So this here is my little pet project. I've been working on it for a while and I blame it on the fact that I love all things related to Jane Austin (I'm a hopeless romantic at heart). But anyway, major AU so please forgive the Ooc.

Rating will go up and there is lime in this chapter. If I get complaints I'll boost the rating early. There will be two versions of the last chapter (maybe second to last depending on how I divide this up) one that has a lemon and one that excludes it. So please enjoy and tell me what you think!

He loved the taste of her skin. Every time it was something different. Each section a different sampling that was never the same twice.

Wild strawberries.



Red Peppers.

Dark Chocolate.

Flavors that he would never have though would blend together seduced his mind and body beyond a physical and it seemed even a spiritual level. He loved the way her body arched under his touch, how completely uninhibited her reactions were. She made a tiny noise in the back of her throat as he kissed down the slope of her breast and knew that was his cue. He moved between her legs and then into her enjoying the moan that escaped her usually tight lips. Rai began his rhythm, picking up the tempo when her nails dug into his upper arms, another unspoken signal he'd learned. The climax came upon them quickly and Raimundo had to catch himself from completely falling onto her once the sensation had passed. Instead he caught his breath and began to kiss a path up her body, moving slowly up her neck and as he expected, as she always did, the woman beneath him turned to her side, leaving his lips to grace her cheek.

Suppressing a sigh Raimundo rolled to the side of her draped an arm across her naked waist, drawing her back to his chest. He felt her stiffen slightly but he ignored it, as he always did and made sure that their bodies were pressed together. Finding a spot on her shoulder not covered by her long locks of midnight hair Raimundo placed one last kiss there.

"You know I hate you right?" Kimiko whispered to him though she remained facing away from him. Raimundo sighed and pressed his face into her hair.

"I know."

When Kimiko awoke he was gone as he always was. Even though Kimiko normally woke with the dawn she'd never awakened to find him still in her bed. The bed was still warm next to her and she had a feeling he might have left scant moments ago. Hugging the sheets to her naked chest Kimiko composed herself before slipping out of the large bed, her feet hitting the wooden floors, an uncommon luxury in most castles even smaller ones like the one she currently lived in, and pulled on the waiting bathrobe that lay out over a chair for her. Most women in her position had servants waiting dutifully for them the moment their eyes opened each day but Kimiko, though a noble since birth, couldn't stomach such a lifestyle. Her father and mother had made sure she was always happy and content but also taught her the true values of life and how to enjoy them and although the servants of the Pedrosa fiefs seemed happy and well cared for Kimiko was still uneasy with their constant presence sometimes.

She, of course, had grown up with servants but they were more like an extension of her family. None of them pampered her unless it was out of love. Here, love was something that Kimiko knew with confidence, didn't exist. One of the few things Kimiko did ask for in the morning was that a warm bath would be waiting for her when she awoke, and again, like everyday for the near year she'd been living at the Pedrosa estate it was ready and waiting. Dropping the robe Kimiko sank into the stone pool, heated through a fascinating system below her that was unique to the manor, and washed off the remnants of the night before. She couldn't wash away the marks he left on her skin though and no matter how often she protested he'd never stop leaving at least one tiny red mark somewhere on her body. At least he was considerate enough to do it where no one would see it once clothed.

Kimiko bit back a laugh. Raimundo Pedrosa? Considerate? She couldn't believe she'd thought something as absurd as that. No, there wasn't an inch of real, genuine kindness or compassion in that man's body. Any evidence that might argue otherwise Kimiko simply did not believe. No, Raimundo Pedrosa, second in line to the throne of Candall, was not a good man though he may act like one from time to time. She knew it had to be a trick, an illusion. She always had to remind herself that he was truly a cruel man, one that would hopefully never know a position of power such as king. Dipping her head under the water Kimiko forced herself to not think about him, about her husband. Such unpleasant things were not a good way to start off the day.

One Year Earlier

Kimiko moved quickly down one of the hallways of her father's manor. Well, as quickly as the long skirt of her dress would allow her. Although the full skirt and tight bodice were a popular style in the court these days they held no practicality in Kimiko's mind for everyday life and work. At a ball, or some other public function she had no problem slipping into her prettiest clothes and feeling beautiful but today the dress was more of an annoyance then anything else. If her father hadn't ordered her into one of her nicest outfits Kimiko would have worn a more practical clothes but whatever guests her father was receiving had him demanding perfection, pressing the loyal servants of the manor harder than normal. Kimiko would have preferred to be among them, dressed in her comfortable breeches and well worn boots and tunic but no, she was dressed as if she were about to meet the king himself.

