Hello!!! First of, Thank you for all the reviews… I hope more reviews would be given to my simple story…

Well, actually, I have a confession to make…uhm… I already planned the story and what would happen in every chapter… I think it's pretty good.

I'll get rid of Neji through this chappie… Well not as in get rid of him, but no more nejixhina thing… This will purely be a gaaxhinaxsasu fic. So, I'm so very sorry to the people who expected it to be gaaxhinaxneji… if you're wondering when will sasuke appear, he'll be around in chapter 6 or 7. So if you want to know what'll happen, keep reviewing… (PLEASE) Think this way…

You'll be able to help a person that is me.

Chapter 4

---Normal POV---

After everyone in the room recovered from the shock, Hiashi announced that he'll be leaving them alone to talk. Hearing that, Neji also left quickly and head towards the garden.

The room now is filled with the awkward silence as Gaara and Hinata pondered in their own thoughts.

---Gaara's POV---

That was very much uncalled for. What did I just say? 'Find me worthy?' There is definitely something wrong with me. Why should I even prove myself? I'm kazekage for speaking out loud. What is she doing to me? Not that I'm attracted to her, or am I? No, it must be for some other reason. Perhaps it's what they call 'spur of the moment', yeah that must be it. Ugh… I don't know what to do now. First, I never thought of courting a girl. Second, I never thought I would be. Third, girls throw themselves at me. (Then this Hyuuga is one heck of a lucky woman) Perhaps I should've listened to Kankuro with his stupid love thing, nah… that would make me stupid….

---Hinata's POV---

'Are my ears playing with me? Did I hear him right? Am I dreaming?' what the Kazekage had said was very much confusing. When what he said sank completely in my head, I felt my heart beat erratically that it's as if it'll explode any moment. I started to grow red and I hang my head low having my bangs cover my eyes. I couldn't seem to fix my gaze anywhere, and then I saw his teacup. It was half empty and it gave me a reason to finally break the silence.

---Normal POV---

"Kazekage-sama…" Hinata started but was interrupted by Gaara

"Gaara" Gaara simply stated

"Hmm…?" Hinata looked into his eyes, finally, as if asking again

"call me Gaara" again he stated then looked straight into her eyes

"hai… Gaara-sama…"

"Just Gaara…"

"uhm… Gaara-san…" Gaara answered with a nod "…do you like more tea?"

"No. I dislike tea" Gaara replied, he also noticed that she didn't stutter for once.


"too bitter." Gaara eyed Hinata, he noticed that dark rings were forming under her eyes, and her eyes were now puffy and red, perhaps because of crying…

"ano…" before she could speak more, Gaara interrupted once again…

"Go rest. I'll see you later tonight for dinner." Then he stood up without leaving his eye contact with Hinata till she answered "H-hai". Then he left.

---Neji's POV--- (inside the Hyuuga compound's garden or whatever)

I can't believe this. Gaara is acting way out of character and it's pissing me off. What was he trying to do? Impress Hinata-chan? Is it true, what he said? 'Till she finds me worthy…' huh…

I'm the protector of the heiress, and I don't do it just for duty. I do it because… Why do I keep on doing it anyway? Shouldn't I be happy that a burden would be lifted from me? But isn't it my fate to be her protector forever?

Gaara… he was fated to be the vessel of Shukaku, fated to be hated by everyone and only to be loved by his self… but he became the Kazekage of Suna, from a monster to a protector. From being hated to being admired. And from being alone… he now wants a companion. He went against his fate while I stayed the same. Although there have been a lot of changes… I will always be Hinata-chan's Neji-niisan. At least that would never change…

…and I realized…. that Fate is not Fate till you accept it. For destiny doesn't make a man strong, it is a strong man that makes his own. And for that…

Subaku no Gaara is a strong man.

---Gaara's POV---

The whole morning and afternoon after the conversation with the Hyuugas I have spent talking with the Hokage of this village. Tsunade. She is one talkative woman, unlike… what? I'm not thinking of her. It's just that, well…

The whole time I spent with Tsunade, I just nodded my head when I think she's asking a question. Actually, I half listened; actually, I just let it pass through my ears, whatever it is she was saying. I can't wait for this idiotic meeting to end.

