Vegeta Meets Augumon

Vegeta Meets Augumon

Chapter 1

By: Arley (aka, Kyoko)

It was a beautiful day at Capsule Corporation. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the gravity machine was humming. Inside, Vegeta was training as usual. He was on his 200th push-up when his stomach began to growl.

"Damn it! Not now" but it wouldn't listen.

"Oh, well. I guess a little break wouldn't hurt."

He got up and turned off the gravity and went inside to eat. He got to the kitchen and found a note on the table:


           Went out shopping

           There is some leftover chicken in the fridge

           See you later!






Trunks was upstairs in his room playing a game on his computer.

"I'm so glad mom bought me this Digimon game. It is so cool!"


Suddenly, the little black cat (I don't have a clue what his name is) hopped up on the computer and watched him play.

"Oh, hello" Trunks patted him on the head. He then looked at his watch. 12:30.

"Oh, man! I'm gonna be late meeting Goten!"

He hopped out of the chair leaving the game on and was about to run out the door when…


"Huh?" Trunks looked down and the cat was rubbing up against his legs.

"What is it? Are you hungry?"

Back down stairs:

Vegeta took off his gloves and put them on the table next to the note. He then opened up the fridge and found the chicken. He grabbed a can of beer, closed the door and sat down in front of the TV with his food.

Trunks came running down stairs holding the cat and went into the kitchen. He saw his dad sitting on the couch.

"Hey dad!"

"Hey brat. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going over to Goten's house." He put the cat on the kitchen table and started looking for the cat food.

Vegeta grunted in disgust. He hated it every time he saw or heard about his son playing with his worst enemy's kid.

Trunks heard how his dad reacted.

"You know dad, Gokou's family isn't so bad."

"Yeah, whatever." Vegeta took a sip of his beer.

Trunks ignored his father's comment and kept looking for the food. He found two boxes with pictures with cats on them and put them on the table. He looked at one of the boxes. One of them said Cat Food and the other said Catnip.

"Hey dad, what's catnip?"

"How the hell should I know?" snapped Vegeta, his mouth full of chicken.

Trunks sighed.

"Oh well, I'm late so I'll just give him both."

Trunks grabbed a bowl and filled half of it with the cat food and half of it with the catnip. He gave the bowl to the cat and put the boxes away.

"Bye, Dad! I'll be back later!"


Trunks ran out of the kitchen and shut the door to the house leaving Vegeta alone.

The cat began to munch away on the food. Vegeta looked behind him and saw how happy he was.

"Stupid little furball." He said as he took another sip of the beer and turned around.

 When the cat had finished he felt an incredible amount of energy. He looked at Vegeta and then looked around him and found his gloves on the table. The cat grabbed one of them in his mouth and ran upstairs.

Vegeta finished the chicken and got up and went back to the kitchen.

"Now to get back to my training." He said as he put the empty plate in the sink. He went to the table to get his gloves.

"What?! Where the hell is the other one?!" he shouted out loud. He then noticed an empty bowl and a missing cat. That could only mean one thing….

"That damn furball stole my glove!!!"

He then heard a loud meowing from upstairs and ran up after the cat with the beer can still in hand.

"Alright, where are you?!" he looked around through the hallway and couldn't find that cat anywhere.

"This isn't funny!! I need to get back to my training you little piece of shit!!!"

He then heard a loud crashing sound coming from Trunks's room.

"There you are!!" he went into the room and found the cat sitting on top of the computer with the glove still in his mouth.

"Give me that right now!!" he tried to grab the cat but he was too fast and it hopped of the computer and hid under the table. Vegeta put the can of beer on the table next to the keyboard and then moved the chair out of the way to get to the cat.

"Don't make me come in there after you!" he warned but the cat just stayed right there and purred.

"Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" Vegeta went under the desk to get him but the cat zipped under him and hopped back on the desk knocking the beer can and its contents all over the keyboard.

"Oh, great! Now look what you've done! Bulma is going to kill me! There is no way that she is going to believe that you did it!"

The cat raced out of the room still holding the glove.

"Get back here!!" Vegeta ran after him.


"Hey guys, me and Augumon have got to get back home."

"OK, Tai. See you later."

"Ready to go, Augumon?"

"Hey Tai. Can I do it? Can I? Can I? Huh?"

"OK, little buddy chill."

"Thanks!!" Augumon took the digivice from Tai and held it up to the computer.

Back at Capsule Corporation:

Trunks's computer began to sizzle and smoke and it started shaking. Outside in the hallway Vegeta was still trying to get his glove back.



Back in the Digital World:

"Tai, what's happening?"

"I don't know"

The computer in front of them began to shake and smoke too. Augoumon felt himself being dragged to the computer.

"TAI, HELP!!!!!!" but it was too late. Augumon and the digivice was gone.



Again, back at Capsule Corporation:

The cat ran back in Trunks's room and stopped. It turned right around and walked slowly out the door looking straight ahead. Vegeta caught up to him tired from chasing him around the house.

" I…. am going….to….tell you….one…more….time,Vegeta said out of breath.

The cat dropped the glove and ran like hell downstairs.

"What's gotten into him?" he said as he picked up the glove

"Who the hell cares? Now I can finally get back to my training."

He was about to go downstairs when he heard someone calling in his son's room.

"Tai? Tai? Where are you?"

"Great! Now what?!" Vegeta walked in and immediately stopped.