"You're late mistress," the head of the household servants snapped in a whisper as Kimiko approached.

"You try moving in these shoes," Kimiko hissed softly back looking disgruntled. The woman was like a second mother to Kimiko and fussed like a mother hen, having been Kimiko's nanny since birth. The woman, appropriately called Nan, made a 'tut' noise in the back of her throat and set to straightening Kimiko out, making sure hair clips were held tightly in place and that her skirt fell smoothly from her waist.

"Nan, is she, oh thank goodness there you are Kimiko," a new voice asked and Kimiko's head whirled around to set sights on her normally bed ridden mother.

"Mother what are you doing out of bed?" Kimiko asked in a concerned voice as Nan continued to move around her.

"Helping your father receive his guests," Kimiko's mother said in a voice that sounded as if she'd done so everyday of her life and hadn't been completely bed ridden on and off for the past seven years.

"You shouldn't push yourself," Kimiko scolded.

"Now Kimiko," Nan's voice said sternly, "don't scold your mother."

"But," Kimiko protested before her mother interrupted.

"Now Kimiko, don't work yourself up. I am well enough to receive such important men," she told her daughter and watched the girl's eyes widen with surprise.

"Are they really so important?" Kimiko wondered.

"Yes, and it wasn't fair of your father not to warn you," her mother went on, "I will have to reprimand him about it later, but more importantly Kimiko these men are here about you."

"Me?" Kimiko asked in surprise.

"Yes," her mother confirmed.

"But about," Kimiko started to say but the door to the tiny conference room her father and his guests were gathered cracked open and her father's personal manservant appeared.

"They will see you now Lady Kimiko," he told the three women and Nan immediately started one last inspection.

"Mother?" Kimiko questioned looking at the woman with slightly nervous eyes.

"None of that," her mother told her and placed a loving hand on her daughter's cheek. "Head up and stay strong. Now go."

"You aren't coming with me?" Kimiko asked not moving an inch, ignoring Nan's gently pushing.

"No, this is for you alone," her mother told her with a sweet look and Kimiko had a foreboding feeling that everything would be very different when she stepped back out of her father's council room. Stealing her courage, Kimiko squared her shoulders and took a breath, painting an impassive look on her face as she entered. She didn't know why she was nervous, such situations had never bothered her in the past but now she was nearly trembling with nerves.

"Ah, Kimiko," her father's voice greeted her and all of the men's attention in the room moved to her as she walked in. Stopping at the end of the long table the five strangers and her father sat at Kimiko paused and gave a proper curtsy.

"Welcome to the Tohomiko Manor my Lords," Kimiko said recognizing how high ranking these men were. Their colors and crests showed that they were under the branch of the Pedrosa family, the current rulers of the monarchy. Each man stood and bow in answer to Kimiko's entrance. They were all familiar in sight at least. Kimiko had at least seen them all during her stays at court but one man was particularly familiar to her though she couldn't place why.

"Come Kimiko, sit beside me," her father urged and Kimiko moved sit beside the open chair next to him. His father had not stood at her entrance but that was to be forgiven not only because he was her father but also because he was still recovering from the injuries he'd received at the most recent clash at the northern border. Kimiko sat, the chair pulled out and waiting and tried not to let her curiosity and nervousness show through. Instead she smoothly folded the skirt of her dress beneath her and folded her hands in her lap and waited.

"Kimiko," her father began softly and commanded her attention. Kimiko turned her head towards him and wondered why he looked so nervous as well. "We have been greatly honored today," her father told her and Kimiko still waited impassively for some hint of what was happening. "Duke Pedrosa has asked for your hand in marriage and I have given my blessing."

It took all of Kimiko's willpower not to recoil and jump from her chair. She knew some of her horror and shock showed on her face because her father gave a disapproving frown. Kimiko recovered, trying hard to keep her emotions in check and even though she knew that she should respond somehow, face the men across the table but she knew that the moment she looked toward them her resolve would crumble.

"Lord Tohomiko," a wonderfully deep but young voice came from across the table and Kimiko unwillingly turned her attention towards it. The man she recognized more distinctly from the others for some reason or another had stood and looked at her with intense green eyes for a moment before looking at her father. "Might I have a moment alone with the lady?" The request was not unreasonable but somewhat odd and it took a moment for Kimiko's father to respond.

"Yes of course," he said moving to stand but the mystery man stopped him.

"Please stay sitting my Lord," he insisted, "I know your injuries still give you some trouble. Perhaps there is a room nearby that the lady and I might use?"

"How very considerate of you," Toshiro nodded with approval and then looked to his manservant. "Sanji, please escort Duke Pedrosa and my daughter to the library." It took Kimiko a moment to process that the relatively young man who'd been speaking was the Duke requesting her hand.

