A/N: Long time no see, my dear readers. Sorry, but this is not a new chapter. This is my letter for all of you. I feel really bad about my absence. In this long time many things happened. I graduated from my institute this summer, got a diploma. Hurray! Then I had a long time restoring my nervous system back to normal from my degree work. And on November found a job not far from home. All this was a real stress for me and I had absolutely no desire to continue on my fiction writing in this condition. And then, with my work and all, I totally forgot about my stories. I'm really sorry and I hope you'll forgive me. Thank you, rogue23gw. You reminded me of something important in my life. From now on I'll do my best and finish my stories. I hope you'll like it. Though, my English might be worsened while I neglected my fics. I still hope you'll tell me if I made mistakes: lexical or syntactic. I don't mind if someone would like to be my beta. 1. It'll be easy for the rest to read grammatical chapters. 2. I could use some help in writing a battle scenes. (There supposed to be some, but I'm pacifist and that's why in English all I can say about fighting is "kick ass"))) That's why for some time I "froze" Mon Ange.