say that in other way, but it still has the same meaning, though" Jimit said as he took Shirou inside the class. They looked like secret agents tried to conduct a very special operation. "Err… as The Class President, I'm arranging about the School Festival this week with Rin. There would be a lot of shows and stands; perhaps there would be a stage too. Boys and girls from other schools are coming to our festival and would join us watch the show. That could be perfect moment for you to get her attention… so I…"

"So… you're suggesting a date?" Shirou interrupted. "Get lost man; she doesn't even know me. I'm nobody to her,"

"So, I'll give you this book," Jimit continued as if Shirou had never said anything. He took out something from his bag and gave it to Shirou. "This is, a very very useful book.I know you don't want to do this, but sometimes in our life we should play dirty if the life is getting your nerves out, punching you in the gust or even kicking you in the ass,"

As Shirou stared at the title, the combination of surprise, shocked, and unbelievable expression, painted in his face.

"Ten Easy Ways to Approach a Girl?" Shirou put that book away. "Oh come on, pal! Do you really believe in this book?!"

"At least you listen to me after I finish my line, mate. In this book, you'll find many brilliant ways to get Saber's attention. You said before, you were not confidence enough to talk with her, well… this book will help you build your self-esteem and be grown ups! I've succeeded in getting Steffi's attention and become mine, so please don't put a single doubt on this thing. And… err…" Jimit looked at the date on his watch. "You got six days before the festival starts,"

Shirou became quiet, he was in deep thought. In his thought, he was always honest in his life, never cheat anything includes in the test. He never wanted to use dirty ways to achieve something. He'd rather be like that 'because he knew, doing dirty ways would never change anything. It was one of the main reasons why his marks always like hell.

On second thought, maybe there was exception for this…

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Shirou raised his eyebrow, didn't sure this plan would work.

"Depends on the situation and the person itself, not always work," Jimit stood up from his chair and smiled. "Best for you, pal,"

Jimit walked outside the door and left Shirou alone. Being torn by willing not to take that book and wanted to be closer with Saber left Shirou with confusing situation. He always believed what his father believed, to be honest and be respectful, and then came out as a champion. In the other side, his feelings upon Saber had reached critical point. He wanted her to be his, but as usual, he did nothing. So, this would be a perfect chance to get Saber's attention with help from this book. However, something inside his mind told him this wasn't gonna be so easy.

"…I got a bad feeling about this…"

Fuyuki City State High School, 2.45 PM

It was just about a minute away before the bell final rang, and the students already got pumped up with excitement. By seconds passed by, their minds had already gone somewhere else. They didn't pay attention to the teacher who still in loyalty, teaching them with patience. Some of them even slept, playing with his friend, or sent message via paper-plane (Err… if you get what I mean). As the professor-look-alike teacher finished wrote last word in white board, he turned around and faced his students.

"Then kids, don't forget to do exercise on page…"



"YEAH! FINALLY WE'RE GOING HOME!!!" the crowded students suddenly jumped out from their chair and tried to get through the small door.

"Wait a minute, kids! Don't forget to AHHH!!!" the helpless teacher tried to block the students away from letting them get through. But his effort didn't work; instead he got crushed by students' crowd. Better not to write it down the details, not a very pleasant picture, though .

While those students tried to achieve their 'liberty', meanwhile, Saber was cleaning up her table and put her books inside her bag. It was another day-end in the school, time to go home and got some rest.


There was a call; Steffi was waiting for her from outside.

The One of a kind, Steffi, the most brilliant girl ever be in school, was a person with long straight black hair and beautiful white skin, a little bit looked like a combination of Chinese and Japanese girl. She was Saber's best friend since first grade. There was something different 'bout her, She wore a tight uniform, not a typical of someone who really smart like wore loose uniform, glasses, and brought books everywhere (that's typical of a nerd, actually…). Well… she had been a nerd before she decided to have relationship with Jimit. It changed all her appearance from white to black. But in spite of her looks, she was still the smartest student in school.

"Oh, hi Steffi," Saber said as she walked to the door. "Is there something?"

