AN: You know this already by now, but I have to say it anyway. Characters and Hogwarts are not mine.

It's no good, I just can't focus. That's just typical, isn't it, on the night before the biggest battle the wizarding world has ever faced. The plans are spread out over the table in front of me, along with the Marauder's Map. It's the Battle of Hogwarts – Voldemort's desperate to be in control of it, even though there's no real need.

Pushing the massive pile of paper away, I think about heading down to the kitchens for something to eat. Then I realise that everyone else in this damn castle will be in there, partying like there's no tomorrow, in case it's the last chance they'll ever get. For some, it will be, and that's why I don't want to join in. It seems too defeatist. Just then, the door creaks open, and an exhausted-looking Draco Malfoy walks in.

"Not joining the party, Granger?"

"No, but neither are you, it seems."

"Getting pissed out of my brain doesn't seem like the way to win a war, if it's all the same to you."

"Couldn't agree more. So, what have you been doing?"

"Brewing the most enormous batch of hangover potion you've ever seen. Because I have no wish to die as a result of someone else's headache."

I laugh. I can't help it. Something in my head just cracks, and I'm giggling hysterically.

"If you can't take the strain, Granger…"

Biting the sleeve of my jumper in an attempt to muffle the noise, I shake my head.

"Someone has to do this, Malfoy. And I don't trust anyone else to do it right."

"No, you wouldn't. But maybe I should take a look."

I wave my hand towards my plans. "Be my guest."

He's particularly impressed with the Marauder's Map, because it marks all the entrances to the school.

"Where'd you get this?"

"The map?"

"Could they possibly have a copy?"

"No way. That's one of a kind."

The map, of course, responds in its own way. "Mr Prongs would thank the ferret to mind his own business" etc. When Wormtail's name appears, he gasps.

"Yes, Malfoy, I do know who Wormtail is. And I also know that he would never be able to replicate that map."

"If you're sure…"

"I am."

We lapse into companionable silence for a while. Despite still calling each other by our surnames, I guess you could say we were friends. Draco and Hermione just seemed too… personal, and we were used to Malfoy and Granger. Sometimes I called him ferret and he called me mudblood, but none of it was serious any more.

I close my eyes and lean back in the chair, trying to calm my mind. Outside, I can hear screams – I know the Death Eaters are in Hogsmeade, but I didn't realise until now just how close that really is.

"It's barbaric, really."


"That." Malfoy gestures towards the window. Opening my eyes, reluctantly, I can see the Dark Mark, beyond the Forbidden Forest. Flames flicker below it, and it's pretty obvious that Hogsmeade is no more.

This is why we have to win tomorrow. Innocent lives are at stake. If we die, that's different – we all knew the risks when we joined the Order, and we're all prepared for that. I've modified my parents' memories and sent them to Australia, Ron's family are all in the Order anyway, Harry and Ginny have spent hours getting to know each other intimately, so they "won't have any regrets", they say. Not sure if I totally believe that one, but it's their choice.

A cheer strikes up downstairs. It's a saying that we've adopted from somewhere, though I don't think anyone really knows where. "Victory or Death." It's certainly appropriate. If we don't win, we will definitely end up dead. Tonight, though, it strikes me as somewhat morbid.

"Cheer up, Granger. It'll all be over in twenty-four hours."

"Sounds like what they used to say in the Second World War – they'll all be home by Christmas."

"What are you on about now, Granger?"

"Oh, never mind. It's a muggle thing."

It still seems ridiculous that he knows nothing about such a momentous event, but he never did take Muggle Studies. I wonder if Tom Riddle ever did. Probably not, I decide.

"You really confuse me sometimes, you know."

I raise one eyebrow at him. "Well, if you hadn't been such a pureblooded prat for so long…"

"Ok, I let myself in for that one. And you know I'm not that bad any more." He paused. "So why don't you explain that one to me?"

"I don't have time to go through it all now, Malfoy, we've still got a battle plan to write."

"No, just the Christmas bit."

"It's just something people used to say to keep the morale of the troops up – it'll all be over by Christmas."

"And was it?"

"After six or seven Christmases, it was."

"Well, this definitely won't take that long."

That much was true. There were maybe a hundred people in Hogwarts, and if we lost, then the war was over. Voldemort would win. And I, for one, was not going to give in without a fight. I must have said this out loud, because Malfoy was laughing softly.

"That's the spirit, Granger."

The tension's been getting to everyone, and we've all found different ways of dealing with it. I sit here in the library and plan things over and over, Ron drinks, Harry and Ginny shag. Malfoy… well, I don't know what he does. Brews potions, probably – that's what he seems to spend most of his time doing.

The noise from downstairs is getting louder, and outside the fire is burning even brighter. It feels like we're caught in the eye of the storm, and if we step outside this room, we're going to be consumed by it.

"I think we've done as much as we can with this."

Malfoy stands up and stretches. I find myself watching, in a way I've never looked at him before.

"Better get some rest, Granger."

"Malfoy, I couldn't sleep tonight even if I drank a bucket of Dreamless Sleep potion." That's not strictly true, but he gets the general idea.

"Worried about tomorrow?"

"Not exactly." I pause, scratching the polished floor with my heels. That's something I only do when I'm nervous, not that he knows that.

"Any regrets?"

I don't know what to say. I hadn't expected that question.

"I suppose… I regret that I…" My voice trails off. I've never told anyone anything this personal, and now I'm about to tell Malfoy, of all people.

"That you what?"

"Never managed to have a real relationship." I blurted it out before I lost my nerve. Some Gryffindor I am.

"Anyone in particular you had in mind?"


His lips brushed mine, lightly at first. My arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. This was what I'd been missing. But why did we have to realise it now? We broke apart, gasping for breath.

"When this is all over, tomorrow, meet me by the lake. On the far side, away from the building. Got that?"


AN: Yes, there's a second part to this. I'll post it if anyone's actually interested.