Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters. Just my plot and OCs.
A/N: Well, I got the idea to make this when I was watching this zombie chiller movie called "Wicked Little Things". It's loosely based on it, there are some things that never happened in the movie, and yet there are some things that if you watched it you'll see the obvious connection.
This chapter's really just like a prologue, I just don't like calling them prologues. I don't know why.
This is the revised version, since I made a lot of typos last time. I don't llike making a lot of mistakes so here you are.
Naruto and Hinata get hired to take care of an orphan girl. They have to go to her family home up north and soon learn of the Wicked. The zombies of miner children that died decades ago. They want blood, and just about everyone is fair game.
Aren't They Wicked Little Things?
Chapter 1:
Legend of the Wicked
Decades ago in a small village located atop Winter Mountain there lived a very large and poor family.
The only way they could afford living was by sending their children to work for a greedy man who owned the entire mountain. The only work they could find was as miners.
They could fit in places the adult miners couldn't.
This is where everything begins.
Decades ago, as a miner sent a little girl, no older than ten, down a cramped tunnel. Her job was to feed some dynamite at the end of the tunnel, so they can blow it up and mine even further.
"Yuka, just feed the dynamite and get out." The miner said soothingly to calm the young girl.
Yuka tied a wire to the dynamite and headed back out. Until the mine started to shake. She was so scared she hid in a corner and wouldn't move no matter how much the miner called out to her.
Another miner called from above to blow it up no matter what, because their boss said so.
"But she's just a child!" The miner cried unto deaf ears. After moments of arguing they set off the dynamite causing a cave in.
Not only killing Yuka, but also her other thirteen brothers, sisters, and cousins. The oldest of which was only fourteen.
Present day, Naruto and Hinata stood just outside the gates of Konoha staring at their chage, Teppy Tao.
She was a recently orphaned girl whose parents were killed in some random bandit attack. She somehow survived and found her way to Konoha.
About a day ago a mysterious, and anonymous, client payed for someone to take Tao to her old family home. And Naruto and Hinata were the only ones available.
Tao was quiet, way quiet.
She wouldn't say a word no matter how many questions Naruto asked. He finally stopped when Hinata told him she was probably traumatized from her parents' deaths.
That, however, didn't stop him from wondering aloud, "Why do you think baa-chan said to pack warm?"
"Because it's not called Winter Mountain for nothing." Tao finally said, hugging her kitten shaped teddy bear closer to herself.
A/N: Ok so like I said this is only like a prologue so the rest of the chapters will be longer. And I have them written down, just have to type them up.
Tao: japanese name
Teppy: Not!
Like the next chapter will explain, Tao's ancestors went to Winter Mountain from a far away land. Technically, they were immigrants. I do like saying Teppy Tao a lot though, I think it's fun!
Please read & review!
-Destiny's sweet melody