"Kimiko," her father gently urged when Kimiko made no move. Finally she rose out of the chair numbly and mechanically accepted the arm Duke Pedrosa offered her when they met at the end of the long table. Her eyes did a sweeping search for her mother or Nan when they exited but the two were no where to be found much to Kimiko's disappointment. Had she seen them Kimiko would have torn away from the Duke's arm, forgetting all manners and run to the two women for some type of support or explanation but it seemed she was on her own. The walk to the library was quick and silent and Kimiko slipped Sanji a slightly desperate look as he opened the doors. He sent her back a sympathetic look as the Duke led them into the room.

"Close the doors please," the Duke's voice said quietly but still commandingly. Kimiko was surprised by the request; it wasn't exactly proper or in good manners to ask to be left alone with a young woman. Kimiko shot Sanji another look and he looked apologetic as he dutifully shut the doors.

'Fine then,' Kimiko thought, 'if he wants to be like this than I will play back.' With that thought in mind Kimiko gently but noticeably removed her hand from its place on his arm and stepped away, moving towards one of the large windows that gave the library so much natural light. From this particular window Kimiko had a nice view of the river that wove its way through her father's land.

"From your reaction," came Pedrosa's voice as she looked out the window, "you had no forewarning on the matter." Kimiko didn't respond. "From what I've heard you've received many offers since your coming out four years ago." Again Kimiko didn't respond. What he said was true but never before had her father stepped in and given his blessing. Every time he would just send the men to Kimiko and she would politely reject them. "Most women around that age would have married, seventeen is even considered late," he went on and Kimiko could feel his eyes on her. "And you've refused all offers."

"You seem to know a fair amount about me Sir," Kimiko responded, "and yet we've never met." She turned to face him, surprised to find him closer to her, scant inches apart. He opened his mouth to respond but closed it again.

"No, I suppose that we have never met have we?" he agreed and stood next to her and observed the beautiful landscape lay out in front of them. "The Tohomiko household is older than the Pedrosa by many generations. There were many calls all those years ago for your great great grandfather to take the throne instead of my family."

"The Tohomiko's have no desire for such a life," Kimiko answered him without looking back at him.

"Then does that mean you want no life with me?" he asked the daring question. Kimiko gave him a shocked look.

"I don't even know you," she stepped away from him and towards the mantle place. It was still very early in the spring and a fire was lit to discourage any chill that might enter. "That is a very bold question to ask."

"But I believe appropriate," he answered and turned to follow her with his eyes.

"I'm sure there are many more appropriate women who would enjoy the title of Duchess," Kimko looked into the fire.

"But I have asked you."

"Why?" Kimiko asked and turned, again, surprised that he'd moved on her so silently.

"A daring question for you to ask," he answered her and Kimiko lost the battle to not scowl at him. Instead she turned back to the fire, blaming it for the heat on her cheeks and not the fact that she found this strange man so appealing and attractive. "I have my reasons," he added. He moved closer to her, a hand moving past her head to rest on the mantle top and Kimiko was certain that she'd felt his fingers brush her skin as he went. "I also know that your father's generosity and injury have combined to make him a target for men who might take advantage of him even though the Tohomikos are among the oldest and most respected families in Candall. I can offer you and your family security and protection." His words struck her hard, hitting worries that she held in her heart. Her mother's illness, her father' injury and his generosity with his servants and subjects plagued her. She would never wish him to be any other way but her she often worried that her family may be taken advantaged of and ruined. Then where would all the people that depend on them be?

"And how do I know you aren't one of those that might take advantage of the situation?" Kimiko asked and when he lightly laughed she could feel his breath on her neck.

"I am taking advantage of the situation," he assured her and this time she knew for certain that the fingers of his free hand were tracing the skin of her bare neck but she refused to show he was affecting her at all.

"By blackmailing me?" she asked.

"It isn't blackmail," Pedrosa assured her. "I am merely taking advantage of a situation and pointing out that I can offer your family protection and security and all that I ask in return is for you to be my wife."

"There must be more to it than that," Kimiko argued softly not believing that he, or any man would do something this extreme just to get her hand.

"There are many other things," he answered, "but things that you don't need to know."

"And you can guarantee that my mother and father, the fief, all those under its protection, will remained unharmed? Safe?"

"Everything in my power would be done, after all," he added, "you are set to inherit the Tohomiko lands and fortune one day and as my wife they would legally fall into my care as well." She felt him move back and she turned to look at him, his face completely unreadable but still somehow expectant.

"Then I suppose my answer," Kimiko struggled with the words, "is yes."