"Yes, um… I was wondering if you want accompany me to buy some present for, you know…" said Steffi. "Could you?"

"Err…" Saber was thinking of the answer. She didn't have anything to do this evening, anyway. Perhaps a little hang out for a while would make her mind away from all those horrible Physics formulas. "I don't know, but why is this so sudden?"

"It's because… I've just remembered about Jimit's birthday three days from today, so I asked all my friends. But they said they couldn't go and… Oh hi, dear,"

Jimit approached the girls. He smiled before planted a light kiss in Steffi's lips. That's enough to make Saber had a light blush on the scene.

"Don't forget 'our' discussion today, okay?" he hugged Steffi as he kissed her again, pushed her to the wall.

Steffi nodded as Jimit's hand playing with her hair. "Yes… I'll try. By the way, are you going to be alright by yourself?"

"Sure… wait for me tonight, okay?" Jimit touched Steffi's cheek. "I'll be there,"

After Jimit left, the girls seemed had an awkward silence for a while, regarding what happened before.

"Does he always do that in front of people?" asked Saber.

"Um… not always like that… only sometimes. Sometimes he does 'something' more when we're alone," Steffi answered as if it was normal for teenagers.

"WHAT?! You mean that you guys have already 'done' that?!" Saber shocked. She couldn't believe what she heard. It was impossible that an innocent girl like Steffi already have… ah, you know what she meant (use your imagination for this ). It made another note for Saber that Jimit wasn't really that 'calm'. "So… You let him…"

Steffi giggled when she read Saber's expression. "No… of course not. Not exactly what you think, Saber. We haven't done that, that's beyond our limitations. What we do just kissing, hugging as we try to be closer. Anyway, in the two and a half years of our relationship, we've never been engaged in sexual intercourse yet. I loved him so much and I know he does the same, that's the reason why we don't 'do' that. Perhaps now, I'm not ready but if we're still together for years in the future, I'd let him do that to me…"

"Okay, okay, stop… I got the picture. Oh God…" Saber couldn't stand to hear much longer. She couldn't imagine what Jimit had done to Steffi for changing her like this, needed higher imagination skills. "Alright, snap out of it. Let's just back to our conversation before. So… the conclusion is: you need a friend to find birthday present, right?"

"Yes, that's right!" Steffi sounded so delighted. "Then, are you coming? Please… I beg you,"

"Err… I don't know, because…" She couldn't help herself when she saw Steffi begging like that. "Fine, I'm coming. But don't be too long okay? I need to go home and hit the sack…" answered Saber finally.

After that, without any further ado, the pair made their way to Junction Market. It took them about a half an hour to reach the place. Along the way, the two chatted to get rid the boredom caused by the journey to get to the place.

"I heard you will be performing on the stage in this year's festival," started Steffi. "That's nice,"

"Well… thank you. It was Rin who advised the school principle to have stage this year," smiled Saber, she was definitely proud to say that. "Finally I got a chance to show our three months efforts of making songs. I will have chance to show to the students and people who will be crowding the festival,"

"Have you found someone to go together, later?"

"You suggested a boyfriend?" Saber asked back. "Forget it. I still want to be alone now. Besides, that's not what I concern right now,"

"That's typical of you…" said Steffi. " And… do you ever feel lonely by that?"

"No, I never," answered Saber with confident look. "As long as I have guitar in my hand, I never feel lonely, I hope not a bit,"


A/N: It's done! Wew! I'm kinda stuck with my idea lately, that's why the ending wasn't that good (I'm really sorry… TT). I've tried to listen to the music (By the way, Glamorous Sky by Mika Nakashima was rock! Of course, it's because the song was arranged and composed by Hyde-sama, my sis told me ), watched my favourite movies but no idea came to my head, and possibly I should go out somewhere else, refreshing. And I know it looks like OC centric here, but I promise to make improvement on the story. Next stop, will be Rin Archer Pairing, if you got brilliant ideas about the story, please let me know by giving me reviews, okay?