---Tsunade's POV---

I was so happy to see that this Gaara is actually listening to what I am saying. All I said was crap. Then suddenly, I told him, "Sake is so good, you better try it." He still nodded, I can't believe this. Such an agreeable guy truly fit for a Kazekage… Then I asked him if he's having any kind of engagement tonight, for surely, I wanted to drink with him… It wouldn't be so bad to have company every once in a while. Then he nodded his head. Well, actually, I knew that he shouldn't have any engagement tonight since, well… wait… unless he has a date! I heard about a gossip this morning about him and a certain indigo haired girl… Huh! That must be it…

---Normal POV---

"Gaara, do you have a date tonight with a certain indigo haired girl?" Tsunade asked slyly.

Gaara just nodded again. Then he saw the grin that is plastered in the Hokage's face. He gave a second thought on what the Hokage asked, but it was too late when he realized what the question was about. He just admitted that he has a date with the Hyuuga. He hasn't even admitted to his self that it is a date. And of all people, he just admitted it to the always Drunken Hokage…

Smart move Subaku no Gaara.

"Huh! I knew it! I just can't believe it's true. No one was sure about seeing the two of you this morning, together but now, I just confirmed it coming from you of all people. " Tsunade boasted with a smug smirk.

Gaara just looked at her with a bored face… actually, he's already quite irritated about it, but through the years, masking his emotions was relatively easy.

"Anyway, no matter how you deny it, you already admitted it, and I know It.… well, you better get going… I don't like Hinata waiting…" when Gaara turned to leave, just before he left the door, Tsuanade called his attention back and having her face turned serious "…and Subaku no Gaara, don't hurt her feelings…" It wasn't a request. It was an order.

Gaara gave a half nod, and turned to leave. While Tsunade, she had a small smile in her lips. Hinata is a nice girl, Gaara is a changed man.

---Gaara's POV---

That meeting was quite long… I can go to the Hyuuga estate now; it's just 30 minutes before dinner. Not that I'm… No. I am not nervous nor am I excited. It's not a date; it's just dinner… but… damn! Thisis a date.

I was standing outside the Hyuuga household when I felt a sudden chill crawl on my skin. Someone is watching at me, I looked behind me, and there I saw a certain Hyuuga eyeing me much to my distase.

($&$&&$&$E$ I'm ending it here!!! $&&&&&&&&&$((#&$&)

Just kidding...well since I got good reviews I'll continue…

---Normal POV---

"Hyuuga…" Gaara said in a straight voice.

"Gaara… "

"What do you want?" he's getting quite irritated with how this Hyuuga was addressing him. No, he didn't like it even a bit.

"I don't care if you're Kazekage or not, if you hurt her, prepare for your doom." It's not a suggestion, rather it sounded like a statement, or even a threat.

"Is that a threatHyuuga? I doubt you could beat me." Gaara said in a low mocking voice

Neji gave a conceited laugh "No Gaara... It's more than that…"

Gaara's smirk was wiped from his face and was replaced of which of confusion, and it was Neji's turn to be the one smirking. Then he left Gaara in his own thought…

'Why am I receiving this kind of words today?'

---Hinata's POV---

'Dinner would still be in an hour, I'm already prepared but I can't stop trembling… I still can't believe what's happening between me and Gaara-san' I told myself.

'Gaara-san…' uhm… strange, it came out of my mouth so naturally. When I actually realized what I have just addressed him I felt a shiver ran through me. As the clock ticked nearer to the expected time, my palms started sweating. Well, it's not everyday that a Kazekage would invite you to dinner. Nonetheless the renowned Kazekage that is Gaara.

It is now five minutes before dinner time and Gaara-san wasn't here yet. When it was already a minute before dinner time, I suddenly thought that he forgot about dinner, I should be happy. I won't spend my time alone with him... but… I felt a pang in my heart.

'He would come for sure…I just have to wait.'

And true to his words, Gaara was exactly on time.


This is still not that long… but I'm quite busy with school…

Next chappie would be longer if I get enough reviews as I hoped.

Do not forget… press that button… it would really make me happy.