"Very good then," he answered before turning and walking out of the room. Kimiko waited until she was certain she was gone before sinking to the ground, sobbing.

As Kimiko's head broke through the water of the tub she took deeper breath then was necessary but it calmed her nerves. The wedding had taken place only weeks later, in the presence of the whole royal court. She hadn't realized that the Duke Pedrosa was Raimundo Pedrosa, brother to the current king. He wasn't just a Duke; he was the Grand Duke, second in command to the king, second in line to the throne until an heir was born, head of the army, and the king's most trusted advisor. His age surprised her because it was said that Raimundo was the older of the two sons of the former king but Raimundo had handed the crown to his younger brother. Kimiko had found this story hard to believe since Raimundo seemed so young compared to the current King but she was assured that Raimundo was three years the senior of the other, making him twenty eight, nearly ten years Kimiko's senior.

She'd met the King and Queen who formally oversaw the wedding and had been graciously welcomed by both into the family. It was all a bit overwhelming for Kimiko whose intense dislike for the man who would be her husband was growing greatly and she hated him for putting her into such a position. She'd never held a desire for power and greatly missed the warmth of her home.

After the wedding Raimundo had taken her to his estate on the outskirts of the capital city and told her that this was where they would reside since he knew she had no desire to live in the castle where a private wing was dedicated to him, and now her. The manor was large, sprawling even for being so close to the city, and Kimiko had to begrudgingly, silently, admit that it was beautiful. She had full run of the manor, she was after all the lady of the house, and they each had their own private quarters. Kimiko didn't know if this was normal for a man of the Raimundo's power but she hadn't questioned him on the first night when he lead her into his room, carefully undressed her, and gently taken her innocence. Kimiko allowed him this, it was after all his right but she hadn't been able to keep the tears from flowing from the pain and the symbolic loss. He'd kissed all those tears away but never allowed him to kiss her, at least not her lips. She didn't believe that she could keep him from kissing various parts of her body that he seemed so keen to kiss, mark. He'd made her stay with him that night, holding her to him, waking and repeating the earlier actions of the night around the time the day broke, moaning her name and giving her praises but once again she would not let him kiss her mouth.

He told her after that that he expected nothing else more from her, at least in that sense, and it would be up to her if they ever met that way again. Kimiko hadn't been sure how to respond to that but true to his word he never came to her to try to encourage or force her in anyway. And much to her surprise Kimiko found herself longing for his touch again. It had felt good, it had been distracting, and most importantly it was an escape. How ironic and unfair that with him was the only time she could forget about how miserable she was, coerced into a loveless marriage when all her life her parents had promised her that she could, and more importantly should, marry for love. That's why she was still unmarried at age twenty; she hadn't found a man she knew she loved. And now thanks to her 'husband' she never would.

Sitting up in the water Kimiko finished washing and then dried herself off, rewrapping herself in her robe and moved back into her bedroom. The nights that she would come to Raimundo he would lead them back to her room and for at least a brief time she let herself become completely lost in physical pleasure. Last night had been one of those nights but no remnants of it remained, the sheets already stripped and changed, the bed spotlessly made. As it always was and Kimiko couldn't help a tiny sigh escape her lips.

"Good morning my Lady," a voice greeted Kimiko. Kimiko's eyes moved to the room's round table set in the corner, doors to the balcony open to welcome morning breezes. Her personal servant, a woman not much older than she was named Keiko smiled back at her as she finished setting up Kimiko's breakfast.

"How many times have I asked you to call me Kimiko?" she asked as she moved toward the table.

"And how many times must I answer that it is hard to break a habit?" Keiko replied smartly and Kimiko smiled as she sat.

"Be sure to thank the cooks, it looks wonderful," Kimiko said observing the spread of fresh fruits and breads set before her.

"Thank you husband," Keiko said in a voice that boarder on condescending. "He ordered that these things be made available to you at all times." Kimiko looked away pointedly at that statement and suddenly found she lost her appetite and Keiko noticed this very quickly. "If I may be so bold but I must ask, why, after a year of marriage with the Duke that you are still so cold to him? What has he done that has made him loose favor with you so much?" Kimiko didn't answer but instead picked up a strawberry, inspecting it closely before taking a delicate bite. She looked out the open windows and continued to ignore Keiko's question and the servant let it go, moving to lay out Kimiko's clothes for the day.

'That's the problem Keiko,' Kimiko thought sadly, 'he hasn't done anything at all.'

"How are things with your wife?" Clay dared to ask and Raimundo looked at him coolly from over the parchment he was reading. "I'll take that as a 'don't ask'," Clay replied and Raimundo merely looked back at that paper in his hand. "It's just, you two are the most stubborn people I've ever met in my life!" Clay exasperated.

