Title: Damaged

Full summary: Damage (noun): injury or harm that reduces value or usefulness. Medicine cats, or at least long remembered medicine cats, are considered, kind, gentle, loving, caring, and above all, faithful to StarClan. Ravenwing however was not remembered. He was cold, quiet and calculating. He was the kind of cat you'd never want to be alone with for more than thirty seconds. He would be the cat that would treat you, but did so with the utmost contempt. He would be the traitor. And the savior as well.

Status: WIP

Started: Nov. 3 2007

A/N: So, I was reading the profile of 'Flamespirit-eth' today and I was reading over the stuff that seriously bothered her like perfect medicine cats (Mary Sues. Guilty as charged), how ShadowClan is stereotyped as evil and bad grammar (which I know I have). So I was all like, "You know, I totally noticed these things myself, and you know what you be the shizz? If I made a story with the most unMary Sue-ish character I've ever come up with, ThunderClan being the most evil sonofabitches on the face of the earth, and my poor attempt at grammar." Enjoy! There WILL be ThunderClan bashing. So if you're one of those, "OMFGTHUNDERCLANISSO'EFFINHOT!" kinda fans, then please stay away. It's for your own safety, not mine.

Disclaimer: URRGGH! HATE THESE THINGS! Don't own Warriors, never will, are we happy now?


His dark paw prints matched the shadows around him. His amber eyes gazed silently at the clearing. It was quiet and peaceful. Or it would be until the evening patrol returned, parading around like the proud, revolting animals they were. Ravenwing blinked once, residing to his den.

The stars were far away, distant. He silently laughed at the irony of it all. StarClan, named after those glittery things in the sky, were just like their namesakes. Far away and distant. Ravenwing tried to remember the last time he had a close connection with StarClan. With a sadistic grin, he realized he was never close with StarClan and the only reason he was medicine cat now, was because no other cat in his or her right mind would want to be.

"Ravenwing." The voice disturbed him. Glare fixated at the entryway to his den, Ravenwing turned to look at his brother, the ThunderClan leader, Shinestar.

Now, Shinestar was the exact opposite of his name. Shinestar was a bloodthirsty maniac who happened to be named deputy because their father had been clan leader at the time. Then Shinestar had brutally murdered their father and a bunch of RiverClan cats to make it look like an over exaggerated border dispute. Shinestar took six out of his father's nine lives that day and the lives of six RiverClan cats. The only reason the prefix for his name was 'shine' was Shinestar had supposedly been born with 'the shine of StarClan in his eyes'. Ravenwing knew from being medicine cat that it was all a load of 'mouse bile' because Shinestar had been the runt, the sixth kit, of the litter and the former medicine cat had made the whole 'shine of StarClan in his eyes' prophecy up. The prior medicine cat, whose name is unimportant, was their aunt.

His family had rigged the whole ThunderClan system of leadership for the past twelve seasons. At least one member of his family was in a place of high power. His mother was now the most respected elder. His sister was the lead warrior. His other sister was deputy. He was a medicine cat. It was all very twisted. ThunderClan was no longer a clan. It was a monarchy.

"Yes Shinestar?" Ravenwing gritted his teeth and flexed his claws, having them sink into the soft earth. "What do you want now?"

"Now now easy, my dear older brother," Shinestar purred, a slick and informal tone entering his voice. "Let's not be so hostile shall we? After all, I am your clan leader and I will be treated as such. Even a lowly medicine cat like yourself can understand that."

"I'll be as hostile as I want to!" Snarled Ravenwing. "What do you want Shinestar?"

"The time has come brother." Shinestar mewed. "The time has come for many things. And I will need your help, and of course StarClan's, to carry them out. I'm warning you now. This will be a path you will regret following. But you don't have a choice. Father said that brothers always helped brothers."

"Like what kind of things?" Spat Ravenwing. "Why should I help you with them anyway? And since when do you need StarClan's help for something?"

Shinestar stepped into the shadows of the pitch-black den. His broad shoulders and hulking figure were the same as Ravenwing's. Their green eyes glared angrily at each other. "Things like your apprentice," Shinestar began, a soft menacing mew emanating from his throat. "And it would be in your best interest to help me because you are my brother. And if you refuse to do what I say, I will have to kill you. StarClan has shown me that someone in the clan knows about our secret. And I do not necessarily need their help. I need your help in saying that StarClan has offered their help."

Ravenwing dismissed the idea of an apprentice, knowing that it would be his ever-timid nephew, ironically named Brazenkit. His other nephew Tigerkit was far too bold and obviously going to become strong. He also dismissed the phony prophecy. It was something he was used to, having a poor connection with StarClan to begin with. His tone switched to wary instead of hostile as Ravenwing mewed, "Someone knows? But we don't even have the same parents as Lilyfur. She looks nothing like us."

"I know that!" Snarled Shinestar, his fur bristling with indignation.

Betrayal runs deep within our own family. Ravenwing thought as his brother over-reacted at his statement. "I know you know that!" Ravenwing snarled in return. "How anyone else would know that is what I'm wondering!"

"I think I know who it is." Shinestar mewed suddenly, mainly to himself. "Yes, I think . . . I think . . ."

"You do?" Ravenwing asked incredulously. "Only moments ago, I'm learning that there is someone who suspects our secret."

"Yes. And I will have them killed." Shinestar mewed, mostly to himself.

"Who is it?" Ravenwing could not help but ask his brother. And how can you possibly have them killed without anyone noticing?

"That isn't important now!" Shinestar said excitedly. "It's time for ThunderClan to expand, don't you agree?" Without even waiting for an answer, Shinestar replied, "Of course you do! It's been in our interest to expand ThunderClan's territory for seasons. And there's only one way to do that. Yes . . . yes . . . yes . . ."

"I don't understand." Ravenwing mewed confusedly, wondering where exactly his brother was going with this.

Shinestar's tail twitched in irritation. "You don't?" The black tom mewed. Then he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Of course you don't, you were never the bright one. I'm saying we're going to expand our territory."

That still doesn't explain how he's going to have unnamed cat killed. Ravenwing thought dryly. "How are we expanding our territory I mean?" He asked, curiosity still burning within him.

Shinestar's eyes burned with the dark blaze of ambition. "We're going to war. We're going to take every territory, one by one. We're starting with RiverClan."

Mkay, prolouge sucks. I made Shinestar so blatantly evil. Oh well, I tried I guess. I may, or may not build upon this idea but I'm REALLY starting to love this idea with my whole heart so I think I will continue on it. Yeah. I'm sorry for making Shinestar so Mary Sue esque. Even if he's not good or good looking, it's so blatantly obvious that he's evil.

So, if I made any grammar mistakes or I horribly murderered the English language in anyway, just let me know, okay? I'm cool with knowing what my grammar mistakes are. I'm trying to get into English Honors at my school so all the help I can get is needed.