I am SOO sorry that I haven't updated this story in like forever, but I have been swamped with family problems/school/friends/my other stories

I am SOO sorry that I haven't updated this story in like forever, but I have been swamped with family problems/school/friends/my other stories. But not to fear, I have not given up on this story, and I hope to keep the chapters rolling. Jeez, who would have thought that this many stories would be so hard? Lol, and they are so many more to come. ;)

Chapter 3

They all turned to see four people looking at them from the front entrance of the school; A red head, who looked like he hadn't slept for a week and wanted to murder everything in sight. A brunette who looked like a sleazebag, just by the way he was leering at the girls passing by him. The last two looked like a couple as the boy had his arm around the girl and they were practically moulded in with one another. The boy had his chocolate brown hair up in ponytail so that it resembled the shape of a pineapple, and the blonde girl next to him had her longish hair up in 4 spiky ponytails. The expression on the boys face was that of a bored look and the females was that as if she was better than the people around her, and superior to all.

The only thing they had in common was the fact that all four of them were staring at them with smirks on their faces.

"Erm, do we know them?" whispered Tenten as Sakura eyed the blonde, a memory surfacing, before fading as soon as it came.

"I don't think–" Ino started to say before Sakura interrupted them by saying,

"I think I have seen her before… there's a memory I can't quite make out…" Sakura took a step forward, towards the group of four as she talked, but they just laughed, turned and walked into the building.

"Well, if you can't remember I suppose it isn't important. Come on, let's find our class. We wouldn't want to be late for our first day of senior high!" Ino pumped her fist in the air as she swirled her skirt around.

"Yeah, I wanna meet our classmates, come on guys, let's rock this school!" Sakura laughed as she and Ino led the group of four into the building, and into their new high schools lives.




"Hey, four new girls are transferring in today, make them welcome," Kakashi, the teacher, said as he made shushing gestures with his hands, trying to get the guys to calm down as they whooped with glee at the idea of four new hot girls entering their school, let alone their class.

The door opened as Sasuke, Naruto, Neji and Sai entered the classroom, immediately taking their seats in the darkest corner of the room and sat with their eyes staring forward.

"Nice of you to join us boys," Kakashi noted as he smiled with his only visible eye, before turning around to check the clock, "hmm, they seem to be late… and on their first day as well. Tsk tsk tsk."

"WAH!" Two bodies tumbled through the door with Sakura at the bottom of the pile. Two more people followed, but they, of course, walked through the door like normal people and went to the front, while Ino and Sakura lay on the floor.

"Jeez, Sakura, Ino, next time just walk," Tenten said as Hinata asked if they were ok.

"Just fine Hinata, no worries. You know me, I bounce back from anything," and just to prove it Ino jumped straight up from the ground, pulling Sakura with her. She landed on her two feet as she flipped her hair, while Sakura just tried to keep her messy wind-blown shoulder length hair out of her face and mouth.

"Jeez Ino, more graceful next time please," Sakura laughed as she and Ino joined Hinata and Tenten at the front of the class. And they stood there together as the whole class watched with mouths agape at their hilarious out-of-no-where conversation.

"Er… hi?"