"Clay I believe it is time that you stop gophering our friend on the matter," the third man in the room suggested.

"I'm hoping you mean badger," Rai finally spoke still looking at the paper before setting it down and quickly signing it with no fanfare and held it up for one of the two to stamp his seal on. Clay sighed and grabbed it.

"Maybe if you just talked to her, didn't talk in circles and with secrets," Clay suggested and Raimundo answered him with another glare. "Look, I've known Kimiko, personally known her, for a lot longer than you have and I think that if you just talked to her,"

"Clay," Raimundo interrupted, "I need those supply records for the southern ports."

"Stubborn fool," Clay muttered under his breath and turned to do as he asked.

"Perhaps Clay is right?" Omi suggested and Raimundo turned his glare on him, not liking that the conversation was still going on. "It is just that you have been," Omi was also cut off.

"That's enough Omi," Rai said firmly, "that's enough both of you. Things with Kimiko are not ideal but eventually she'll come around."

"I don't' know," Clay argued and handed over the reports that Raimundo requested, "that girl is about as stubborn as they come." The three were collected in Raimundo's cluttered office, trying to finish up backlogged paperwork that Raimundo didn't trust in anyone's hands other than his own or the hands of his two best friends and closest advisors. Both were nobles and had known Raimundo growing up, reaching the higher ranks of the army and helping Raimundo in his command of country's defense. Although he'd turned down the role of King, Raimundo was certainly just as powerful and both Clay and Omi knew that he worked hard to keep weight and responsibility off of his younger brother. He certainly earned a bit of joy in his life and both had hoped his marriage to Kimiko last year would result on that. But if anything it had only added on stress.

Clay, who'd known Kimiko in his younger years, had been thrilled at the match. Clay had gone to train as a knight in the palace as was customary of noble sons and had barely seen Kimiko in her young teen years. But when she'd appeared at sixteen to be officially presented to the court as an eligible lady, another tradition, he'd immediately recognized and rekindled their friendship. And he knew that the way that Raimundo looked at her the night of her formal presentation, he was clearly enraptured yet he never took any time or effort to meet or know the girl. That's why when it was announced, four years after he initially saw her, that Raimundo would be marrying Kimiko, Clay had figured that he'd finally approached and confessed his admiration for her.

That clearly wasn't the case though since Kimiko's disdain for Raimundo was evident in their private life. In public she was wonderfully dutiful and diligent but Clay knew it was all an act. He had no idea what Raimundo had done or said to her to make her hate him so but whatever it was Kimiko wasn't letting go of it. Clay knew that Raimundo was still head over heels for her and was confident that Kimiko would fall equally hard if Raimundo ever made any sort of open effort instead of the veiled gestures he was fond of.

"If you'd like to come see her," Rai suggested, "I'm sure that she'd like it. She barely leaves home unless necessary."

"Maybe I will," Clay said thoughtfully. 'And maybe I can figure a way to get those two to stop acting so stubbornly.'

The lazy life of luxury that had been awarded to Kimiko in her marriage to Raimundo was not one that she enjoyed or wanted. She had visions of being active, perhaps starting charities or a school for girls since the public ones were in need of a more balanced education system. But all of those things required money and despite the fact that she was a rich woman on her own she did not want to take any money away from her parents' estate. There was always Raimundo's money, which technically she supposed was also hers, but she couldn't bring herself to ask him about it. So she was left to things that were in all actuality fairly mundane but brought a little joy to her days. She read, she worked in the flower garden she'd started upon her arrival to the Pedrosa Estate, and she spent an exorbitant amount of time on her favorite hobby, riding. The Pedrosa's were known as impressive horse breeders and trainers and it seemed that Raimundo had inherited that talent and took very good care of his stables.

It was one of the few things the two actually did together, working on breeding charts and arraignments, decided on training regimes, and simply enjoyed the beauty of the creatures. Though Raimundo was an excellent rider, by reputation at least, Kimiko had never actually seen him on a horse other than for the purpose of riding to and from destinations. When Kimiko had confessed her interest in jumping and dressage she'd been surprised that the construction of two outdoor arenas began the next day and that Raimundo had arraigned for her to have formal private lessons twice a week with trainers that were known to be some of the best horsemen in the kingdom, if not the whole known world. He'd also built onto the stable to provide more room for the dressage and jumping horses he'd purchased. Kimiko had looked at him strangely that night at dinner, inspected him really but he never said a word on it, nor did he seem to have any interest in her lessons or her progress.

