AN: ok, so here's my new story! It is not going to be compliant with Half Blood Prince or Deathly Hollows. This is going to be a step-up from Scars of the Black Rose, which I wrote when I was 14. This story will more than likely contain sex, not for a while, but I just thought that I should warn you. 

Also, anyone who is interested in being a BETA reader, I'm thinking of having one for this story, let me know if you're interested.

Disclaimer: I generally forget to do this with at least half of my chapters, so I figure I'd better make sure that it's there for the very first chapter at least. I do not own anything Harry Potter. Any characters that you recognize are the property of JK Rowling; I'm just messing with them. Any characters that are new are mine.

Without further adieu:

Chapter 1

I remember feeling low
I remember losing hope
And I remember all the feelings
And the day they stopped
We are, we are all innocent

Draco stared at the hard, cool floor of his bedroom. It was time for a change. This year, his final year, was going to be his time to shine. He wanted something new, something to help him shake off the mold that his father had forced him into for all of these years. He was sick of being the one that everyone hated. He was sick of being the one that those Slytherins all looked up too. He wanted to just be himself. He was through with all of it.

He had just come from one of his father's many dinner parties. Of course Voldemort had been the guest of honour at his event. As he listened to the plans that the Death Eaters were going over, there was only one word running through his head: bullshit. These people had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. They followed Voldemort blindly, they trusted him completely. What none of them seemed to understand was that Voldemort didn't care about any of them, not one bit.

Draco didn't want to be that. He wanted to be himself even if they would kill him for it. He glanced around his room again, realizing that he was going to have to leave all of this. His father would not allow him to live under his roof after he had renounced Voldemort. At first this thought upset him. He didn't want to leave his riches behind, become homeless and helpless.

"Fuck it," he mumbled as he started packing his bags. He wasn't leaving anything behind; everything he needed was outside of the world that he had been living. It was time to discover what his life really could be like.

Hermione put her books away. It was only the second week into the summer and she had already completed all of the homework that the Professors had assigned. She sighed; she never thought that living on her own would be so boring. Her parents had moved away to the United States and she had decided that she was ready to move out. Harry and Ron had both gone to Australia for the summer. She was supposed to have gone with them, but at the last minute she had decided to move and be on her own for the summer.

Now she knew that it was a mistake, she never had anything to do. She had read every book that she owned and completely all of the homework. She debated getting a TV, but thought that it would probably bore her too.

Finally she stepped away from the window, there was no point in looking outside, she might as well go outside. As she stepped off of her doorstep she felt a breeze hit her face, immediately she relaxed and headed in the direction of the library.

Draco waited until midnight before he made his escape. He wanted to make sure that everyone was sleeping, even the house elves and ghosts. He had had his birthday just the week before so he could finally use magic outside of school. Considering that his father broke laws all the time, he had never been very lenient when it came to Draco and underage magic.

As he levitated his bag out the window he thought about his father and some of his friends. Although they never said it, he could feel that none of them liked him very much. They thought him too much of a rebel. His father hated the muggle music that he listened to and the muggle cigarettes that he smoked. Draco smiled at the thought of never being under the control of his father or anyone else ever again.

He picked up his broomstick and flew silently out the window. It took him only a few moments to magically lighten the weight of his luggage and attach to the handle and then he was off into the night.

First he flew to Gringotts to clear his bank account out, he knew his father would have taken care of that the second he had realized that he was gone

Hermione spent a few hours at the library and it was dark by the time she left. She knew that she should go home and go to bed, but she wasn't the slightest bit tired. As she walked down the street she noticed a small wizard pub on the corner and decided to go in for a drink. She wasn't old enough to drink in the muggle world but in the wizard world she had been of age for almost a year.

She sat down at the bar and ordered a Flaming Wand, a purple drink that contained a lot of vodka and a little bit of magic. Hours later she left the bar. As she walked she knew she should have left about two hours earlier and had about three less drinks.

She heard a chuckle as she put her hand on the wall to keep her balance. She looked in front of her but all she could see was the burning tip of a cigarette.

"Wh-Who's there?" she called.

"Well if it isn't Hermione Granger, piss-drunk walking home at two in the morning," another chuckle followed.

"Who are you?" Hermione squinted towards the figure. "Malfoy?"

"The one and only, what are you trying to do Granger, push the wall over with you?" Draco stepped towards her as she almost fell over.

"No, I'm just trying to walk home," she said with a hint of huffiness in her voice.

"Let me walk you home," Draco sighed.

Hermione knew that she should be running away. But as Draco slid his arm through hers all she felt was thankful that there was someone there to help her.

Draco wasn't really sure why he was helping Granger get home. At first he had simply thought that it was funny to see perfect Hermione Granger staggering down the street. But then he realized that if he hadn't shown up, she wouldn't have made it home.

"Ugh, why did I move into an apartment with so many stairs," Hermione groaned when they reached the doorstep.

Draco glanced at the stairs, "I'll walk you up."

"No, no it's alright I'll be fine from here," she protested.

"I don't think so, I didn't walk you all the way home just to watch you fall down five flights of stairs."

Draco helped Hermione walk up the stairs, it was a struggle but she made it.

"Do you have any Invigoration Draught?" Draco asked her when they finally got to her apartment door.

"No, and I don't think I'm in a proper state to make any either," Hermione sighed, unlocking the door.

"Come on, I'll help." Draco said, following her into the apartment.

Hermione didn't say anything; she just went and sat down on the couch. Draco locked the door behind him. He surveyed the room that he was in. It was sparsely furnished, as if she had just moved in. There was a couch and a coffee table. The walls were white and contained no pictures, the windows had no curtains. He looked back at Hermione only to find that she had fallen asleep on the couch.

He sighed and walked into the kitchen. Any normal witch would have potion ingredients in her cupboards. He began to tick off the ingredients that he needed in his head: peppermint, nettles, moonstone powder, ginger and hellebore. Hermione had all of them. Hermione didn't have a cauldron in the kitchen so he decided to use a large pot that he found under the sink.

He looked around the kitchen again. He didn't think she would appreciate it if he lit a fire in her kitchen, so he was going to have to figure out how to use the oven. Fifteen minutes later, Draco had tried all of the knobs and burnt himself three times, but he now had the pot of water boiling on the stovetop. He began to add the ingredients thinking silently to himself.

Yesterday afternoon the last place he would have thought to be was here. Who would have thought that he would be nursing Hermione back to health. He laughed as he pictured the look that would appear on his father's face if he only knew. Finally the potion was finished. Draco poured a glass full and walked back into the living room.

He tilted Hermione's head back and poured the liquid into her mouth. For a moment she just lay there. Finally she opened her eyes, sat up and looked around the room.

"Where…What? What the hell are you doing in my apartment?"

AN: Ok, so I know the first chapter is short, but I have to go out soon and I really wanted to get the first chapter out before I left.

I'm really excited about this new story and I really want to know what people think of it so far. So please, drop me a line and tell me what you think.