Kimiko wasn't sure why it bothered her but much of her day was spent practicing hard and in the back of her mind she knew that it had something to do with showing him, impressing him. It wasn't common for women to ride astride, especially not to jump or compete and although she was accustom to wearing and riding in breeches in boots Kimiko had always felt the need to wear what she thought was a completely impractically modified sidesaddle outfit. Raimundo surprised her again when a woman had appeared one day to take measurements and show Kimiko sketches of the riding outfits she envisioned for Kimiko at her husband's command. Again, when Raimundo came home that night Kimiko had studied him hard but nothing was every said on the matter by either one and Kimiko could help but feel some guilt. She wanted to thank him but her pride wouldn't let her. So instead she wore the outfits when she rode and continued to practice hard.

It was early spring and all of the breeding mares in the barn looked near ready to burst with expectant foals. One of Kimiko's favorite mares, a stocky blue roan named Roxanne who had a talent for fox hunting was expecting her first baby and Kimiko was anxious with the wait, often visiting the mare before she went to bed at night and arriving early the next morning to check on her. The barn's manager, a man name Guan, assured Kimiko that he was on constant watch with all the horses and would have her fetched the moment anything started happening but that did little to ease Kimiko's worries. She trusted Guan who was a smart and caring man but she'd feel better when the whole thing was over.

"Going for a ride?" Guan asked, approaching Kimiko as she secured the nose band on the bridle of one of her favorite mounts.

"Yes," Kimiko smiled. "It's the first time I've taken Legend out since his injury. I thought an easy ride on some of the trails might be a good way to ease back into work."

"Well just be careful out there," Guan cautioned leaning against the bottom half of the stall door, the top open for ventilation. "You know I don't like you riding out there alone."

"And you know I love it," Kimiko teased back as she led Legend, a long legged, slim barreled solid bay thoroughbred out of his stall. She accepted a boost from Guan when they were outside and glanced at her pocket watch. "I won't be more than a half an hour. We're taking it easy," she said rubbing her hand along Legend's brown neck and then through his black mane.

"Take care out there," Guan still cautioned, "it's getting a little late and it looks like a storm might be coming in."

"Thank you Guan," Kimiko smiled again at his concern, "I'll be careful." He checked the tightness of the girth before letting her go and Kimiko moved on at an easy walk, cautious and aware that the gelding's bowed tendon might still be giving him problems. "Just going out for a nice relaxing ride boy," Kimiko told the horse as she picked what she knew to be a level and clear path. Legend snorted and gave a little tug on the reins as if to say he didn't want to do any of the slow stuff. Kimiko gave a gentle little tug on the reins to remind him to keep an easy pace and then started to hum a song. When they broke through the tree, coming along the crest of a hill Kimiko pushed the gelding up to a trot, her hands still firm on the reins to remind him that they were taking it easy. The horse complied, moving at a slow pace but his huge step still rapidly ate up the ground and Kimiko was slowing him a halt after what seemed to both horse and rider too short of a time. To keep going though meant the terrain was start going down hill and she didn't want to push the still recovering horse too hard.

Instead she stayed and enjoyed the view, letting the reins loose so Legend could munch on the early spring grass. It really was beautiful place and Kimiko could see the capital city and palace not so far away. It seemed odd that they were so close to the bustling metropolis but so still very much in the country. She'd peeked at the maps in the library one day and noticed that Raimundo owned all the land between here and the city and a great deal on all sides of the manor. Some was used for farm or grazing land but most was left as undeveloped and untouched wilds that were protected from most hunters. There were seasons when anyone was allowed within certain parameters and other times when the hunter had to have the signed written approval of Raimundo. That didn't stop some illegal hunters from daring to come on the land and Kimiko knew that was part of the reason Guan worried. A jumpy hunter might mistake her horse for deer or something else and Kimiko could get injured by accident.

Hearing a noise Kimiko looked for the source of it and saw two riders, flanked on either said by guards wearing the Pedrosa colors. Kimiko's eyes immediately settled on Raimundo, the other three seeming to fade from sight and memory as she watched Raimundo ride, looking so natural as the animal moved freely underneath him. As if sensing her eyes on him Raimundo looked up and the horse slowed coming to a halt, the other three not coming to a stop as quickly. From her position on top of the hill Kimiko was looking down from where the group was, no more than a couple hundred yards off, but she still felt as if Raimundo was looking down on her. It was of course absurd and she was about to turn when Raimundo suddenly turned to his men and gave an inaudible command. The three moved on and Kimiko watched, unwillingly becoming nervous as Raimundo rode up the small hill and towards her. Their eyes were locked the whole time and Kimiko couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes away from his intense green ones. He pulled up wordlessly along side of her, his horse facing the other direction and was close enough that their knees brushed. He stared at her for a moment longer and Kimiko could see an odd mixture of emotions ranging from concern, to longing, to anger, and more she couldn't name swirl in the green depths.

"What are you doing out here?" he finally asked, his voice with a small amount of bite to it that Kimiko bristled at. She narrowed her eyes.

"Riding, obviously," she answered and wished that she was on a horse that she could simply urge forward but her concern for Legend outweighed her desire to get away from Raimundo.

"You should be out here, alone, especially at this time of day," Raimundo all but scolded. "Don't you see that a storm is coming?" he asked her and Kimiko turned her eyes away and turned Legend around.

"I don't need you to scold me about the weather," Kimiko told him in a level voice as she began to walk back, Raimundo's horse automatically falling into step with her.

"I am not scolding you," Raimundo corrected. "Concerned is a better word."

"I've done this plenty of times without you caring about it," Kimiko informed him looking straight ahead.

"No, you've done plenty of times without me knowing about it," Raimundo told her. "If I had known I would have forbade it a long time ago."

"Forbade it?" Kimiko asked surprised and annoyed.

"It isn't safe for you to ride out here alone," Raimundo told her, "if you had someone without it would be a different story. Why do you think I had those rings built?" Kimiko kept her face impassive, so much for thinking he might have done it out of compassion or kindness. When she didn't respond Raimundo went on. "So I think that from now on you shouldn't come out here alone. If you want to ride in the fields or on the trails make sure someone is with you."

"Who will go with me?" Kimiko asked sharply. "I'm not a baby Raimundo. I can take care of myself."

"I don't deny that Kimiko," he argued, "it's about safety. Ask one of the servants to go with you or better yet make some friends." Kimiko scowled and shook her head, looking ahead. "Or, if you'd like," Raimundo dared to suggest, "you could wait until I come home and we could go out together." Kimiko's head whirled around to face him and Raimundo was once again caught by her beauty, even in anger.

"I don't need you to take care of, or pity me," Kimiko snapped and ignoring her better judgment moved to urge Legend forward but Raimundo caught her reins and the horse jerked uncomfortably to a halt, swinging his hind end out, pitching Kimiko forward. Raimundo released the reins and instead steadied her. Legend swung back closer, the two horses bumping into one another, and Kimiko fell against him and Raimundo had to resist the urge to pull her off of her horse and completely to him. For a few long moments Kimiko remained pressed against his chest. "Let me go Raimundo," Kimiko told him finally breaking the moment. Raimundo did as she said but trailed his hand down from her shoulder to catch her hand. "What are you doing?" she asked sounding a bit alarmed.

"What is it about me that you hate so much Kimiko?" he asked her seemingly out of the blue. Kimiko looked away and attempted to free her hand from his and he finally let go.

"That fact that you don't know why," she said softly not meeting his eyes "is the problem."

Clay had planned to try to talk to Kimiko in private some, either before or after dinner but when the two had emerged from the trees he'd had to abandon his plans. He didn't know what had happened between the two but he felt that pushing at that point in time was the wrong thing to do. Kimiko had of course been happy to see Clay and had played the gracious host but the air between Raimundo and Kimiko was….he couldn't even find the words. There didn't seem to be anger, maybe sadness? Clay was still stuck on it when he left for the night, turning down Kimiko's invitation for a room. Kimiko watched him out of sight, followed by a pair of guards and wished that he had stayed the night. Had he stayed the night then she wouldn't have needed to worry about Raimundo. She didn't want him to press her any more on the matter and feared that he would now that they were alone, excluding the in house servants.

Moving to her bedroom she thought she'd made it there successfully but as her hands closed on the handles of the doors to her bedroom his voice stopped her cold.

"Kimiko," he said in a simple way meant only to capture her attention. She looked up, he was a few feet down the hall and moving towards her and Kimiko had to resist the urge to run into her room though she knew that if he really wanted to he'd simply follow her in. He paused when he reached her. "Sleep well," he told her and then moved on, Kimiko's head turning to follow his movements as he took the stairs back down to the ground level. She was off the hook for now, then why did she feel so disappointed?

She lay awake for many hours and suddenly realized how used she'd gotten to sleeping in the same bed as him and how often she really did come to him at night for some sort of comfort, even if it was purely physical. There were many nights when he never even took her, just pleasured her with his hands and lips. Now she was thinking on that and what that meant. Finally unable to bear simply woefully lying in bed any longer Kimiko lit the lamp at the side of her bed and reached for her book, only to remember that she'd finished it earlier that morning. With a sigh Kimiko rose and found her robe and slippers before slipping out into the hallway and down the darkened steps to the library on the first floor. She was so wrapped up in her own mind that she hadn't even seen the light coming from under the closed library doors until she opened them and her eyes had a hard time adjusting to the change in light.

"Kimiko?" that awfully familiar voice rang out in her ears and her eyes immediately sought his form, sitting so comfortably in one of the room's plush wing back chairs. "Is everything alright?" he asked sitting forward with concern. Kimiko finally recovered and gave a small shake of her head.

"No, everything's fine," she answered him quickly and avoided his eyes, "I just need a new book." With that said she moved to a random shelf and began to inspect their titles. She didn't hear him behind her until he was only half a breath away and she suddenly realized he was the only one who could catch her so off guard.

"Here," he said reaching past her head and selected a certain book, pulling it from the shelf above, "try this one." He handed it down to her and Kimiko took it.

"Thank you," she said simply and went to move away but Raimundo's arms suddenly lowered and locked her in place. She turned in the small space his arms provided and looked at him. "Raimundo, let me go," she warned.

"I have a question," he told her instead.

"Yes?" Kimiko asked impatiently.

"What is it about me, that you hate so much?"

"I already," Kimiko trailed off and Raimundo broke in.

"The real reason Kimiko," Raimundo insisted. "A concrete reason."

"Please just let me go back to bed Raimundo," Kimiko asked in a small pleading tone. Raimundo answered her by parting her open robe and letting one hand roam while the other remained placed next to her head. "Raimundo," she said trying to pull away but his free hand moved to catch her waist.

"Just answer me," he insisted in a whisper and he began to kiss down the side of her neck. She brought her hands up, still holding the book, to push him away but Raimundo easily caught her wrist, effectively making her drop the book with a clatter as he pinned her body with his and lifted her hands above her head. His kissing, probably better described as sucking, became more urgent and he switched her wrists into one hand, marveling at how easily they fit there, and brought his free hand to move undo the small tie at the front of her nightgown.

"Raimundo," Kimiko's protest turned to a moan as his kisses move lower to kiss the newly exposed skin. Raimundo didn't respond, just dropped her hands which fell limply to her sided and urgently pushed her robe away along with the straps of her night gown. Kimiko gasped when the straps fell and she caught them, trying to pull them up but Raimundo took her hands again, this time locking them behind her back so that the dress nearly completely fell off her. Before she could object more Raimundo brought one breast into his mouth and Kimiko could only concentrate on the feel of it. When he let go of her hands again she moved immediately, though not to push him away. Instead her hands tangled in his hair and egged him silently on, all shame, anger, and embarrassment forgotten.

Raimundo groaned against her skin when he felt her response. His now free hands traveled down and ran the length of her thighs twice before he grasped her just below her firm behind and hoisted her up. He was rewarded with her gasp again and he pinned her more firmly against the bookshelf behind her. The material of the nightgown bunched up around her waist and as the air hit her Kimiko got her senses back and untangled herself from him. Raimundo let her go and watched her as she straightened herself out. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to snatch her back, lay her on the floor, and show her everything he was thinking and feeling. She was frustrating him so much that if he wasn't madly in love with her he'd probably throttle her.

"Kimiko," he said in an attempt to make her stop as she scooped up the book on the floor and hurried to leave.

"I'm sorry, I," Kimiko trailed off, pausing momentarily before moving towards the door again.

"At least answer my question," Raimundo called back in a demanding voice that stopped her again and when she looked back her eyes were spilling tears of anger.

"Because you've stolen my life from me," she told him hotly. "Taken away any chance that I might have to live a life with a man who I love and," she added the second half in a softer tone that Raimundo nearly missed, "and who loved me in return." With that said she was gone, fleeing from him and a part of him urged him to follow her, take her in his arms and show her that he loved her and if only she could even just care about him in return…

But Raimundo made himself stay because also within him a rage was building. The way Kimiko talked, the way she'd just said what she'd just told him, it sounded as if she was already in love with a man somewhere, and he loved her in return. The thought was maddening to Raimundo. He knew that there was no way to stop the admiration of men that Kimiko commanded, as much as he hated that others would look at her or think of her in that way, but the idea that Kimiko could love someone else. He wanted to find this person and demand blood. As these thoughts filtered through his head Raimundo groaned and sank to the floor, hating how barbaric the notion seemed but how Kimiko made it feel so natural in him. He looked at the door Kimiko had just fled through and hoped that she might reappear there but dawn came and she never appeared.

End of chapter one! Please tell me what you think and keep an eye out for the next chapter, hopefully up sometime this weekend.